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2. Girnār, Kālsī, Shāhbāzgaṛhī, Mānsehrā, Dhauli, Jaugaḍa rock edicts (Synoptic, Māgadhī and English)

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Girnār Mag IV,I
(I) [ta] imamhi athamhi 11 [va]dhī ca ahīnī ca sādhu
Girnār Eng
(I) Therefore promotion and not neglect of this object is meritorious.
Kālsī Mag IV,I
(I) se im[a]s[ā a]thasā v[a]dhi ahini cā sādhu
Kālsī Eng
(I) Therefore promotion and not neglect of this object is meritorious.
Shāhbāzgaṛhī Mag IV,I
(I) so imisa athrasa vaḍhi ahini ca sadhu
Shāhbāzgaṛhī Eng
(I) Therefore promotion and not neglect of this object is meritorious.
Mānsehrā Mag IV,I
(I) se imasa athrasa vadhri ahi[ni ca] sadhu
Dhauli Mag IV,I
(I) se imasa aṭhasa v[a]ḍhi ahīni c[a] sā[dhu]
Dhauli & Jaugaḍa Eng
(I) Therefore promotion and not neglect of this object is meritorious.
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