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ʕĪsà ʕUbayd, Muqaddima (1921)

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ومتى وقف الكاتب على مزاج أشخاصه وطبيعتهم يمكنه بكلّ سهولة أنْ يصوّرهم بدون أنْ يضطرّ إلى استعمال التكلّف السقيم البارد 
wa-matà waqafa ’l-kātib ʕalà mazāǧi ʔašḫāṣi-hī wa-ṭabīʕati-him yumkinu-hū bi-kulli suhūlaẗ ʔan yuṣawwira-hum bi-dūni ʔan yuḍṭarra ʔilà ’stiʕmāli ’l-takalluf al-saqīm al-bārid 
Whenever a writer studies his characters’ temperament and natural disposition it will be very easy for him to describe them without being forced to make use of cold and boring mannerism, and 
AR: kātib, mazāǧ, ʔašḫāṣ, ṭabīʕaẗ, taṣwīr, takalluf saqīm bārid
EN: temperament, natural disposition, mannerism 
ويتسنّى له أنْ يقتبس من أخلاقهم حادثة روائية إنسانية محضة تكون نتيجة طبيعية لمزاجهم وشخصيتهم لا دخل للخيال في تكييفها . 
wa-yatasannà la-hū ʔan yaqtabisa min ʔaḫlāqi-him ḥādiṯaẗan riwāʔiyyaẗan ʔinsāniyyaẗan maḥḍaẗan takūnu natīǧaẗan ṭabīʕiyyaẗan li-mazāǧi-him wa-šaḫṣiyyati-him lā daḫla lil-ḫayāl fī takyīfi-hā. 
this will also allow him to get inspired by their characters1 for [the description of] a genuinely human event in his narrative, [an event] that may result naturally from their temperament and personality, without having recourse to [too much] fantasy to imagine what it may look like. 
AR: iqtibās, ʔaḫlāq, ʔinsānī (ʔinsāniyyat, ʔinsān), natīǧaẗ, ṭabīʕī (ṭabīʕaẗ), mazāǧ, šaḫṣiyyaẗ, ḫayāl, takyīf
EN: genuinely human, fantasy 
(د) 2 – فيتّضح ممّا تقدّم أنّه لا بدّ للكاتب المصري من الإلمام التامّ بعلم النفس للوقوف على كنه الطبائع البشرية ، 
(d) 2 – fa-yattaḍiḥu mimmā taqaddama ʔanna-hū lā budda lil-kātib al-miṣrī min al-ʔilmām al-tāmm bi-ʕilm al-nafs lil-wuqūf ʕalà kunh al-ṭabāʔiʕ al-bašariyyaẗ, 
[p. iv] 2 | On the basis of the preceding it is thus evident that the Egyptian writer definitively must have a comprehensive overview of psychology to acquire a thorough understanding of human nature
AR: ittaḍaḥa (wuḍūḥ), kātib, miṣrī (Miṣr / Miṣriyyaẗ), ʕilm al-nafs, ṭabāʔiʕ (ṭabīʕaẗ), bašarī (bašar)
EN: psychology, thorough understanding of human nature 
ونرى أنّ الكاتب المصري لم يتنبّه حتّى الآن إلى مراعاة قواعده في كتاباته وفي تكوين شخصية أشخاصه 
wa-narà ʔanna ’l-kātib al-miṣrī lam yatanabbah ḥattà ’l-ʔān ʔilà murāʕāẗ qawāʕidi-hī fī kitābāti-hī wa-fī takwīn šaḫṣiyyaẗ ʔašḫāṣi-h 
In our opinion, the Egyptian author has not so far taken into account its [sc. psychology’s] principles, neither in writing (styles) nor in the way he forms the personality of his various characters. 
AR: kātib, miṣrī (Miṣr / Miṣriyyaẗ), qawāʕid, kitābaẗ, takwīn, šaḫṣiyyaẗ, ʔašḫāṣ
EN: psychology 
وليس غرضنا أنْ ندرس في هذه المقدّمة الوجيزة عيوب الكاتب المصري وأمراض ذهنيته فقد حاولنا درسها في كتاب سننشره على حِدة . 
wa-laysa ġaraḍu-nā ʔan nadrusa fī hāḏihī ’l-muqaddimaẗi ’l-waǧīzaẗ ʕuyūb al-kātib al-miṣrī wa-ʔamrāḍ ḏihniyyati-h fa-qad ḥāwalnā darsa-hā fī kitāb sa-nanšuru-hū ʕalà ḥidaẗ. 
It is not our aim in this brief preface to study what is wrong with the Egyptian writer, or his mental diseases – we have attempted to study all this in a book that we are going to publish separately.2  
AR: darasa (dars / dirāsaẗ), ʕuyūb (ʕayb), kātib, miṣrī (Miṣr / Miṣriyyaẗ), ʔamrāḍ (maraḍ, maraḍī), ḏihniyyaẗ
EN: … 
إنّما أتينا على بعض تلك العيوب ليتعهّدها ويهذّبها مَن وجد في نفسه القدرة على وضع القصص 
ʔinnamā ʔataynā ʕalà baʕḍ tilka ’l-ʕuyūb li-yataʕahhada-hā wa-yuhaḏḏiba-hā man waǧada fī nafsi-hī ’l-qudraẗ ʕalà waḍʕi ’l-qiṣaṣ 
We are presenting here only a few of these deficiencies so that somebody who finds in himself the talent to create [prose] stories, may become acquainted with them3 and [try to] repair/attenuate them, and 
AR: ʕuyūb (ʕayb), tahḏīb, waḍʕ
EN: … 
حتّى يساعدنا على إدخال هذا النوع الجديد في آدابنا العصرية المصرية . 
ḥattà yusāʕida-nā ʕalà ʔidḫāl hāḏā ’l-nawʕ al-ǧadīd fī ʔādābi-nā ’l-ʕaṣriyyaẗ al-miṣriyyaẗ. 
[in this way] may help us introduce this new literary genre into Egyptian literature4 of our time. 
AR: nawʕ, ǧadīd, ʔādāb, ʕaṣrī (ʕaṣriyyaẗ), miṣrī (Miṣr / Miṣriyyaẗ)
EN: … 
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