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ʕĪsà ʕUbayd, Muqaddima (1921)

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ويتسنّى له أنْ يقتبس من أخلاقهم حادثة روائية إنسانية محضة تكون نتيجة طبيعية لمزاجهم وشخصيتهم لا دخل للخيال في تكييفها . 
wa-yatasannà la-hū ʔan yaqtabisa min ʔaḫlāqi-him ḥādiṯaẗan riwāʔiyyaẗan ʔinsāniyyaẗan maḥḍaẗan takūnu natīǧaẗan ṭabīʕiyyaẗan li-mazāǧi-him wa-šaḫṣiyyati-him lā daḫla lil-ḫayāl fī takyīfi-hā. 
this will also allow him to get inspired by their characters1 for [the description of] a genuinely human event in his narrative, [an event] that may result naturally from their temperament and personality, without having recourse to [too much] fantasy to imagine what it may look like. 
AR: iqtibās, ʔaḫlāq, ʔinsānī (ʔinsāniyyat, ʔinsān), natīǧaẗ, ṭabīʕī (ṭabīʕaẗ), mazāǧ, šaḫṣiyyaẗ, ḫayāl, takyīf
EN: genuinely human, fantasy 
(د) 2 – فيتّضح ممّا تقدّم أنّه لا بدّ للكاتب المصري من الإلمام التامّ بعلم النفس للوقوف على كنه الطبائع البشرية ، 
(d) 2 – fa-yattaḍiḥu mimmā taqaddama ʔanna-hū lā budda lil-kātib al-miṣrī min al-ʔilmām al-tāmm bi-ʕilm al-nafs lil-wuqūf ʕalà kunh al-ṭabāʔiʕ al-bašariyyaẗ, 
[p. iv] 2 | On the basis of the preceding it is thus evident that the Egyptian writer definitively must have a comprehensive overview of psychology to acquire a thorough understanding of human nature
AR: ittaḍaḥa (wuḍūḥ), kātib, miṣrī (Miṣr / Miṣriyyaẗ), ʕilm al-nafs, ṭabāʔiʕ (ṭabīʕaẗ), bašarī (bašar)
EN: psychology, thorough understanding of human nature 
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