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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionTitle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionI. The Occasion
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionII. Introduction
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIII. 37 Questions
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIV. 37 Answers
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionV. Miracle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVI. Dialogues
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVII. Transmission
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
21 The one who is endowed with the thought and mind (cittamanas) of equality toward living beings, who is established in the sameness of knowledge of well-reflected thought, who is the way of entering into the non-thought (acitta), him, the Lord, I ask for the sake of them [namely all living beings]. 
一切等心諸衆生 平等能至彼岸者
遊戲無垢悲心中 我爲是等問世尊 
普心等於諸有情 妙心等住於彼岸
悟心無心入妙理 是故我問於世尊 
gaṅ rnams sems daṅ sems (7) la sems yid mtshuṅs || śin tu bsams sems ye śes mñam la gnas ||
sems la sems med par ni źugs pa’i tshul || de dag don du rgyal la bdag źu’o || 
22 The one who is free from the impurities of darkness after attaining splendour (ālokalabdha), who cuts off the mind of doubt (vimati) of the doubtful, and therefore establishes [living beings] in liberation (vimokṣa), him, the Sugata I ask for the sake of them. 
能到正見無垢穢 已無猶豫斷彼疑
自得了達利衆生 我爲是等問世尊 
得光無暗清淨者 無疑能斷彼疑惑
爲令決定得解脱 是故我問於世尊 
snaṅ ba thob ciṅ mun pa dri ma med || yid gñis can gyi yid gñis blo gcod pa ||
des byas rnam par (251b1) thar pa la gźag pa || de dag ched du bde bar gśegs la źu || 
23 The one whose mind (manas) is perfectly pure (suviśuddha) because of selflessness in oneself (ātmanairātmya), who takes pleasure in the absence of any principle of living being (satva), while still engaging in the cause of all living beings (satvārtha), who makes them free from the twofold selflessnesses (nairātmyadvaya), he is the well defined (viniścita) of religious discourses (dharmakathā), 
知我無我無與等 爲衆發心不著衆
能脱衆生計我見 我爲是等問世尊 
知我無我悉清淨 常利有情住無我
解脱有情我見縛 爲此等故問世尊 
bdag la bdag med śin tu rnam dag yid || sems can don źugs sems can med la dga’ ||
sems can bdag med gñis las thar byed pa || rnam par ṅes pa’i chos kyi gtam ’di’o || 
24 The one who is pure (pariśuddha) in his religious vows (vrata) in the sphere (gocara) of precepts (vidhi), whose thought (citta) is like empty space (gaganasama) bacuse of his purified intensions (śuddhāśaya), and who is not moving (aniñjya), stabilized like Meru, for the sake of them I ask the Lord for his imperturbable activity (amoghakārya). 
能護威儀愼所行 其心清淨如虚空
堅固不動如須彌 我爲是等問世尊 
威儀善住於淨戒 意樂清淨虚空等
堅固不動若迷盧 是故我問功徳者 
cho ga spyod (2) yul brtul źugs yoṅs su dag || bsam pa dag ciṅ sems ni nam mkha’ ’dra ||
lhun po lta bur brtan ciṅ mi gyo ba || de dag ched du don yod mdzad la źu || 
25 The one who never falls back (avivārya) from firm vigour (dṛḍhavīrya), bravely conquers conceit, the Māra, and enemies (nihatamānamārapratyarthika), and purifies the impurities of vices (kleśa) of oneself and others, I ask the beautiful one (sudarśana) for the sake of them. 
進心無涯慧無等 勇健能害煩惱怨
已結已斷斷彼結 我爲是等問世尊 
精進無邊勇無退 能摧我慢衆魔怨
自淨淨彼煩惱纒 故我請問端嚴者 
mi zlogs brtan pa brtson ’grus kun nas bzaṅ || dpa’ po bdud kyi dgra yi ṅa rgyal bcom ||
ñon moṅs rab tu (3) ñon moṅs dri sbyoṅ ba || mthoṅ dga’ de dag don du ’di źu’o || 
26 The one who is pleased to practice the perfections of generosity, morality, tolerance, vigour, meditation, liberation, and insight (dānaśīlakṣāntivīryadhyānavimokṣaprajñāpāramitā), and who [attains] the supernormal knowledge (abhijñā) through meditation and the light of liberation, I ask [the Lord] for the sake of happiness and purity (prāmodyāmalārthāya). 
