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Boethius: De Consolatione Philosophiae

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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook I: THE SORROWS OF BOETHIUS
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook II: THE VANITY OF FORTUNE’S GIFTS
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook III: TRUE HAPPINESS AND FALSE
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook IV: GOOD AND ILL FORTUNE
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook V: FREE WILL AND GOD’S FOREKNOWLEDGE
lat 524 A.D. II,8p
haec tibi certos sodalium vultus ambiguosque secrevit,
ger Notker ca. 950-1022 A.D.
Hȩc tibi secreuit . certos et ambiguos uultus sodalium. Sî hábet tír geskídôt kuissero únde únguíssero fríundo vultus . táz chît . uuîo éne . ióh tíse getân sîn.
(fra Simon de Freine ca. 1189-1200) fra Jean de Meun ca. 1300
Iceste a departi les visages certains et doubteus de tes compaignons.
eng Chaucer 1343-1400 A.D.
For-why this ilke Fortune hath departed and uncovered to thee bothe the certein visages and eek the doutous visages of thy felawes.
eng Elizabeth 1593 A.D. p. 41, 19-20
The other hath shewed the fellow sure Iookes & doubtfull,
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