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Nāgārjuna: Ratnāvalī

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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
If you cannot find the letters on your key-board, you may click on the link "Diacritica" to access it for your search.
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter 4
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若人養父母 恭奉自家尊
恭善人用財 忍辱有大度
pha ma sri źu lhur len daṅ | | rigs kyi gtso la rim gro daṅ | |
loṅs spyod legs spyod bzod gtoṅ daṅ | | tshig ’jam phra ma med bden pa’i | | 
Intent on serving your parents, respectful to the principles of your lineage,
Using your resources well, patient generous, with kindly speech, without divisiveness and truthful, 
實言同止樂 此九天帝因
盡壽應修行 由昔行九法
天主感帝位 時時處法堂
brtul źugs rtse gcig byas pa des | | lha yi dbaṅ po ñid thob nas | |
da duṅ du yaṅ lha dbaṅ bgyid | | de bas de ’dra’i chos bsten mdzod | | 
Through performing such discipline for one lifetime you will become a king of gods;
As such you will do still more, therefore observe such practices. 
一日三時施 美食三百器
福不及剎那 行慈百分一 
rje’u chos sum brgya’i kha zas dag | | ñin re dus gsum byin ba bas | |
byams pa yud tsam thaṅ cig gi | bsod nams dag la char mi phod | | 
Even three times a day offer three hundred cooking pots of food
Does not match a portion of the merit acquired in one instant of love. 
天人等愛護 日夜受喜樂
免怨火毒杖 是行慈現果 
lha mi byams par ’gyur ba daṅ | | de dag kyaṅ ni bsruṅ ba daṅ | |
yid bde ba daṅ bde maṅ daṅ | | dug daṅ mtshon gyis gnod med daṅ | | 
Though [through love] you are not liberated you will attain the eight virtues of love,
Gods and humans will be friendly, even [non-humans] will protect you, 
無功用獲財 後生於色界
得慈十功德 若人未解脫 
’bad pa med par don thob daṅ | | tshaṅs pa’i ’jig rten skye ’gyur te | |
gal te grol bar ma gyur kyaṅ | | byams chos yon tan brgyad ’thob po | | 
You will have pleasures of the mind and many [of the body], poison and weapons will not harm you,
Effortlessly will you attain your aims and be reborn in the world of Brahmā. 
教一切眾生 堅發菩提心
菩薩德如山 菩提心牢固 
sems can rnams ni byaṅ chub tu | | sems bskyed bcug ciṅ brtan byas na | |
ri dbaṅ rgyal po ltar brtan źiṅ | | byaṅ chub sems ni rtag tu ’thob | | 
If you cause sentient beings to generate the aspiration to enlightenment and make it firm,
Your own aspiration will always be to enlightenment firm like [Meru] king of mountains. 
由信離八難 因戒生善道
數修真如空 得善無放逸 
dad pas mi khom ’gro mi ’gyur | | khrims kyis ’gro ba bzaṅ por ’gro | |
stoṅ pa ñid la goms pa yis | | chos rnams kun la chags med ’thob | | 
Through faith you will not be without leisure, through good ethics you will have good migrations,
Through becoming familiar with emptiness you will be unattached to all phenomena. 
無諂得念根 恒思得慧根
恭敬得義理 護法感宿命 
g-yo med pas ni dran ldan ’thob | | sems par byed pas blo gros ’thob | |
bkur sti byed pas don rtogs ldan | | chos sruṅ śes rab can du ’gyur | | 
Through not wavering you will attain awareness, and intelligence through thinking; through respect
You will realise what the docrtines mean, through their retention you will become wise. 
布施聽聞法 或不障他聞
疾得如所愛 與佛相值遇 
chos mñan pa daṅ sbyin pa dag | | sgrib pa med par byas pa yis | |
saṅs rgyas rnams daṅ ’grogs pa ñid | | ’dod pa myur du ’thob par ’gyur | | 
Through not causing the hearing and the giving of the doctrine to be obscured
You will company with Buddhas and will quickly attain your wish. 
無貪作事成 不慳財物長
離慢招上品 法忍得總持 
ma chags pas ni don ’grub ste | | ser sna med pas loṅs spyod ’phel | |
ṅa rgyal med pas gtso bor ’gyur | | chos la bzod pas gzuṅs ’thob po | | 
Through non-attachment you will learn what [the doctrines] mean, through not being miserly your resources will increase,
Through not being proud you will become chief [of those respected], through enduring the doctrine you will attain retention. 
