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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
If you cannot find the letters on your key-board, you may click on the link "Diacritica" to access it for your search.
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionTitle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionIntroduction
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§1
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§2
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§3
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§4
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§5
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§6
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§7
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§8
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§9
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§10
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§11
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§12
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§13
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§14
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§15
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§16
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§17
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§18
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§19
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§20
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§21
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§22
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§23
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§24
Click to Expand/Collapse Option§25
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
de nas khye’u rin chen byin gyis raṅ gi ma ma la ’di skad ces smras so || ma ma kho bo la kha zas byin cig daṅ | bcom ldan ’das la źal zas dbul bar bya’o ||  de nas khye’u rin chen byin gyi ma mas khar ba’i snod zas ro brgya daṅ ldan pas bkaṅ ste | khye’u rin chen byin la byin no || de nas khye’u rin chen byin gyis bcom ldan ’das la ’di skad ces gsol to ||  bcom ldan ’das chos thams cad mi zad pa’i bden pa gaṅ lags pa’i bden pa des na dge sloṅ gi dge ’dun thams cad tshim par ma gyur gyi bar du khar ba’i snod ’di yoṅs su ’grib par ma gyur cig |  de nas khye’u rin chen byin gyis bcom ldan ’das kyi lhuṅ bzed bkaṅ nas dge sloṅ gi dge ’dun la smras pa | btsun pa rnams bdag la thugs brtse ba’i slad du gaṅ gis bdag la ’bras bu chen por ’gyur ba’i bsod sñoms ’di bźes te | gaṅ lus kyis yon sbyoṅ bar mi byed pa daṅ | sems kyis sbyoṅ bar mi byed pa daṅ | gaṅ la phul na bsod nams su mi ’gyur ba daṅ | rnam par smin par mi ’gyur ba daṅ | gaṅ lus kyi las daṅ | ṅag gi las daṅ | yid kyi las daṅ mi ldan pa daṅ | gaṅ ’dus byas la mi gnas pa daṅ | gaṅ ’dus ma byas la mi gnas pa daṅ | gaṅ so so’i skye bo’i chos rnams kyis ma gos pa daṅ | ñan thos kyi chos rnams la mi rten pa daṅ | saṅs rgyas kyi theg pa la ṅes par mi ’byuṅ ba daṅ | ṅes par ’byuṅ bar mi ’dod pa des bźes śig | de nas dge sloṅ gi dge ’dun de dag gi naṅ nas sus kyaṅ snod de ma blaṅs so ||  khye’u rin chen byin gyis smras pa | btsun pa dag bdag kyaṅ sbyin par ’dod pa lags | khyed kyaṅ gsol bar bźed pa lags te | bdag btsun pa rnams las ci yaṅ re ba ma mchis kyis bźes śig |  ’jam dpal gyi tshad daṅ mñam pa’i byaṅ chub sems dpa’ bye ba phrag ’bum gyi saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ gi yon tan bkod pa de bas kyaṅ ches bye ba phrag ’bum las lhag pa’i saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ gi yon tan bkod pa bdag gi saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ du ’gyur ba’i  bden pa daṅ bden pa’i tshig gaṅ yin pa’i bden pa daṅ bden pa’i tshig des na khar ba’i snod ’di las khyed thams cad kyi lhuṅ bzed rnams gaṅ bar gyur cig khar ba’i snod ’di yaṅ yoṅs su zad par ma gyur cig ces byas so ||  de nas dge sloṅ gi dge ’dun thams cad kyi lhuṅ bzed de dag gaṅ bar gyur to || de nas khye’u rin chen byin gyis yaṅs pa’i groṅ khyer gyi skye bo’i tshogs ji sñed yod pa thams cad kha zas ro brgya daṅ ldan pa des tshim par byas so || bsod sñoms de yaṅ zad par ma gyur to || 
爾時寶授菩薩知佛世尊及苾芻衆未有食處。乃告乳母。可於宮中速取食來用施佛僧。於是乳母。  速取百味飮食盛滿一器。授與寶授菩薩。菩薩得食即於佛前發誓願言。  如來之所説一切法無盡。斯言眞實者此食亦無盡。乃至苾芻衆悉令得飽足  爾時寳授菩薩。即以飮食盛滿一鉢。奉獻佛已。告諸苾芻言。尊者慈愍我故各各受食。又復告言。我所施者。不以身施不以心施。離於三業不求福果。不住有爲法不住無爲法。亦不著世法。亦復不住聲聞縁覺及佛菩提。時彼苾芻衆無有一人伸鉢受食者。  寶授菩薩言。諸尊者當受此食。尊者樂乞我今樂施。我於尊者亦無所求。  時寶授菩薩復發願言。佛語眞實。如妙吉祥及百千倶胝菩薩。當來之世。於功徳裝嚴王佛刹。皆得成佛同一名號。  若眞實者。今此器中所有飮食。令諸苾芻所持之鉢悉皆充滿。此器中食願得無盡。  以願力故。諸苾芻衆各各鉢中自然食滿。時寶授菩薩。復以器中餘食。施廣嚴城中一切人民悉令飽滿。器中飮食猶尚不盡 
(Ratnadatta’s imperishable offering:) Then the boy Ratnadatta said to his nurse: Nurse, give me some food so that I can give an offering to the Lord!  Then the boy Ratnadatta’s nurse filled a bronze vessel with food of eight tastes and gave it to the boy Ratnadatta, and the boy Ratnadatta said to the Lord:  Lord, as long as the whole of this congregation of monks is not satisfied with the truth which is the truth of the imperishability of all moments of existence (sarvadharmākṣayatāsatya), there will be no decrease of what is in this bronze vessel!  Then, after filling the almsbowl of the Lord, the boy Ratnadatta said to the congregations of monks: Venerables, he who out of compassion (anukampām upādāya) for me will accept these alms (piṇḍapāta) which will bring me great fruit (bṛhatphala), he who will not purify the gift by his body (yo na dakṣiṇāṃ kāyena viśodhayati), who will not purify the gift with his thought (yo na cittena viśodhayati), when to whom it is given there is no merit (puṇya) or maturing result (vipāka), for whom there is no action (karman) by body, speech or mind, who does not cling to the unconditioned (saṃskṛta), who is not sullied by the qualities of the ordinary person (pṛthagjanadharmānupalipta), not dependent on the qualities of the disciple (śrāvakadharmānāśrita), he who has not started on the way of the Buddha (buddhayānāniryāta), who wishes not to start on the way of the Buddha, may he receive it! After this no one from the congregations of monks received the vessel.  Then the boy Ratnadatta said: As for me, I wish to give, and you wish to eat, and I have no expectations whatsoever (niṣpratikāṅkṣa) to the venerables, so accept!  The splendour of qualities of the buddha-fields (buddhakṣetraguṇavyūha) of a hundred thousand times ten million bodhisattvas of the greatness of Mañjuśrī, a hundred thousand times ten million times greater than this will be the qualities of my buddha-field!  By this truth (satya), by the truth in this word of truth (satyavacana), by this word of truth, may the almsbowls of all of you be filled from this bronze vessel, and may the bronze vessel never be exhausted (parikṣi-)!  Then the almsbowls of the monks in all those congregations were filled, and as many were the crowds of inhabitants in that city, all of them were satisfied by the boy Ratnadatta with food having eight tastes. But the alms were not consumed (na kṣīṇa). 
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