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Asaṅga: Triśatikāyāḥ Prajñāpāramitāyāḥ Kārikāsaptatiḥ

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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionTitle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPreface
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerses 1-20
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerses 21-40
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerses 41-60
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerses 61-77
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
vicitralokasaṃpattivipākaḥ sumahānn api |
karmāṇi etāni dharme pratipatter matāni x || 
世妙事圓滿 異熟極尊貴
於此法修行 應知獲斯業 
成種種勢力 得大妙果報
如是等勝業 於法修行知 
’jig rten ’byor pa sna tshogs kyi | rnam sbźin śin tu che ba ste ||
’di dag chos la sgrub ba yi | las rnams yin par rab tu bstan || 
38. This behaviour (viz. intended to grasp the Law) causes the spiritual ripeness of oneself; the other (viz. to explain it to others) causes the spiritual ripeness of the other creatures (cf. p. 33, l. 3). Therefore one kind of merit is superior to the other on account of its intrinsic greatness, as well as of the great time it requires to be accumulated.
[End of chapter 14]
(In stanza 36 mention was made of the effects connected with this practice, of the right behaviour (pratipatti).
Now one may ask which are these effects connected with the Law? They are explained in the following three stanzas. 
x x x x x x x x x bodhisattvakalpanā |
cittāvaraṇam ākhyātaṃ yac cittam apratiṣṭhitaṃ || 
由自身行時 將已爲菩薩
説名爲心障 違於無住心 
於内心修行 存我爲菩薩
此即障於心 違於不住道 
sgrub pa so so bdag raṅ la | byaṅ chub sems dpar rtog pa yin ||
mi gnas sems ni gaṅ yin pa’i | sems kyi sgrib pa yin par bstan || 
39. a) The character of not being accessible (to common people, acintya p. 33, l. 14),
b) the uniqueness, (in so far as it is not common to śrāvakas, atulyo, ibid.),
c) its being resorted to by great men, viz. those who have embraced the great vehicle, agrayāna-saṃprasthitānām p. 33, l. 15-16),
d) difficulty to he heard, na hi sakyam śrotum p. 34, l. 5,
e) the capacity to develop to the utmost (pure) elements (viz, the meritorious tendencies) up to the extreme, acintyena... puṇyaskandhena p. 34,1. nābodhisattvapratijñaih... dhārayitum, p.34, 1.6-7. 
paścādvyākaraṇān no ca caryā dīpaṃkare parā |
bodhis tac caryayā tulyā na sa x x x x x x || 
授後時記故 然燈行非勝
菩薩彼行同 非實由因造 
以後時授記 然燈行非上
菩提彼行等 非實有爲相 
phyi nas kyaṅ ni luṅ bstan phyir | mar me mdzad las spyod mchog bźin ||
byaṅ chub de yi spyod daṅ ’dra | byas pa’i mtshan ñid kyis mi bden || 
40. f) the capacity of grasping (exactly) the supreme Law, g) the capacity of purifying the place where the Law was preached, a place worthy of worship, api tu khalu... bhaviṣyanti p. 34, I. 9-12.
[End of chapter 15] h) the capacity of clearing away ill impurities, yāni ca teṣām p. 34, l. 17-19; i) the quick realization of the mystic knowledge (abhijñā), ahhijānāmy aham p. 34, l. 20 ff. 
x x x x x x x x na mṛṣā paridīpitā |
dharmās tato buddhadharmāḥ sarve ’bhāvasvalakṣaṇāḥ || 
無彼相爲相 故顯非是妄
由法是佛法 皆非有爲相 
彼即非相相 以不虚妄説
是法諸佛法 一切自體相 
de’i mtshan med pa’i mtshan ñid kyis | rdzun pa med ces yoṅs su bstan ||
de phyir chos rnams saṅs rgyas chos | thams cad dṅos med raṅ mtshan ñid || 
41. k) a great ripeness of the perfections to he experi:nced in the various worlds, sacet punaḥ, Subhūte, teṣām... pratikāṃkṣitavyaḥ p. 35, 1.12:17; all these are said to he the effects of the behaviour in the Law.
