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Catilina (Catiline)

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Du mener Catilina? 
Ah, you mean Catiline? 
Netop ham. 
The very man. 
Ja, Catilina; han var kanske manden. 
Yes, Catiline perchance is just the man. 
Jeg kender ham. Jeg var hans faders ven,
med hvem i mangt et slag jeg fægted sammen.
Hans lille søn fik følge ham i krigen.
I hin tid alt var drengen vild, ustyrlig;
dog, sjeldne gaver var hos ham at spore; –
hans sind var højt, hans mod urokkeligt. 
I know him well. I was his father’s friend;
Many a battle side by side we fought.
Often his young son went with him to war.
Even his early years were wild and headstrong;
Yet he gave open proof of rare endowments,--
His mind was noble, dauntless was his courage. 
Jeg tror at finde ham ret beredvillig.
I aftes mødte jeg ham dybt forstemt.
Han ruger over hemmelige anslag; –
et dristigt mål han havde længst isigte. 
We’ll find him, as I think, most prompt and willing.
I met him late this evening much depressed;
He meditates in secret some bold plan;--
Some desperate scheme he long has had in mind. 
Ja, konsulatet har han længe søgt. 
No doubt; the consulate he long has sought. 
Det vil ej lykkes ham; thi voldsomt har
hans fiender imod ham talt og tordnet; –
han var tilstede selv, og rasende
forlod han rådet – pønsende på hævn. 
His efforts are in vain; his enemies
Have madly raged against him in the senate;--
He was himself among them; full of wrath
He left the council--brooding on revenge. 
Da går han sikkert på vort forslag ind. 
Then will he surely welcome our proposal. 
Jeg håber det. Dog først vi planen må
i enrum veje. Tiden er os gunstig.
(de går.)

I hope so. Yet must we in secret weigh
Our enterprise. The time is opportune.
[They go.]

(I Vesta-templet i Rom. På et alter i baggrunden brænder en lampe med den hellige ild.)
(Catilina, fulgt af Curius, kommer listende ind mellem søjlerne.)  
[In the Temple of Vesta in Rome. On an altar in the background burns a lamp with the sacred fire.]
[CATILINE, followed by CURIUS, comes stealing in between the pillars.] 
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF