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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter I: Buddhakṣetrapariśuddhinidāna
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter II: Acintyopāyakauśalyaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter III: Śrāvakabodhisatvavisarjanapraśna
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter IV: Glānapratisaṃmodanāparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter V: Acintyavimokṣasaṃdarśanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VI: Devatāparivartaḥ
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VII: Tathāgatagotraparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VIII: Advayadharmamukhapraveśaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter IX: Nirmitabhojanānayanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter X: Kṣayākṣayo
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XI: Abhiratilokadhātvānayanākṣobhyatathāgatadarśanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XII: Nigamanaparīndanāparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
§13 iha bhadanta śāriputra gṛhe ’ṣṭāv āścaryādbhutā dharmāḥ satatasamitaṃ saṃdṛśyante |  katame ’ṣṭau | 
又舍利弗 此室有八未曾有自然之法以現正化  何謂八 
舍利弗 此室常現八未曾有難得之法  何等為八 
又舍利子 此室常現八未曾有殊勝之法  何等為八 
btsun pa śā ri’i bu khyim ’di ni ṅo mtshar rmad du byuṅ ba’i chos rnam pa brgyad rtag tu rgyun mi ’chad par snaṅ ṅo ||  brgyad po gaṅ źe na | 
Reverend Śāriputra, eight strange and wonderful things manifest themselves constantly in this house.  What are these eight? 
neha rātrir vā divaso vā prajñāyate sadāvabhāsitam idaṃ gṛhaṃ suvarṇavarṇayā prabhayā |  neha sūryācandramasau prajñāyete, na bhrājete |  ayaṃ prathama āścaryādbhuto dharmaḥ | 
此室晝夜照以智慧睹佛金光  不以日月所照為樂  是為一未曾有 
此室常以金色光照晝夜無異  不以日月所照為明  是為一未曾有難得之法 
謂舍利子 此室常有金色光明 周遍照曜晝夜無異  不假日月所照為明  是為一未曾有殊勝之法 
khyim ’di ni gser gyi kha dog gi ’od rtag tu rgyun mi ’chad pas na mtshan mo’am | ñin bar du yaṅ mi mṅon |  khyim ’dir zla ba daṅ | ñyi ma yaṅ mi mṅon mi snaṅ ste |  de ni ṅo mtshar rmad du byuṅ ba’i chos daṅ ldan pa daṅ po’o ||  
A light of golden hue shines here constantly, so bright that it is hard to distinguish day and night;  and neither the moon nor the sun shines here distinctly.  That is the first wonder of this house. 
punar aparaṃ bhadanta śāriputra ye praviśantīdaṃ gṛham, teṣāṃ samanantarapraviṣṭānāṃ sarvakleśā na bādhante |  ayaṃ dvitīya āścaryādbhuto dharmaḥ | 
此室入者在中而止 一切無復婬怒癡垢  是為二未曾有 
此室入者不為諸垢之所惱也  是為二未曾有難得之法 
又舍利子 此室常有一切世間人非人等 入此室已不為一切煩惱所害  是為二未曾有殊勝之法 
btsun pa śā ri’i bu gźan yaṅ gaṅ dag khyim ’dir źugs pa de dag źugs ma thag tu ñon moṅs pas gtse ba med de |  de ni ṅo mtshar rmad du byuṅ ba’i chos gñis pa’o ||  
Furthermore, reverend Śāriputra, whoever enters this house is no longer troubled by his passions from the moment he is within.  That is the second strange and wonderful thing. 
punar aparaṃ bhadanta śāriputra idaṃ gṛham avirahitaṃ śakrabrahmalokapālair anyabuddhakṣetrasaṃnipatitaiś ca bodhisatvaiḥ |  ayaṃ tṛtīya āścaryādbhuto dharmaḥ | 
此室恒有釋梵四天王異剎菩薩來會不休  是為三未曾有 
此室常有釋梵四天王他方菩薩來會不絕  是為三未曾有難得之法 
又舍利子 此室常有一切釋梵四天王等 及餘世界諸大菩薩集會不空  是為三未曾有殊勝之法 
btsun pa śa’ ri’i bu gźan yaṅ khyim ’di na rtag tu brgya byin daṅ | tshaṅs pa daṅ | ’jig rten skyoṅ ba daṅ | saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ thams cad nas lhags pa’i byaṅ chub sems dpa’ rnams daṅ mi ’bral te |  de ni ṅo mtshar rmad du byuṅ ba’i chos gsum pa’o ||  
Furthermore, reverend Śāriputra, this house is never forsaken by Sakra, Brahmā, the Lokapālas, and the bodhisattvas from all the other buddha-fields.  That is the third strange and wonderful thing. 