[End of chapter 16]
How is it that on this very subject Subhūti puts in another question, though the Buddha has already stated that there are three kinds of right behaviour? P. 35. 
dharmakāyena buddhas tu mataḥ saḥ puruṣopamaḥ |
nirāvaraṇato x x x x x x x x x x x || 
謂以法身佛 應知喩丈夫
無障圓具身 是遍滿性故 
依彼法身佛 故説大身喩
身離一切障 及遍一切境 
saṅs rgyas chos kyi skur bźed de | mi de daṅ ni ’dra ba yin ||
sku ni sgrib pa med daṅ ldan | thams cad du ni ’gro ba daṅ || 
42. If, when one practises the right behaviour, one assumes: “I am a bodhisattva” (or “I am practising the Law” or “I subdue my mind”), this is called obstruction of mind (because in reality there is no bodhisattva): mind should repose nowhere (apratiṣṭhitam).
Now one may contend: in the sūtra it is written that there is no bodhisattva; but, then, if there is no bodhisattva, how could the Buddha Sākyamuni practise at the time of Dīpaṃkara? 
guṇamahātmyataś cāp mahākāyaḥ sa eva hi |
abhāvakāyabhāvāc ca akāyo ’sau nirucyate || 
及徳體大故 亦名爲大身
非有身是有 説彼作非身 
功徳及大體 故即説大身
非身即是身 是故説非身 
yon tan che ha ñid kyi phyir | de ñid sku ni che ba yin ||
med pa’i lus ni yod pas na | de ni med pa’i lus zes bya || 
43. Since it was then prophesied by Dīpaṃkara that I should have become a Buddha in the future, I then did not practise, at the time of Dīpaṃkara, the supreme practice (because if I had then acquired the illumination, no prophecy could have heen made concerning me. Moreover when a bodhisattva makes the vow to become a Buddha, then, if he thinks that there is no illumination, this implies that there are no Buddhas - and this is a wrong assumption of nonexistence. In order to avoid this erroneous assumption the sūtra states that the Buddha is the real absolute, bhūtatathatā , p. 37, l. 3, where bhūta means “not false” and tathatā that “it cannot become another or change”. If, on the contrary, one thinks that illumination is realised, this is a false statemont, vitatha p. 37, l. 7); in fact illumination is equal to the practice (in the sense that there is nothing which can he practised, just as there is no such dharma as illumination which can he realised; if illumination could he ohtained) in that case it would not he real, being something produced.
But is this not a complete negation of the possibilities of reaching perfect illumination? The sūtra replies: “what is realized by the Buddha is neither true nor false”, viz. na satyaṃ na mṛṣā p. 37, l. 13. 
dharmadhātāv akuśalaḥ sattvanirvāpaṇe matiḥ |
kṣetrāṇāṃ śodhane caiva x x x x x x x x || 
不了於法界 作度有情心
及清淨土田 此名爲誑妄 
不達眞法界 起度衆生意
及清淨國土 生心即是倒 
chos kyi dbyiṅs la mi mkhas pa | sems can mya nan ’da’ ba daṅ ||
ziṅ rnams dag par bya har sems | des na phyin ci log pa yin || 
44. In so far (as all dharmas) are characterized as being devoid of any proper character, the dharmas are qualified as being not false, Therefore all dharmas are like the dharmas of the Buddhas (p. 77, l. 13, viz. bhūtatathatā) and so their character is that of being devoid of existence.
What is the meaning of the words upetakāyo mahākāyo? “possessed of body, with a great body” p. 37, l. 15. 
sattvānāṃ bodhisattvānāṃ dharmān yaś ca nairātmakān |
buddhyādhimucyate ’nārya āryo dhīmān sa kaṭhyate || 
於菩薩衆生 諸法無自性
若解雖非聖 名聖慧應知 
衆生及菩薩 知諸法無我
非聖自智信 及聖以有智 

(12) 天親菩薩造
(13) 元魏*天竺*三藏菩提*流支*譯
sems can byaṅ chub sems dpa’ yi | chos rnams su źig bdag med par ||
blos mos ’phags bźin ’phags pa’aṅ ruṅ | de ni blo daṅ ldan zes brjod || 
45. On account of having a dharma-body, the Buddha is said to be similar to a man; on account of the absence of the two impediments (viz. the intellectual and moral impediments), his (body) is all-pervading. 
nopalambhe ’pi dharmāṇāṃ cakṣur na hi na vidyate |
buddhānāṃ pañcadhā tac ca vitathārthasya darśanāt || 
雖不見諸法 此非無有眼
佛能具五種 由境虚妄故 
雖不見諸法 非無了境眼
諸佛五種實 以見彼顛倒 
chos rnams la ni mi dmigs kyaṅ | saṅs rgyas rnams la spyan med bźin ||
de ’aṅ rnam pa lṅa yod do | nor ba’i don tu gzigs pa’i phyir || 
46. But this body is also said to he “a great body”, because it is possessed of a greatness of qualities. The Buddha is also spoken of as being without a body, akāya at p. 37, l. 17, because his is a body of the non-existence [viz, asaṃskṛta-tathatā).
Now the douht may arise: if there are no bodhisattvas, then there is no perfect illumination realized by the Buddha, there are no creatures to lead to nirvâna and no paradises; what would, then, he the scope of the vow of the bodhisattva to help the beings to enter nirvāna or to make them think of paradise? The following stanzas answer this doubt. 
nānāvithatavijñapteḥ sṃṛtyupasthānavarjanāt |
nirādhāraprabandho ’syā vitathāto nirucyate || 
種種心流轉 離於念處故
彼無持常轉 故説爲虚妄 
種種顛倒識 以離於實念
不住彼實智 是故説顛倒 
nor pa’i rnam rig sna tshogs pa | dran pa ñe bar bźag med phyir ||
de yi rgyun ni gźi med de | de yi phyir na nor źes bya || 
47. a) The inability to understand properly the dharmadhātu, b) the idea that one may lead creatures to nirvāṇa (p. 37, l. 20) and c) the opinion of purification (as leading to) Buddha-fields (p. 38, 1. 6) such (assumptions) as these are wrong views. 
jñānasyādhārato jñeyā puṇye vitathatā na ca |
tataḥ puṇyanimittaṃ hi punar dṛṣṭāntakīrtanam || 
應知是智持 福乃非虚妄
顯此福因故 重陳共喩言 
佛智慧根本 非顛倒功徳
以是福徳相 故重説譬喩 
bsod nams ye śes gźi yin phyir | nor pa ma yin śes par bya ||
de lta bas na bsod nams phyir | dpe ni bzlas te bstan par mdzad || 
48. The man who concentrates his intelligence on ail dharmas either of the (common) creatures or of the bodhisattvas (referring to sūtra p. 38, l. 9) and recognizes them as devoid of any self, this man, he he an unworthy man or he he a saint, is called an intelligent man, (a bodhisattva).
[End of chapter 17]
If one becomes enlightened only in so far as one does not see any dharma, then the Buddhas do not see any dharma. But this does not imply that the Buddha has no eyes (p. 38, l. 12 ff.): 
na dharmakāyaniṣpattir anuvyañjanam ucyate |
na ca lakṣaṇasaṃpattis tad akāyatvato matā || 
謂於眞法身 無隨好圓滿
亦非是具相 非身性應知 
法身畢竟體 非彼相好身
以非相成就 非彼法身故 
dpe byad bzaṅ po zes bya ba | chos kyi skur sgrub ma yin te ||
mtshan rnams phun tshogs pa ’aṅ bźin | de phyir sku de’i sku min bźed || 
49. Although there is no perception of a dharma, this does not mean that (the Buddha) has no eyes; because his eye is fivefold and it sees the different errors. 
dharmakāyāvinirbhāgān na dvayaṃ na tathāgataḥ |
saṃpattir ucyate bhūyo dvayaṃ nāsty astitā tataḥ || 
於法身無別 非如來無二
重言其具相 由二體皆無 
不離於法身 彼二非不佛
故重説成就 亦無二及有 
chos kyi sku las dbyed med phyir | gñis pa de bźin gśegs med bźin ||
phun sum tshogs źes yan brjod pas | de phyir gñis po med las yod || 
50. In so far as the various erroneous ideations are excluded from mindfnlness, their series (or flux as hinted by the sūtra: citta-dhāra ... bhāṣita p. 39, l. I1) has no stand whatever, (because past, future and present, in which that continuity shoùld develop, are not existent); therefore they are said to he false or wrong.
