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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
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The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionTitle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionI. The Occasion
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionII. Introduction
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIII. 37 Questions
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIV. 37 Answers
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionV. Miracle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVI. Dialogues
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVII. Transmission
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
12. Devānusmṛti  What then, son of good family, is the recollection of gods, which is authorized by the Lord for bodhisatvas (tatra katamā kulaputra bodhisatvasya buddhānujñātā devānusmṛtiḥ)?  It is the recollection of two assemblies of gods (devanikāya). What are these two (katame dve)?  The gods of the Pure Abode (śuddhāvāsadeva), and the bodhisatvas hindered by only one birth (ekajātipratibaddhabodhisatva), who dwell in the Tuṣita Heaven (tuṣitabhavanastha).  In that the bodhisatva recollects the gods of the Pure Abode (śuddhāvāsadeva).  Further, the bodhisatvas who are hindered by only one birth (ekajātipratibaddhabodhisatva), and who dwell in the Tuṣita Heaven (tuṣitabhavanastha) recollect ten qualities as the summit (mūrdhan). What are those ten qualities? 
  善男子。云何菩薩不離如如來所許念天者。  若菩薩念天。所謂念欲界天。或色界。或無色界天。念欲界天持戒果報故。受適意色聲香味觸。以天五欲遊戲娯樂。天衣飮食自恣滿足。一向受愛喜適意樂。菩薩作是念。此一切興盛皆當衰滅。是諸天等亦當無常變異。由放逸故不造善根。先有善業今悉當盡。此諸天等雖生上。猶未脱地獄畜生餓鬼之分。菩薩作是念已。不悕望生欲界天處。唯除兜率天宮。兜率宮中有一生補處菩薩。於一切菩薩行以到彼岸。一切諸地。一切神通。一切諸定。一切陀羅尼。一切辯才。一切菩薩事。於一切方便等以度彼岸。但憶念如是功徳。於此天中心生欣仰。若欲生者當願生如是天中。菩薩發心言。我何時當得如是天身。菩薩復念色界諸天。此諸天等。由諸禪四無量心果報故生彼天處。已過欲界欲患一心處定。以喜爲食一向知受第一樂報。菩薩作如是念。彼色界諸天。受少味故用爲歡喜。無常有常想。苦有樂想。無我有我想。無涅槃有涅槃想。此色界諸天。亦有無常變。異未脱地獄餓鬼畜生之分。是菩薩不願生色界諸天處。唯除淨居天即彼入涅槃不還此間者。菩薩作是念。此是清淨諸天。已脱五道流轉生死。是菩薩以如是故。生敬重之心。亦不願樂求生彼處。菩薩復念無色界諸天。受無色定果報。已過欲界色界心處1定寂靜。菩薩作是念。此無色界諸天。離見佛聞法及供養僧此諸天等。不知求出無色界法。假令久住會當變滅。未脱地獄餓鬼畜生之分。是故於彼天處亦不願生。但作是念。我當作天中天如來應供正遍知。是菩薩雖念諸天。不依欲界色界無色界天處。而於三界衆生起大悲心。         
  善男子云何菩薩佛所印可天隨念。    應隨念二種天。  一者五淨居天。有聖者故。二者覩史多天。以一生補處菩薩在彼天故。    復次此一生補處菩薩住彼天宮。有十種頂法。何者爲十。 
  rigs kyi bu de la byaṅ chub sems dpa’i saṅs rgyas kyis gnaṅ ba’i lha rjes su dran pa gaṅ źe na |    lha’i ris gñis rjes su dran par bya ste | gñis gaṅ źe na |  gnas gtsaṅ ma’i ris kyi lha daṅ skye ba gcig gis thogs pa’i byaṅ chub sems dpa’ dga’ ldan gyi gnas (7) na ’khod pa rnams so ||  de la byaṅ chub sems dpa’ gnas gtsaṅ ma’i ris kyi lha rnams rjes su dran no ||  yaṅ skye ba gcig gis thogs pa’i byaṅ chub sems dpa’ dga’ ldan gyi gnas na gaṅ dag ’khod pa de dag ni spyi bo lta bu bcus rjes su dran te bcu gaṅ źe na | 
