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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionTitle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionI. The Occasion
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionII. Introduction
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIII. 37 Questions
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIV. 37 Answers
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionV. Miracle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVI. Dialogues
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVII. Transmission
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
Thus he becomes one who subjugates the works of Māras (mārakarman). What then is the subjugation of the works of Māras?  That by means of which none of Māras can find a weak point in the bodhisatva (yair māro bodhisatvasya avatāraṃ na labhate).  Seeking the small vehicle (hīnayānaspṛhaṇatā) is the work of Māras;  not keeping the thought of awakening (bodhicittānārakṣaṇatā) is the work of Māras;  discriminatory giving to living beings is the work of Māras (satvanānātvasaṃjñino dānaṃ mārakarma);

Quotation from Bhvkr III p.23,5; BhvkrTib 65b1-2.

Bhvkr: āryagaganagañje ’pi sattvanānātvasaṃjñino dānādi mārakarmety uktam |
BhvkrTib: sems can phyin ci log gi las sna tshogs la sogs pa’i du śes can gyi sbyin pa la sogs pa ni bdud kyi las so źes bśad do | 
morality based on social class is the work of Māras;  tolerance (kṣānti) for the change of form,  vigour (vīrya) that is an effort for worldly matters (lokakriyā),  tasting the state of meditation, being attached to it (tanmayadhyānāsvāda),  blaming as bad teachings of insight (prajñā) are the works of Māras;  being exhausted with existence is the work of Māras (saṃsāraparikhedo bodhisatvānāṃ mārakarma);

Quotation from Bhvkr III p.22,14-15; BhvkrTib 65a4.

Bhvkr: āryagaganaga[ñje uktaṃ] saṃsāraparikhedo [bodhisattvānāṃ mārakarma iti |]
BhvkrTib: ’khor bar yoṅs su skyo ba ni byaṅ chub sems dap’ rnams kyi bdud kyi las so źes gsuṅs so |  
not transforming the root of good (kuśalamūlāpariṇāmanatā) is the work of Māras;  not blaming vices (kleśa) is the work of Māras;  concealing his own mistakes (āpattimrakṣatā) is the work of Māras;  being hostile (pratigha) to the bodhisatvas is the work of Māras;  neglecting the true dharma (saddharmapratikṣepa) is the work of Māras;  putting an end to friendliness (maitrī) is the work of Māras;  not seeking for the perfections (pāramitāpraryeṣṭi) is the work of Māras;  not intending to hear the true dharma (saddharmaśravaṇa) is the work of Māras;  concealing teacher’s secrecy concerning the dharma (dharme ’nācāryamuṣṭitā) is the work of Māras;  teaching the dharma which is connected with material things is the work of Māras;  bringing living beings to maturity (satvaparipācana) without expedient means (upāya) is the work of Māras;  giving up the ways of attraction (saṃgrahavastvutsarga) is the work of Māras;  being angry about immoral beings (duḥśīla) is the work of Māras;  not respecting (agauravatā) one who maintains the morality is the work of Māras;  conformity to the training of disciples (śrāvakaśikṣānulomanatā) is the work of Māras;  conformity to the way of isolated Buddhas (pratyekabuddhayānānuvartanatā) is the work of Māras;  desire for [something] at inappropriate times is the work of Māras (akālapratikāṃkṣaṇatā mārakarmā);

Quotation from ŚikṣMS 30b5-6; ŚikṣTib(D) 34a4-5; ŚikṣChi(T.1636) 85b12-13.

ŚikṣMS: ataś ca gaganagañjasūtre ’bhihitaṃ akālapratikāṃ(6)kṣaṇatā mārakarmeti |
ŚikṣTib: de’i phyir ’phags pa nam mkha’ mdzod kyi mdo las | dus ma yin par ’dod pa ni bdud kyi las so źes gsuṅs so ||
ŚikṣChi: 又虚空藏經云。非時固求是爲魔事。 
thinking about his family without great compassion (mahākaruṇā) is the work of Māras;  desire for the unconditioned (asaṃskṛta) is the work of Māras;  depreciating the conditioned is the work of Māras;  having a lazy mind thinking that whatever is done by living beings is sufficient is the work of Māras;  living in pride (māna) with no respect (avanāma),  slanderous speech (paiśunyavacana),  having falsehood and fraud (śāṭhyamāyā),  taking pleasure in fabrications (kṛtrimarati),  dishonesty,  harsh (paruṣa) and unpleasant (karkaśa) [speech],  not criticizing sins (pāpa),  pulling out the root of dharmas,  being satisfied with little learning (alpaśrutamātrasaṃtuṣṭi),  seeking for the non-dharma (adharmārthikatā),  desire for the non-dharma (adharmakāma),  not blocking obstructions, interruptions, the uprising [of depravities] (āvaraṇavivaraṇaparyutthānāviṣkambhaṇa) is the work of Māras;  not investigating mental defilements is the work of Māras;  acceptance of the impurities of ascetics (śrāmaṇamalādhivāsanatā) is the work of Māras;  son of good family, from engaging in evil things to giving up good things, all those are the works of Māras (yāvad akuśaladharmānuvarttanatā kuśaladharmotsargaś ca sarvvan tan mārakarma).

Quotation from ŚikṣMS 29b5-6; ŚikṣTib(D) 33a3-4; ŚikṣChi(T.1636) 85a11-12.

ŚikṣMS: āryagaganagañjasūtre ’py uktaṃ iti hi (6) yāvad akuśaladharmānuvarttanatā kuśaladharmotsargaś ca sarvvan tan mārakarmeti |
ŚikṣTib: ’phags pa nam mkha’ mdzod kyi mdo las kyaṅ | de ltar mi dge ba’i chos kyi rjes su ’jug pa daṅ dge ba'i chos spoṅ ba de dag thams cad ni bdud kyi las so źes gsuṅs so ||
ŚikṣChi: 乃至樂行十不善業捨於善法。如是一切悉爲魔事。 
菩薩如是觀故得離四魔。發趣菩提終不懈息。所有障菩提魔業。菩薩皆能遠離。何謂魔業。    所謂心向小乘是爲魔業。  不護菩提心是爲魔業。  於衆生生異想是爲魔業。行施望報是爲魔業。  爲受生故持戒是爲魔業。  有色想行忍是爲魔業。  爲世事精進是爲魔業。  於禪生著味想是爲魔業。  於慧生戲論是爲魔業。  厭惓生死是爲魔業。  作諸善根而不迴向是爲魔業。  厭惡煩惱是爲魔業。  犯罪覆藏是爲魔業。  憎嫉菩薩是爲魔業。  誹謗正法是爲魔業。不受正法是爲魔業。  不知報恩是爲魔業。  不進求諸波羅蜜是爲魔業。  不敬順法是爲魔業。  悋惜於法是爲魔業。  爲利養説法是爲魔業。  不知方便而化衆生是爲魔業。  捨四攝法是爲魔業。  輕毀禁者是爲魔業。  嫉持戒者是爲魔業。  學二乘行是爲魔業。    悕望正位是爲魔業。  捨離大慈而觀無生是爲魔業。  欲證無爲法是爲魔業。  厭離有爲功徳是爲魔業。  不愍衆生是爲魔業。  不謙下尊長是爲魔業。  習行兩舌是爲魔業。  諛諂  多姦是爲魔業。  顯己淨行是爲魔業。    作惡不恥是爲魔業。  不流布法是爲魔業。  以少徳爲足是爲魔業。      不遮結使是爲魔業。  不捨心垢是爲魔業。  忍沙門垢是爲魔業。  善男子。若親近行一切不善法。遠離一切善法盡是魔業。 
復次菩薩如是觀故。能害所有障。於菩薩一切魔業魔不得便。何謂魔業。    謂愛樂小乘是爲魔業。  不護菩提心是爲魔業。  於諸有情簡別行施是爲魔業。  樂求生處而持禁戒是爲魔業。  爲求色相而修忍辱是爲魔業。  作世間事相應精進是爲魔業。  於禪味著是爲魔業。  以慧厭離於下劣法是爲魔業。  在於生死而有疲倦是爲魔業。  作諸善根而不迴向是爲魔業。  厭離煩惱是爲魔業。  覆藏已過是爲魔業。  憎嫉菩薩是爲魔業。  誹謗正法是爲魔業。  背恩不報是爲魔業。  不求諸度是爲魔業。  不敬正法是爲魔業。  慳惜於法是爲魔業。  希利説法是爲魔業。  離於方便成就有情是爲魔業。  捨四攝法是爲魔業。  毀破禁戒是爲魔業。  輕持戒者是爲魔業。  順聲聞行是爲魔業。  順縁覺乘是爲魔業。      要求無爲是爲魔業。  厭離有爲是爲魔業。  心懷疑惑不利有情是爲魔業。  所聞好疑不善通達如理作意是爲魔業。      好懷諂誑  假示哀愍是爲魔業。  麁獷惡罵是爲魔業。  於罪不厭是爲魔業。  染著自法是爲魔業。  少聞便足是爲魔業。  不求正法是爲魔業。  樂求非法是爲魔業。  於障蓋纒不樂對治是爲魔業。  不淨心口是爲魔業。  忍沙門垢是爲魔業。  善男子如是乃至好行十不善業。 捨於善法。如是一切悉爲魔業。 
yaṅ (5) des bdud kyi las rnams bcom pa yin te | des bdud kyi las rnams bcom pa gaṅ źe na |  gaṅ dag gis byaṅ chub sems dpa’ la bdud kyis glags mi rñed pa ste |  theg pa dman pa ’dod pa bdud kyi las daṅ |  byaṅ chub kyi sems mi sruṅ ba bdud kyi las daṅ |  sems can tha (6) dad par sbyin pa bdud kyi las daṅ |  skye ba la gnas pa’i tshul khrims bdud kyi las daṅ |  de bźin du sbyar te | gzugs su bsṅos pa’i bzod pa daṅ |  ’jig rten gyi bya ba la brtson pa’i brtson ’grus daṅ |  