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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter I: Buddhakṣetrapariśuddhinidāna
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter II: Acintyopāyakauśalyaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter III: Śrāvakabodhisatvavisarjanapraśna
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter IV: Glānapratisaṃmodanāparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter V: Acintyavimokṣasaṃdarśanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VI: Devatāparivartaḥ
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VII: Tathāgatagotraparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VIII: Advayadharmamukhapraveśaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter IX: Nirmitabhojanānayanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter X: Kṣayākṣayo
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XI: Abhiratilokadhātvānayanākṣobhyatathāgatadarśanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XII: Nigamanaparīndanāparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
§1 atha khalu śakro devānām indro bhagavantam etad avocat:  bahuni me bhagavan tathāgatasyāntikān mañjuśriyaś ca kumārabhūtasyāntikād dharmaparyāyaśatasahasrāṇi śrutāni |  na ca me jātv evam acintyavimokṣavikurvitadharmanayapraveśaśrutapūrvo yādṛśa iha dharmaparyāye nirdiṣṭaḥ | 
於是天帝釋白佛言  多福哉世尊 得近如來文殊師利者 雖百千聞  未有若此純法化者也 
爾時釋提桓因於大眾中白佛言  世尊 我雖從佛及文殊師利聞百千經  未曾聞此不可思議自在神通決定實相經典 
爾時天帝釋白佛言  世尊 我雖從佛及妙吉祥聞多百千法門差別  而未曾聞如是所說不可思議自在神變解脫法門 
de nas bcom ldan ’das la lha’i dbaṅ po brgya byin gyis ’di skad ces gsol to ||   bcom ldan ’das bdag gis sṅon de bźin gśegs pa daṅ | ’jam dpal gźon nur gyur pa las chos kyi rnam graṅs brgya stoṅ maṅ po thos kyaṅ  ji ltar chos kyi rnam graṅs ’di las rnam par sprul pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa’i tshul la ’jug pa rab tu bstan pa ’di lta bu ni sṅon nam yaṅ ma thos lags so ||  
Then Śakra, the prince of the gods, said to the Buddha,  "Lord, formerly I have heard from the Tathāgata and from Mañjuśrī, the crown prince of wisdom, many hundreds of thousands of teachings of the Dharma,  but I have never before heard a teaching of the Dharma as remarkable as this instruction in the entrance into the method of inconceivable transformations. 
§2 niḥsaṃśayaṃ te satvā evaṃ dharmabhājanā bhaviṣyanti, ya imaṃ dharmaparyāyam udgrahīṣyanti dhārayiṣyanti vācayiṣyanti paryavāpsyanti |  kaḥ punar vādaḥ | ye bhāvanāyogam anuyuktā bhaviṣyanti,  pithitās teṣāṃ sarvāpāyāḥ,  anāvṛtās teṣāṃ sarve sugatipathāḥ,  dṛṣṭās te sarvabuddhaiḥ,  nihatās taiḥ sarvaparapravādinaḥ,  parājitās taiḥ sarvamārāḥ,  viśodhitās tair bodhimārgāḥ,  pratiṣṭhitās te bodhimaṇḍe,  tathāgatagatisamavasaraṇās te bhaviṣyanti | 
以宿曾聞是法不疑故 使其人得此法乘能受持誦  況我面值應心與合  諸愛此者  吾無所違  若一切見軌跡不離諸佛者  於諸彼轉  其已得勝 為降眾魔  而來體道  道意  佛念其人必得 
如我解佛所說義趣 若有眾生聞是經法 信解受持讀誦之者 必得是法不疑  何況如說修行  斯人即為閉眾惡趣  開諸善門  常為諸佛之所護念  降伏外學  摧滅魔怨  修治菩提  安處道場  履踐如來所行之跡 
如我解佛所說義趣 若諸有情聽聞如是所說法門 信解受持讀誦通利廣為他說 尚為法器決定無疑  何況精勤如理修習  如是有情關閉一切惡趣險徑  開闢一切善趣夷塗  常見一切諸佛菩薩  降伏一切外道他論  摧滅一切暴惡魔軍  淨菩提道  安立妙覺  履踐如來所行之路 