樂施威儀調伏心 常住聞進戒忍力
禪定諸通勝慧明 我爲是等問世尊 
樂聞施戒忍精進 禪定解脱發諸通
清淨無垢勝慧明 故我問於清淨義 
chos sbyin tshul khrims bzod pa brtson ’grus dga’ || bsam gtan rnam thar śes rab mchog tu gyur ||
mṅon śes bsam gtan rnam par grol ba’i ’od || rab dga’ dri med don du bdag źu’o || 
27 The one who is established in the emptiness, the absence of distinguishing marks, and the absence of wishful thinking (śūnyatānimittāpraṇidhāna), reveals death and birth (cyutyupapatti) in accordance with his intention (saṃcintya), but who is beyond birth, abiding, and death, I ask [the Lord] about the behaviour of men for the sake of them. 
樂空無相無願法 而現受形處生死
無生無終達甘露 我爲是等問世尊 
住空無相無願者 示現生死或涅槃
無生無住無去來 故我問於清淨智 
stoṅ pa mtshan ma (4) med ciṅ mi smon gnas || bsams bźin śi ’pho daṅ ni skye pa ston ||
skyes pa med ciṅ mi gnas ’chi ’pho med || de dag don du mi yi spyod pa źu || 
28 The religious discourses (dharmakathā), which are profound (gambhīra) and difficult to understand (duravagāha), difficult to see (durdṛśa) for disciples, isolated buddhas (śrāvakapratyekabuddha) and other beings, but which inspires every living being, I ask the Sugata for them. 
知見甚深無崖際 聲聞縁覺所不及
而知一切衆生行 我爲是等問世尊 
甚深知見無涯際 聲聞縁覺及餘衆
無能難問不可測 我爲如是問世尊 
ñan thos raṅ rgyal skye bo gźan dag gis || rtogs par dka’ źiṅ zab mo mthoṅ dka’ ba ||
skye bo kun gyi yid rnams kun skul (5) ba’i || chos kyi gtam ni bde bar gśegs la źu || 
29 The one who delights in the well done (sukṛta) and perfected dharma, who is free from the twofold grasping (dvayagrāha) of truth or untruth (dharmādharma), and who constantly takes pleasure in the dharma through the excellent concentration (samādhi), him I ask about the of the space-like subject (ākāśasamārtha) of mind. 
善能了達樂正行 於法非法繋已斷
常處正定心不亂 我爲是等問世尊 
樂於正法能通達 法與非法倶無取
常於善法心不亂 是故我問如來法 
legs par byas pa rdzogs pa’i chos la dga’ || chos la chos med ’dzin pa gñis las grol ||
rtag tu mñam bźag mchog gi chos la dga’ || sems kyaṅ nam mkha’ mtshuṅs pa’i don du źu || 
30 The one who takes pleasure in the dharma which is to keep the lineage of the buddhas (buddhavaṃsa), who constantly praises the buddhas, who is highly renowned in the three worlds, I ask the Lord in order to worship the one whose virtues are like the ocean (guṇasāgara). 
不斷佛種諸賢士 能護正法及與僧
多聞三世諸佛讃 我爲是等問世尊 
不斷佛種諸賢士 能護正法及僧伽
名聞三世諸佛稱 故我問於功徳海 
gaṅ dag (6) saṅs rgyas rigs gnas chos la dga’ || rtag tu saṅs rgyas bstod pa kun med blo ||
grags pa mtha’ yas ’jig rten gsum du thos || yon tan rgya mchod de phyir ’di źu’o || 
III. 37 Questions 
Then the bodhisatva, the great being Gaganagañja addressed himself to the Lord (atha khalu gaganagañjo bodhisatvo mahāsatvo bhagavantam etad avocat):  “How, Lord, does the generosity of the bodhisatva become like the expanse of the sky (kathaṃ bhagavan bodhisatvasya dānaṃ gaganasamam)?  And, how do the morality (śīla), tolerance (kṣānti), vigour (vīrya), meditation (dhyāna), and insight (prajñā) become like expanse of the sky (gagananasama)?  And, how does the accumulation of merit and knowledge (puṇyajñānasaṃbhāra) become like the expanse of the sky (gagananasama)?  [How do the bodhisatvas] never forsake the recollection of the Buddha, the Dharma, the Saṃgha, renunciation, morality, and gods (buddhadharmasaṃghatyāgaśīladevānusmṛti) which are instructed by the Lord (buddhānujñāta)?  [How do the bodhisatvas] perform his practice of a bodhisatva (bodhisatvacaryā) after having obtained the equality of liberation (nirvāṇasamatā)?  [How do the bodhisatvas] know the characteristics of the behaviour of all living beings (sarvasatvacaritalakṣaṇa)?  [How do bodhisatvas] obtain the treasury of the Dharma Jewel of the Awakened Lords (dharmaratnanidhāna), attain (parigrabh-) the characteristics and nature of all dharmas (sarvadharmalakṣaṇasvabhāva) which are understood by the Tathāgatas, how do they mature (paripācaya-) all living beings by their primal purity (satvādiviśuddhi), and apply himself (prayuj-) to the attainment of all qualities of the Buddha (sarvabuddhadharma)?  [How do the bodhisatvas] attain the mastery of all dharmas (sarvadharmādhipatya) after not having regressed from supernatural knowledge (acyutābhijñā)?  [How do the bodhisatvas] enter into the profound way of the dharma (gambhīradharmanaya) which is difficult to understand (supratividdha) for all the disciples and isolated buddhas (sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddha)?  [How are bodhisatvas] skilled in knowing the entrance into the dependent origination (pratītyasamutpādapraveśajñanakuśala), and free from all views of two extremes (sarvāntadvayadṛṣṭivivarjita)?  [How do the bodhisatvas see] the suchness (tathatā) without any differentiation between knowledge (jñāna) and skillful means (upāyakauśalya) as sealed with the seal of the Tathāgata (tathāgatamudrāmudrita)?  [How do the bodhisatvas] unite with (samavasṛ-) all sphere of all moments of existence (sarvadharmadhātu) after having entered into the way of the sphere of all moments of existence?  [How are the bodhisatvas] undisturbed (aniñjya) having made a resolve as firm as a diamond (dṛḍhavajrāśaya), being well established (susthita) in this unshakable great vehicle (mahāyāna)?  [How do the bodhisatvas] purify their own sphere (svaviṣaya) after having obtained the sphere of the Buddha (buddhaviṣaya)?  [How do the bodhisatvas] obtain memory (dhāraṇīpratilabdha) without forgetfulness?  [How are the bodhisatvas] always supported by the presence of the Buddha (buddhādhiṣṭhānādhiṣṭhita) and thus having unhindered eloquence (apratihatapratibhāna)?  [How do the bodhisatvas] attain the mastery (vaśitāprāpta) in the arising of birth and death (jāticyuti)?  [How do the bodhisatvas] vanquish the Evil Ones and all adversaries (nihatamārapratyarthika) after having transcended the way of the four Evil Ones (caturmārapathasamatikrāntata)?  [How do the bodhisatvas] become the benefactors (upajīvya) of all living beings after having accumulated immeasurable quantities of merit (aprameyapuṇyasaṃbhāropacaya)?  How can living beings be supported with Buddha-activities (buddhakārya) when Buddhas do not appear (buddhānām anutpāde)?  [How are the bodhisatvas] not attached to the thoughts and deeds of all living beings (sarvasatvacittacarita) having attained the concentration (samādhi) called the ocean-seal (sāgaramudrā)?  [How do the bodhisatvas] transcend all attachments (sarvasaṅgasamatikrānta), their thoughts (citta) being like the wind (vāyu) in the sky (gagana)?  [How do the bodhisatvas] obtain the light (ālokalabdha) after having known the way of right action and behaviour (ācāracāritra), and having been freed from darkness (andhakāra)?  [How do the bodhisatvas] understand (supratividdha) self-originated knowledge (svayaṃbhujñāna) not being dependent on any other (aparapraṇeya) and speedily (kṣipram) attain the gnosis of omniscience (sarvajñajñāna) from the great vehicle (mahāyāna)?  [How do the bodhisatvas] speedily (kṣipram) attain the gnosis of omniscience (sarvajñajñāna) from the great vehicle (mahāyāna)? 
