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2. Girnār, Kālsī, Shāhbāzgaṛhī, Mānsehrā, Dhauli, Jaugaḍa rock edicts (Synoptic, Māgadhī and English)

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Kālsī Mag IX,M
(M) haṃce pi taṃ aṭhaṃ no niṭeti hida aṭhaṃ palata anaṃtaṃ punā pavasati
Kālsī Eng
(M) Even if one does not attain (by it) his object in this (world), then endless merit is produced in the other (world).
Shāhbāzgaṛhī Mag IX,M
(M) yadi puna taṃ atham na nivaṭ[e] ia atha paratra anaṃtaṃ puñaṃ prasavati
Shāhbāzgaṛhī Eng
(M) But if one does not attain (by it) his object in this (world), then endless merit is produced in the other (world).
Mānsehrā Mag IX,M
(M) [ha]ce pi taṃ athraṃ no nivaṭeti [hi]da a[tha] paratra 8 anata puṇa prasavati
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