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2. Girnār, Kālsī, Shāhbāzgaṛhī, Mānsehrā, Dhauli, Jaugaḍa rock edicts (Synoptic, Māgadhī and English)

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Girnār Mag VI,L
(L) ya ca kiṃci parākramāmi ahaṃ kiṃti bhūtānaṃ anaṃṇaṃ gacheyaṃ 12 idha ca nāni sukhāpayāmi paratrā ca svagaṃ ārādhayaṃtu ta
Girnār Eng
(L) And whatever effort I am making, (is made) in order that I may discharge the debt (which I owe) to living beings, (that) I may make them happy in this (world), and (that) they may attain heaven in the other (world).
Kālsī Mag VI,L
(L) yaṃ ca kichi 5 palakamāmi hakaṃ kiti bhutānaṃ [a]naniyaṃ ye[haṃ hi]da ca [kā]ni sukhāyāmi palata cā svagaṃ ālādhayitu
Kālsī Eng
(L) And whatever effort I am making, (is made) in order that I may discharge the
Shāhbāzgaṛhī Mag VI,L
(L) yam ca kici parak[r]amami kiti bhutanaṃ anaṇiyaṃ v[r]aceyaṃ ia ca śa sukhayami paratra ca spagraṃ aradhetu
Shāhbāzgaṛhī Eng
(L) And whatever effort I am making, (is made) in order that I may discharge the debt (which I owe) to living beings, (that) I may make them | happy in this (world), and (that) they may attain heaven in the other (world).
Mānsehrā Mag VI,L
(L) ya[ṃ] ca [kichi] pa[rakra]mami aaṃ k[i]t[i] bh[u]tanaṃ 31 aṇaṇiyaṃ ye[haṃ] ia ca ṣe sukhayami paratra ca spagra a[ra]dhetu ti
Dhauli Mag VI,L
(L) [aṃ] c[a kichi] p[a]lakamami hakaṃ kiṃti bhūtānaṃ ā[na]niyaṃ yeha[m] ti 6 [h]i[da] ca [k]ān[i] sukhayāmi pal[a]ta ca svag[ṃ āl]ādhayathtū ti
Jaugaḍa Mag VI,L
(L) aṃ ca kichi p[a]lakamāmi hakaṃ 6 .......... [n]iyaṃ yehaṃ ti hida ca kāni su[kha]yāmi palata ca svagaṃ ālādhayamtū ti
Dhauli & Jaugaḍa Eng
(L) And whatever effort I am making, (is made) in order that I may discharge the debt (which I owe) to living beings, (that) I may make them happy in this (world), and (that) they may attain heaven in the other (world).
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