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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionTitle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionI. The Occasion
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionII. Introduction
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIII. 37 Questions
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIV. 37 Answers
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionV. Miracle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVI. Dialogues
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVII. Transmission
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
Son of good family, there are eight purities of patience of the bodhisatvas, which are like empty space. What are these eight? (ime kulputra aṣṭaviśuddhayo bodhisatvasya kṣāntir gaganasamā bhavati. kathame aṣṭau?)  a) the purity of patience without any hostile intent toward all living beings just as there is no hostile intent in empty space (apratihataṃ gaganaṃ sarvasatvāpratighacittasya kṣāntipariśuddhiḥ).;

ŚikṣMS: apratihataṃ gaganaṃ sarvvasatvāpratighacittasya kṣāntipariśuddhiḥ |
ŚikṣB: apratihataṃ gaganaṃ sarvasatvāpratighacittasya kṣāntipariśuddhiḥ |
ŚikṣTib: nam mkha’ la źe ’gras pa med de | sems can thams cad la źe ’gras pa med pa’i bzod pa yoṅs su dag pa daṅ |
ŚikṣChi: 又如虚空無能過勝。菩薩持戒於有情中無有勝者。 
b) the purity of patience without any attachment (ananunaya) just as empty space has no desire for profit and honour (lābhasatkāra);   c) the purity of patience which is the equal attitude toward all living beings just as empty space is united equally (samaprayogaṃ gaganaṃ sarvasatvasamacittasya kṣāntipariśuddhir;

ŚikṣMS: samaprayogaṃ gaganaṃ sarvvasatvasamacittasya kṣāntipariśuddhir ity ādi |
ŚikṣB: samaprayogaṃ gaganaṃ sarvasatvasamacittasya kṣāntipariśuddhir ity ādi ||
ŚikṣTib: nam mkha’ ni mñam par sbyor ba ste sems can thams cad la sems mñam pa’i bzod pa yoṅs su dag pa źes bya ba la sogs pa’o ||
ŚikṣChi: 又如虚空清淨平等。菩薩行忍於諸有情平等和合清淨亦爾。 
d) the purity of unimpaired patience [although] with diminishing body and thought just as empty space is unimpaired (anupahata);  e) the purity of patience giving up any bad disposition (anuśayaprahīṇa) just as empty space is without all bad dispositions;  f) the purity of patience beyond mind (manas) and objective support (ālambana) just as empty space is beyond mind and objective support;  g) the purity of patience which is not produced and does not occur just as empty space is not produced and does not occur;  h) the purity of patience filled with friendliness (maitrī) just as empty space is spread (vyapta) on all form and formless realms (rūpārūpya);  Son of good family, these eight are the purities of patience of the bodhisatvas, which are like empty space. 
善男子。菩薩成就八法。能淨羼提波羅蜜。何等爲八。  善男子。菩薩善淨内純至。修羼提波羅蜜。  善淨外不悕望。修羼提波羅蜜。  於上中下畢竟無障礙。修羼提波羅蜜。  隨順法性無所染著。修羼提波羅蜜。  離一切諸見應空。修羼提波羅蜜。  斷一切諸覺應無相。修羼提波羅蜜。  捨一切諸願應無願。修羼提波羅蜜。  除一切諸行應無行。修羼提波羅蜜。  是謂菩薩摩訶薩成就八法。能淨羼提波羅蜜。 
復次若菩薩成就八法。能淨修行忍辱波羅蜜多。云何爲八。  所謂於諸有情心無限礙猶若虚空。修行忍辱得清淨故。  於諸利養不生貪著猶若虚空。修行忍辱得清淨故。  於諸有情利益平等猶若虚空。修行忍辱得清淨故。  身心無壞猶若虚空。修行忍辱得清淨故。  離諸惑結猶若虚空。修行忍辱得清淨故。  離所觀境猶若虚空。修行忍辱得清淨故。  觀諸法性不生不滅猶若虚空。修行忍辱得清淨故。  於色無色以慈遍縁猶若虚空。修行忍辱得清淨故。  是爲菩薩成就八法。能淨修行忍辱波羅蜜多猶若虚空。 
rigs kyi bu byaṅ chub sems dpa’ rnams kyi bzod pa nam mkha’ daṅ mtshuṅs pa yoṅs su dag pa ’di brgyad de || (6) brgyad gaṅ źe na |  ’di lta ste | nam mkha’ la źe ’gras pa med de sems can thams cad la źe ’gras pa med pa’i bzod pa yoṅs su dag pa daṅ |  nam mkha’ la rjes su chags pa med de rñed pa daṅ bkur sti la rjes su chags pa med pa’i bzod pa yoṅs su dag pa daṅ |  (7) nam mkha’ ni mñam par sbyor ba ste sems can thams cad la sems mñam pa’i bzod pa yoṅs su dag pa daṅ |  nam mkha’ ni ma snad mñams pa ste lus daṅ sems zad pas ñams pa med pa’i bzod pa yoṅs su dag pa daṅ |  nam mkha’ ni bag la ñal thams cad (256b1) spaṅs pa ste bag la ñal med pa’i bzod pa yoṅs su dag pa daṅ |  nam mkha’ ni yid daṅ dmigs pa med pa ste yid daṅ dmis pa med pa ste yid daṅ dmis pa med pa’i bzod pa yoṅs su dag pa daṅ |  nam mkha’ ni ma skyes ma byuṅ ba ste ma skyes ma byuṅ ba’i bzod pa can gyi bzod pa yoṅs su dag pa daṅ |  (2) nam mkha’ ni gzugs daṅ gzugs med pa thams cad la khyab pa ste byams pas khyab pa’i bzod pa yoṅs su dag pa’o ||  rigs kyi bu brgyad po de dag ni byaṅ chub sems dpa’ rnams kyi bzod pa yoṅs su dag pa nam mkha’ daṅ mtshuṅs pa’o || 
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