bcom ldan ’das sems can gaṅ dag chos kyi rnam graṅs ’di ’dzin pa daṅ | ’chaṅ ba daṅ | klog pa daṅ | kun chub par bgyid pa de dag kyaṅ the tshom ma mchis par ’di lta bu’i chos kyi snod du ’gyur na |  gaṅ dag bsgom pa’i rnal ’byor la rjes su sbyor ba rnams la smos kyaṅ ci ’tshal te |  de dag gis ṅan soṅ thams cad ni bcad |  de dag gis bde ’gro’i lam thams cad ni phye |  de dag saṅs rgyas thams cad kyis ni gzigs |  de dag gis phas kyi rgol ba thams cad ni bcom |   de dag gis bdud thams cad ni śen tu pham par bgyis |  de dag gis byaṅ chub sems dpa’i lam ni rnam par sbyaṅs |  de dag byaṅ chub kyi snyiṅ po la ni gnas |  de dag de bźin gśegs pa’i sbyod yul la ni yaṅ dag par ’jug par ’gyur ba lags so ||  
Lord, those living beings who, having heard this teaching of the Dharma, accept it, remember it, read it, and understand it deeply will be, without a doubt, true vessels of the Dharma;  there is no need to mention those who apply themselves to the yoga of meditation upon it.  They will cut off all possibility of unhappy lives,  will open their way to all fortunate lives,  will always be looked after by all Buddhas,  will always overcome all adversaries,  and will always conquer all devils.  They will practice the path of the bodhisattvas,  will take their places upon the seat of Enlightenment,  and will have truly entered the domain of the Tathāgatas. 
§3 ya imaṃ dharmaparyāyaṃ dhārayiṣyanti,  aham api bhagavan teṣāṃ kulaputrāṇām upasthānaparicaryāṃ kariṣyāmi sārdhaṃ sarvaparivāreṇa |  yatra ca grāmanagaranigamajanapadarāṣṭrarājadhānīṣv ayaṃ dharmaparyāyaḥ pracariṣyati deśayiṣyati saṃprakāśayiṣyati,  tatrāhaṃ saparivāro dharmaśravaṇāyopasaṃkrāmiṣyāmi |  aprasannānāṃ ca kulaputrāṇāṃ prasādam utpādayiṣyāmi,  prasannānāṃ ca dhārmikiṃ rakṣāvaraṇaguptiṃ kariṣyāmi | 
持是法者  吾與官屬當助安之  在所墟聚國邑 有以是法教勸說者  吾與官屬共詣其所  其未樂之天人 吾當起其樂  必以喜樂而營護法 
世尊 若有受持讀誦如說修行者  我當與諸眷屬供養給事  所在聚落城邑山林曠野有是經處  我亦與諸眷屬 聽受法故共到其所  其未信者當令生信  其已信者當為作護 
復言 世尊 若諸有情聽聞如是所說法門 信解受持乃至精勤如理修習  我當與其一切眷屬恭敬供養是善男子善女人等  世尊 若有村城聚落國邑王都受持讀誦開解流通此法門處  我亦與其一切眷屬 為聞法故共詣其所  諸未信者當令其信  諸已信者如法護持令無障難 
bcom ldan ’das rigs kyi bu yam | rigs kyi bu mo gaṅ dag chos kyi rnam graṅs ’di ’chaṅ ba  de dag la bdag ’khor thams cad daṅ bcas pas rim gro daṅ g.yog bgyi’o ||   groṅ daṅ | groṅ khyer daṅ | groṅ rdal daṅ | ljoṅs daṅ | yul ’khor daṅ | rgyal po’i pho braṅ ’khor gaṅ na chos kyi rnam graṅs ’di spyod pa daṅ | ’chad pa daṅ | rab tu ston pa  der chos nyan pa’i slad du bdag gyog daṅ bcas te mchi’o ||   rigs kyi bu ma dad pa rnams dad pa bskyed par bgyi |  dad pa rnams ni chos daṅ ldan pas bsruṅ źiṅ bskyab par bgyi’o ||  
Lord, the noble sons and daughters who will teach and practice this exposition of the Dharma  will be honored and served by me and my followers.  To the villages, towns, cities, states, kingdoms, and capitals wherein this teaching of the Dharma will be applied, taught, and demonstrated,  I and my followers will come to hear the Dharma.  I will inspire the unbelieving with faith,  and I will guarantee my help and protection to those who believe and uphold the Dharma." 
