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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
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The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter I: Buddhakṣetrapariśuddhinidāna
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter II: Acintyopāyakauśalyaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter III: Śrāvakabodhisatvavisarjanapraśna
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter IV: Glānapratisaṃmodanāparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter V: Acintyavimokṣasaṃdarśanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VI: Devatāparivartaḥ
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VII: Tathāgatagotraparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VIII: Advayadharmamukhapraveśaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter IX: Nirmitabhojanānayanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter X: Kṣayākṣayo
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XI: Abhiratilokadhātvānayanākṣobhyatathāgatadarśanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XII: Nigamanaparīndanāparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
§2 āha: yadi kulaputraivaṃ bodhisatvena sarvasatvāḥ pratyavekṣitavyāḥ,  kathaṃ punar asya mahāmaitrī bhavati sarvasatveṣu | 
文殊師利曰 如是觀者  何以行慈 
文殊師利言 若菩薩作是觀者  云何行慈 
妙吉祥言 若諸菩薩 如是觀察一切有情  云何於彼修於大慈 
smras pa | rigs kyi bu gal te byaṅ chub sems dpas sems can thams cad la de lta bur so sor brtags na  ji ltar na sems can thams cad la byams pa chen po skye bar ’gyur | 
Mañjuśrī then asked further, "Noble sir, if a bodhisattva considers all living beings in such a way,  how does he generate the great love toward them?" 
āha: yadā mañjuśrīḥ bodhisatva evaṃ pratyavekṣate,  mayā hy eṣāṃ satvānām evaṃ dharmaparijñāyai dharmo deśayitavya iti,  ato ’sya bhūtā satvatrāṇamaitrī sarvasatveṣūtpadyate ’nārambaṇatayā,    upaśamamaitry anutpādanatayā,  niṣparidāhamaitrī niḥkleśatayā,  yathāvadmaitrī tryadhvasamatayā,  avirodhamaitry aparyupasthānatayā,  advayamaitry adhyātmabahirdhāsaṃsṛṣṭatayā,  akopyamaitry atyantaniṣṭhatayā,  dṛḍhamaitrī vajradṛḍhābhedyāśayatayā,  śuddhamaitrī prakṛtiśuddhatayā,  samamaitry ākāśasamatayā,  arhan maitry arinirghātanatayā,    bodhisatvamaitrī satvaparipākāsraṃsanatayā,  tathāgatamaitrī tathatānubodhanatayā,  buddhamaitrī suptasatvaprabodhanatayā,  svayambhumaitrī svayamabhisaṃbodhanatayā  bodhimaitri samarasatayā,  asamāropamaitry anunayapratighaprahāṇatayā,  mahākaruṇāmaitrī mahāyānaparidīpanatayā,  aparikhedamaitrī śūñanairātmyapratyavekṣaṇatayā,  dharmadānamaitry anācāryamuṣṭitayā,  śīlamaitrī duḥśīlasatvāvekṣaṇatayā,  kṣāntimaitry ātmapararākṣaṇyanatayā,  vīryamaitrī sarvasatvabhāravahanatayā,  dhyānamaitry anāsvādanatayā,  prajñāmaitrī kālasaṃprāpaṇatayā,  upāyamaitrī sarvatramukhoddarśanatayā,    akuhanamaitry āśayapariśuddhitayā,    aśāṭhyamaitry āśayatayā,  adhyāśayamaitrī niraṅgaṇatayā,  amāyāmaitry akṛtrimatayā,  saukhyamaitrī buddhasaukhyapratiṣṭhāpanatayā |  iyaṃ mañjuśrīḥ bodhisatvasya mahāmaitrī | 
