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Asaṅga: Triśatikāyāḥ Prajñāpāramitāyāḥ Kārikāsaptatiḥ

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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionTitle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPreface
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerses 1-20
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerses 21-40
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerses 41-60
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionVerses 61-77
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
ātmagrāhasamo dosas ta x x x x x x x |
x x x x x grāhe hi agrāhagrāhatā matā || 
若起於法執 與我執過同
定執脱有情 是無執妄執 
取我度爲過 以取彼法是
取度衆生故 不取取應知 
bkrol bya’i sems can ’dzin na ni | de la chos su ’dzin ’gyur te ||
bdag tu ’dzin daṅ ñes pa mtshuṅs | gzuṅ du med pas ’dzin par bśed || 
58. Though the teaching is avyākrta, it must not he considered as non-conducive to the illumination. Therefore only this jewel of the teaching is superior to any other jewel.
So the merit which is derived from this gnosis is incomparably superior to any other merit as stated in the sūtra p. 42, l. 4 ff. 
na caiva rūpakāyena so ’numeyas tathāgataḥ |
dharmakāyo yataś cakravartī mābhūt tathāgataḥ || 
不應以色體 唯如來法身
勿彼轉輪王 與如來齊等 
非是色身相 可比知如來
諸佛唯法身 轉輪王非佛 
gaṅ phyir ’khor lo sgyur ba yaṅ | de bźin gśegs pas brgol ’gyur phyir ||
de bźin gśegs pa chos kyi sku | gzugs kyi sku las brtag pa min || 
59. As regards (the fourfold determination of difference in merit concerning) number, power, kind and connection, there is nothing in this world which, thoroughly examined, can he taken as an object of comparison with it. (refers to p. 42, l. 6 with full list at p. 35, l. 10).
[End of chapter 24]
One may urge: if the nature of dharma is pure identity, according to p. 41, l. 16, then there would he nobody to lead to it, nor anybody who could he led; this would contradict the statement of the Buddha that his aim is the liberation of beings. In order to meet this objection the sūtra says: nāsti ... parimocitaḥ p. 42, l. 10. 
na ca lakṣaṇavaipākyapuṇy. x x x x x x |
dharmakāyasya lābho hi upāyo yad vilakṣaṇaḥ || 
即具相果報 圓滿福不許
能招於法身 由方便異性 
非相好果報 依福徳成就
而得眞法身 方便異相故 
(10) 若以色見我 以音聲求我
(11) 是人行邪道 不能見如來
(12) 彼如來妙體 即法身諸佛
(13) 法體不可見 彼識不能知
mtshan ni rnam par smin pa yi | bsod nams phun sum tshogs pa las ||
chos sku ’thob par mi bźed do | thabs daṅ mtshan ñid mi ’dra’ phyir || 
60. Because the creatures are identical with the absolute, no creature is liherated by the Victorious Ones, in as much as the elements composing the illusory person (skandha) along with names, (viz. nāmakāya) are not outside the absolute. Suppose that it were affirmed that within the skand has there is a soul to he liberated; this would amount to saying that there is a being (sattva), and therefore the sūtra adds: ātmagrāha – agrāha p. 42, l. 13. 
rūpānuśravamātreṇa na buddhajñaḥ pṛthagjanaḥ |
tathatādharmakāyo hi yato ’vijñānagocaraḥ || 
唯見色聞聲 是人不知佛
此眞如法身 非是識境界 
唯見色聞聲 是人不知佛
以眞如法身 非是識境故 
chos sku de bźin ñid yin te | rnam śes spyod yul bźin pa’i phyir ||
gzugs daṅ de ni sgra tsam las | skye bo saṅs rgyas mi rtog so || 
61. If one maintains the existence of a dharma whatsoever, one commits the same mistake as that of asserting the existence of a self (ātman). If (the existence) of a creature (to be) liberated is admitted, this is considered to he the (erroneous) admission of something which is no object of admission.
[End of chapter 25]
It may now he urged: You said that the Tathāgata cannot he seen as a perfection of signs (laksaṇasaṃpat) because he is dharmakāya, the ahsolute; but nevertheless this dharmakiāya, which is essentially the Tathāgata, can he inferred from that perfection of signs which make us know his perfection of merits. Therefore the sātra adds: tat kiṃ manyase... p. 42, l. 17. 
na ca puṇyas x x x x x x x x x x x x |
kṣāntilābhe ’pi nocchedo nirmalasyāsya lābhataḥ || 
其福不失亡 果報不斷絶
得忍亦不斷 以獲無垢故 
不失功徳因 及彼勝果報
得勝忍不失 以得無垢果 
bsod nams chud zar ’gyur ba med | de yi ’bras bu ’aṅ ’chad mi ’gyur ||
dge ni dri med thob pas na | bzod pa thob kyaṅ chad mi ’gyur || 
62. Not indeed on account of the visible body can the Tathiigata he inferred, since He is only the ahsolute (dharmakāya); the Universal Ruler (cakravartin) (who is equally possessed of the characteristic signs of the great man) cannot he taken for the Tathāgata (as could happen if the mere presence of the signs is taken as indicative of the Buddha).
That perfection of signs is certainly the maturation of the merits accumulated, but this is not the cause of supreme illumination: because, as concluded by the sūtra p. 43, l. 3 ff.: 
punaḥ puṇyanimittaṃ hi tasmād dṛṣṭāntadeśanā |
tat puṇyasyāvipākatvān nodgrahaḥ saparigrahaḥ || 
更論於福因 爲此陳其喩
彼福無報故 正取非越取 
示勝福徳相 是故説譬喩
是福徳無報 如是受不取 
de lta bas na bsod nams phyir | dpe bstan pa ni yan brjod do ||
bsod nams des ni rnam smin med | de phyir ’dzin bcas log ’dzin min || 
63. The dharmakāya is not said to he obtained by a perfect accumnlation of merits, the maturation of which are the (thirtytwo) signs of the great man; in fact the means (in both cases) are different; (viz. gnosis being the very essence of dharmakāya, that dharmakāya cannot he identical with merits).
Two gāthās, giving a resumé of these statements, follow in the sūtra, p. 43, l. 6-9. 
tan nirmāṇaphalaṃ teṣāṃ puṇya x x x x x x |
anābhogena yat karma buddhāḥ kurvanti dikṣu ca || 
彼福招化果 作利有情事
彼事由任運 成佛現諸方 
是福徳應報 爲化諸衆生
自然如是業 諸佛現十方 
de dag gi ni bsod nams de’i | ’bras bu sprul daṅ sems can gdul ||
saṅs rgyas rnams gyi ’phrin las ’di | lhun gyis grub pa phyogs na mdzad || 
64. The profane cannot know the Buddha, because they only see his figure and hear his voice, In fact the ahsolute (dharmakāya), which is the only reality, transcends the field of discursive intelligence.
[End of chapter 26]
Somebody may argue that in so far as merits are not conducive to illumination, the meritorious deeds of the bodhisattva would have no result. In order to eliminate this doubt the sūtra answers: tat kiṃ manyase etc. p. 43, l. 10. 
gatyādayas tu nirmāṇair buddhās tv avicalāḥ sadā |
dharmadhātau ca tatsthānaṃ naikatvānyatvato matam || 
去來等是化 正覺常不動
彼於法界處 非一異應知 
去來化身佛 如來常不動
於是法界處 非一亦不異 
sprul pa rnams kyis bźud la sogs | rtag tu mi g-yo saṅs rgyas rnams ||
de dag chos kyi dbyiṅs gnas pa | gcig daṅ tha dad ma yin bźed || 
65. Even so, that merit is in no way lost nor its fruit suppressed; even if one possesses the supreme patience consisting in the realization that all dharmas are not born, no annihilation of merits (p. 43 last line p. 44 first line) follows from it, because one has obtained the realization of the spotless reality.
[End of chapter 27] 
rajomaṣīkriyā dhātor dṛṣṭāntas tasya dyotakaḥ |
maṣīkaraṇatā kleśakṣayasyeha nidarśanam || 
微塵將作墨 喩顯於法界
此論造墨事 爲*彰煩惱盡 
世界作微塵 此喩示彼義
微塵碎爲末 示現煩惱盡 
khams rdul phye mar bya ba ni | de na de yi dpe yin no ||
’di la phye mar bya ba ni | non moṅs zad pa’i dpe yin no || 
66. Therefore in order to explain again that merit (is not in vain), another example is taught: (p. 43, l. 18 ff.); but since this merit do es not lead to a retribution (because illumination is asaṃskṛta, unconditioned), any acceptance of it do es not hring with it a wrong grasping of it (udgraha) as something existent; (this in fact would he a wrong view, sāsrava).
[End of chapter 28]
But it may he argued that, if the Bodhisattvas do not take upon themselves the fruit of their merits, how can this fruit he known and how can the visible activity of the Buddhas he explained? p. 44, l. 7 ff. api tu khalu ... yaḥ kaścid evaṃ vadet ... 
asaṃcayatvāpiṇḍatvam anekatvanidarśanam |
saṃhatasthānatā tasmin nānyatve ca nidarśanam || 
非聚非集性 顯是非一性
於彼總集性 明其非異性 
非聚集故集 非唯是一喩
聚集處非彼 非是差別喩 
tshogs min ril po ma yin pas | ’du ma ñid kyi dpe yin no ||
de la ’dus par gnas pa ni | tha dad ma yin dpe yin no || 
67-68. The miraculous fruit of that merit which they accumulate and their conversion of creatures is the work which the Buddhas accomplish in the (ten) quarters, viz. (everywhere and for ever) automatically (anābhogena).
Their (apparent) (actions such as) going, and coming are accomplishad by miraculous emanations; but in reality the Buddhas are for ever motionless. Their abiding in the absolute (dharmadhātu) is stated to he neither identity with nor diversity from it.
[End of chapter 29]
What then is the meaning of the example of the atoms which follows in the sūtra p. 44, l. 12 ff. ? 
vyavahāramātratāyā bālānām udgraho ’nyathā |
dvayābhāvān na bodhyāptiḥ prahāṇād ātmadharmayoḥ || 
不了但俗言 諸凡愚妄執
斷我法二種 非證覺無故 
但隨於音聲 凡夫取顛倒
非無二得道 遠離於我法 
796b13-19: 如經何以故。須菩提。若人如是言。佛説我見(14)人見衆生見壽者見。如是乃至是名我見人(15)見衆生見壽者見故。此復何義。偈言非無二(16)得道遠離於我法故。此義云何。非無我無法。(17)離此二事而得菩提。云何得菩提。遠離彼二(18)見故得於菩提。偈言遠離於我法故。此復何(19)義。偈言 
tha sñad tsam du ma śes phyir | byis pa gźan du log par ’dzin ||
bdag daṅ chos gñis med pa’i phyir | de bas byaṅ chub thob mi ’gyur || 
tasmād dṛṣṭir adṛṣṭiś ca nairarthyābhūtakalpataḥ |
sūkṣmam āvaraṇaṃ hy etat tathā jñānāt prahīyate || 
是故見無見 無境虚妄執
由此是細障 如是知故斷 
見我即不見 無實虚妄見
此是微細障 見眞如遠離 
de phyir don med nor brtags pas | lta ba med daṅ lta bar ’gyur ||
de gñis sgrib pa phra ba ste | de ltar śes pas spoṅ bar ’gyur || 
69. When the sūtra refers as an example to the reducing of the universe into a dust of atoms 1), this example is meant to make clear the same idea. The expression “reducing into dust” is intended to show (how the) destruction of the defilement should be understood. 
jñānadvayasamādhānapraheyaṃ tac ca deśitam |
nirmāṇaiḥ kaśaṇāt puṇyaṃ tad buddhānāṃ na nākṣayam || 
由得二種智 及定彼方除
陳福明化身 非無無盡福 
二智及三昧 如是得遠離
化身示現福 非無無盡福 
de yaṅ ye śes rnam gñis daṅ | tiṅ ṅe ’dzin gyi spaṅ par bstan ||
saṅs rgyas rnams kyi sprul rnams kyis | bsad pa’i bsod nams zad mi ’gyur || 
70. The fact that there is no condition either of mass (saṃcaya) (p. 44, l. 17) of atoms nor of matter, indicates that things are not unity. The fact that a condition of collection exists, indicates that there is no diversity. (Just as when the atoms are reduced into dust they are neither identical with the thing they formed nor different, because the parts and the whole cannot be conceived one without the other, though they represent two different conditions of being, so also the state of Buddhahood is neither identical with the dharmadhātu nor different).
p. 45, l. 7).
