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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter I: Buddhakṣetrapariśuddhinidāna
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter II: Acintyopāyakauśalyaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter III: Śrāvakabodhisatvavisarjanapraśna
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter IV: Glānapratisaṃmodanāparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter V: Acintyavimokṣasaṃdarśanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VI: Devatāparivartaḥ
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VII: Tathāgatagotraparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VIII: Advayadharmamukhapraveśaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter IX: Nirmitabhojanānayanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter X: Kṣayākṣayo
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XI: Abhiratilokadhātvānayanākṣobhyatathāgatadarśanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XII: Nigamanaparīndanāparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
§11 punar aparaṃ bhadanta śāriputro acintyavimokṣapratiṣṭhito bodhisatvo yaś caturṣu mahāsamudreṣv apskandhas tam ekasmin romakūpe prakṣipet |    na ca matsyakacchapaśiśumāramaṇḍūkānām anyeṣāṃ vaudakānāṃ prāṇināṃ pīḍā bhavet |  na ca nāgayakṣagandharvāsurāṇām evaṃ bhavet kasmin vayaṃ prakṣiptāḥ |  sā ca kriyā prajñāyeta | na ca kaścit satvo vihiṃsito viheṭhito vā bhavet |   
又舍利弗 立不思議門菩薩者 以四大海水入一毛孔    不嬈魚鱉黿鼉水性之屬  不使龍鬼神阿須倫迦留羅知我何入  因喻儀式 其於眾生無所嬈害   
又以四大海水入一毛孔    不嬈魚鱉黿鼉水性之屬 而彼大海本相如故  諸龍鬼神阿修羅等不覺不知己之所入  於此眾生亦無所嬈   
又舍利子 若住如是不可思議解脫菩薩 四大海水深廣如是 能以神力內一毛孔  而令毛孔形量不增 四大海水形量不減 雖現如是神通作用  (而不令彼諸龍藥叉阿素洛等知見我等何往何入 )亦不令彼魚鱉黿鼉及餘種種水族生類諸龍神等一切有情憂怖惱害  而不令彼諸龍藥叉阿素洛等知見我等何往何入 (亦不令彼魚鱉黿鼉及餘種種水族生類諸龍神等一切有情憂怖惱害 )    唯令所餘睹神通力調伏之者知見如是四大海水入於毛孔 如是安住不可思議解脫菩薩 方便善巧智力所入 不可思議解脫境界非諸聲聞獨覺所測 
btsun pa śā ri’i bu gźan yaṅ rnam par thar pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa la gnas pa’i byaṅ chub sems dpa’ rgya mtsho chen po bźi’i chu’i phuṅ po rnams spu’i khuṅ bu gcig tu blugs te |    nya daṅ | rus sbal daṅ | chu srin byis pa gsod daṅ | sbal pa daṅ | chu las skyes pa’i srog chags gźan dag la yaṅ gnod par gyur pa med |  klu daṅ | gnod sbyin daṅ | dri za daṅ | lha ma yin rnams kyaṅ ’di sñam du bdag cag gar btsud sñam yaṅ mi sems la |  bya ba de yaṅ snaṅ źiṅ sems can de dag la gnod ciṅ ’khrug par gyur pa yaṅ med do ||    
"Furthermore, reverend Śāriputra, the bodhisattva who lives in the inconceivable liberation can pour into a single pore of his skin all the waters of the four great oceans,    without injuring the water-animals such as fish, tortoises, crocodiles, frogs, and other creatures,  and without the nagas, yakṣas, gandharvas, and asuras even being aware of where they are.  And the whole operation is visible without any injury or disturbance to any of those living beings.   
§12 imaṃ ca trisāhasramahāsāhasraṃ lokadhātuṃ bhārgavacakram iva parigṛhya dakṣiṇe pāṇāv avabhrāmya gaṅgānadīvālikāsamān lokadhātūn kṣipet |  na ca satvā jānīran kasmin vayaṃ nītāḥ, kuto vāgatā iti |  punar api cānāyya yathāsthānaṃ sthāpayet |  na ca gamanāgamanaṃ saṃjānīran |  sā ca kriyā saṃdṛśyeta |   
又舍利弗 於是三千世界如佛所斷以右掌排置恒沙佛國  而人不知誰安我往  又引還復故處  都不使人有往來想  因而現儀   
又舍利弗 住不可思議解脫菩薩 斷取三千大千世界 如陶家輪著右掌中 擲過恒河沙世界之外  其中眾生不覺不知己之所往  又復還置本處  都不使人有往來想  而此世界本相如故   
又舍利子 若住如是不可思議解脫菩薩 如是三千大千世界形量廣大 能以神力方便斷取置右掌中 如陶家輪速疾旋轉 擲置他方殑伽沙等世界之外  (又復持來還置本處 而令世界無所增減 雖現如是神通作用 )而不令彼居住有情 知見我等何去何還  又復持來還置本處 (而令世界無所增減 雖現如是神通作用 而不令彼居住有情 知見我等何去何還 )  都不令其生往來想    亦無惱害 唯令所餘睹神通力調伏之者 知見世界有去有來 如是安住不可思議解脫菩薩 方便善巧智力所入 不可思議解脫境界 非諸聲聞獨覺所測 
stoṅ gsum gyi stoṅ chen po’i ’jig rten gyi khams ’di yaṅ rdza ma khan gyi ’khor lo bźin lag pa g.yas pas blaṅs te bskor nas ’jig rten gyi khams gaṅ gā’i kluṅ gi bye ma snyed du ’phaṅs kyaṅ  sems can rnams bdag cag gaṅ du phyuṅ | gaṅ nas ’oṅs mi śes so ||   slar yaṅ blaṅs nas gnas bźin du bźag kyaṅ  ’oṅ ba daṅ | ’gro bar mi śes mod kyi  bya ba de yaṅ kun tu snaṅ ṅo ||    
"Such a bodhisattva can pick up with his right hand this billion-world-galactic universe as if it were a potter’s wheel and, spinning it round, throw it beyond universes as numerous as the sands of the Ganges,  without the living beings therein knowing their motion or its origin,  and he can catch it and put it back in its place,  without the living beings suspecting their coming and going;  and yet the whole operation is visible.   
