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Anquetil-Duperron, Abraham Hyacinthe (1801-2), Theologia et Philosophia Indica. OUPNEK’HAT (ID EST, SECRETUM TEGENDUM): OPUS IPSA IN INDIA RARISSIMUM; studio et opera Anquetil Duperron, vols. i-ii, Argentorati 1801-2, vol. ii pp. 128-51. Download pdf, 9.5 Mb.

Dara ShikohSirr-i akbar; this version is based on Die persichen Upaniadenübersetzung des Moġulprinzen Dārā Šukoh, Erhard Göbel-Groß, Marburg 1962. Download pdf, 4.4 MB.

Limaya, V.P.  and R.D. Vadekar (1958), Eighteen Principal Upanisads, Vol. 1, Poona, India; this version is an edited version of the e-text found at GRETIL

Müller, F. Max (1884), Upanishads, vol. i, 1879, (Sacred Books of the East, vol. 1.) and vol. ii, 1884, (Sacred Books of the East, vol. 15).

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