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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
If you cannot find the letters on your key-board, you may click on the link "Diacritica" to access it for your search.
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Click to Expand/Collapse Option§0-4
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§5
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§6
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§7
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§8
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§9
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§10
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§11-12
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§13
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§14
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§15
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§16
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§17
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§18
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§19
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§20
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§21
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§22
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§23
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
§8 punar aparaṃ mañjuśrīḥ santi sattvāḥ ye tathāgatān uddiśya śikṣāpadāni dhārayanti | te śīlavipattim āpadyante |  dṛṣṭivipattim ācāravipattiṃ vā kadācid āpadyante | te śīlavipannā ācāravipannā dṛṣṭivipannā | ye punaḥ śīlavanto bhavanti | śīlaṃ rakṣanti na punar bāhuśrutyaṃ paryeṣyante |  na ca tathāgatabhāṣitānāṃ sūtrāntānāṃ gambhīram artham ājānanti |  ye ca bahuśrutās te 'dhimānikā bhaviṣyanti mānastabdhāḥ pareṣāṃ dviṣya saddharmam apavadanti pratikṣipanti mārapakṣikās | te tādṛśā mohapuruṣāḥ svayaṃ kumārgapratipannā anyāni ca sattvakoṭiniyutaśatasahasrāṇi mahāprapātaṃ pātayanti |  teṣāṃ evaṃrūpāṇāṃ sattvānāṃ bhūyiṣṭhataraṃ narakatiryogyonigatir bhaviṣyati |  tatra yais tasya bhagavato bhaiṣajyaguruvaiḍūryaprabhasya tathāgatasya nāmadheyaṃ śrutaṃ bhaviṣyanti | teṣāṃ narakasthitānāṃ buddhānubhāvena tasya tathāgatasya nāmadheyaṃ āmukhībhaviṣyati |  te tataś cyavitvā punar api manuṣyaloka upapatsyante | samyagdṛṣṭayaś ca bhaviṣyanti | vīryavantaḥ kalyāṇāśayās te gṛhān utsṛjya tathāgatānāṃ śāsane pravrajanti | pravrajītvānupūrveṇa bodhisattvacārikāṃ paripūrayiṣyanti || 
'jam dpal gźan yaṅ sems can gaṅ (277b1)dag de bźin gśegs pa rnams kyi bslab pa'i gnas 'jig pa dag yod de | de dag tshul khrims log par źugs śiṅ |  lta ba log par źugs nas gaṅ dag tshul khrims daṅ ldan pa de dag ni tshul khrims bsruṅ gi maṅ du thos pa yoṅs su mi 'tshol te |  de bźin gśegs (2)pas gsuṅs pa'i mdo sde rnams kyi don zab mo mi śes |  gaṅ dag maṅ du thos pa de dag ni lhag pa'i ṅa rgyal can du gyur te | ṅa rgyal gyis non pas gźan dag la phrag dog byed ciṅ dam pa'i chos la dbaṅ za bar 'gyur | spoṅ bar 'gyur ro || mi blun po de lta bu de dag ni (3)bdud kyi phyogs pa ste bdag kyaṅ lam ṅan par źugs la | sems can gźan bye ba khrag khrig brgya stoṅ du ma dag kyaṅ g.yaṅ sa chen por ltuṅ bar byed pa'o ||  sems can de lta bu de dag na sems can dmyal ba mi bzad par 'gro bar 'gyur ro |  gaṅ dag sṅon mir gyur (4)pa na bcom ldan 'das de bźin gśegs pa sman gyi bla bai ḍū rya'i 'od de'i mtshan thos par gyur pa de dag ni sems can dmyal ba na gnas kyaṅ der saṅs rgyas kyi mthus de bźin gśegs pa de'i mtshan mṅon du 'gyur te |  de dag de nas śi 'phos nas yaṅ mi'i 'jig rten du skye (5)bar 'gyur | yaṅ dag pa'i lta ba can daṅ | brtson 'grus daṅ ldan pa daṅ | dge ba'i bsam pa can du 'gyur ro || de dag khyim spaṅs te de bźin gśegs pa'i bstan pa la rab tu byuṅ nas mthar gyis byaṅ chub sems dpa'i spyad pa spyod par 'gyur ro || 
(402b13)「復次,曼殊室利!有諸眾生,雖奉如來,受持學句,然破戒、  破行、破於正見;  或受學句,護持禁戒,然不求多聞,不解如來所說修多羅中甚深之義;  或復多聞,而增上慢,自是非他,嫌謗正法,為魔伴黨。此等癡人,及餘無量百千俱胝那由他眾生,行邪道者,當墮地獄。  此等眾生,應於地獄流轉無期,  以得聞彼世尊藥師琉璃光如來名號故,於地獄處,彼佛威力,如來名號暫得現前,  即時捨命,還生人道,正見精進,淳善淨心,便能捨家,於如來教中出家學道,漸次修行菩薩諸行。 
(405c25)「復次、曼殊室利!若諸有情,雖於如來受諸學處,而破屍羅;  有雖不破屍羅,而破軌則;有於屍羅、軌則,雖則不壞,然毀正見;  有雖不毀正見,而棄多聞,於佛所說契經,深義不能解了;  有雖多聞,而增上慢,由增上慢覆蔽心故,自是非他,嫌謗正法,為魔伴黨。如是愚人,自行邪見,復令無量俱胝有情墮大險坑。  此諸有情,應於地獄、傍生、鬼趣流轉無窮。  若得聞此藥師琉璃光如來名號,便捨惡行,修諸善法,不墮惡趣。設有不能捨諸惡行、修行善法,墮惡趣者,以彼如來本願威力,令其現前,暫聞名號。  從彼命終,還生人趣,得正見、精進,善調、意樂。便能捨家趣於非家,如來法中,受持學處,無有毀犯,正見多聞,解甚深義,離增上慢,不謗正法,不為魔伴,漸次修行,諸菩薩行,速得圓滿。」 
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