§13 punar aparaṃ bhadanta śāriputro santi satvā apramāṇasaṃsāravainayikāḥ | santi saṃkṣiptasaṃsāravainayikāḥ |  tatrācintyavimokṣapratiṣṭhito bodhisatvo ’pramāṇasaṃsāravainayikānāṃ satvānāṃ vainayikavaśam upādāya saptarātraṃ kalpam atikrāntam ādarśayet |  saṃkṣiptasaṃsāravainayikānāṃ satvānāṃ vainayikavaśam upādāya kalpaṃ saptarātram atikrāntam ādarśayet |  tatrāpramāṇasaṃsāravineyāḥ satvāḥ saptarātraṃ kalpam atikrāntaṃ saṃjānīran | saṃkṣiptasaṃsāravineyāḥ satvāḥ kalpaṃ saptarātram atikrāntaṃ saṃjānīran |   
又舍利弗 有無量人生死奉律  立不思議門菩薩者 為奉律人現七夜為劫壽 人信知謂劫過 不知是七夜也       
又舍利弗 或有眾生樂久住世而可度者  菩薩即延七日以為一劫 令彼眾生謂之一劫  或有眾生不樂久住而可度者 菩薩即促一劫以為七日 令彼眾生謂之七日     
又舍利子 若住如是不可思議解脫菩薩 或諸有情宜見生死多時相續而令調伏 或諸有情宜見生死少時相續而令調伏  能以神力隨彼所宜 或延七日以為一劫 令彼有情謂經一劫  或促一劫以為七日 令彼有情謂經七日 各隨所見而令調伏    雖現如是神通作用 而不令彼所化有情覺知如是時分延促 唯令所餘睹神通力調伏之者覺知延促 如是安住不可思議解脫菩薩 方便善巧智力所入 不可思議解脫境界非諸聲聞獨覺所測 
btsun pa śā ri’i bu gźan yaṅ | ’khor ba tshad med pas ’dul ba’i sems can dag kyaṅ yod | ’khor ba bstuṅ bas ’dul ba dag kyaṅ yod de |  de la rnam par thar pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa la gnas pa’i byaṅ chub sems dpa’ ni ’khor ba tshad med pas ’dul ba’i sems can rnams ’dul ba’i dbaṅ gi phyir źag bdun yaṅ bskal pa ’das par ston te |  ’khor ba bstuṅ bas ’dul ba’i sems can rnams la ni bskal pa yaṅ źag || bdun gyis ’das par ston to ||   de la ’khor ba tshad med pas ’dul pa’i sems can rnams ni źag bdun la yaṅ bskal pa ’das pa sñam du śes so || gaṅ ’khor ba bstuṅ bas ’dul ba’i sems can de dag ni bskal pa yaṅ źag bdun gyis ’das par śes so ||    
"Furthermore, reverend Śāriputra, there are beings who become disciplined after an immense period of evolution, and there are also those who are disciplined after a short period of evolution.  The bodhisattva who lives in the inconceivable liberation, for the sake of disciplining those living beings who are disciplined through immeasurable periods of evolution, can make the passing of a week seem like the passing of an aeon,  and he can make the passing of an aeon seem like the passing of a week for those who are disciplined through a short period of evolution.  The living beings who are disciplined through an immeasurable period of evolution actually perceive a week to be the passing of an aeon, and those disciplined by a short period of evolution actually perceive an aeon to be the passing of a week. "   
§14 iti hy acintyavimokṣapratiṣṭhito bodhisatvaḥ sarvabuddhakṣetraguṇavyūhān ekasmin buddhakṣetre saṃdarśayati |  sarvasatvān api dakṣiṇe karatale pratiṣṭhāpya cittajāyikayarddhyā kramet |  sarvabuddhakṣetreṣu ca saṃdarśanaṃ dadyāt |  na caikato ’pi kṣetrāc calet |  yāvatyaś ca daśasu dikṣu buddhānāṃ bhagavatāṃ pūjā vartante, tāḥ sarvā ekaromakūpa ādarśayet |  yāvantaś ca daśasu dikṣu candrasūryās tārārūpāni ca, tāny api sarvāṇy ekaromakūpa ādarśayet |  yāvatyaś ca daśasu dikṣu vātamaṇḍalyaḥ pravānti, tā api sarvā mukhadvāre praveśayet |  na cāsya kāyo vikīryeta |  na ca tatra buddhakṣetre tṛṇavanaspatayo nameyuḥ | 
又舍利弗 立不思議門菩薩者 現諸剎好以為一剎  立一切人置其右掌 順化其意  與遊諸剎令如日現  不震一國  從是禮事十方諸佛 又令一切人從一毛孔見  十方諸日月星像  十方陰冥皆隨入門  既無所害   
又舍利弗 住不可思議解脫菩薩 以一切佛土嚴飾之事 集在一國示於眾生  又菩薩以一佛土眾生置之右掌  飛到十方遍示一切  而不動本處  又舍利弗十方眾生供養諸佛之具 菩薩於一毛孔皆令得見  又十方國土所有日月星宿 於一毛孔普使見之  又舍利弗 十方世界所有諸風 菩薩悉能吸著口中  而身無損  外諸樹木亦不摧折 
又舍利子 若住如是不可思議解脫菩薩 能以神力 集一切佛功德莊嚴清淨世界 置一佛土示諸有情  又以神力 取一佛土一切有情置之右掌 乘意勢通  遍到十方 普示一切諸佛國土  雖到十方一切佛土 住一佛國而不移轉  又以神力 從一毛孔現出一切上妙供具 遍歷十方一切世界 供養諸佛菩薩聲聞  又以神力 於一毛孔普現十方一切世界所有日月星辰色像  又以神力 乃至十方一切世界大風輪等 吸置口中  而身無損  一切世界草木叢林 雖遇此風竟無搖動 
