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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
If you cannot find the letters on your key-board, you may click on the link "Diacritica" to access it for your search.
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionTitle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionI. The Occasion
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionII. Introduction
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIII. 37 Questions
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIV. 37 Answers
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionV. Miracle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVI. Dialogues
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVII. Transmission
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
Mahākāśyapa and Ānanda 
Then the Lord said this to the elder Mahākāśyapa and the venerable Ānanda: “Mahākāśyapa and Ānanda, I entrust (parindāmi) you with this [teaching of] incomparable complete awakening so that it will be memorized, understood, read and elucidated to others.”  The Mahākāśyapa said: “O Lord, we will uphold this awakening of the tathāgata with all my might.”  The Ānanda said: “O Lord, we will take up this exposition of religion (dharmaparyāya) and disseminate it by the presence of the tathāgata (tathāgatādhiṣṭhāna).” 
爾時世尊告大徳阿難言。    阿難。汝受持此經耶。阿難白佛言。唯然世尊。以佛神力故我已受持。佛言阿難。汝常當廣爲四衆分別解説。若有先種善根樂勝法者。如是等人聞已。則能信解受持讀誦廣爲人説。其人則得無量無邊不可思議大功徳聚。阿難即白佛言。世尊。當何名斯經。云何奉持。佛言阿難。此經名勸發菩薩莊嚴菩提。當如是奉持之。 
爾時世尊。告尊者大伽葉波具壽阿難陀言。我以此經付囑汝等。汝當受持此經爲他廣説。  大伽葉波言。世尊我當隨力於如來無上菩提之法。勤加守護爲他宣説。  阿難陀言唯然世尊。我已受持如是法要。於當來世以佛威力。廣宣流布令不斷絶。 
de’i tshe bcom ldan ’das kyis gnas brtan ’od sruṅ chen po daṅ | tshe daṅ ldan pa kun dga’ bo la bka’ stsal pa | ’od sruṅ daṅ kun dga’ bo ji tsam du (7) gzuṅ ba daṅ | bcaṅ ba daṅ | bklag pa daṅ | gźan dag la yaṅ rgya cher yaṅ dag par rab tu bstan par bya ba’i phyir bla na med pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i byaṅ chub ’di yoṅs su gtad do ||  ’od sruṅ chen pos gsol pa | bcom ldan ’das bdag gis mthu daṅ | stobs (328b1) daṅ nus pa ji lta ba bźin du de bźin gśegs pa’i byaṅ chub ’di yoṅs su gzuṅ bar bgyi’o ||  kun dga’ bos gsol pa | bcom ldan ’das chos kyi rnam graṅs ’di bdag cag gis gzuṅ lags te | de bźin gśegs pa’i byin gyi rlabs kyis bdag gis yaṅs śiṅ rgyas par (2) bgyi’o || 
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