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ʕĪsà ʕUbayd, Muqaddima (1921)

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فمهمّة الكاتب أنْ يدرس أوّلاً مزاج شخصه ؛ لأنّ له تأثيراً عظيماً في تكييف عواطف الإنسان وأخلاقه ، إذ قد يكون المزاج سبب سعادة المرء أو شقائه ، 
fa-mahammaẗ al-kātib ʔan yadrusa ʔawwalan mazāǧa šaḫṣi-h; li-ʔanna la-hū taʔṯīran ʕaẓīman fī takyīf ʕawāṭif al-ʔinsān wa-ʔaḫlāqi-h, ʔiḏ qad yakūnu al-mazāǧu sababa saʕādaẗ al-marʔ ʔaw šaqāʔi-h, 
Therefore, it is the writer’s task to first study the temperament of a character of his because it will greatly influence the way he will describe a human being’s emotions and character [or: morals]. The temperament may for instance be the reason for a person’s happiness or sadness. 
AR: mahammaẗ, dars / dirāsatmazāǧ, taʔṯīr, takyīf, ʕawāṭif, ʔinsānʔaḫlāqmazāǧ, sabab/ʔasbāb
EN: temperament, emotions, character 
فصاحب المزاج السوداوي المتشائم الذي يرتاب في كلّ شيء - حتّى في صدق عواطف المرأة التي يحبّها وتحبّه - تساوره دائماً الأفكار المؤلمة المتضاربة ، 
fa-ṣāḥib al-mazāǧ al-sawdāwī al-mutašāʔim allaḏī yartābu fī kull šayʔ – ḥattà fī ṣidq ʕawāṭif al-marʔaẗ allatī yuḥibbu-hā wa-tuḥibbu-h – tusāwiru-hū dāʔiman al-ʔafkār al-muʔlimaẗ al-mutaḍāribaẗ, 
A melancholic pessimist who doubts in everything, even the sincerity of the feelings of the woman he loves and who loves him, will always be haunted by painful conflicting thoughts. 
فإذا قابل حبيبته لا يحدّثها عن الأشجار والطيور والأزهار ، بل عن ظنونه وآلامه ، 
fa-ʔiḏā qābala ḥabībata-hū lā yuḥaddiṯu-hā ʕan il-ʔašǧār wa’l-ṭuyūr wa’l-ʔazhār, bal ʕan ẓunūni-h wa-ʔālāmi-h, 
When he meets his beloved he will not talk to her about the trees, birds and flowers, but maybe about his thoughts and pains, 
فيرميها مثلاً (جـ) بالخلاعة والتهتّك أو يتّهمها بأنّها لا تحبّه وأنّها تنظر إلى غيره ، 
fa-yarmī-hā maṯalan bi’l-ḫalāʕaẗ wa’l-tahattuk ʔaw yattahimu-hā bi-ʔanna-hā lā tuḥibbu-hū wa-ʔanna-hā tanẓuru ʔilà ġayri-h, 
to the degree that he may charge her [p. iii] with moral depravity and shamelessness or accuse her of not loving him anymore and looking at another one; 
وهي تحاول بلطف أوّلاً أنْ تبرئ نفسها ممّا اتّهمها به ثمّ أنّها تغضب أخيراً لعناده وإصراره على اعتقاده أنّها مذنبة مجرمة وهي المحبّة المخلصة ، 
wa-hiya tuḥāwilu bi-luṭf ʔawwalan ʔan tubriʔa nafsa-hā mimmā ’ttahama-hā bi-hī ṯumma ʔanna-hā taġḍabu ʔaḫīran li-ʕinādi-hī wa-ʔiṣrāri-hī ʕalà ’ʕtiqādi-hī ʔanna-hā muḏnibaẗ muǧrimaẗ wa-hiya ’l-muḥibbaẗ al-muḫliṣaẗ, 
she will then first try gently to exonerate herself from what he accuses her of, then she will eventually become angry because of his unrelenting insistence that she is a guilty criminal (while she actually loves him truly and faithfully). 
وقد يحملها أحياناً غضبها الشريف العادل على قول عبارات جارحة مهينة تؤدّي إلى افتراقهما الأبدي ! 
wa-qad yaḥmilu-hā ʔaḥyānan ġaḍabu-hā al-šarīf al-ʕādil ʕalà qawl ʕibārātin ǧāriḥaẗ muhīnaẗ tuʔaddī ʔilà ’ftirāqi-himā ’l-ʔabadī! 
Her noble and just anger may then sometimes bring her to the point where she drops some injuring, insulting expressions, which in turn may lead to the two separating forever! 
فأين هذا التشاجر المعتلج الناري من تلك المغازلة الشعرية الهادئة الوديعة ؟ 
fa-ʔayn hāḏā al-tašāǧur al-muʕtaliǧ al-nārī min tilka ’l-muġāzalaẗ al-šiʕriyyaẗ al-hādiʔaẗ al-wadīʕaẗ? 
So, what a difference between such a heated quarrel and that smooth and quiet lyrical flirting [that we find in the romanticists’ books]! 
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