de ltar rnam par thar pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa la gnas pa’i byaṅ chub sems dpa’ ni saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ thams cad kyi yon tan bkod pa rnams saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ gcig tu ston to ||   sems can thams cad kyaṅ lag pa g.yas pa’i mthil du bźag ste | sems kyi mgyogs pa’i rdzu ’phrul gyis ’gro źiṅ  saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ kun tu ston kyaṅ  saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ gcig nas kyaṅ ma g.yos so ||   phyogs bcu’i saṅs rgyas bcom ldan ’das la mchod pa ji snyed yod pa de thams cad spu’i khuṅ bu gcig tu ston to | |  phyogs bcu na zla ba daṅ | nyi ma daṅ | skar ma’i gzugs ji snyed yod pa de thams cad kyaṅ spu’i khuṅ bu gcig tu ston to ||   phyogs bcu na rluṅ gi dkyil ’khor ldaṅ ba ji snyed pa de thams cad kha’i naṅ du brdubs kyaṅ  de’i lus źig pa yaṅ med ciṅ  saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ de dag gi rtswa daṅ | nags tshal rnams ñal ba yaṅ med do ||  
Thus, a bodhisattva who lives in the inconceivable liberation can manifest all the splendors of the virtues of all the buddha-fields within a single buddha-field.  Likewise, he can place all living beings in the palm of his right hand and can show them with the supernatural speed of thought  all the buddha-fields  without ever leaving his own buddha-field.  He can display in a single pore all the offerings ever offered to all the Buddhas of the ten directions,  and the orbs of all the suns, moons, and stars of the ten directions.  He can inhale all the hurricanes of the cosmic wind-atmospheres of the ten directions into his mouth  without harming his own body  and without letting the forests and the grasses of the buddha-fields be flattened. 
§15 yāni ca daśasu dikṣu buddhakṣetrāṇy uddahyante kalpoddāhena, tad api sarvam agniskandhaṃ svamukhe prakṣipet |  yac ca tena karma kartavyaṃ bhavet, tac ca kuryāt |    yac cāvastād gaṅgānadīvālikākoṭīsameṣu buddhakṣetreṣv atikramya buddhakṣetram,  tad abhyutkṣipyordhvaṃ digbhāgaṃ gaṅgānadīvālikākoṭīsameṣu buddhakṣetreṣu pratiṣṭhāpayet |  tadyathāpi nāma balavān puruṣaḥ sūcyagreṇa badarīpatram utkṣipet |   
又使佛國所有不減一切曠然  各得修行    又能蹶取下方恒沙等剎  舉置殊異無數佛土  若接頹坎安措地   
又十方世界劫盡燒時 以一切火內於腹中    火事如故而不為害  又於下方過恒河沙等諸佛世界  取一佛土舉著上方 過恒河沙無數世界  如持鍼鋒舉一棗葉而無所嬈   
又以神力 十方世界所有佛土劫盡燒時 總一切火內置腹中    雖此火勢熾焰不息 而於其身都無損害  又以神力 過於下方無量俱胝殑伽沙等諸佛世界  舉一佛土擲置上方 過於俱胝殑伽沙等諸佛世界一佛土中  如以針鋒舉小棗葉  擲置餘方都無所損 雖現如是神通作用 而無緣者不見不知 於諸有情竟無惱害 唯令一切睹神通力調伏之者便見是事 如是安住不可思議解脫菩薩 方便善巧智力所入 不可思議解脫境界 非諸聲聞獨覺所測 
phyogs bcu’i saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ rnams sreg pa’i bskal pas tshig pa’i me’i phuṅ po de kun raṅ gi ltor bcug kyaṅ  gaṅ des las bya ba de yaṅ byed do ||     ’og tu saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ gaṅ gā’i kluṅ gi bye ma snyed ’das pa nas  saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ de steṅ du byuṅ ste bteg nas | gyen du saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ gaṅ gā’i kluṅ gi bye ma snyed ’das par steṅ du ’jog ste |   ’di lta ste | dper na | skyes bu mthu chen po źig gis khab kyi rtse mos rgya śug gi lo ma la btsugs te bteg pa bźin no ||    
He can take all the masses of fire of all the supernovas that ultimately consume all the universes of all the buddha-fields into his stomach  without interfering with their functions.    Having crossed buddha-fields as numerous as the sands of the Ganges downward,  and having taken up a buddha-field, he can rise up through buddha-fields as numerous as the sands of the Ganges and place it on high,  just as a strong man may pick up a jujube leaf on the point of a needle.   
§16 evam aciṃtyavimokṣapratiṣṭhito bodhisatvaḥ sarvasatvāni cakravartyādirūpāṇy adhitiṣṭhet |     
又立不思議門菩薩者 (為一切人故 如佛像色貌立以立之 如緣一覺像色貌立以立之 如弟子像色貌立以立之 或如釋如梵)如轉輪王像色貌立以立之  (又立不思議門菩薩者 為一切人故 )如佛像色貌立以立之 如緣一覺像色貌立以立之 如弟子像色貌立以立之 或如釋如梵(如轉輪王像色貌立以立之 )   
又舍利弗 住不可思議解脫菩薩 能以神通(現作佛身 或現辟支佛身 或現聲聞身 或現帝釋身 或現梵王身 或現世主身 )或現轉輪王身  (又舍利弗 住不可思議解脫菩薩 能以神通)現作佛身 或現辟支佛身 或現聲聞身 或現帝釋身 或現梵王身 或現世主身 (或現轉輪王身 )   
又舍利子 若住如是不可思議解脫菩薩 能以神力 現作(佛身種種色像 或現獨覺及諸聲聞種種色像 或現菩薩種種色像 諸相隨好具足莊嚴 或復現作梵王帝釋四大天王)轉輪王等一切有情種種色像  (又舍利子 若住如是不可思議解脫菩薩 能以神力 現作)佛身種種色像 或現獨覺及諸聲聞種種色像 或現菩薩種種色像 諸相隨好具足莊嚴 或復現作梵王帝釋四大天王(轉輪王等一切有情種種色像 )  或以神力 變諸有情令作佛身及諸菩薩聲聞獨覺釋梵護世轉輪王等種種色像 
de ltar rnam par thar pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa la gnas pa’i byaṅ chub sems dpa’ sems can thams cad ’khor los bsgyur ba’i gzugs su byin gyis rlob bo ||   de bźin du ’jig rten skyoṅ ba’i gzugs su byin gyis rlob bo || brgya byin gyi gzugs su byin gyis rlob bo || tshaṅs pa’i gzugs su byin gyis rlob bo || ñan thos kyi gzugs su byin gyis rlob bo || raṅ saṅs rgyas kyi gzugs su byin gyis rlob bo | |byaṅ chub sems dpa’i gzugs su byin gyis rlob bo || sems can thams cad saṅs rgyas kyi gzugs su byin gyis rlob bo ||    
"Thus, a bodhisattva who lives in the inconceivable liberation can magically transform any kind of living being into a universal monarch,  a Lokapāla, a Sakra, a Brahmā, a disciple, a solitary sage, a bodhisattva, and even into a Buddha.   
§17 yāvantaś ca daśasu dikṣu śabdāvabhāsāḥ śabdaprajñāptayaḥ, tāḥ sarvā hīnamadhyaviśiṣṭānāṃ satvānāṃ sarvabuddhaghoṣarutaracitāny adhitiṣṭhan,    tataś ca rutaghoṣād anityaduḥkhaśūnyānātmaśabdarutāni niścārayet |    yāvadbhiś cākāranirdeśair daśasu dikṣu buddhā bhagavanto dharmaṃ deśayanti, tāṃs tato rutanirghoṣān niścārayet |   
隨十方語言音聲上中下之所願 一切以佛柔軟音響而誘立之    為出佛語無常苦空非身之聲    以如事說諸佛法言出是輩聲   
又十方世界所有眾聲 上中下音皆能變之令作佛聲    演出無常苦空無我之音    及十方諸佛所說種種之法 皆於其中 普令得聞   
或以神力 轉變十方一切有情上中下品音聲差別 皆作佛聲第一微妙    從此佛聲演出無常苦空無我  究竟涅槃寂靜義等言詞差別 乃至一切諸佛菩薩聲聞獨覺 說法音聲皆於中出  乃至十方諸佛說法  所有一切名句文身音聲差別 皆從如是佛聲中出 普令一切有情得聞 隨乘差別悉皆調伏 或以神力 普於十方隨諸有情言音差別 如其所應出種種聲演說妙法 令諸有情各得利益 
phyogs bcu na sems can rab ’briṅ tha ma thams cad kyi sgrar grags pa daṅ | sgrar btags pa gaṅ ji snyed pa de dag thams cad saṅs rgyas kyi gsuṅ dbyaṅs daṅ |  saṅs rgyas kyi sgra daṅ chos kyi sgra daṅ | dge ’dun gyi sgrar byin gyis rlob ste |  sgra dbyaṅs de las kyaṅ mi rtag pa daṅ | sdug bsṅal ba daṅ | stoṅ ba daṅ | bdag med pa’i sgra dbyaṅs ’byuṅ bar byed de |    phyogs bcu’i saṅs rgyas bcom ldan ’das rnam pa ji snyed du bstan pas chos ston pa de dag thams cad sgra daṅ | dbyaṅs de dag las ’byuṅ bar byed do | |   
The bodhisattva can transform miraculously all the cries and noises, superior, mediocre, and inferior, of all living beings of the ten directions, into the voice of the Buddha,  with the words of the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha, having them proclaim,  ’Impermanent! Miserable! Empty! Selfless!’    And he can cause them to recite the words and sounds of all the teachings taught by all the Buddhas of the ten directions.   
