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1. Girnār, Kālsī, Shāhbāzgaṛhī rock edicts (Māgadhī and English)

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Kālsī Mag III,C
(C) savata vijitasi [mama] yutā laj[ū]k[e] pādesike pa[ṃ]ca[s]u paṃcasu vasesu [a]nusa[ṃ]yānaṃ nikham[aṃ]tu etāye vā a[ṭh]āye imāya dhaṃmanusathiyā yathā aṃ[nāye] pi kaṃmāye
(C) Everywhere · in my dominions the Yuktas, the Lajūka, (and) the Prādeśika shall set out on a complete tour (throughout their charges) every five years for this very purpose, (viz.) for the following instruction in morality as well as for other business.
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