§4 evam ukte bhagavāñ śakraṃ devānām indram etad avocat:  sādhu sādhu devānam indra,  subhāṣitaṃ te ’numodate tathāgataḥ |  yā devānām indra atītānāgatapratyutpannānāṃ buddhānāṃ bhagavatāṃ bodhir iha dharmaparyāya uddiṣṭā |  tasmād iha deavendra atītānāgatapratyutpannās tena kulaputreṇa va kuladuhitrā vā buddhā bhagavantaḥ pūjitā bhaviṣyanti, ya imaṃ dharmaparyāyam udgrahīṣyaty antaśaḥ pustakalikhitam api kariṣyati vācayiṣyati likhiṣyati paryavāpsyati | 
佛言  善哉善哉 天帝  吾代汝喜  是諸去來現在佛得道者 皆說是法  若是天帝欲得供養去來現在諸佛世尊 當受是法持誦自清宣示同學 
佛言  善哉善哉 天帝  如汝所說 吾助爾喜  此經廣說過去未來現在諸佛不可思議阿耨多羅三藐三菩提  是故天帝 若善男子善女人 受持讀誦供養是經者即為供養去來今佛 
爾時世尊告天帝釋  善哉善哉 如汝所說  汝今乃能隨喜如來所說如是微妙法門  天帝當知 過去未來現在諸佛 所有無上正等菩提 皆於如是所說法門略說開示  是故若有諸善男子或善女人 聽聞如是所說法門 信解受持讀誦通利 廣為他說書寫供養 即為供養過去未來現在諸佛 
de skad ces gsol pa daṅ | bcom ldan ’das kyis lha’i dbaṅ po brgya byin la ’di skad ces bka’ stsal to ||   legs so legs so | lha’i dbaṅ po |  khyod kyis legs par smras pa de la de bźin gśegs pa yaṅ rjes su yi raṅ ṅo ||   lha’i dbaṅ po ’das pa daṅ | ma byon pa daṅ | da ltar byuṅ ba’i saṅs rgyas bcom ldan ’das rnams kyi byaṅ chub de ni chos kyi rnam graṅs ’di las bstan to ||   lha’i dbaṅ po de bas na gaṅ chos kyi rnam graṅs ’di ’dzin pa daṅ | tha na glegs bam la ’dri ba daṅ | ’dzin pa daṅ | klog pa daṅ | kun chub par byed pa’i rigs kyi bu yam | rigs kyi bu mo de dag gis ni ’das pa daṅ | ma byon pa daṅ | da ltar byuṅ ba’i saṅs rgyas bcom ldan ’das rnams mchod par ’gyur ro ||  
At these words, the Buddha said to Śakra, the prince of the gods,  "Excellent! Excellent, prince of gods!  The Tathāgata rejoices in your good words.  Prince of gods, the enlightenment of the Buddhas of the past, present, and future is expressed in this discourse of Dharma.  Therefore, prince of gods, when noble sons and daughters accept it, repeat it, understand it deeply, write it completely, and, making it into a book, honor it, those sons and daughters thereby pay homage to the Buddhas of the past, present and future. 