§18 ayaṃ bhadanta śāriputro acintyavimokṣapratiṣṭhitānāṃ bodhisatvānāṃ yatkiṃcinmātro viṣayāvatāranirdeśaḥ |  api tu kalpam ahaṃ bhadanta śāriputro kalpāvaśesaṃ vācintyavimokṣapratiṣṭhitānāṃ bodhisatvānāṃ viṣayānāṃ viṣayāvatāranirdeśaṃ nirdiśeyam, ato vottari |   
舍利弗 我今略說菩薩不可思議解脫之力  若廣說者窮劫不盡   
唯舍利子 我今略說安住如是不可思議解脫菩薩 方便善巧智力所入 不可思議解脫境界  若我廣說 或經一劫或一劫餘 或復過此 智慧辯才終不可盡  如我智慧辯才無盡 安住如是不可思議解脫菩薩 方便善巧智力所入 不可思議解脫境界亦不可盡 以無量故 
btsun pa śā ri’i bu | ’di ni rnam par thar pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa la gnas pa’i byaṅ chub sems dpa’ rnams kyi yul la ’jug pa cuṅ zad tsam źig bstan par zad de |  btsun pa śā ri’i bu | rnam par thar pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa la gnas pa’i byaṅ chub sems dpa’ rnams kyi yul la ’jug pa bstan pa ni bskal pa las lhag pa yam | de las ’das pa yaṅ kho bos bśad do ||    
"Reverend Śāriputra, I have shown you only a small part of the entrance into the domain of the bodhisattva who lives in the inconceivable liberation.  Reverend Śāriputra, to explain to you the teaching of the full entrance into the domain of the bodhisattva who lives in the inconceivable liberation would require more than an aeon, and even more than that."   
§19 atha khalu sthaviro mahākāśyapa imaṃ bodhisatvānām acintyavimokṣaṃ śrutvāścaryaprāptaḥ sthaviraṃ śāriputram etad avocat:  tadyathāpi nāma āyuṣmañ śāriputra jātyandhasya puruṣasya purastāt kaścid eva sarvarūpagatāny upadarśayet | na ca tatra sa jātyandha ekarūpam api paśyet |  evam eva āyuṣmañ śāriputra ihācintyavimokṣe nirdiśyamāne sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhā iha jātyandhā iva cakṣurvihīnā ekasminn apy acintyakāraṇe na pratyakṣāḥ |  ko nāma vidvān imam acintyaṃ vimokṣaṃ śrutvānuttarāyāṃ samyakṣaṃbodhau cittaṃ notpādayet |  tat kiṃ nu bhūyaḥ kariṣyāmo ’tyantopahatendriyā dagdhavinaṣṭānīva bījāny abhājanībhūtā ihamahāyāne |  sarvaśrāvakapratyekabuddhair imaṃ dharmanirdeśaṃ śrutvā  rudadbhis trisāhasramahāsāhasro lokadhātur vijñāpayitavyaḥ |  sarvabodhisatvaiś ca pramuditair imam acintyavimokṣaṃ śrutvā mūrdhnā saṃpratyetavyaḥ, adhimuktibalaṃ ca saṃjanayitavyam |  yasyaiṣācintyavimokṣādhimuktiḥ sarvamārās tasya kiṃ kariṣyanti |  imaṃ nirdeśaṃ nirdiśataḥ sthavirasya mahākāśyapasya dvātriṃśatā devaputrasahasrair anuttarāyāṃ samyakṣaṃbodhau cittāny utpannāni | 
於是耆年大迦葉 聞說菩薩不思議門 謂舍利弗言  譬如賢者 於凡人前現眾名香 非彼所見則不能知  為若此也 今諸弟子聞是語者 可一時見不思議作  其誰聞此不思議門 不發無上正真道者  於此賢者 吾等何為永絕其根 於此大乘已如敗種  一切弟子聞是說者  當以悲泣曉喻一切三千世界  其諸菩薩可悅預喜 如是說當頂受  若曉了不思議門者 一切魔眾無如之何  大迦葉說是語時 三萬二千天人皆發無上正真道意 
是時大迦葉 聞說菩薩不可思議解脫法門 歎未曾有 謂舍利弗  譬如有人於盲者前現眾色像非彼所見  一切聲聞聞是不可思議解脫法門 不能解了為若此也  智者聞是 其誰不發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心  我等何為永絕其根 於此大乘已如敗種  一切聲聞聞是不可思議解脫法門  皆應號泣聲震三千大千世界  一切菩薩應大欣慶頂受此法  若有菩薩信解不可思議解脫法門者 一切魔眾無如之何  大迦葉說是語時 三萬二千天子皆發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心 
爾時尊者大迦葉波 聞說安住不可思議解脫菩薩不可思議解脫神力 歎未曾有 便語尊者舍利子言  譬如有人對生盲者 雖現種種差別色像 而彼盲者都不能見  如是一切聲聞獨覺 皆若生盲無殊勝眼 聞說安住不可思議解脫菩薩所現難思解脫神力乃至一事亦不能了  誰有智者男子女人 聞說如是不可思議解脫神力 不發無上正等覺心  我等今者 於此大乘如燋敗種永絕其根復何所作  我等一切聲聞獨覺 聞說如是不思議解脫神力  皆應號泣聲震三千大千世界  一切菩薩聞說如是不可思議解脫神力 皆應欣慶頂戴受持 如王太子受灌頂位生長堅固信解勢力  若有菩薩聞說如是不可思議解脫神力 堅固信解 一切魔王及諸魔眾 於此菩薩無所能為  當於尊者大迦葉波說是語時 眾中三萬二千天子皆發無上正等覺心 
de nas gnas brtan ’od sruṅ chen pos byaṅ chub sems dpa’i rnam par thar pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa bstan pa ’di thos nas ṅo mtshar du gyur te | gnas brtan śā ri’i bu la ’di skad ces smras so ||   tshe daṅ ldan pa śā ri’i bu ’di lta ste dper na mi dmus loṅ gi mdun du la las gzugs su gyur pa thams cad bstan kyaṅ dmus loṅ ṅes gzugs gcig kyaṅ mi mthoṅ ba de bźin du |  tshe daṅ ldan pa śā ri’i bu rnam par thar pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa’i sgo ’di bstan pa’i tshe ñan thos daṅ | raṅ saṅs rgyas thams cad dmus loṅ daṅ ’dra bar mig med de | bsam gyis mi khyab pa’i rgyu gcig tsam yaṅ mṅon du ma gyur na |  rnam par thar pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa ’di thos nas mkhas pa su źig bla na med pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i byaṅ chub tu sems mi skyed |  dbaṅ po śin tu ñams pa | sa bon tshig pa daṅ | rul ba ltar theg pa chen po ’di la snod du ma gyur na da ji ltar bya |  ñan thos daṅ raṅ saṅs rgyas thams cad kyis chos bstan pa ’di thos nas cho ṅes btab ste |  stoṅ gsum gyi stoṅ chen po’i ’jig rten gyi khams su go bar byas so | |   byaṅ chub sems dpa’ thams cad kyis ni rnam par thar pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa ’di thos na rgyal bu gźon nus cod pan blaṅ ba bźin du rab tu dga’ bas spyi bor blaṅ źiṅ ’di la mos pa’i stobs śin tu bskyed par bya’o ||   gaṅ rnam par thar pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa ’di la mos pa de la bdud thams cad kyaṅ ci źig byed par ’gyur |  gnas brtan ’od sruṅ chen pos bstan pa ’di bśad pa na lha’i bu sum khri ñis stoṅ gis bla na med pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i byaṅ chub tu sems bskyed do ||  
Then, the patriarch Mahākāśyapa, having heard this teaching of the inconceivable liberation of the bodhisattvas, was amazed, and he said to the venerable Śāriputra,  "Venerable Śāriputra, if one were to show a variety of things to a person blind from birth, he would not be able to see a single thing.  Likewise, venerable Śāriputra, when this door of the inconceivable liberation is taught, all the disciples and solitary sages are sightless, like the man blind from birth, and cannot comprehend even a single cause of the inconceivable liberation.  Who is there among the wise who, hearing about this inconceivable liberation, does not conceive the spirit of unexcelled, perfect enlightenment?  As for us, whose faculties are deteriorated, like a burned and rotten seed, what else can we do if we do not become receptive to this great vehicle?  We, all the disciples and solitary sages, upon hearing this teaching of the Dharma,  should utter a cry of regret that would shake this billion-world-galactic universe!  And as for the bodhisattvas, when they hear of this inconceivable liberation they should be as joyful as a young crown prince when he takes the diadem and is anointed, and they should increase to the utmost their devotion to this inconceivable liberation.  Indeed, what could the entire host of Māras ever do to one who is devoted to this inconceivable liberation?"  When the patriarch Mahākāśyapa had uttered this discourse, thirty-two thousand gods conceived the spirit of unexcelled, perfect enlightenment. 