punar aparaṃ bhadanta śāriputra idaṃ gṛhaṃ satatasamitam avirahitaṃ dharmaśravaṇena ṣaṭpāramitāpratisaṃyuktayā kathayāvivartyadharmakathayā ca |  ayaṃ caturtha āścaryādbhuto dharmaḥ | 
此室常聞講說道化六度無極不退之輪法語不廢  是為四未曾有 
此室常說六波羅蜜不退轉法  是為四未曾有難得之法 
又舍利子 此室常聞菩薩六種波羅蜜多不退法輪相應言論  是為四未曾有殊勝之法 
gźan yaṅ btsun pa śā ri’i bu | khyim ’di na rtag tu rgyun mi ’chad par chos bsgrags pa daṅ | pha rol tu phyin pa drug daṅ ldan pa’i gtam daṅ | phyir mi ldog pa’i chos kyi ’khor lo’i gtam daṅ mi ’bral te |  de ni ṅo mtshar rmad du byuṅ ba’i chos bźi pa’o ||  
Furthermore, reverend Śāriputra, this house is never empty of the sounds of the Dharma, the discourse on the six transcendences, and the discourses of the irreversible wheel of the Dharma.  That is the fourth strange and wonderful thing. 
punar aparaṃ bhadanta śāriputra iha gṛhe yās tūryasaṃgītayo divyamānuṣyakāṇi vā vādyāni vādyante,  tebhyas tūryebhyo ’pramāṇo dharmaśabdanirhāro niścarati sārvakālikaḥ |  ayaṃ pañcama āścaryādbhuto dharmaḥ | 
此室天人恒歌正樂  絃出無量法化之聲  是為五未曾有 
此室常作天人第一之樂  絃出無量法化之聲  是為五未曾有難得之法 
又舍利子 此室常作天人伎樂  於諸樂中演出無量百千法音  是為五未曾有殊勝之法 
gźan yaṅ btsun pa śā ri’i bu khyim ’di na rtag tu lha daṅ | mi’i rṅa daṅ | glu’i dbyaṅs daṅ | rol mo byed de |  rṅa de dag las saṅs rgyas kyi chos tshad med pa bsgrub pa’i sgra dus thams cad du ’byuṅ ste |  ’di ni ṅo mtshar rmad du byuṅ ba’i chos lṅa pa’o ||  
Furthermore, reverend Śāriputra, in this house one always hears the rhythms, songs, and music of gods and men,  and from this music constantly resounds the sound of the infinite Dharma of the Buddha.  That is the fifth strange and wonderful thing. 
punar aparaṃ bhadanta śāriputra iha gṛhe catvāri mahānidhānāni sarvaratnaparipūrṇāny akṣayāṇi  yato niṣyandaṃ sarvadaridrakṛpaṇā ādāya prakrāmanti, na ca kṣīyante |  ayaṃ ṣaṣṭha āścaryādbhuto dharmaḥ | 
此室其中有四大藏眾寶積滿  周窮濟乏求得無盡  是為六未曾有 
此室有四大藏眾寶積滿  賙窮濟乏求得無盡  是為六未曾有難得之法 
又舍利子 此室常有四大寶藏 眾珍盈溢恒無有盡  給施一切貧窮鰥寡孤獨無依乞求之者 皆令稱遂終不窮盡  是為六未曾有殊勝之法 
btsun pa śā ri’i bu gźan yaṅ khyim ’di na rin po che thams cad kyis gaṅ ba zad mi śes pa’i gter chen po bźi yod de |  de’i mthus sems can dbul źiṅ phoṅs pa thams cad kyis khyer te | doṅ yaṅ zad mi śes te |  de ni ṅo mtshar rmad du byuṅ ba’i chos drug pa’o ||  
Furthermore, reverend Śāriputra, in this house there are always four inexhaustible treasures, replete with all kinds of jewels,  which never decrease, although all the poor and wretched may partake to their satisfaction.  That is the sixth strange and wonderful thing. 
