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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionTitle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionI. The Occasion
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionII. Introduction
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIII. 37 Questions
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIV. 37 Answers
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionV. Miracle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVI. Dialogues
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVII. Transmission
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
What then is the purification of memory (tatra katamā dhāraṇīpariśodhanā)?  Son of good family, there are thirty-two purifications of memory. What are the thirty-two?  To wit, seeking the dharma (dharmārthikatā);  delight in the dharma (dharmakāmatā);  taking pleasure in the delights of the dharma (dharmārāmaratiratatā);  inclination towards the dharma (dharmanimnatā);  disposition to the dharma (dharmaprāgbhāratā);  honoring, serving, and worshiping the learned (bahuśrutān sevate bhajate paryupāste);  paying respect to teachers and preceptors without pride (ācāryopādhyāyeṣu nirmānagurugauravatā);  non-satisfaction in searching for the dharma (dharmaparyeṣṭyatṛptatā);  adequatly grasping gentle speech according to admonitions (anuśāsanīṣu suvacaḥpradakṣiṇagrahitā);  never looking for the preachers’ mistakes, considering them as the teachings [of the Buddha];  memorizing and reciting [the teachings];  no laziness concerning the teaching (deṣanāyāṃ akauśīdyatā);  no secrecy of teachers concerning religion (dharme ’nācāryamuṣṭiḥ);  giving the gift of religion without a view to profit (nirāmiṣadharmadānatā);  hearing on the basis of the root of insight (prajñāmūlapratisthānaśrutatā);  practicing fundamentally according to the dharma (yoniśo dharmaprayoga);  great learning (bahuśruta) without boundaries for the sake of carful consideration (pratisaṃkhyā) according to tradition (yathāśrutadharma);  practicing the holy life endlessly (aparyantabrahmacaryavāsatā);  entering and remaining in a solitary place (nityacittavivekanimnatā);  recollecting the six recollections (ṣaḍanusmṛti);  never rejecting (anikṣipta) even the six defilements (saṃrañjanīya);  not giving up (aparityāga) the six ways of politeness (sāmīcī);  practicing the dharma without thought which is hostile towards all living beings (sarvasatvāpratihatacittadharmaprayoga);  not being in contradiction with dependent origination (pratītyasamutpādāvirodhatā);  entering into what is to be done (karmakāryāvatāra);  no fear reflecting on thoughts concerning the three gates of liberation (trivimokṣamukheṣu cittanidhyaptyanuttrāsatā);  never cutting off the [fourfold] sources of holiness (āryavaṃśa) by possessing the qualities of purity (dhūtaguṇa);  no despondency to uphold the true religion (apagatalīnacittasaddharmaparigrahatā);  great compassion with regard for living beings (satvāvekṣaṇatayā mahākaruṇā);  giving up body and life with regard for religion (dharmāvekṣaṇayā kāyajīvitaparityāgatā);  no conceit with regard for knowledge (jñānāvekṣaṇayā nityanirmatā);  no weariness to maturate living beings (satvaparipācanayām aparikhedatā).  These are the purification of memory. 