§20 atha vimalakīrtir licchaviḥ sthaviraṃ mahākāśyapam evam āha:  yāvanto bhadanta mahākāśyapa daśasu dikṣv aprameyeṣu lokadhātuṣu mārā māratvaṃ kārayanti,  sarve te yadbhūyasācintyavimokṣapratiṣṭhitā bodhisatvā upāyakauśalyena satvaparipācanāya māratvaṃ kārayanti |  yāvadbhir bhadanta mahākāśyapa daśasu dikṣv aprameyeṣu lokadhātuṣu bodhisatvā yācanakair yācyante hastapādān  vā karṇanāsaṃ vā śoṇitaṃ snāyuṃ vāsthimajjānaṃ vā netrāṇi vottamāṅgāni śirāṃsi vāṅgapratyaṅgāni  vā rājyarāṣṭrajanapadān vā bhāryāputraduhitṛ vā dāsadāsīr vā hayagajarathavāhanāni  vā suvarṇamaṇimuktāvaiḍūryaśaṅkhaśilāpravāḍamaṇiratnajātaṃ  vānnapānāni rasān vā, vastrāṇi cotpīḍya yācyante,    sarve te yācanakā yadbhūyasācintyavimokṣapratiṣṭhitā bodhisatvā upāyakauśalyenemāṃ dṛḍhādhyāśayatāṃ darśayanti |  tat kasmād dhetoḥ |  ugratapaso hi bhadanta mahākāśyapa bodhisatvās ta evaṃ darśayanti |  nāsti hi prākṛtajanasyāsthānānavakāśakṛtasya bodhisatvam utpīḍayitum |  tadyathāpi nāma bhadanta mahākāśyapa na śaktir asti khadyotakasya sūryamaṇḍalaprabhām abhibhavitum |  evam eva bhadanta mahākāśyapa na śaktir asti prākṛtasya janasya bodhisatvenānavakāśakṛtasyopasaṃkramituṃ yācituṃ vā | 
維摩詰 報大迦葉言  唯然賢者 十方無量無央數魔 魔怪賢者悉行恐怖  立不思議門菩薩者 常解度人 魔之所為  十方無量 或從菩薩求索手足  耳鼻頭眼髓腦血肉肌體  妻子男女眷屬 及求國城墟聚財穀  金銀明月珠玉珊瑚珍寶  衣裘飲食    一切所有 皆從求索 立不思議門菩薩者 能以善權為諸菩薩方便示現堅固其性  所以者何  菩薩者 當上  及不可使凡民逼迫之也     
爾時維摩詰語大迦葉  仁者 十方無量阿僧祇世界中作魔王者  多是住不可思議解脫菩薩 以方便力教化眾生現作魔王  又迦葉 十方無量菩薩 或有人從乞手足  耳鼻頭目髓腦血肉皮骨  聚落城邑妻子奴婢象馬車乘  金銀琉璃車磲馬瑙珊瑚琥珀真珠珂貝  衣裘飲食    如此乞者多是住不可思議解脫菩薩 以方便力而往試之令其堅固  所以者何  住不可思議解脫菩薩 有威德力故現行逼迫 示諸眾生如是難事  凡夫下劣無有力勢 不能如是逼迫菩薩     
時無垢稱即語尊者迦葉波言  十方無量無數世界作魔王者  多是安住不可思議解脫菩薩 方便善巧現作魔王 為欲成熟諸有情故  大迦葉波 十方無量無數世界一切菩薩 諸有來求手足  耳鼻頭目髓腦血肉筋骨一切支體  妻妾男女奴婢親屬 村城聚落國邑王都四大洲等 種種王位財穀珍寶  金銀真珠珊瑚螺貝吠琉璃等諸莊嚴具  房舍床座衣服飲食  湯藥資產象馬輦輿 大小諸船器仗軍眾  如是一切逼迫菩薩而求乞者 多是安住不可思議解脫菩薩 以巧方便現為斯事試驗菩薩 令其了知意樂堅固  所以者何  增上勇猛諸大菩薩 為欲饒益諸有情故 示現如是難為大事  凡夫下劣無復勢力 不能如是逼迫菩薩為此乞求  大迦葉波 譬如螢火終無威力映蔽日輪  如是凡夫及下劣位 無復勢力逼迫菩薩為此乞求 
de nas li tsa bī dri ma med par grags pas gnas brtan ’od sruṅ chen po la ’di skad ces smras so ||   btsun pa ’od sruṅ chen po phyogs bcu’i ’jig rten gyi khams dpag tu med pa dag na bdud ji snyed bdud byed pa  de dag thams cad kyaṅ rnam par thar pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa la gnas pa’i byaṅ chub sems dpa’ rnams thabs la mkhas pas sems can yoṅs su smin par bya ba’i phyir bdud byed do | |  btsun pa ’od sruṅ chen po phyogs bcu’i ’jig rten gyi khams dpag tu med pa dag na byaṅ chub sems dpa’ la sloṅ ba gaṅ dag gis lag pa yam | rkaṅ pa yam |  rna ba yam | sna yam | khrag gam | rgyus pa yam | rus pa yam | rkaṅ pa yam | mig gam | ro stod dam | mgo ’am | yan lag daṅ | nyiṅ lag gam |  rgyal po’i srid dam | yul ’khor ram | ljoṅs sam | chuṅ ma daṅ | bu pho daṅ | bu mo daṅ | bran pho daṅ | bran mo daṅ | rta daṅ | glaṅ po che daṅ | śiṅ rta daṅ | bźon pa daṅ |  gser daṅ | dṅul daṅ | nor bu daṅ | mu tig daṅ | duṅ daṅ | man śel daṅ | byu ru daṅ | bai dū rya daṅ | nor bu rin po che rnams kyaṅ ruṅ |  bza’ ba daṅ | btuṅ ba daṅ | bro ba rnams sam | gos rnams kyaṅ ruṅ | ñam ṅa bar byas te sloṅ ba    de dag thams cad kyaṅ phal cher rnam par thar pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa la gnas pa’i byaṅ chub sems dpa’ rnams te | thabs la mkhas pas lhag pa’i bsam pa brtan pa ’di ston to ||   de ci’i phyir źe na |   btsun pa ’od sruṅ chen po | byaṅ chub sems dpa’ rnams ni dka’ thub drag pas na de lta bur ston te |  go skabs ma phye bar byaṅ chub sems dpa’ la ñam ṅa bar byed pa’i mthu skye bo phal la med do || go skabs ma phye bar gsad pa’am bslaṅ bar yaṅ mi nus so ||   btsun pa ’od sruṅ ’di lta ste | dper na  srin bu me khyer gyis ñyi ma’i dkyil ’khor gyi ’od zil gyis mnan par mi nus pa  de bźin du btsun pa ’od sruṅ go skabs ma phye bar byaṅ chub sems dpa’i thad du ’gro ba’am bslaṅ bar mi nus so ||  
