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1. Girnār, Kālsī, Shāhbāzgaṛhī rock edicts (Māgadhī and English)

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Kālsī Mag IV,C
(C) [ā]disā ba[h]u[hi v]asa-[sa]tehi nā huta-puluve tādise ajā vaḍhite Devānaṃpiyasā Piyadasine [l]ājine dhaṃmanusathiye a[n]ālaṃbhe pānānaṃ avihisā bhutānaṃ nāti[naṃ] 11 saṃpaṭipatī baṃbha[na-sa]manānaṃ saṃpaṭipatī mātā-pitisu sususā
(C) Such as they had not existed before for many hundreds of years, thus there are now promoted, through the instruction in morality on the part of king Devānāṁpriya Priyadarśin, abstention from killing animals, abstention from hurting living beings, courtesy to relatives, courtesy to Brāhmaṇas and Śramaṇas, (and) obedience to mother and father.
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