§5 yaś ca punar deavendra kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vemaṃ trisāhasramahāsāhasraṃ lokadhātuṃ tathāgatapūrṇaṃ  tadyathāpi nāmekṣuvanaṃ vā naḍavanaṃ vā veṇuvanaṃ vā tilavanaṃ vaivaṃ śālivanaṃ vā  pratipūrṇaṃ kalpaṃ vā kalpāvaśeṣaṃ vā satkuryād gurukuryān mānayet  pūjayet tāṃs tathāgatān sarvapūjābhiḥ sarvasukhopadhānaiḥ,  parinirvṛtānāṃ ca teṣāṃ tathāgatānām ekaikasya tathāgatasya pūjākarmaṇa  ekaghanasyāvikopitasya śarīrasya sarvaratnamayaṃ stūpaṃ pratiṣṭhāpayec  caturmahādvīpikalokadhātupramāṇaṃ yāvad brahmalokam uccaistvena  yaṣṭicchatrapatākābhir udviddhopaśobhitam  evaṃ sarvatathāgatānāṃ pratyekaṃ stūpaṃ kārayet,  sa ca tatra kalpaṃ vā kalpāvaśeṣaṃ vā pūjāṃ kuryāt sarvapuṣpaiḥ sarvagandhaiḥ sarvadhvajapatākābhiḥ sarvatūryatāḍāvacarasaṃpravāditena pūjāṃ kuryāt,  tat kiṃ manyase devānām indra  api nu sa kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vā tato nidānaṃ bahu puṇyaṃ prasunuyāt | 
正使天帝三千世界如來滿中  譬如甘蔗竹蘆稻麻叢林 甚多無數皆為如來  有賢者子賢者女 於一劫若百劫 敬之事之奉之養之  一切施安進諸所樂  至諸佛般泥曰 一一等意  穿地藏骨立七寶塔  周於四方彌滿佛界 高至梵天  施設蓋幡  為諸佛別造塔  皆於一劫若百劫 供養眾華眾香眾蓋幢幡伎樂  云何天帝  此人殖福能增多不 
天帝 正使三千大千世界如來滿中  譬如甘蔗竹[竺-二+韋]稻麻叢林  若有善男子善女人 或一劫或減一劫 恭敬尊重讚歎  供養奉諸所安  至諸佛滅後  以一一全身舍利起七寶塔  縱廣一四天下高至梵天  表剎莊嚴    以一切華香瓔珞幢幡伎樂微妙第一 若一劫若減一劫而供養之  於天帝意云何  其人植福寧為多不 
又天帝釋 假使三千大千世界滿中如來  譬如甘蔗及竹葦麻稻山林等  若善男子或善女人 經於一劫或一劫餘 恭敬尊重讚歎承事  以諸天人一切上妙安樂供具一切上妙安樂所居 奉施供養於諸如來  般涅槃後  供養一一全身舍利 以七珍寶起窣堵波  縱廣量等四洲世界 其形高峻上至梵天  表柱輪盤香花幡蓋 眾珍伎樂嚴飾第一  如是建立一一如來七寶莊嚴窣堵波已  經於一劫或一劫餘 以諸天人一切上妙花鬘燒香塗香末香衣服幡蓋寶幢燈輪眾珍伎樂種種供具 恭敬尊重讚歎供養  於意云何  是善男子或善女人 由此因緣獲福多不 
lha’i dbaṅ po rigs kyi bu pho’am | rigs kyi bu mo gaṅ gis stoṅ gsum gyi stoṅ chen po’i ’jig rten gyi khams ’di de bźin gśegs pas yoṅs su gaṅ ba |  ’di lta ste dper na bu ram śiṅ gi tshal lam | ’dam bu’i tshal lam | smyig ma’i tshal lam | til gyi źiṅ ṅam | seṅ ldeṅ gi tshal bźin du  rab tu gaṅ ba rnams la bskal pa yam | bskal pa las lhag par rim gror byas | bla mar byas | bsti staṅ du byas te |  de bźin gśegs pa de dag la mchod pa thams cad daṅ | bde ba’i yo byad kyis mchod pa daṅ |  de bźin gśegs pa de dag yoṅs su mya ṅan las ’das nas kyaṅ de bźin gśegs pa re re la yaṅ mchod pa’i phyir  gcig tu mkhregs pa ma źig pa’i sku gduṅ gi mchod rten rin po che thams cad las byas pa  rgyar ni gliṅ chen po bźi pa’i ’jig rten gyi tshad tsam | ’phaṅ du ni tshaṅs pa’i jig rten du phyin pa |  gdugs daṅ | ba dan daṅ | srog śiṅ sgreṅ bas mdzes par rab tu byas te |  de bźin du de bźin gśegs pa thams cad kyi mchod rten so sor byas nas  des de la bskal pa yam | bskal pa las lhag par me tog thams cad daṅ | spos thams cad daṅ | rgyal mtshan thams cad daṅ | ba dan thams cad kyis mchod pa byas śiṅ rṅa daṅ | sil snyan rnams brduṅs te mchod na |  lha’i dbaṅ po | ’di ji snyam du sems |  rigs kyi bu yam | rigs kyi bu mo de dag de’i gźi las bsod nams maṅ du bskyed dam | 
"Let us suppose, prince of gods, that this billion-world-galactic universe were as full of Tathāgatas  as it is covered with groves of sugarcane, with rosebushes, with bamboo thickets, with herbs, and with flowers,  and that a noble son or daughter were to honor them, revere them, respect and adore them, offering them all sorts of comforts and offerings for an aeon or more than an aeon.    And let us suppose that, these Tathāgatas having entered ultimate liberation, he or she honored each of them  by enshrining their preserved bodies in a memorial stupa made of precious stones,  each as large as a world with four great continents, rising as high as the world of Brahmā,  adorned with parasols, banners, standards, and lamps.  And let us suppose finally that, having erected all these stupas for the Tathāgatas,  he or she were to devote an aeon or more to offering them flowers, perfumes, banners, and standards, while playing drums and music.  That being done, what do you think, prince of gods?  Would that noble son or daughter receive much merit as a consequence of such activities?" 