Then the Licchavi Vimalakīrti said to the patriarch Mahākāśyapa,  "Reverend Mahākāśyapa, the Māras who play the devil in the innumerable universes of the ten directions  are all bodhisattvas dwelling in the inconceivable liberation, who are playing the devil in order to develop living beings through their skill in liberative technique.  Reverend Mahākāśyapa, all the miserable beggars who come to the bodhisattvas of the innumerable universes of the ten directions to ask for a hand, a foot,  an ear, a nose, some blood, muscles, bones, marrow, an eye, a torso, a head, a limb,  a member, a throne, a kingdom, a country, a wife, a son, a daughter, a slave, a slave-girl, a horse, an elephant, a chariot, a cart,  gold, silver, jewels, pearls, conches, crystal, coral, beryl, treasures,  food, drink, elixirs, and clothes -    these demanding beggars are usually bodhisattvas living in the inconceivable liberation who, through their skill in liberative technique, wish to test and thus demonstrate the firmness of the high resolve of the bodhisattvas.  Why?  Reverend Mahākāśyapa, the bodhisattvas demonstrate that firmness by means of terrible austerities.  Ordinary persons have no power to be thus demanding of bodhisattvas, unless they are granted the opportunity. They are not capable of killing and depriving in that manner without being freely given the chance.  "Reverend Mahākāśyapa, just as a glowworm cannot eclipse the light of the sun,  so reverend Mahākāśyapa, it is not possible without special allowance that an ordinary person can thus attack and deprive a bodhisattva. 
tadyathā bhadanta mahākāśyapa yo hastināgasya prahāro na sa śakyo gardabhena soḍhum |  evam eva bhadanta mahākāśyapa na śakyam abodhisatvena bodhisatvasyotpīḍanaṃ soḍhum |  bodhisatva eva bodhisatvotpīḍāṃ sahate |  ayaṃ bhadanta mahākāśyapa acintyavimokṣapratiṣṭhitānāṃ bodhisatvānām upāyajñānabalapraveśaḥ 
譬如迦葉 龍象蹴踏非驢所堪  為若此也 其餘菩薩莫能為  菩薩忍逼猶如此  立不思議門菩薩入權慧力者也 
譬如龍象蹴踏非驢所堪      是名住不可思議解脫菩薩智慧方便之門 
大迦葉波 譬如龍象現威鬥戰非驢所堪 唯有龍象能與龍象為斯戰諍  如是凡夫及下劣位 無有勢力逼迫菩薩  唯有菩薩 能與菩薩共相逼迫  是名安住不可思議解脫菩薩方便善巧智力所入不可思議解脫境界 
btsun pa ’od sruṅ chen po ’di lta ste | dper na bal glaṅ glaṅ po che la brdeg pa ni boṅ bus bzod par mi nus te |  de bźin du btsun pa ’od sruṅ chen po byaṅ chub sems dpa’ ma yin pas byaṅ chub sems dpa’ la ñam ṅa bar byed mi nus kyi  byaṅ chub sems dpa’ ñid byaṅ chub sems dpa’ la ñam ṅa bar byed de | byaṅ chub sems dpa’ ñam ṅa bar byas pa byaṅ chub sems dpas bzod do ||   btsun pa ’od sruṅ chen po | de ni rnam par thar pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa la gnas pa’i byaṅ chub sems dpa’ rnams kyi thabs śes pa’i stobs la ’jug pa’o ||  
Reverend Mahākāśyapa, just as a donkey could not muster an attack on a wild elephant,  even so, reverend Mahākāśyapa, one who is not himself a bodhisattva cannot harass another bodhisattva,  and only a bodhisattva can tolerate the harassment of another bodhisattva.  Reverend Mahākāśyapa, such is the introduction to the power of the knowledge of liberative technique of the bodhisattvas who live in the inconceivable liberation." 
acintyavimokṣasaṃdarśanaparivartaḥ pañcamaḥ       
    維摩詰經卷上  維摩詰經卷下 
  說此法時 八千菩薩 得入菩薩方便善巧智力所入不可思議解脫境界    說無垢稱經卷第四 
rnam par thar pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa bstan pa’i le’u ste lṅa pa’o | |  | |       
7. The Goddess 
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