[End of chapter 18]
But why does the sūtra insert here, p. 39, l. 15, p. 40, l. 7, a new example concerning the accumulation of merits? One may in fact contend: if there is no such a thing as a flux of mental moments, the merit also which is accumulated would implicitely be impossible. If this merit is a false assumption, how then could virtue be realized? The reply is that there is no such thing as a flux of mental statuses; but this does not mean that accumulation of merit is to be avoided. 
x x x x x x x x x x x x x kalpitā |
dharmakāyāvinirbhāgād deśanāpy asvalakṣaṇā || 
如佛説亦無 説二是所執
由不離法界 説亦無自性 
如佛法亦然 所説二差別
不離於法界 説法無自相 
saṅs rgyas bźin du bstan med phyir | bstan pa rnam pa gñis las brtags ||
chos kyi dbyiṅs las dbyer med pas | bstan pa ’aṅ raṅ gi mtshan ñid med || 
51. It should be known that there is no falsity in the accumulation of merit, in so far as this merit is a support of right understanding. Therefore, in order to explain the significance of this merit, there is another example concerning that very merit, (bahu puṇyaskandha p.: 40, l. 1, where skandha is certainly not taken in the sense of constitutive element, u padan askandha, because this would never be the support of right knowledge)
[End of chapter 19]
But now one may urge: if the Buddha is unoonditioned, asaṃskṛta, how then is it stated that he is possessed of the lower and superior signs of the great man? In order to reply to this question the sūtra says that the Buddha is not seen as the completion of bodily forms, rupakāyapariniṣpattyā p.40, l. 9 ff. nor as perfection of the signs of the great man (lakṣaṇasaṃpadā p.40, l. 13). Here, as said in the commentary, rūpa should be understood as anuvyañjana viz, the 84 minor signs. The Buddha replies that rūpakāyapariniṣpatti is in fact apariniṣpatti and that lakṣaṇasaṃpat is alakṣaṇasaṃpat. What does this mean? 
deśyadaiśikagāṃbhīryaśraddhā na ca na santi hi |
na sattvā nāpi cāsattvās te ’nāryārya x x x x || 
能説所説雖甚深 然亦非無敬信者
由非衆生非非生 非聖聖性相應故 
所説説者深 非無能信者
非衆生衆生 非聖非不聖 
ston daṅ bźad bya zab pa la | dad med pa ni ma yin te ||
de dag ’phags bźin ’phags ldan phyir | sems can med bźin sems can bźin || 
52-53. The completion of the dharmakāya is not said to consist in the (appearance of the) secondary signs (= rūpakaya), nor is it the perfection of the signs of the great man, because that (perfection of dharmakāya) is considered as the absence of any body 1) (p. 40, n. 8-12); on the other hand since both these perfections (rūpakāyapariniṣpatti and lakṣaṇasaṃpat) are not distinct from the dharmakāya itself, (one should not think) that those two perfections are not the Tathāgata; (the sūtra) says once more “perfection” because their (co)existence (is indicative of the fact that) the existence of those two (as two contraries) has been transcended.
[End of chapter 20]
(But now one may ask: if in the Buddha those two perfections are absent, then how is the teaching of the Buddha possible? p. 40, l. 17 ff.). 
x x x x x x x x jñeyā bodhir anuttarā |
na vṛddhyā dharmadhātau hi śuddhisāmyāt svalakṣaṇāt || 
少法無有故 無上覺應知
由法界不増 清淨平等性 
彼處無少法 知菩提無上
法界不増減 淨平等自相 
chos rnams rdul tsam med phyir daṅ | chos kyi dhyiṅs la skye med daṅ ||
dag pa mñan phyir raṅ mtshan phyir | thabs kyaṅ bla na med pa’i phyir || 
upāyānuttaratvāc ca sāsravatvād adharmataḥ |
śubhā na dharmā x x x x x x x x x x x || 
及方便無上 由漏性非法
是故非善法 由此名爲善 
有無上方便 及離於漏法
是故非淨法 即是清淨法 
byaṅ chub bla med śes par bya | zag daṅ bcas pa chos bźin phyir ||
dge ba’i chos rnams ma yin no | de phyir de ñid dge ba’i chos || 
54. Like the Buddha, the teaching of him (the Buddha) also cannot be said to exist: the teaching is imagined to be twofold (viz. words and meaning, which is hinted at by the repetition of the expression dharmadeśanā dharmadeśanā in the sūtra, p. 41, l. 2). (The sūtra adds that there is no such thing as the teaching of the doctrine, dharmadesanā) because the teaching, being not distinct from the dharmakāya, has no character of its own.