答曰 如是觀人  人物為幻 知法亦然 而為說法  以慈修止    止而慈者為無所起  行不嬈慈以無瑕穢  行等之慈等于三塗  行無諍慈無所止處  行不二慈內外無習  行不怒慈為都成就  行牢強慈強若金剛莫能沮壞  行清白慈內性已淨  行平等慈平若虛空        行如來慈如本隨覺  行佛之慈覺諸凡人  行自然慈以自覺正  行道之慈同其所味  行無比慈能卻眾惡  行大悲慈導以大乘  行不視慈其視如空  行布施慈無所遺忘  行戒以慈與惡戒眼  行忍以慈彼我皆護  行精進慈荷負眾人  行一心慈思所當念  行智慧慈而以知時  行善權慈一切現聞    行不諂慈意淨無求    行不飾慈心無所著    行不我慈無復惡意  行安慰慈至于得佛  為立大安菩薩之慈 為若此也 
維摩詰言 菩薩作是觀已  自念 我當為眾生說如斯法  是即真實慈也    行寂滅慈無所生故  行不熱慈無煩惱故  行等之慈等三世故  行無諍慈無所起故  行不二慈內外不合故  行不壞慈畢竟盡故  行堅固慈心無毀故  行清淨慈諸法性淨故  行無邊慈如虛空故  行阿羅漢慈破結賊故    行菩薩慈安眾生故  行如來慈得如相故  行佛之慈覺眾生故  行自然慈無因得故  行菩提慈等一味故  行無等慈斷諸愛故  行大悲慈導以大乘故  行無厭慈觀空無我故  行法施慈無遺惜故  行持戒慈化毀禁故  行忍辱慈護彼我故  行精進慈荷負眾生故  行禪定慈不受味故  行智慧慈無不知時故  行方便慈一切示現故    行無隱慈直心清淨故      行深心慈無雜行故  行無誑慈不虛假故  行安樂慈令得佛樂故  菩薩之慈為若此也 
無垢稱言 菩薩如是觀有情已  自念我當為諸有情說如斯法令其解了  是名真實修於大慈  與諸有情究竟安樂  如是菩薩修寂滅慈無諸取故  修無熱慈離煩惱故  修如實慈三世等故  修不違慈無等起故  修無二慈離內外故  修無壞慈畢竟住故  修堅固慈增上意樂如金剛故  修清淨慈本性淨故  修平等慈等虛空故  修阿羅漢慈永害結賊故  修獨覺慈不待師資故  修菩薩慈成熟有情無休息故  修如來慈隨覺諸法真如性故  修佛之慈覺悟睡夢諸有情故  修自然慈任運等覺諸法性故  修菩提慈等一味故  修無偏慈愛憎斷故  修大悲慈 顯大乘故  修無諍慈觀無我故 修無厭慈觀性空故  修法施慈離師捲故  修淨戒慈成熟犯戒諸有情故  修堪忍慈隨護自他令無損故  修精進慈荷負有情利樂事故  修靜慮慈無愛味故  修般若慈於一切時現知法故  修方便慈於一切門普示現故  修妙願慈無量大願所引發故 修大力慈能辦一切廣大事故 修若那慈了知一切法性相故 修神通慈不壞一切法性相故 修攝事慈方便攝益諸有情故 修無著慈無礙染故  修無詐慈意樂淨故  修無諂慈加行淨故  修無誑慈不虛假故  (修無誑慈不虛假故 )修深心慈離瑕穢故  修無誑慈不虛假故 (修深心慈離瑕穢故 )  修安樂慈建立諸佛安樂事故  唯妙吉祥 是名菩薩修於大慈 
smras pa | ’jam dpal nam byaṅ chub sems dpa’ de ltar so sor rtog pa na  de ltar chos yoṅs su śes nas sems can ’di dag la yaṅ bdag gis chos bstan to sñam ste |  de bas na de sems can thams cad la yaṅ dag pa’i skyabs kyi byams pa skye ste |    len pa med pa’i phyir ñe bar źi ba’i byams pa’o ||   ñon moṅs pa med pas gduṅ ba med pa’i byams pa’o ||   dus gsum mñam pa ñid kyi phyir ci bźin pa ñid kyi byams pa’o ||   kun nas ldaṅ ba med pa’i phyir ’gal ba med pa’i byams pa’o ||   phyi naṅ ma ’dres pa’i phyir gñis su med pa’i byams pa’o ||   śin tu mthar thug pa’i phyir mi ’khrugs pa’i byams pa’o ||   bsam pa rdo rje lta bur mi phyed pa’i phyir brtan pa’i byams pa’o | |  raṅ bźin gyis yoṅs su dag pa’i phyir yoṅs su dag pa’i byams pa’o ||   bsam pa mñam pa’i phyir mñam pa’i byams pa’o ||   dgra bcom pa’i phyir dgra bcom pa’i byams pa’o | |    sems can yoṅs su smin par bya ba rgyun mi ’chad pa’i phyir byaṅ chub sems dpa’i byams pa’o ||   yaṅ de bźin ñid khoṅ du chud pa’i phyir de bźin gśegs pa’i byams pa’o ||   sems can gñid kyis log pa rab tu sad par byed pa’i phyir saṅs rgyas kyi byams pa’o ||   raṅ mṅon par rdzogs par byaṅ chub pa’i phyir raṅ byuṅ gi byams pa’o ||   ro mtshuṅs pa’i phyir byaṅ chub kyi byams pa’o ||   rjes su chags pa daṅ | khoṅ khro ba spaṅs pa’i phyir sgro btags pa med pa’i byams pa’o ||   theg pa chen po yoṅs su snaṅ bar byed pa’i phyir sñiṅ rje chen po’i byams pa’o | |  stoṅ pa daṅ bdag med par so sor rtog pa’i phyir yoṅs su mi skyo ba’i byams pa’o ||   slob dpon dpe mkhyud med pa’i phyir chos kyi sbyin pa’i byams pa’o ||   tshul khrims ’chal pa’i sems can la lta ba’i phyir tshul khrims kyi byams pa’o ||   bdag daṅ pha rol sruṅ ba’i phyir bzod pa’i byams pa’o ||   sems can thams cad kyi khur khyer ba’i phyir brtson ’grus kyi byams pa’o ||   ro myaṅ ba med pa’i phyir bsam gtan gyi byams pa’o ||   dus su thob par byed pa’i phyir śes rab kyi byams pa’o | |  thams cad du sgo ston pa’i phyir thabs kyi byams pa’o ||     bsam pa rnam par dag pa’i phyir tshul ’chos pa med pa’i byams pa’o ||     bsam pa thag pa nas byed pa’i phyir g.yo med pa’i byams pa’o ||   ñon moṅs pa med pa’i phyir lhag pa’i bsam pa’i byams pa’o ||   bcos ma ma yin pa’i phyir sgyu med pa’i byams pa’o ||   saṅs rgyas kyi bde ba la ’god pa’i phyir bde ba’i byams pa ste |   ’jam dpal de ni byaṅ chub sems dpa’i byams pa’o ||  
Vimalakīrti replied, "Mañjuśrī, when a bodhisattva considers all living beings in this way,  he thinks: ’Just as I have realized the Dharma, so should I teach it to living beings.’  Thereby, he generates the love that is truly a refuge for all living beings;    the love that is peaceful because free of grasping;  the love that is not feverish, because free of passions;  the love that accords with reality because it is equanimous in all three times;  the love that is without conflict because free of the violence of the passions;  the love that is nondual because it is involved neither with the external nor with the internal;  the love that is imperturbable because totally ultimate.  "Thereby he generates the love that is firm, its high resolve unbreakable, like a diamond;  the love that is pure, purified in its intrinsic nature;  the love that is even, its aspirations being equal;  the saint’s love that has eliminated its enemy;    the bodhisattva’s love that continuously develops living beings;  The Tathāgata’s love that understands reality;  the Buddha’s love that causes living beings to awaken from their sleep;  the love that is spontaneous because it is fully enlightened spontaneously;  the love that is enlightenment because it is unity of experience;  the love that has no presumption because it has eliminated attachment and aversion;  the love that is great compassion because it infuses the Mahāyāna with radiance;  the love that is never exhausted because it acknowledges voidness and selflessness;  the love that is giving because it bestows the gift of Dharma free of the tight fist of a bad teacher;  the love that is morality because it improves immoral living beings;  the love that is tolerance because it protects both self and others;  the love that is effort because it takes responsibility for all living beings;  the love that is contemplation because it refrains from indulgence in tastes;  the love that is wisdom because it causes attainment at the proper time;  the love that is liberative technique because it shows the way everywhere;    the love that is without formality because it is pure in motivation;    the love that is without deviation because it acts from decisive motivation;  the love that is high resolve because it is without passions;  the love that is without deceit because it is not artificial;  the love that is happiness because it introduces living beings to the happiness of the Buddha.  Such, Mañjuśrī, is the great love of a bodhisattva." 
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