āha: bahu bhagavan bahu sugata,  nāsya puṇyaskandhasya śakyaḥ paryanto ’dhigantuṃ kalpakoṭīśatasahasrair api | 
曰多矣 世尊  彼之福祐不可稱說億百千劫 
釋提桓因言 多矣世尊  彼之福德若以百千億劫說不能盡 
天帝釋言 甚多世尊 難思善逝  百千俱胝那庾多劫 亦不能說其福聚量 
gsol pa | bcom ldan ’das maṅ lags so || bde bar gśegs pa maṅ lags te |  bskal pa bye ba brgya stoṅ gis kyaṅ bsod nams kyi phuṅ po de’i mthar phyin par mi nus lags so ||  
Śakra, the prince of gods, replied, "Many merits, Lord! Many merits, O Sugata!  Were one to spend hundreds of thousands of millions of aeons, it would be impossible to measure the limit of the mass of merits that that noble son or daughter would thereby gather!" 
§6 bhagavān āha:  ārocayāmi te devānām indra, prativedaya |  ataḥ sa kulaputro vā kuladuhitā vā bahutaraṃ puṇyaṃ prasunuyāt, ya imam acintyavimokṣanirdeśaṃ dharmaparyāyam udgṛhṇīyād dhārayed vācayet paryavāpnuyāt |  tat kasmād dhetoḥ |  dharmanirjātā hi deavendra buddhānāṃ bhagavatāṃ bodhiḥ,  sā dharmeṇaiva śakyā pūjayitum, nāmiṣeṇa |    tad anenāpi te deavendra paryāyeṇaivaṃ veditavyam |   
佛告  天帝 當以知  是賢者子賢者女 受此不思議門所說法要 奉持說者福多於彼  所以者何  法生佛道法出諸佛  其能供養此正法者 非思欲施輩    當以知此   
佛告  天帝 當知  是善男子善女人 聞是不可思議解脫經典信解受持讀誦修行福多於彼  所以者何  諸佛菩提皆從是生    菩提之相不可限量 以是因緣福不可量     
佛告  天帝 如是如是 吾今復以誠言語汝  若善男子或善女人 聽聞如是不可思議自在神變解脫法門 信解受持讀誦宣說所獲福聚甚多於彼  所以者何  諸佛無上正等菩提從此生故  唯法供養乃能供養如是法門 非以財物    天帝當知  無上菩提功德多故 供養此法其福甚多 
bcom ldan ’das kyis bka’ stsal pa |  lha’i dbaṅ po khyod mos par bya’o || khyod kyis khoṅ du chud par bya’o||  gaṅ rnam par thar pa bsam gyis mi khyab pa bstan pa’i chos kyi rnam graṅs ’di ’dzin tam | klog gam | kun chub par byed pa’i rigs kyi bu pho’am | rigs kyi bu mo bsod nams śin tu maṅ du bskyed do ||   de ci’i phyir źe na |  lha’i dbaṅ po saṅs rgyas bcom ldan ’das rnams kyi byaṅ chub ni chos las byuṅ ste |  de chos kyi mchod par nus kyi zaṅ ziṅ gis ni ma yin pa’i phyir ro ||     lha’i dbaṅ po | khyed kyis rnam graṅs ’dis kyaṅ ’di ltar rig par bya ste |   
The Buddha said,  "Have faith, prince of gods, and understand this:  Whoever accepts this exposition of the Dharma called ’Instruction in the Inconceivable Liberation,’ recites it, and understands it deeply, he or she will gather merits even greater than those who perform the above acts.  Why so?  Because, prince of gods, the enlightenment of the Buddhas arises from the Dharma,  and one honors them by the Dharma worship, and not by material worship.    Thus it is taught, prince of gods, and thus you must understand it."   
