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2. Girnār, Kālsī, Shāhbāzgaṛhī, Mānsehrā, Dhauli, Jaugaḍa rock edicts (Synoptic, Māgadhī and English)

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Girnār Mag XI,B
(B) nāsti etārisaṃ dānaṃ yārisaṃ dhaṃma-dānaṃ dhaṃma-saṃstavo vā dhaṃma-saṃvibhāgo [vā] 2 dhaṃmasaṃbadho va
Girnār Eng
(B) There is no such gift as the gift of morality, or acquaintance through morality, or the distribution of morality, or kinship through morality.
Kālsī Mag XI,B
(B) nathi h[e]ḍiśe dāne adiśa dha[ṃ]ma-dāne | dhama-śav[i]bhage | dhaṃma-śaṃbadh[e] |
Kālsī Eng
(B) There is no such gift as the gift of morality, the distribution of morality, (and) kinship through morality.
Shāhbāzgaṛhī Mag XI,B
(B) nāsti ed[i]śaṃ danaṃ yadiśaṃ dhrama-dana dhrama-saṃstav[e] dh[r]amasaṃvibhago dh[r]amasaṃba[ṃ]dha
Shāhbāzgaṛhī Eng
(B) There is no such gift as the gift of morality, acquaintance through morality, the distribution of morality, (and) kinship through morality.
Mānsehrā Mag XI,B
(B) nasti ediśe dane [a]dise dhrama-dane dhrama-saṃtha[v]e dhrama-saṃvibhaga dhrama-sa[ṃ]ba[ṃ]dh[e]
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