爾時虚空藏菩薩。以此妙偈答功徳光明王菩薩已。白佛言。  世尊。云何菩薩行檀波羅蜜與虚空等。  云何行尸波羅蜜。羼提波羅蜜。毘梨耶波羅蜜。禪波羅蜜。般若波羅蜜與虚空等。  云何行智與虚空等。  云何菩薩不離如如。如來所許。念佛念法念僧。念施念戒念天。  云何菩薩修行諸法平等如泥洹。  云何菩薩善分別行相。  云何菩薩持諸佛法寶藏。隨如來所覺法相性。如實知諸法相性已不取不捨。云何菩薩分別衆生。從始已來清淨而教化衆生。云何菩薩善順發行成就佛法。  云何菩薩不退諸通。於諸佛法悉得自在。  云何菩薩入甚深法門。諸聲聞辟支佛所不能入。  云何菩薩於十二因縁。因善得勝智方便。離二邊諸見。  云何菩薩爲如來印所印。如如不分別智方便。  云何菩薩入法界性門。見一切法平等性。  云何菩薩淳至堅固猶如金剛。於此大乘心住不動。  云何菩薩自淨其界如諸佛界。  云何菩薩得陀羅尼終不失念。  云何菩薩得無障礙如來加持辯。  云何菩薩得自在示現受生死。  云何菩薩破諸怨敵去離四魔。  云何菩薩利益衆生莊嚴功徳。  云何菩薩世無佛時能作佛事。  云何菩薩得海印三昧。善能得知衆生心行。  云何菩薩能得知諸塵界無礙。  云何菩薩威儀行成就。離諸闇冥得勝光明。  於諸法中得自然智。速得成就一切智行。  速得成就一切智行。 
爾時大虚空藏菩薩。以伽他答功徳王光明菩薩已。白佛言。  世尊。云何菩薩修行布施波羅蜜多猶若虚空。  云何修行淨戒忍辱精進禪定般若波羅蜜多猶若虚空。  云何修行福徳智慧二種莊嚴猶若虚空。  云何不捨離佛隨念不捨離法隨念僧隨念捨隨念戒隨念天隨念。  云何菩薩修行諸行等於涅槃。  云何菩薩善知一切有情行相情行相。  云何能持佛法寶藏。如來等覺彼法性相如實而知。云何菩薩善知有情本來清淨而成熟之。云何菩薩如理相應。修習佛法至於究竟。  云何菩薩不壞神通。於一切法而得自在。  云何菩薩得住甚深佛法理趣。一切聲聞及辟支佛所不能測。  云何菩薩入縁起善巧智。遠離一切邊見。  云何菩薩以如來印印於眞如。不間斷善巧智。  云何菩薩入於法界甚深理趣。見一切法互相周遍平等一性。  云何菩薩意樂堅固猶若金剛。於此大乘無有傾動。  云何菩薩於自境界清淨如佛境界。  云何菩薩得陀羅尼無忘法行。  云何菩薩獲得如來加持無礙辯才。  云何菩薩於生死中而得自在。  云何菩薩摧伏怨敵超越四魔。  云何菩薩積集無量福徳資糧。爲諸有情作所依止。  云何菩薩出無佛世。爲諸有情而作佛事。  云何菩薩獲得海印三摩地。不染一切有情心行。  云何菩薩得無染著。心如虚空風無有障礙。  云何菩薩善知軌儀。修行離暗獲得光明。  不隨他縁得自然智。速到大乘一切智智。  速到大乘一切智智。 
de nas bcom ldan ’das la byaṅ chub sems dpa’ sems da’ chen po nam mkha’ mdzod kyis (7) ’di skad ces gsol to ||  bcom ldan ’das ji ltar na byaṅ chub sems dpa’ gaṅ dag sbyin pa nam mkha’ daṅ mtshuṅs pa rnams lags |  tshul khrims nam mkha’ daṅ mtshuṅs pa daṅ | bzod pa nam mkha’ daṅ mtshuṅs pa daṅ | brtson ’grus nam mkha’ daṅ mtshuṅs pa daṅ | (252a1) bsam gtan nam mkha’ daṅ mtshuṅs pa daṅ | śes rab nam mkha’ daṅ mtshuṅs pa daṅ |  bsod nams nam mkha’ daṅ mtshuṅs pa daṅ | ye śes nam mkha’ daṅ mtshuṅs pa rnams lags ||  saṅs rgyas kyis gnaṅ ba’i saṅs rgyas rjes su dran pa (2) daṅ | chos rjes su dran pa daṅ | dge ’dun rjes su dran pa daṅ | gtoṅ ba rjes su dran pa daṅ | tshul khrims rjes su dran pa daṅ mi ’bral ba rnams lags || saṅs rgyas kyis gnaṅ ba’i lha rjes su dran pa daṅ mi ’bral ba rnams lags ||  mya ṅan las ’das pa daṅ mñam (3) pa thob ciṅ byaṅ chub sems dpa’i spyad pa yaṅ spyod de  sems can thams cad kyi spyod pa’i mtshan ñid daṅ chog śes pa rnams lags ||  saṅs rgyas bcom ldan ’das rnams kyi chos dkon mchog gi mdzod ’dzin pa daṅ | mtshan ñid kyi ṅo bo ñid kyi chos gaṅ de bźin gśegs pas (4) mṅon par rdzogs par saṅs rgyas pa’i mtshan ñid kyi ṅo bo ñid de’i chos thams cad yoṅs su ’dzin pa daṅ | thog ma nas sems can rnam par dag pas sems can thams cad yoṅs su smin par bgyid pa daṅ | saṅs rgyas kyi chos thams cad yaṅ dag par bsgrub pa’i slad du (5) tshul bźin du ’aṅ rab tu sbyor ba rnams lags ||  mṅon par śes pa las ma ñams śiṅ chos thams cad la dbaṅ bgyid pa rnams lags ||  ñan thos daṅ raṅ saṅs rgyas thams