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Hesiod: Theogonia

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Click to Expand/Collapse Option1-115: Prooemium
Click to Expand/Collapse Option116-153: The Beginning of Things, Chaos, Gaia, Uranos
Click to Expand/Collapse Option154-210: The Castration of Uranus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option211-232: Night and her Offspring
Click to Expand/Collapse Option233-336: The Offspring of Pontus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option337-370: Children of Tethys and Oceanus: Catalogue of Rivers and the Oceanides
Click to Expand/Collapse Option371-403: The Offspring of Theia and Hyperion, Creias and Eurybia
Click to Expand/Collapse Option404-452: Hecate
Click to Expand/Collapse Option453-506: Birth of Zeus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option507-616: Iapetus und Klymene
Click to Expand/Collapse Option617-719: Titanomachia
Click to Expand/Collapse Option720-779: Tartarus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option820-880: Typhoeus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option881-1020: The Rulership Zeus
Click to Expand/Collapse Option1021-1022: Greeting the Muses
τὰς ἐν Πιερίῃ Κρονίδῃ τέκε πατρὶ μιγεῖσα
Μνημοσύνη, γουνοῖσιν Ἐλευθῆρος μεδέουσα,
λησμοσύνην τε κακῶν ἄμπαυμά τε μερμηράων.
ἐννέα γάρ οἱ νύκτας ἐμίσγετο μητίετα Ζεὺς
νόσφιν ἀπ’ ἀθανάτων ἱερὸν λέχος εἰσαναβαίνων·
ἀλλ’ ὅτε δή ῥ’ ἐνιαυτὸς ἔην, περὶ δ’ ἔτραπον ὧραι
μηνῶν φθινόντων, περὶ δ’ ἤματα πόλλ’ ἐτελέσθη,
ἡ δ’ ἔτεκ’ ἐννέα κούρας, ὁμόφρονας, ᾗσιν ἀοιδὴ
μέμβλεται ἐν στήθεσσιν, ἀκηδέα θυμὸν ἐχούσαις,
τυτθὸν ἀπ’ ἀκροτάτης κορυφῆς νιφόεντος Ὀλύμπου·
ἔνθά σφιν λιπαροί τε χοροὶ καὶ δώματα καλά,
πὰρ δ’ αὐτῇς Χάριτές τε καὶ Ἵμερος οἰκί’ ἔχουσιν
ἐν θαλίῃς· ἐρατὴν δὲ διὰ στόμα ὄσσαν ἱεῖσαι
μέλπονται, πάντων τε νόμους καὶ ἤθεα κεδνὰ
ἀθανάτων κλείουσιν, ἐπήρατον ὄσσαν ἱεῖσαι.
53-67 Them in Pieria did Mnemosyne (Memory), who reigns over the hills of Eleuther, bear of union with the father, the son of Cronos, a forgetting of ills and a rest from sorrow. For nine nights did wise Zeus lie with her, entering her holy bed remote from the immortals. And when a year was passed and the seasons came round as the months waned, and many days were accomplished, she bare nine daughters, all of one mind, whose hearts are set upon song and their spirit free from care, a little way from the topmost peak of snowy Olympus. There are their bright dancing-places and beautiful homes, and beside them the Graces and Himerus (Desire) live in delight. And they, uttering through their lips a lovely voice, sing the laws of all and the goodly ways of the immortals, uttering their lovely voice.
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