But then, one may object, if there is no Buddha as the Teacher, then, evenhis teaching, being identified with the dharmakāya, will not exist. Who is the man who believes in such a deep theory? The sūtra therefore states: na te sattvā nāsattva etc., p. 41, l. 7. 
naiva cāvyākṛtatve ’pi deśanā ’prāptaye matā |
dharmaratnaṃ tataś caikaṃ ratnād anyād viśiṣyate || 
説法雖無記 非不得應知
由斯一法寶 勝彼寶無量 
雖言無記法 而説是彼因
是故一法寶 勝無量珍寶 
bstan pa luṅ du ma bstan kyaṅ | thos par mi ’gyur bśed ma yin ||
de phyir rin chen chos gcig na | rin chen mtha’ yas las kyaṅ ’phags || 
55. It is not that there are not those who believe in the depth of the things to be taught or of their teacher. They are neither sattva, beings, nor asattva, non beings: (as beings are here intended) those who are devoid of the characters of the saints (ārya), but possessed of those of the profane - pṛthagjana and as non-beings those who possess sainthood. (This means that as regards profaneness (pṛthagjanatva) beings are asattva; but having regard to sainthood they are not asattva. Therefore when the Buddha speaks of asattva non-being, he does so referring to the profane, but when he speaks of a non-asattva, this he does referring to the saints).
[End of chapter 21]
If, then, there is no such thing as the supreme illumination why then does the sūtra continully mention the supreme illumination? The s û t r a replies: nāsti sa etc. p. 41, l. 12. 
saṃkhyāprabhavajātīnāṃ saṃbandhasya viśeṣaṇe |
x x x x x x x x x x x x x labhyate || 
於諸算勢類 因亦有差殊
尋思於世間 喩所不能及 
數力無似勝 無似因亦然
一切世間法 不可得爲喩 
graṅs daṅ mthu daṅ rigs rnams daṅ | ’brel ba dag gi khyad par ni ||
brtags kyaṅ ’jig rten thams cad na | dpe byar ruṅ ba mi rñed do || 
56-57. The illumination is to be known as supreme (p. 41, l. 14) because there is not the smaUest dharma (aṇur api dharmah, p. 41, l. 13) (which can transcend it); (this depends on the fact that) in the absolute (dharmadhātu) there is no possibility of further growth; on the contrary, there is complete equality of purity (p. 41, l. 16-18). It depends also on its proper character (viz. no ego, abso1ute stillness which does not imply any gradation), and on its being the supreme means (in so far as aU good dharmas are there completely perfected and there is no perfection, saṃpatti, of good dharmas except in illumination).
What is the meaning of the good dharmas referred to by the sūtra p. 41, l. 19? Is this not contradictory with the statement that there is no dharma? (57, vv. b-d).
In so far as there is no dharma by being possessed of defilement there cannot either be such a thing (as its opposite viz.) a good dharma. Therefore this dharma is called the good dharma (because its nature is absolutely, not relatively, good, atyantakuśala)
[End of chapters 22-23]
But if good dharmas are so understood, as conducive to illumination, then the dharma which is taught, the teaching, being avyākṛta, cannot he conducive to illumination. The doubt is out of place, as shown in the following stanza: 
samatvād dharmadhātoś ca na sattvā mocitā jinaiḥ |
sahanāmnā yataḥ skandhā dharmadhātvabahirgatāḥ || 
法界平等故 佛不度衆生
於諸名共聚 不在法界外 
平等眞法界 佛不度衆生
以名共彼陰 不離於法界 
chos kyi dbyiṅs ni mñam pa daṅ | phuṅ po miṅ bcas chos dbyiṅs las ||
phyi rol ma gyur de yi phyir | rgyal bas sems can bkrol ba med || 
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