cad kyis śin tu rtogs par dka’ ba’i chos kyi tshul zab mo la źugs pa rnams lags |  rten ciṅ (6) ’brel par ’byuṅ ba la ’jug pa’i śes pa la mkhas te mtha’ gñis su lta ba thams cad daṅ bral ba rnams lags ||  de bźin gśegs pa’i phyag rgyas btab pas de bźin ñid dbyer med pa śes pa mkhas pa rnams lags |  chos kyi dbyiṅs kyi tshul la rab tu źugs śiṅ (7) chos kyi dbyiṅs thams cad la yaṅ dag par gźol ba rnams lags ||  bsam pa rdo rje ltar sra źiṅ mi phyed de theg pa chen po ’di la legs par gnas śiṅ mi gyo ba rnams lags ||  saṅs rgyas kyi yul rjes su thob ciṅ raṅ gi yul yoṅs su dag pa rnams lags ||  gzuṅs (252b1) thob pa rtag tu mi brjed par spyod pa rnams lags ||  spobs pa thogs pa med ciṅ rgyun mi chad la rtag tu saṅs rgyas kyi byin gyi rlabs kyis byin gyis brlabs pa rnams lags ||  skye ba daṅ ’chi ’pho ba daṅ | ’byuṅ ba rnams la dbaṅ thob pa rnams lags ||  bdud bźi’i lam las yaṅ dag (2) par ’das śiṅ bdud daṅ phyir rgol pa thams cad bcom pa rnams lags ||  bsod nams kyi tshogs tshad med pa bsags śiṅ sems can thams cad kyi ’tsho bar gyur pa rnams lags ||  saṅs rgyas rnams ma byuṅ yaṅ saṅs rgyas kyi mdzad pas sems can rnams la ñe bar gnas pa (3) rnams lags |  rgya mtsho’i phyag rgya’i tiṅ ṅe ’dzin thob ciṅ sems can thams cad kyi sems daṅ spyod pa la mi chags pa rnams lags ||  chags pa thams cad las yaṅ dag par ’das pa daṅ nam mkha’ la rluṅ mar lta bu’i sems daṅ ldan pa rnams lags ||  cho ga daṅ spyod pa’i tshul (4) śes pa daṅ mun pa daṅ bral źiṅ snaṅ ba thob pa rnams lags |  gźan gyi driṅ la mi ’jog ciṅ raṅ byuṅ gi ye śes śin tu rtogs pa rnams lags || myur du theg pa chen po las thams cad mkhyen pa’i ye śes ’di thob par ’gyur ba lags ||  myur du theg pa chen po las thams cad mkhyen pa’i ye śes ’di thob par ’gyur ba lags || 
IV. 37 Answers 
When this had been said, the Lord spoke to the bodhisatva, the great being Gaganagañja (evam ukte bhagavān gaganagañjaṃ bodhisatvaṃ mahāsatvam etad avocat):  “Excellent! Excellent, son of good family! Son of good family, you have done well to ask the Tathāgata.   That is to say (tadyathā), you will attain the light of all teachings of the Buddha because you are a spiritual friend (kalyāṇamitra) who asked (adhyeṣita) a question not being asked by any living being.  You have been clad in the armour of great friendliness and great compassion (mahāmaitrīmahākaruṇasaṃnāhasaṃnaddha), have honored the immeasurable Buddhas (gaṇanāsamatikrāntabuddhaparyupāsita), have been never satisfied to seek religion (atṛptadharmaparyeṣṭi), have transcended all aspects of conceit (sarvamānākārasamatikrāta) by means of the sword of knowledge (jñānaśastra), have constantly strived for the benefit of living beings (satatasamitaṃ satvārthābhiyukta), have transcended the eight conditions of the world (aṣṭalokadharmasamatikrāta), and have attained the gnosis of omniscience (sarvajñajñānasamāpanna) since your mind is like the expanse of the sky (gaganasamacitta). Son of good family, it is difficult to know the end of your qualities (guṇa).  