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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionTitle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionI. The Occasion
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionII. Introduction
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIII. 37 Questions
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIV. 37 Answers
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionV. Miracle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVI. Dialogues
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVII. Transmission
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
Son of good family, the morality of the bodhisatvas becomes purified by these eight qualities. What are those eight? (ebhir aṣṭabhiḥ kulaputra bodhisatvānāṃ śīlaṃ viśuddhaṃ bhavati. katame aṣṭau?)  To wit, a) never giving up the thought of awakening in order to purify thought (avirahitabodhicittatā cittaviśuddhayai);

Quotaions from Śikṣasamuccaya and its translations: Śikṣ MS118b6-119a2; B 271,16-272,8; ŚikṣTib(D) 150a2-7; ŚikṣChi(T.1636) 127b20-c2; Ggn(D) 255a3; 255a5-7; 255b3; 256a6-7; 257a1-3.

ŚikṣMS: śīlaviśuddhir āryagaganagañjasūtre evābhihitā | avirahitabodhicittatā cittaviśuddhayai |
ŚikṣB: śīlaviśuddhir āryagaganagañjasūtre evābhihitā | avirahitabodhicittatā cittaviśuddhayai
ŚikṣTib: tshul khrims rnam par dag pa ni | ’phags pa nam mkha’ mdzod kyi mdo las gsuṅs te | sems can rnam par dag pa’i phyir byaṅ chub kyi sems daṅ mi ’bral ba daṅ |
ŚikṣChi: 如虚空藏經云。(). 
b) no thought of disciples or isolated buddhas in order to purify logical ability (apagataśrāvakapratyekabuddhacittatā prāmāṇikaviśuddhyai);

ŚikṣMS: apagataśrāvakapratyekabuddhacittatā prāmāṇikaviśuddhayai ity ādi |
ŚikṣB: apagataśrāvakapratyekabuddhacittatā prāmāṇikaviśuddhayai ity ādi ||
ŚikṣTib: tshad mar gyur pa rnam par dag pa’i phyir ñan thos daṅ raṅ saṅs rgyas kyi sems med pa źes bya ba la sogs pa’o ||
ŚikṣChi: 遠離画像聲聞辟支佛心。於菩提心不生退轉。則於尸羅而得清淨。 
c) never giving up training in order to purify one's vows (sarvaśikṣānikṣiptatā pratijñāviśuddhyai);  d) not entering into any kind of birth in order to one's aspirations (sarvajātyapraveśanatā praṇidhānapariśuddhyai);  e) no laxity in order to purify the condition of non-stress (aśithilatānabhisaṃskārapariśuddhayai);  f) transforming into awakening so as to purify one’s aim (bodhipariṇāmanatā nimittapariśuddhyai);  g) no burning [passions] for the sake of the purification of afflictions (niśparidāhatā kleśapariśuddhyai);  h) fulfilling aspirations in order to purify awakening (praṇidhānaparipūraṇatā bodhipariśuddhyai).  Son of good family, these eight purify the morality of the bodhisatvas (ime aṣṭau kulaputra bodhisatvānāṃ śīlapariśuddhiḥ). 
善男子。菩薩成就八法能護淨戒。何等爲八。  善男子。諸菩薩不忘菩提心能護於戒。  不求聲聞辟支佛地能護於戒。  持戒不限於戒能護於戒。不恃諸戒能護於戒。  不捨本願能護於戒。 不依一切生處能護於戒。成就大願能護於戒。      善攝諸根爲滅煩惱能護於戒。    是爲菩薩成就八法能護淨戒。 
復次若菩薩成就八法。能淨修行淨戒波羅蜜多云何爲八。  所謂不離菩提心戒清淨故。  離聲聞縁覺心得無限量心戒清淨故。  不捨一切學處智慧清淨故。  於一切處受生願清淨故。  於戒不緩任運無作行清淨故。  迴向菩提魔羅心清淨故。  心無熱惱煩惱清淨故。  大願圓滿菩提清淨故。  是爲菩薩成就八法。能淨修行淨戒波羅蜜多。 
rigs kyi bu brgyad po ’di dag ni byaṅ chub sems (3) dpa’ rnams kyi tshul khrims yoṅs su dag pa ste | brgyad gaṅ źe na |  ’di lta ste | sems rnam par dag pa’i phyir byaṅ chub kyi sems daṅ mi ’bral ba daṅ |  tshad mar gyur pa rnam par dag pa’i phyir ñan thos daṅ raṅ saṅs rgyas kyi sems med pa daṅ |  dam bcas pa rnam par (4) dag pa’i phyir bslab pa thams cad mi ’dor ba daṅ |  smon lam yoṅs su dag pa’i phyir skye ba thams cad du mi ’jug pa daṅ |  mṅon par ’du mi byed pa yoṅs su dag pa’i phyir mi lhod pa daṅ |  mtshan ma yoṅs su dag pa’i phyir byaṅ chub tu bsṅo ba daṅ |  ñon moṅs pa yoṅs su (5) dag pa’i phyir kun nas gduṅ ba med pa daṅ  byaṅ chub yoṅs su dag pa’i pyir smon lam yoṅs su rdzogs pa ste |  rigs kyi bu brgyad po de dag ni byaṅ chub sems dpa’ rnams kyi tshul khrims yoṅs su dag pa’o || 
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