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Boethius: De Consolatione Philosophiae

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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook I: THE SORROWS OF BOETHIUS
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook II: THE VANITY OF FORTUNE’S GIFTS
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook III: TRUE HAPPINESS AND FALSE
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook IV: GOOD AND ILL FORTUNE
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionBook V: FREE WILL AND GOD’S FOREKNOWLEDGE
45. ITEM. 
Metre IV.
Quamvis se, Tyrio superbus ostro.
Quamvis se Tyrio superbus ostro
   Comeret et niveis lapillis, 
Quamuis nero seuientis luxuriȩ . i. plenus seuitiȩ . et luxuriȩ . comeret se superbus tirio ostro . et niueris lapillis.
Tóh tér grímmo únde dér zúrlústîgo nero síh úbermûotlicho gáreti . mít tero tíurestûn púrpurûn . únde mít scônên gímmôn. 
Ja soit ce que Neron li orgueilleus o toute sa luxure forsenee se pignast et aournast de beles pourpres et de precieusez pierres, 
Al be it so that the proude Nero, with alle his wode luxurie, kembde him and aparailede him with faire purpres of Tirie, and with whyte perles, 
Thogh the proude man with Tirius shelles
be dekt, and shining stone, 
Invisus tamen omnibus vigebat
   Luxuriae Nero saevientis. 
Inuisus tamen omnibus uigebat.
Ér uuás îo dóh tien sînên állên léidsám . náls êruuírdig. 
toutevois estoit il viguereus au mal faire et haineus a touz.1  
algates yit throf he hateful to alle folk: this is to seyn, that al was he behated of alle folk.1  
hated yet of all liued Nero
for Cruel Lust. 
Sed quondam dabat improbus verendis
   Patribus indecores curules. 
Sed improbus dabat quondam uerendis patribus indecores curules.
Ér spéndôta îo dóh álso úbelêr dîen êruuírdigên hêrrôn únzímige hêrskéfte. Únzímige . uuánda sie fóne úbelero hénde châmen. 
Mais toutevois il qui tant estoit mauvais donnoit jadis aus redoutablez peres les honorablez siegez des conseilleurs. 
Yit this wikked Nero hadde gret lordship , and yaf whylom to the reverents senatours the unworshipful setes of dignitees. Unworshipful setes he clepeth here, for that Nero, that was so wikked, yafthodignitees. 
But ons Thogh wicked he gaue
Vnmete Curules to reuerent futhers. 
Quis illos igitur putet beatos
   Quos miseri tribuunt honores? 
Quis igitur putet beatos illos honores . quos miseri tribuunt?
Uuér sól dánne uuânen . dîe êrâ uuésen sâlîge . tîe die uuênegen gébant ? Argumentum a contrariis . ut sunt beatitudo et mesierie.  
Qui cuidera donques que les honneurs que li chetis donnent soient beneureez ? 
Who-so wolde thanne resonably wenen, that blisfulnesse were in swiche honours as ben yeven by vicious shrewes? 
Who yet happy thoght them Whom wicketz Sort estemed? 
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