punar aparaṃ bhadanta śāriputra iha gṛhe śākyamunis tathāgato  ’mitābho    ’kṣobhyo ratnaśrī ratnārcī ratnacandro  ratnavyūho  duḥprasahaḥ    sarvārthasiddhaḥ  prabhūtaratnaḥ  siṃhanādanādī  siṃhaghoṣas tathāgata  evaṃ pramukhā daśasu dikṣv apramāṇās tathāgatā ye ’sya satpuruṣasya cintitamātreṇāgacchanti |  āgatya ca tathāgataguhyaṃ nāma dharmamukhapraveśaṃ deśayitvā prakrāmanti |  ayaṃ saptama āścaryādbhuto dharmaḥ | 
此室釋迦文      阿閦佛 寶首 樂忻 寶月  寶淨  無量    固受    師子響  慧作斯  彼諸如來等 是正士念時說時 彼佛即為來  來說佛行無不悅懌  是為七未曾有 
此室釋迦牟尼佛.  阿彌陀佛.    阿閦佛.寶德.寶炎.寶月.  寶嚴.  難勝.    一切利成    師子響.    一切利成 如是等十方無量諸佛 是上人念時 即皆為來  廣說諸佛秘要法藏說已還去  是為七未曾有難得之法 
又舍利子 此室常有釋迦牟尼如來  無量壽如來  難勝如來  不動如來 寶勝如來 寶焰如來 寶月如來  寶嚴如來  難勝如來  寶音聲如來  一切義成如來    師子吼如來    如是等十方無量如來 若此大士發心祈請 應時即來  廣為宣說一切如來祕要法門 說已還去  是為七未曾有殊勝之法 
btsun pa śā ri’i bu gźan yaṅ khyim ’di na de bźin gśegs pa śākya thub pa daṅ |  snaṅ ba mtha’ yas daṅ |    mi ’khrugs pa daṅ | dkon mchog dpal daṅ | dkon mchog ’od ’phro daṅ | dkon mchog zla ba daṅ |  dkon mchog bkod pa daṅ |  bzod dka’ daṅ |    don thams cad grub pa daṅ |   rin chen maṅ daṅ |  seṅ ge bsgrags pa daṅ |  seṅ ge’i sgra de bźin gśegs pa  la sogs pa phyogs bcu’i de bźin gśegs pa tshad med pa rnams skyes bu dam pa ’dis bsams ma thag tu kun gśegs te |  gśegs nas kyaṅ de bźin gśegs pa’i gsaṅ ba źes bya ba’i chos kyi sgo la ’jug pa bstan nas slar gśegs te |  de ni ṅo mtshar rmad du byuṅ ba’i chos bdun pa’o | | 
Furthermore, reverend Śāriputra, (at the wish of this good man, to this house come the innumerable Tathāgatas of the ten directions), such as the Tathāgatas Śākyamuni,  Amitabha,    Aksobhya, Ratnasri, Ratnarcis, Ratnacandra,  Ratnavyuha,  Duṣprasāha,    Sarvarthasiddha,  Ratnabahula,  Simhakirti,  Simhasvara,  (Furthermore, reverend Śāriputra, )at the wish of this good man, to this house come the innumerable Tathāgatas of the ten directions, (such as the Tathāgatas Śākyamuni, …….. )and so forth;  and when they come they teach the door of Dharma called the "Secrets of the Tathāgatas" and then depart.  That is the seventh strange and wonderful thing. 
punar aparaṃ bhadanta śāriputra iha gṛhe sarvadevabhavanavyūhāḥ sarvabuddhakṣetraguṇavyūhāś ca saṃdṛśyante |  ayam aṣṭama āścaryādbhuto dharmaḥ | 
此室清淨常見諸天名好宮室及一切佛嚴淨之土  是為八未曾有自然之法 
此室一切諸天嚴飾宮殿諸佛淨土皆於中現  是為八未曾有難得之法 
又舍利子 此室常現一切佛土功德莊嚴諸天宮殿眾妙綺飾  是為八未曾有殊勝之法 
btsun pa śā ri’i bu gźan yaṅ khyim ’di na lha thams cad kyi gnas kyi bkod pa daṅ | saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ gi yon tan bkod pa thams cad snaṅ ste |  de ni ṅo mtshar rmad du byuṅ ba’i chos brgyad pa’o ||  
Furthermore, reverend Śāriputra, all the splendors of the abodes of the gods and all the splendors of the fields of the Buddhas shine forth in this house.  That is the eighth strange and wonderful thing. 
ime bhadanta śāriputra aṣṭāv āścaryādbhutā dharmāḥ satatasamitam iha gṛhe saṃdṛśyante |  tat kasmād dhetoḥ |  ka imām acintyadharmatāṃ paśyañ śrāvakadharmatāyai spṛhayet | 
如是賢者 此常見正    誰已見此 當復捨學弟子法乎 
舍利弗 此室常現八未曾有難得之法    誰有見斯不思議事 而復樂於聲聞法乎 
唯舍利子 此室常現八未曾有殊勝之法    誰有見斯不思議事 而復發心樂求聲聞獨覺法乎 
btsun pa śā ri’i bu khyim ’di ni ṅo mtshar rmad du byuṅ ba’i chos brgyad po de dag snaṅ ste |     ’di lta bu bsam gyis mi khyab pa’i chos mthoṅ na ñan thos kyi chos la su źig ’dod par ’gyur | 
Reverend Śāriputra, these eight strange and wonderful things are seen in this house.    Who then, seeing such inconceivable things, would believe the teaching of the disciples? 
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