Because of that, son of good family, listen well and intently, keep it in mind. I will tell how the bodhisatvas, the great beings, attain these qualities and others. (tena hi kulaputra sṛṇu sādhu ca suṣṭhu ca manasikuru, bhāṣiṣye ’ham te yathā bodhisatvā mahāsatvā imān dharmān anyāñ ca prāpsyante)  “Yes, Lord.” The bodhisatva Gaganagañja answered and began to listen. The Lord said to him: (sādhu bhagavan iti bodhisatvo gaganagañjo bhagavataḥ pratyaśrauṣīt | bhagavāṃs teṣām etad avocat) 
爾時世尊告虚空藏菩薩言。  善哉善哉。善男子。汝善能分別問於如來如斯妙義。  如汝  已曾供養過去無量諸佛。種諸善根心行平等喩如虚空。禮敬諸佛至慧明處。發勤精進欲度一切。諸佛如法不捨一切衆生。度大慈悲彼岸。及過諸魔行不離世法。以虚空同量之心。成就此無上大乘妙法虚空藏。汝之功徳無有邊際難可校量。汝已曾於過去恒河沙等。諸佛世尊所問如此事自亦能説。是故虚空藏。  汝今諦聽諦聽。善思念之。吾當爲汝分別解説。所問諸菩薩事復過於此。能得無上大乘。如來自然智。一切種智。  虚空藏菩薩言。唯然快哉願樂欲聞。佛告虚空藏。 
爾時佛告大虚空藏菩薩摩訶薩言。  善哉善哉正士。復言善哉善哉正士。汝今善能問於如來如是深義。  能爲有情發如是問。汝能明了一切佛法。  已曾供養奉事過去無量諸佛。於諸佛所種諸善根。被精進甲求法無厭。以智慧器杖出諸魔境。常樂利益一切有情。超越世間毀譽八法。心行平等猶若虚空。久已積集一切智智。如汝功徳邊際叵量。已於恒沙過去佛所曾問斯義。  是故正士諦聽諦聽善思念之。吾當爲汝分別解説菩薩摩訶薩所獲功徳。到於大乘一切智智。  虚空藏菩薩言。唯然世尊願樂欲聞。告大虚空藏菩薩言。 
de skad ces gsol pa daṅ | bcom (5) ldan ’das kyis byaṅ chub sems dpa’ sems dpa’ chen po nam mkha’ mdod la ’di skad ces bka’ stsal to ||  skyes bu dam pa khyod legs so legs so || skyes bu dam pa khyod de bźin gśegs pa la don ’di dri bar sems pa legs so ||  ’di lta ste khyod ni sems can thams (6) cad kyis gsol ba ma btab pa’i bśes gñen saṅs rgyas kyi chos thams cad la snaṅ ba thob pa ||  byams pa chen po daṅ sñiṅ rje chen po’i go cha bgos pa | bgraṅ ba las ’das pa’i saṅs rgyas la bsñen bkur byas pa | rtag tu chos tshol bas mi ṅoms pa | ye śes kyi (7) mtshon cha can ṅa rgyal gyi rnam pa thams cad las yaṅ dag par ’das pa | rtag tu rgyun mi ’chad par sems can gyi don la brtson pa | ’jig rten gyi chos brgyad las yaṅ dag par ’das pa | nam mkha’ daṅ mtshuṅs pa’i sems kyis thams cad mkhyen pa’i ye śes yaṅ (253a1) dag par bsgrub pa ste | skyes bu dam pa khyod kyi yon tan rnams kyi mtha’ rtogs par sla ba ma yin no ||  de’i phyir rigs kyi bu khyod legs par rab tu ñon la yid la zuṅ śig daṅ | ji ltar byaṅ chub sems dpa’ sems dpa’ chen po rnams kyis yon tan ’di (2) rnams daṅ gźan dag kyaṅ thob par ’gyur ba bśad do ||  bcom ldan ’das legs so źes gsol nas byaṅ chub sems dpa’ nam mkha’ mdzod bcom ldan ’das kyi ltar ñan pa daṅ | bcom ldan ’das kyis ’di skad ces bka’ stsal to || 
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