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1. Girnār, Kālsī, Shāhbāzgaṛhī rock edicts (Māgadhī and English)

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Kālsī Mag XI,C
(C) ta[ta] eśe dāśa-bhaṭakaśi | śamyā-paṭipati mātā-pitiśu | śuśuśā | mita-śaṃthutanātikyānaṃ samanā-[ba]ṃbhanānā [da]ne 30 pānānaṃ anāl[aṃ]bhe
(C) Herein the following (are comprised), (viz.) proper courtesy to slaves and servants, obedience to mother and father, liberality to friends, acquaintances, and relatives, to Śramaṇas and Brāhmaṇas, (and) abstention from killing animals.
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