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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
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bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | kun dga’ bo khyod kyis smad ’tshoṅ ma’i bu mo gser mchog (D241a) ’od dpal źes bya ba ’di mthoṅ ṅam | gsol pa |1 bcom ldan (L41b) ’das mthoṅ lags so || bde bar gśegs pa mthoṅ lags so ||  bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | kun dga’ bo smad ’tshoṅ ma’i bu mo gser mchog ’od dpal ’di ni |2 sṅon ’jam dpal gźon nur gyur pas |3 bla na med pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i byaṅ chub (S41b) yaṅ dag (T37b) par ’dzin du4 bcug ste | ’dis de las chos5 thos nas |6 chos rnams la rjes (J273a) su ’thun7 pa’i bzod pa thob par gyur to ||  kun dga’ bo khyod kyis tshoṅ dpon gyi bu ’jigs byin źes bya ba ’di mthoṅ ṅam | gsol pa |8 bcom ldan ’das mthoṅ lags so ||9 bde bar gśegs pa mthoṅ lags so ||  bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa | kun dga’ (N368a) bo ’di ni ṅas sṅon bla na med pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i byaṅ chub yaṅ dag par ’dzin du bcug ste |10 ’dis kyaṅ ṅa las chos thos nas |11 chos rnams la rjes su ’thun12 pa’i bzod pa thob par gyur to ||13   kun dga’ bo smad ’tshoṅ ma’i bu mo gser mchog ’od dpal ’di ni bskal pa ’bum phrag dgu bcu rtsa gñis ’das pa’i ’og tu |14 bskal pa rin chen ’byuṅ ba źes bya ba la | ’jig rten gyi khams rin po che15 źes bya bar mṅon par rdzogs par ’tshaṅ rgya ste | de bźin gśegs pa dgra bcom pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i saṅs rgyas rin chen ’od ces bya bar ’gyur ro || kun dga’ bo ’jig rten gyi khams de’i sems can rnams kyi loṅs spyod daṅ 16 ñe bar spyod pa ni |17 sum cu18 rtsa gsum gyi lha rnams 19 ci ’dra ba de ’dra bar ’gyur ro || de na byaṅ chub sems dpa’ (L42a) rin po che dag ma (Q273a) gtogs par |20 rin po che gźan ’byuṅ bar mi ’gyur ro || de bźin gśegs pa de’i tshe’i tshad ni |21 dpag tu med par ’gyur ro ||22   de bla na med pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i byaṅ chub mṅon par rdzogs par saṅs rgyas (S42a) pa23 na24 |25 tshoṅ dpon gyi bu ’jigs byin ’di yaṅ26 byaṅ chub sems dpa’ yon tan rin chen ’od ces bya bar gyur te | de bźin gśegs pa de’i27 chos kyi mdzod (T38a) ’dzin par byed do ||  gaṅ gi tshe de bźin gśegs pa rin chen (N368b) ’od yoṅs su mya ṅan las ’da’ bar gyur pa28 de’i tshe | byaṅ chub sems dpa’ yon tan rin chen ’od de la | byaṅ chub sems dpa’ yon (D241b) tan rin chen ’od ’di ni |29 ṅa’i30 ’og tu bla na med pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i byaṅ chub (J273b) mṅon par rdzogs par ’tshaṅ rgya ste | de bźin gśegs pa dgra bcom pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i saṅs rgyas rin chen ’od ’phro źes bya bar ’gyur ro ||31 de’i32 saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ 33 bkod pa yaṅ34 |35 ṅa’i ci ’dra ba de ’dra bar ’gyur ro |36 źes luṅ ston par ’gyur ro ||  smad ’tshoṅ ma’i bu mo gser mchog ’od dpal daṅ | tshoṅ dpon gyi bu ’jigs byin gñis luṅ bstan ma thag tu37 de’i mod la stoṅ gsum gyi stoṅ chen po’i ’jig rten gyi khams ’di38 rnam pa drug tu39 rab tu40 g-yos śiṅ |41 ’jig rten du snaṅ ba chen pos khyab par gyur to || luṅ bstan pa bśad pa ’di bstan pa na |42 srog chags brgya43 stoṅ gis bla na med pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i byaṅ chub tu44 sems (L42b) bskyed par gyur to || 
佛言。阿難。汝爲豈見上金光首乎。(25)對曰。已見天中天。  佛告阿難。文殊師利乃往(26)古世。勸化此女使發道意。今於其所而還聞(27)法。尋則獲致柔順法忍。  汝復見此長者子不。(28)對曰。唯然。  佛告阿難。吾本前世而勸化之使(29)發道意。今復從佛而還聞法。尋即便致柔順(a1)法忍。  佛告阿難。上金光首。過九十二百千劫(2)已。當得作佛號寶光明如來至眞等正覺明(3)行成爲善逝世間解無上士道法御天人師。(4)世界曰寶蓋。劫名寶成。爾時國中飮食衣服(5)所居屋宅。猶如第二忉利天上。其佛國土無(6)復異寶而出生者。則以菩薩爲珍寶矣。又彼(7)如來壽命無量。  得佛道已。其時畏間長者之(8)子。當爲菩薩名徳光曜。奉持世尊所演法教。  (9)其寶光明如來未滅度時。授徳光耀菩薩之(10)決。乃般泥洹。是徳光曜菩薩開士。吾去之後。(11)當得作佛號曰持焔如來至眞等正覺。其佛(12)國土等無差特。  尋適授此族姓子決。應時三(13)千大千世界六反震動。其大光明普照世間。(14)於是具足授諸決時。則八千人因發無上正(15)眞道意。 