But how is it that the profane thinks to grasp what in reality cannot be grasped? (sa ca bālapṛthagjanair udgrhītaḥ p. 45 l. 7) 
nirmito ’smīti cātmānaṃ kāśayantas tathāgatāḥ |
prakāśayanti nātmānaṃ tasmāt sā kāśanā satī || 
諸佛説法時 不言身是化
由不自言故 是其眞實説 
諸佛説法時 不言是化身
以不如是説 是故彼説正 
(21)一切有爲法 如星翳燈幻
(22)露泡夢電雲 應作如是觀
de bźin gśegs rnams ston pa ni | na ni sprul pa yin no zes ||
bdag ñid ston par mi mdzad phyir | bstan pa de ni legs pa yin || 
71. Since the profane possesses only a wordly knowledge, he grasps all this, i.e, the nction of a mass or of matter referred to in the above example, in a different, way (from what it really is); it is in fact impossible that the illumination be obtained by the suppression of both, the ego (ātman) and the elements of existence (dharma), because both do not exist (and therefore cannot be suppressed).
[End of chapter 30]
So it is not the suppression of either the atom or of the elements of existence which leads to illumination, but the suppression of the wrong views concerning them. (p. 45, l. 11-12 yā sā... ātmadṛṣṭis... etc.]. 
saṃskāro na tathā nānyaṃ nirvāṇaṃ hi tathāgate |
navadhā saṃbhūtasyeha saṃyagjñānaparīkṣaṇāt || 
如來涅槃證 非造亦不殊
此集造有九 以正智觀故 
非有爲非離 諸如來涅槃
九種有爲法 妙智正觀故 
de bźin gśegs pa’i mya nan ’das | ’du byed ma yin gźan pa bźin ||
’dir ni yaṅ dag śes pa yis | ’dus byas rnam pa dgur brtag phyir || 
72. Therefore both the view (viz. the affermative assumption of the existence of the ego or of the elements, dharma) as well as the non-view, (viz. the negation of something) derive from the assumption of something unreal or wrongly conceived. Both views (being originated from wrong imagination) are a subtle cover (āvaraṇa) which is eliminated by the knowledge of truth (as propounded in the sūtra).
But then the sūtra adds: evam... jñātavyā... adhimoktavyāḥ p. 45, l. 14 ff. What is the meaning of these words? 
dṛṣṭir nimittaṃ vijñānaṃ pratiṣṭhādehabhogatā |
atītaṃ vartamānaṃ ca parīkṣyaṃ cāpy anāgatam || 
見相及與識 居處身受用
過去并現存 未至詳觀察 
見相及於識 器身受用事
過去現在法 亦觀未來世 
lta daṅ mtshan rnam ses daṅ | gnas daṅ lus daṅ loṅs spyod daṅ ||
’das pa daṅ ni da ltar daṅ | ma ’oṅs brtag par bya ba yin || 
73. (Those words) indicates that that cover should be eliminated by the twofold knowledge (viz. the ordinary and the transcendental) and by concentration upon it,
[End of chapter 31]
(Anyhow the merit derived from the gift of this gnosis leading to the realization of truth is immensely great. This is stated in the sūtra p. 45, l. 19 ff. with the purpose of making it sure that) such merit is not not indestructible, because it has been revealed by the emanations of the Buddha, (though the Tathāgata rests forever in his transcendent inactivity). Why then the sūtra asks kathaṃ saṃprakāsayet? p. 46, l. 3.4. 
lakṣaṇasyopabhogasya pravṛtteś ca parīkṣaṇāt |
nirmalāṃ teṣu vaśitāṃ saṃskāreṣu samāpnute || 
由觀察相故 受用及遷流
於有爲事中 獲無垢自在 
觀相及受用 觀於三世事
於有爲法中 得無垢自在 
mtshan ñid daṅ ni log pa daṅ | ’jug pa rnams ni brtag pa las ||
’du byed rnams kyi gźi dag la | dbaṅ byed dri ma med pa ’thob || 
74. When the Tathāgatas preach (the Law) (for the benefit of the creatures), they do not preach the (existence) of a self saying “I am a miraculous emanation”; and therefore, because they do not preach the self, this preaching is excellent.
But is it not stated that the Buddhas preach without end the Law through infinite emanations (nirmāṇa)? How then can they abide in a nirvanic condition? 
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