由行五實施 及惠無怖畏
非諸罵能辱 故感大勝力 
sñiṅ po lṅa rnams byin pa daṅ | | ’jigs la mi ’jigs byin pa yis | |
bdud rnams kun gyis mi tshugs śiṅ | | stobs po che yi mchog tu ’gyur | | 
Through giving the five essentials as well as non-fright to the frightened
No evil will there be to harm you, of the mighty you will be the best. 
支提列燈行 幽闇秉火燭
布施續明油 故得淨天眼 
mchog rten mar me phreṅ ba daṅ | | mun pa dag tu sgron ma daṅ | |
mar me ’bru mar byin pa yis | | lha yi mig ni ’thob par ’gyur | | 
Through offering many lamps at reliquaries and elsewhere
And oil for lamps in dark places your divine eye will open. 
供養支提時 即設鼓聲樂
蠡角等妙音 故獲淨天耳 
mchod rten mchod pa rol mo daṅ | | dril bu dag ni phul ba daṅ | |
duṅ daṅ rṅa ni rab phul bas | | lha yi rna ba ’thob par ’gyur | | 
Through offering bells and instruments for the worship of reliquaries
And elsewhere drums and trumpets, your divine ear will open. 
於他失默然 不談人德闕
隨順護彼意 故得他心智 
gźan gyi ’khrul pa mi gleṅ źiṅ | | yan lag ñams pa rnams mi brjod | |
sems ni rjes su bsruṅs pas na | | gźan gyi sems ni śes pa ’thob | | 
Through not relating others’ mistakes and not talking of their defective limbs,
But protecting their minds, you will gain knowledge of the minds of others. 
由施徙舟乘 運致羸乏人
恭謹瞻尊長 故獲如意通 
lham daṅ bźon pa byin pa daṅ | | ñam chuṅ bkur ba byas ba daṅ | |
bźon pas bla ma bkur ba yis | | mkhas pas rdzu ’phrul thob par ’gyur | | 
Through giving conveyances and shoes, through serving the feeble and through
Providing teachers with youths you will acquire the skill to create magical emanations. 
令他憶法事 及正法句義
或淨心施法 故感宿命智 
chos kyi ched daṅ de bźin du | | chos gźuṅ don dag dran pa daṅ | |
chos kyi sbyin pa dri med pas | | tshe rabs dran pa ’thob par ’gyur | | 
Through acting to promote the doctrine, remembering its books and their meaning,
And through stainless giving of the doctrine you will remember your continuum of lives. 
由知真實義 謂諸法無性
故得第六通 最勝是流盡 
dṅos rnams ṅo bo ñid med par | | yaṅ dag ji bźin yoṅs śes pas | |
mṅon śes drug ba zag pa kun | | zad pa mchog ni ’thob par ’gyur | | 
Through knowing thoroughly, correctly and truly that no phenomena inherently exist,
You will attain the sixth clairvoyance that extinguishes all contaminations well. 
平等悲相應 由修如實智
故自得成佛 恒解脫眾生 
sems can thams cad dgrol ba’i phyir | | de bźin ñid śes mñam ldan pa | |
sñiṅ rjes brlan pa bsgoms pa yis | | rnam pa’i mchog ldan rgyal bar ’gyur | | 
Through cultivating the wisdom of reality which is the same [for all phenomena] and is moistened with compassion
For the sake of liberating all sentient beings, You will become a Conqueror with all the excellences. 
由種種淨願 故佛土清淨
眾寶獻支提 故放無邊光 
smon lam sna chogs dag pa yis | | saṅs rgyas źiṅ ni dag par ’gyur | |
thub dbaṅ rin chen phul ba yis | | mtha’ yas ’od ni rnam par ’phro | | 
Through various pure aspirations your Buddha Land will be purified,
Through offering gems to the King Of Subduers you will give out infinite light. 
如此業及果 已知義相應
故應修利他 即菩薩自利 
de bas de ltar las ’bras dag | | mthun par mkhyen mdzad don du ni | |
’gro la phan pa rtag tu mdzod | | de ñid khyod la phan pa lags | | 
Therefore knowing how actions and their effects agree,
For you own sake help beings always and so help yourself. 
rin po che’i phreṅ ba las byaṅ chub kyi tshogs bsdus pa źes bya ba ste le’u gsum pa’o || 
Chapter Three: The Collections for Enlightenment 
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