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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
If you cannot find the letters on your key-board, you may click on the link "Diacritica" to access it for your search.
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Click to Expand/Collapse Option1. Nidāna
Click to Expand/Collapse Option2. Upāyakauśalya
Click to Expand/Collapse Option3. Aupamya
Click to Expand/Collapse Option4. Adhimukti
Click to Expand/Collapse Option5. Oṣadhī
Click to Expand/Collapse Option6. Vyākaraṇa
Click to Expand/Collapse Option7. Pūrvayoga
Click to Expand/Collapse Option8. Pañcabhikṣuśatavyākaraṇa
Click to Expand/Collapse Option9. Ānandādivyākaraṇa
Click to Expand/Collapse Option10. Dharmabhāṇaka
Click to Expand/Collapse Option11. Stūpasaṃdarśana
Click to Expand/Collapse Option12. Utsāha
Click to Expand/Collapse Option13. Sukhavihāra
Click to Expand/Collapse Option14. Bodhisattvapṛthivīvirasamudgama
Click to Expand/Collapse Option15. Tathāgatāyuṣpramāṇa
Click to Expand/Collapse Option16. Puṇyaparyāya
Click to Expand/Collapse Option17. Anumodanāpuṇyanirdeśa
Click to Expand/Collapse Option18. Dharmabhāṇakānuśaṃsā
Click to Expand/Collapse Option19. Sadāparibhūta
Click to Expand/Collapse Option20. Tathāgataddharyabhisaṃskāra
Click to Expand/Collapse Option21. Dhāraṇī
Click to Expand/Collapse Option22. Bhaiṣajyarājapūrvayoga
Click to Expand/Collapse Option23. Gadgadasvara
Click to Expand/Collapse Option24. Samantamukha
Click to Expand/Collapse Option25. Śubhavyūharājapūrvayoga
Click to Expand/Collapse Option26. Samantabhadrotsāhana
Click to Expand/Collapse Option27. Anuparīndanā
Vaidya (1960) 188,1
- bhāṣatu bhagavān etam evārtham , bhāṣatu sugataḥ |
Kern (1884)
Expound this matter, O Lord; expound it, O Sugata;
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