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2. Girnār, Kālsī, Shāhbāzgaṛhī, Mānsehrā, Dhauli, Jaugaḍa rock edicts (Synoptic, Māgadhī and English)

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Girnār Mag V,J
(J) te sava-pāsaṃḍesu vyāpatā dhāmadhisṭānāya 5 .......... [dha]ṃma-yutasa ca Yoṇa-K[a]ṃbo[ja]-Gaṃdhārānaṃ Risṭika-P[e]teṇikānaṃ ye vā pi a[ṃ]ñ[e ā]parātā
Girnār Eng
(J) These are occupied with all sects in establishing morality ……… of those who are devoted to morality (even) among the Yoṇas, Kambojas, and Gandhāras, the Risṭikas and Peteṇikas, and whatever other western borderers (of mine there are).
Kālsī Mag V,J
(J) [te] sav[a]-pāsam[ḍe]su viyā[pa]ṭā 15 dhaṃ[m]ādhithā[nāye c]ā dhaṃma-vaḍhiya hi[da]-sukhāye vā dhamm[a]-yutas[ā] Yona-Kaṃb[o]ja-Gaṃdhālānaṃ e vā [pi] aṃne apalaṃtā
Kālsī Eng
(J) These are occupied with all sects in establishing morality, in promoting morality, arid for the welfare and happiness of those who are devoted to morality (even) among the Yonas, Kambojas, and Gandhālas, and whatever other western borderers (of mine there are).
Shāhbāzgaṛhī Mag V,J
(J) te savra-praśarṃḍeś[u] vapaṭa dhraṃmadhithanaye ca dhrama-vaḍhiya hida-sukhaye ca dhrama-yutasa Yona-Kaṃboya-Gaṃdharanaṃ Raṭhikanaṃ Pitinikanaṃ ye va pi aparaṃta
Shāhbāzgaṛhī Eng
(J) These are occupied with all sects in establishing morality, in promoting morality, and for the welfare and happiness of those who are devoted to morality (even) among the Yonas, Kamboyas, and Gandhāras, among the Raṭhikas, among the Pitinikas, and whatever (other) western borderers (of mine there are).
Mānsehrā Mag V,J
(J) te savra-pa[ṣa]ḍeṣa 22 vapuṭa dhramadhitha[na]ye ca dhrama-vadhriya hida-sukhaye ca dh[r]ama-yutasa Yona-Kaṃboja-Gadharana Raṭhika-Pitinikana ye va pi añe aparata
Dhauli Mag V,J
(J) te sava-pāsaṃḍe[su] 4 v[i]y[āpaṭā] dhaṃmādhithān[ā]ye dhaṃma-[va]ḍhiye hita-sukhaaye [ca] dhaṃmayutas[a] Yona-Kaṃboca-Gaṃdhālesu Laṭhika-[P]itenikesu e vā pi aṃne āpalaṃtā
Jaugaḍa Mag V,J
(J) .......... 4 [dha]ṃ[m]a[dh]i[th]ana ..........
Dhauli & Jaugaḍa Eng
(J) These are occupied with all sects in establishing morality, in promoting morality, and for the welfare and happiness of those who are devoted to morality (even) among the Yonas, Kambochas, and Gandhālas, among the Laṭhikas and Pitenikas, and whatever other western borderers (of mine there are).
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