§7 bhūtapūrvaṃ devānām indra atīte ’dhvany asaṃkhyeye kalpe ’saṃkhyeyatare vipule ’pramāṇe ’cintye yad āsīt  tena kālena tena samayena bhaisajyarājo nāma tathāgato ’rhan samyakṣaṃbuddho vidyācaraṇasaṃpannaḥ sugato lokavid anuttaraḥ puruṣadamyasārathiḥ śāstā devamanuṣyāṇāṃ buddho bhagavān mahāvyūhe lokadhātau viśodhane kalpe |  tasya khalu punar devānām indra bhaiṣajyarājasya tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyakṣaṃbuddhasya viṃśatir antarakalpa āyuḥpramāṇam abhūt |  ṣaṭtriṃśac cāsya koṭīniyutāni śrāvakānāṃ saṃgho ’bhūt |  dvādaśakoṭyo bodhisatvānāṃ saṃgho ’bhūt |  tena ca devānām indra kālena tena samayena ratnacchatro nāma rājābhūc cakravartī saptaratnasamanvāgataś caturdvīpeśvaraḥ |  saptaratnasamanvāgataś caturdvīpeśvaraḥ |  paripūrṇaṃ cāsya putrasahasram abhūc chūrāṇāṃ varāṅgarūpiṇāṃ parasainyapramardakānām | 
佛告天帝 有昔過去無央數劫不可稱計  時世有佛名俾沙闍羅耶(漢言藥王)如來至真等正覺明行成為善逝世間解無上士道法御天人師號佛世尊 其世界名太清 劫曰淨除  彼時天帝 藥王如來壽三十劫  其弟子眾凡三十六億垓  菩薩十二億  是時有轉輪聖王名曰寶蓋  王有七寶主四天下   
佛告天帝 過去無量阿僧祇劫時  世有佛號曰藥王如來應供正遍知明行足善逝世間解無上士調御丈夫天人師佛世尊 世界名大莊嚴 劫曰莊嚴  佛壽二十小劫  其聲聞僧三十六億那由他  菩薩僧有十二億  天帝 是時有轉輪聖王名曰寶蓋  七寶具足主四天下  王有千子 端正勇健能伏怨敵 
爾時世尊告天帝釋 乃往過去不可思議不可稱量無數大劫  有佛出世 名曰藥王如來應正等覺明行圓滿善逝世間解無上丈夫調御士天人師佛世尊 彼佛世界名曰大嚴 劫名嚴淨  藥王如來壽量住世二十中劫  其聲聞僧有三十六俱胝那庾多數  其菩薩眾十二俱胝  時有輪王名曰寶蓋  成就七寶主四大洲  具足千子端嚴勇健能伏他軍 
lha’i dbaṅ po sṅon byuṅ ba ’das pa’i dus na bskal pa graṅs med pa’i yaṅ ches graṅs med pa | rgya che ba | tshad med pa bsam gyis mi khyab par gyur pa  de’i dus de’i tshe na bskal pa rnam par sbyoṅ ba la ’jig rten gyi khams cher bkod par de bźin gśegs pa | dgra bcom pa | yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i saṅs rgyas | rig pa daṅ | źabs su ldan pa | bde bar gśegs pa | ’jig rten mkhyen pa | skyes bu ’dul ba’i kha lo sgyur ba | bla na med pa | lha doṅ | mi rnams kyi ston pa | saṅs rgyas bcom ldan ’das sman gyi rgyal po źes bya ba ’jig rten du byuṅ ste |  de bźin gśegs pa dgra bcom pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i saṅs rgyas sman gyi rgyal po de’i tshe’i tshad ni bar gyi bskal pa nyi śur gyur to ||   de’i nyan thos kyi dge ’dun ni bye ba khrag khrig phrag sum cu rtsa drug yod do ||   byaṅ chub sems dpa’i dge ’dun ni bye ba khrag khrig phrag bcu gnyis yod do ||   lha’i dbaṅ po de’i tshe de’i dus na ’khor los bsgyur ba’i rgyal po rin chen gdugs źes bya ba  gliṅ bźi la dbaṅ ba rin po che sna bdun daṅ ldan pa źig byuṅ ste |  de la bu dpa’ ba | rtul phod pa | yan lag mchog gi gzugs daṅ ldan pa | pha rol gyi sde rab tu ’joms pa stoṅ du tshaṅ ba yod do ||  
The Buddha then further said to Śakra, the prince of gods, "Once, prince of gods, long ago, long before aeons more numerous than the innumerable, immense, immeasurable, inconceivable, and even before then,  the Tathāgata called Bhaiṣajyarāja appeared in the world: a saint, perfectly and fully enlightened, endowed with knowledge and conduct, a blissful one, knower of the world, incomparable knower of men who need to be civilized, teacher of gods and men, a Lord, a Buddha. He appeared in the aeon called Vicarana in the universe called Mahavyuha.  "The length of life of this Tathāgata Bhaiṣajyarāja, perfectly and fully enlightened one, was twenty short aeons.  His retinue of disciples numbered thirty-six million billion,  and his retinue of bodhisattvas numbered twelve million billion.  In that same era, prince of gods, there was a universal monarch called King Ratnacchattra,  who reigned over the four continents and possessed seven precious jewels.  He had one thousand heroic sons, powerful, strong, and able to conquer enemy armies. 
