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ʕĪsà ʕUbayd, Muqaddima (1921)

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تلك اللغة الحيّة المرنة الشغوفة باختيار الكلمات الفنّية وابتكار العبارات الجديدة التي تؤدّي المعنى بقوّة ودقّة ، 
tilka ’l-luġaẗ al-ḥayawiyyaẗ al-marinaẗ al-šaġūfaẗ bi-’ḫtiyār al-kalimāt al-fanniyyaẗ wa-’btikār al-ʕibārāt al-ǧadīdaẗ allatī tuʔaddī al-maʕnà bi-quwwaẗ wa-diqqaẗ, 
that vivid flexible language that is eager to make sophisticated use of the vocabulary (?)1 and invent new expressions that render the intended meaning powerfully and exactly/precisely
AR: luġaẗ, ḥayawī (ḥayawiyyaẗ, ḥayāẗ), marin (murūnaẗ), fannī (fann), ibtikār, ǧadīd, maʕnà, quwwaẗ, diqqaẗ
EN: vivid, flexible, sophisticated, powerfully, exactly, precisely 
وآخر في تفسير معنى الفنّ وتعريف وظيفته الأدبية والأخلاقية والاجتماعية وشرح قواعده 
wa-ʔāḫara fī tafsīr maʕnà ’l-fann wa-taʕrīf waẓīfati-hī ’l-ʔadabiyyaẗ wa’l-ʔaḫlāqiyyaẗ wa’l-iǧtimāʕiyyaẗ wa-šarḥ qawāʕidi-h 
And [I would also have liked to dedicate] another [chapter] to the interpretation of the meaning of art and the definition of its literary, moral and social mission as well as to the explanation of its rules; 
AR: tafsīr, maʕnà, fann, taʕrīf, waẓīfaẗ, ʔadabī, ʔaḫlāqī, iǧtimāʕī, šarḥ, qawāʕid
EN: … 
وآخر في درس صفة أدب اللغة ومستقبل الأنواع التي ابتدأت تدخل فيه – 
wa-ʔāḫara fī dars ṣifaẗ ʔadab al-luġaẗ wa-mustaqbal al-ʔanwāʕ allatī ’btadaʔat tadḫulu fī-h – 
and yet another on the nature of philology (?)2 and the future of th(os)e genres that have begun to invade the language. 
AR: dars, ṣifaẗ, ʔadab, luġaẗ, mustaqbal, ʔanwāʕ (nawʕ)
EN: … 
لولا أنّنا رأينا أنّ هذه المقدّمة أصبحت طويلة وكادت تكون مملّة 
law-lā ʔanna-nā raʔaynā ʔanna hāḏihī ’l-muqaddimaẗ ʔaṣbaḥat ṭawīlaẗ wa-kādat takūn mumillaẗ 
But, well, we feel this preface has already become too long and almost boring. 
ولذلك ستبقى تتمّة هذا الدرس لكتابنا "نظرات وملاحظات فنّية" الذي ننشره قريباً . 
wa-li-ḏālika sa-tabqà tatimmaẗ hāḏā ’l-dars li-kitābi-nā "Naẓarāt wa-mulāḥaẓāt fanniyyaẗ" allaḏī nanšuru-hū qarīban
We will therefore postpone the final parts of this study to our book Perspectives and Observations on Art / Aesthetic Contemplations, which we are about to publish. 
AR: dars, naẓarāt, mulāḥaẓaẗ, fannī (fann)
EN: Observation 
(س) وقد حذونا حذو "بلزاك" شيخ الروائيين الفرنسيين في مؤلّفاته الموسومة بالإنسانية الممثلة "La Comédie Humaine" 
wa-qad ḥaḏawnā ḥaḏwa "Balzāk" šayḫ al-riwāʔiyyīn al-faransiyyīn fī muʔallafāti-hī ’l-mawsūmaẗ bi’l-ʔinsāniyyaẗ al-mumaṯṯalaẗ "La Comédie Humaine" 
[p. xv] We are following the example of Balzac, the master of French story-writers, in his writings, which are characterized by their humanism and all stage la comédie humaine.3  
AR: Balzāk, ʔinsāniyyat (ʔinsānī, ʔinsān)
EN: Balzac, humanism, humane 
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