佛告阿難。(9)汝見是金色女不。阿難白言。唯然已見。  佛告(10)阿難。此金色女。文殊師利已於過去教化令(11)發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心。今復更於文殊(12)師利所。聞説正法得順法忍。  佛告阿難。汝見(13)此上威徳長者子不。阿難白言。唯然已見。  佛(14)言。阿難。此長者子。我於過去已曾教化令發(15)阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心。今於我所聞説正(16)法得順法忍。  阿難。此勝金色女。於當來世過(17)九十百千劫。當得作佛號曰寶光多他阿伽(18)度阿羅呵三藐三佛陀。壽命無量。其佛世界(19)名寶徳刹。劫名樂生。彼女當來得成佛時。其(20)國衆生衣服飮食壽命身色。悉如忉利諸天(21)王等。等無有異。彼佛世界無有聲聞及辟支(22)佛。純一大乘諸菩薩寶。  彼寶光如來成佛之(23)時。此長者子得菩薩身。名曰徳光。持佛法藏。(24)  寶光如來所説法藏皆悉受持。寶光如來臨(25)涅槃時。與徳光菩薩授菩提記。告諸大衆。我(26)滅度後我法滅已。此徳光菩薩當得作佛。號(27)曰寶炎如來應供正遍知明行足善逝世間(28)解無上士調御丈夫天人師佛世尊。  爾時如(29)來授二人記已。是時三千大千世界六種震(c1)動。放大光明遍滿十方一切世界説此授記(2)法時。八千人等。發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心。(3) 
The Lord said: Ānanda, do you see this daughter of a courtesan Suvarṇottamaprabhāśrī?
Ānanda said: Yes, Lord, I see her, I see her, Sugata. 
The Lord said: Ānanda, before this the princely Mañjuśrī inspired this daughter of a courtesan Suvarṇottamaprabhāśrī to completely grasp the incomparable complete awakening (iyam ānanda suvarṇottaraprabhāśrī gaṇikāduhitā pūrvaṃ mañjuśriyā kumārabhūtenānuttarāṃ samyaksaṃbodhiṃ samādāpayitum avatāritā), and she, having heard about religion from him, produced the kind of tolerance which is in accordance with all things (asyās dharmaṃ tasmāc chrutvā dharmeṣv anulomikī kṣāntir utpāditā).  The Lord said: Ānanda, do you see this son of a banker Bhayadatta?
Ānanda said: Yes, Lord, I see him, I see him, Sugata. 
The Lord said: Ānanda, before this I inspired this son of a banker Bhayadatta to completely grasp the incomparable complete awakening (ayam ānanda bhayadattaḥ śreṣṭhiputraḥ pūrvaṃ mayā samyaksaṃbodhiṃ samādāpayitum avatāritaḥ), and he, having heard about religion from me, produced the kind of tolerance which is in accordance with all things (asya dharmaṃ mac chrutvā dharmeṣv anulomikī kṣāntir utpāditā).  Ānanda, in a world age ninety-two times hundred thousand world ages from now called Ratnasaṃbhava, this daughter of a courtesan Suvarṇottamaprabhāśrī will reach complete awakening in a world sphere called Ratna, and will be tathāgata, an arhat, a fully awakened one called Ratnaprabha. And, Ānanda, the enjoyment and delight of the beings in that world sphere will be like that of the class of thirty three gods. There will be no other jewels there but the bodhisatva-jewels, and the life of that tathāgata will be immeasurable.  And during the life of this completely awakened this son of a banker Bhayadatta will be born as a bodhisatva called Guṇaratnaprabha, and he will do the work of keeping the religious collection of the tathāgata.  At the time when the tathāgata Ratnaprabha reaches the final extinction he will pronounce the following prophecy for that bodhisatva Guṇaprabha: This bodhisatva Guṇaprabha will reach the complete awakening after me, and will be tathāgata, an arhat, a fully awakened one called Ratnārcis. The display of his buddha-field will be about like mine.  As soon as the prophecy had been spoken for the two of them, for the courtesan Suvarṇottamaprabhāśrī and for the son of a banker Bhayadatta, at that opportunity this world system of three thousandfold worlds was shaken in its six forms of existence, and the worlds were radiated by a grand lustre. And as that prophecy was set forth, a hundred thousand beings produced the thought that they would reach the incomparable complete awakening. 
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