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2. Girnār, Kālsī, Shāhbāzgaṛhī, Mānsehrā, Dhauli, Jaugaḍa rock edicts (Synoptic, Māgadhī and English)

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Girnār Mag IX,C
(C) 3 eta tu mahiḍāyo bahukaṃ ca bahuvidham ca chudaṃ ca nirath[ṃ] ca maṃgalaṃ karote
Girnār Eng
(C) But in such (cases) women are practising many and various vulgar and useless ceremonies.
Kālsī Mag IX,C
(C) heta [eh]u abaka-jani[yo] bahu ca bahuvidhaṃ ca khuda [eh]a nilathiya 2 ca magalaṃ ka[la]ṃti
Kālsī Eng
(C) But in such (cases) mothers and wives are practising many and various vulgar and useless ceremonies.
Shāhbāzgaṛhī Mag IX,C
(C) atra tu striyaka bahu ca bahuvidham ca putika ca niraṭhiyaṃ ca maṃgalam karo[ti]
Shāhbāzgaṛhī Eng
(C) But in such (cases) women are practising many and various offensive and useless ceremonies.
Mānsehrā Mag IX,C
(C) atra tu abaka-janika bahu ca bahuvidha ca khuda ca nirathriya ca magalaṃ karoti
Dhauli Mag IX,C
(C) .... [cu] ithī b[ahuka]ṃ ca [ba]hu[v]idh[aṃ] c[a kh]ud[aṃ cā nilaṭhi]yaṃ cā mamgalaṃ kaleti
Jaugaḍa Mag IX,C
(C) .......... [ca ma]ṃ[gala]ṃ k[a]leti
Dhauli & Jaugaḍa Eng
(C) But ..... women are practising many and various vulgar and useless ceremonies.
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