  善男子。陀羅尼行有三十二。 何等三十二。  修於得法爲陀羅尼故。修於欲法。  修於尊法。 修於向法。 修敬仰法。修於樂法。  修求法無厭。  See two records above.  See three records above.  修親近供養多聞智慧者。  修於和上阿闍梨所無憍慢心尊重給侍。    修如來教誨無所拒逆。  修於説法人所生世尊想不求其短。  修於受持正法開示解説。    修所得法無所悋惜。  修無悕望而行法施。  修求智慧根栽。    修如所聞法善順思惟。修於諸法堅固受持。  修於梵行無有休息。  修樂遠離行阿練若行。修心常寂靜。  修勤行諸念。    修順行六和敬。  修於諸長宿無調慢行。修於一切衆生中生無礙心。  修縁生法得。  修順忍。  修三脱門正觀心無驚怖。  修四聖種順行不驚疑。  修勤受持諸佛正法。  修爲衆生行於大慈。  修受持正法不惜身命。  修大智行不生憍慢。  修常教化衆生而無厭惓。  善男子。是爲三十二種修陀羅尼行。 
云何修持。  善男子有三十二種修陀羅尼法。  所謂求法故。  愛樂法故。  法苑樂故。  隨法流故。  隨順法故。  尊上法故。承事供養多聞者故。  常於和上及阿闍梨。無有我慢恭敬供養故。  求法無厭故。  於教授者隨順不逆故。  於説法者敬愛如佛不求其短故。  於所聞法悉皆受持故。  不懈怠故。  於法不吝故。  所行法施無悕望故。  於所聞法如理作意故。  See the previous record  於所聞法善觀察故。求於多聞無齊限故。  常於梵行無休息故。  常樂遠離心寂靜故。  常勤修習六隨念故。  於六染法常棄捨故。  於六和敬恒不捨故。  於一切有情起無礙心故。  於縁生法修順忍故    於三脱門作意觀察不驚怖故。  不捨聖種杜多功徳故。  護持正法心無下劣故。  觀於衆生起大悲故。  求於正法不惜身命故。  修大智行離愚惑故。  成就有情不懈倦故。  如是名爲修陀羅尼無忘失業。 
de la gzuṅs yoṅs su sbyoṅ ba byed pa gaṅ źe na |  rigs kyi bu sum cu rtsa gñis (3) po ’di dag ni gzuṅs yoṅs su sbyoṅ ba byed pa ste | sum cu rtsa gñis po gaṅ źe na |  ’di lta ste | chos don du gñer ba daṅ |  chos ’dod pa daṅ |  chos kyi kun dga’ la dga’ mos pa daṅ |  chos la gźol ba daṅ |  chos la bab pa daṅ |  maṅ du thos pa rnams la sten (4) ciṅ bsñen la bsñen bkur byed pa daṅ |  slob dpon daṅ mkhan po rnams la ṅa rgyal med ciṅ btsun par gus par byed pa daṅ |  chos yoṅs su tshol bas mi ṅoms pa daṅ |  rjes su bsten pa rnams la bka’ blo bde źiṅ ’thun par ’dzin pa daṅ |  chos smra ba’i gaṅ zag (5) rnams la ston pa tsam du sems śiṅ ’khrul pa mi tshol ba daṅ |  kun ’dzin pa daṅ | klog pa daṅ |  ston pa la le lo med pa daṅ |  chos la slob dpon gyi dpe mkhyud med ciṅ  zaṅ ziṅ med par chos sbyin pa daṅ |  śes rab kyi rtsa ba’i gnas thos pa daṅ |  tshul (6) bźin gyis chos la sbyor ba daṅ |  ji ltar thos pa’i chos la so sor brtag pa’i phyir maṅ du thos pa mu med par byas pa daṅ |  tshaṅs par spyod pa la gnas pa mu med par byas pa daṅ |  rtag tu dben pa la sems gźol ba daṅ |  rjes su dran par drug rjes su dran pa daṅ |  (7) yaṅ dag par chags par ’gyur ba drug mi ’dor ba daṅ |  gus par bya ba’i gnas drug yoṅs su mi gtoṅ ba daṅ |  sems can thams cad la khoṅ khro ba med pa’i sems kyis chos la sbyor ba daṅ |  rten ciṅ ’brel bar ’byuṅ ba daṅ mi ’gal ba’i las daṅ |  bya ba (274b1) la ’jug pa daṅ |  rnam par thar pa’i sgo gsum la sems ṅes par rtog pa la mi skrag pa daṅ |  ’phags pa’i rigs daṅ sbyaṅs pa’i yon tan kun ’dzin pas yoṅ mi ’chad pa daṅ |  dam pa’i chos yoṅs su gzuṅ ba la sems źum pa med pa daṅ |  sems can la lta bas (2) sñiṅ rje che ba daṅ |  chos la lta bas lus daṅ srog ’dor ba daṅ |  ye śes la lta bas rtag tu ṅa rgyal med pa daṅ |  sems can yoṅs su smin par bya ba la yoṅs su mi skyo ba ste |  ’di ni gzuṅs yoṅs su sbyoṅ ba byed pa źes bya’o || 
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