de la chags śiṅ ro myoṅ ba’i bsam gtan daṅ |  śes rab kyi chos ṅan pa (7) la smod pa bdud kyi las daṅ |  ’khor bas yoṅs su skyo ba bdud kyi las daṅ |  dge ba’i rtsa ba yoṅs su mi sṅo ba bdud kyi las daṅ |  ñon moṅs pa la mi smod pa bdud kyi las daṅ |  ltuṅ ba ’chab pa bdud kyi las daṅ |  byaṅ chub sems dpa’ la sdaṅ ba bdud kyi las daṅ |  dam pa’i chos spoṅ ba bdud kyi las daṅ |  byams pa rgyun gcod pa bdud kyi las daṅ |  pha rol tu phyin pa rnams yoṅs su mi tshol ba bdud kyi las daṅ |  dam pa’i chos mñan par mi ’dod pa bdud kyi las daṅ |  chos la slob dpon gyi dpe mkhyud byed pa bdud kyi las daṅ |  (2) zaṅ ziṅ daṅ ’brel bar chos ston pa bdud kyi las daṅ |  thabs daṅ bral bas sems can yoṅs su smin par byed pa bdud kyi las daṅ |  bsdu ba’i dṅos po ’dor ba bdud kyi las daṅ |  tshul khrims ’tshal pa rnams la khoṅ khro ba bdud kyi las daṅ |  tshul khrims daṅ ldan (3) pa rnams la mi gus pa bdud kyi las daṅ |  ñan thos kyi bslab pa’i rjes su ’thun pa bdud kyi las daṅ |  raṅ saṅs rgyas kyi theg pa can gyi rjes su ’jug pa bdud kyi las daṅ |  dus ma yin par bsgrub pa ’dod pa bdud kyi las daṅ ||  sñiṅ rje chen po bor nas rigs la rtog pa bdud (4) kyi las daṅ |  ’dus ma byas ’dod pa bdud kyi las daṅ |  ’dus byas la smod pa bdud kyi las daṅ |  sems sems can gyi ci bya’o cog la g-yel ba bdud kyi las daṅ |  ṅa rgyal la gnas śiṅ mi ’dud pa daṅ |  lce gñis smra ba daṅ |  g-yo sgyu daṅ ldan pa daṅ |  bcos ma la dga’ ba (5) daṅ |  mi draṅ ba daṅ |  rtsub ciṅ brlaṅ ba daṅ |  sdig pa la mi smod pa daṅ |  chos kyi druṅs ’byin pa daṅ |  thos pa cuṅ zad tsam gyis chog par ’dzin pa daṅ |  chos ma yin pa don du gñer ba daṅ |  chos ma yin pa ’dod pa daṅ |  sgrib pa daṅ | chod pa daṅ | kun nas ldaṅ ba rnam par mi (6) gnon pa bdud kyi las daṅ |  sems kyi dri ma mi rtog pa bdud kyi las daṅ |  dge sbyoṅ gi dri ma la mi mdzed pa bdud kyi las te |  rigs kyi bu ji tsam du mi dge ba’i chos la ’jug pa daṅ | dge ba’i chos ’dor ba de thams cad ni bdud kyi las so || 
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