To wit, a) the perfection of insight (prajñāpāramitā) as the summit (mūrdhan) of all perfections (sarvapāramitā);  b) the supernormal knowledge without retrogression [as the summit] of all supernormal knowledges (sarvābhijñā);  c) the stage of consecration (abhiṣekabhūmi) [as the summit] of all stages (sarvabhūmi);  d) the right view (samyagdṛṣṭi) and concentration (samādhi) without retrogression [as the summit] all wings of awakening (sarvabodhipakṣikadharma);  e) the meaning and eloquence without obstruction (anācchedyārthapratibhāna) [as the summit] of special knowledges (pratisaṃvid);  f) the way into unattached knowledge (asaṅgajñānapraveśa) [as the summit] of all knowledges (sarvajñāna);  g) the knowledge of understanding superior, mediocre, and inferior (hīnamadhyaviśiṣṭapraveśajñāna) [as the summit] of all his faculties (sarvendriya);  h) following the knowledge of light (ābhāsajñānānugamana) [as the summit] of power and fearlessness (balavaiśāradya);  i) the sight of the Buddha (buddhacakṣur), seeing all qualities of the Buddha (sarvabuddhadharma) as being in the palm of his hand (karatalagata), [as the summit] of all kinds of sights (sarvacakṣur);  j) the perfect awakening (abhisaṃbodhi) through insight (prajñā) associated with a moment of thought (ekacittakṣaṇasamāyukta) [as the summit] after sitting on the place of awakening (bodhimaṇḍaniṣadana) - they recollect such ten qualities as the summit.  This recollection is not disturbed by any particular viewpoint (dṛṣṭi), manifestations of bad dispositions (anuśayaparyutthāna), mental efforts (manasikāra), or discursive thinking (prapañca), so there is no impurity (anāvila) and thus the recollection of gods is, son of good family, called the recollection of gods, which is authorized by the Lord. 
所謂一切波羅蜜中。般若波羅蜜多而爲其頂。  一切神通之中。不退神通而爲其頂。  一切地中。唯灌頂地而爲其頂。  一切菩提分法之中。不退正見勝三摩地而爲其頂。  一切無礙解中。義辯無礙而爲其頂。  一切智中。無著無礙智而爲其頂。  一切根中。知上中下根無礙智而爲其頂。  一切力無畏中。照耀隨入智而爲其頂。  一切眼中。佛眼觀察一切佛法。了如掌内而爲其頂。  坐菩提場中當成正覺。一刹那心相應正慧而爲其頂。是爲十種頂法之相。  應隨念之。若菩薩得是念已。見則不亂隨眠纒。不亂作意戲論。不亂於如是類。念無垢濁。應當如是隨念彼天。善男子是名菩薩佛所印可天隨念。 
pha (266a1) rol tu phyin pa thams cad kyi naṅ na śes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa spyi bor gyur pa daṅ |  mṅon par śes pa thams cad kyi naṅ na mi ñams pa’i mṅon par śes pa daṅ |  sa thams cad kyi naṅ na dbaṅ bskur ba’i sa daṅ |  byaṅ chub kyi phyogs kyi chos thams (2) cad kyi naṅ na yaṅ dag pa’i lta ba daṅ tiṅ ṅe ’dzin mi ñams pa daṅ |  so so yaṅ dag par rig pa’i naṅ na don daṅ spobs pa rgyun mi ’chad pa daṅ |  śes pa thams cad kyi naṅ na chags pa med pa’i ye śes la ’jug pa daṅ |  dbaṅ po thams cad kyi naṅ na rab ’briṅ tha ma la (3) ’jug pa śes pa daṅ |  stobs daṅ mi ’jigs pa la snaṅ ba’i ye śes rjes su ’gro ba daṅ |  spyan thams cad kyi naṅ na saṅs rgyas kyi spyan kun du gzigs pa daṅ | saṅs rgyas kyi chos thams cad ’di dag gi lag mthil du soṅ ba ltar ’dug pa daṅ |  byaṅ chub kyi sñiṅ (4) po la ’dug nas sems kyi skad cig gcig daṅ ldan pa’i śes rab kyis mṅon par rdzogs par byaṅ chub ba’o źes spyi bo lta bu’i chos rnam pa bcu po de dag gis rjes su dran no ||  de’i dran pa de ni lta bas ma ’khrugs | bag la ñal daṅ kun nas ldaṅ bas ma ’khrugs | yid la (5) byed bas ma ’khrugs | spros pas ma ’khrugs pa ste | de lta bu’i dran pa rñog pa med pas lha rjes su dran pa ’di ni rigs kyi bu saṅs rgyas kyis gnaṅ ba lha rjes su dran pa źes bya’o || 
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