§8 tena khalu punaḥ samayena rājñā ratnacchatreṇa sa bhagavān bhaiṣajyarājas tathāgataḥ pañcāntarakalpān satkṛtaḥ saparivāraḥ sarvasukhopadhānena |  iti hi devānām indra teṣāṃ pañcānām antarakalpānām atyayena sa rājā ratnacchatras tat putrasahasram āmantrayate sma:  yat khalu mārṣāḥ jānīta, kṛtā mayā tathāgatasya pūjā, yūyam idānīṃ tathāgatasya pūjāṃ kuruta |  iti hi devānām indra te rājakumārāḥ pitū rājño ratnacchatrasya sādhv iti pratiśrutya  sarve sahitāḥ samagrā aparān pañcāntarakalpāṃs taṃ bhagavantaṃ bhaiṣajyarājaṃ tathāgataṃ satkurvanti sarvasukhopadhānaiḥ | 
五劫奉事藥王如來 率其官屬施諸所安  至五劫中 聖王寶蓋召其千子而告之曰  汝等已見如來當共奉事施以所安  於是千子聞父王命  皆以安和 復至五劫供養藥王如來 并其官屬一切施安 
爾時寶蓋與其眷屬供養藥王如來 施諸所安至滿五劫  過五劫已告其千子  汝等亦當如我以深心供養於佛  於是千子受父王命  供養藥王如來 復滿五劫一切施安 
時王寶蓋與其眷屬 滿五中劫恭敬尊重讚歎承事藥王如來 以諸天人一切上妙安樂供具一切上妙安樂所居奉施供養  過五劫已 時寶蓋王告其千子  汝等當知 我已供養藥王如來 汝等今者亦當如我奉施供養  於是千子聞父王教 歡喜敬受 皆曰善哉  一切協同滿五中劫 與其眷屬恭敬尊重讚歎承事藥王如來 以諸人天一切上妙安樂供具一切上妙安樂所居 奉施供養 
rgyal po rin chen gdugs des bcom ldan ’das de bźin gśegs pa sman gyi rgyal po ’khor daṅ bcas pa la bar gyi bskal pa lṅa’i bar du bde ba’i yo byad thams cad kyis ri mor byas so ||   lha’i dbaṅ po bar gyi bskal pa lṅa po de dag ’das nas rgyal po rin chen gdugs kyis bu stoṅ la ’di skad ces smras so ||   kye khyed śes par gyis śig | ṅas de bźin gśegs pa la mchod pa byas kyis da khyed kyis kyaṅ de bźin gśegs pa la mchod pa gyis śig |  de nas rgyal bu gźon nu de dag pha rgyal po rin chen gdugs la legs so źes smras nas de mnyan te |  de daṅ lhan cig tshogs nas de bźin gśegs pa sman gyi rgyal po la bskal pa bar ma lṅa’i bar du bde ba’i yo byad thams cad kyis rim gror byas so ||  
This King Ratnacchattra honored the Tathāgata Bhaiṣajyarāja and his retinue with many excellent offerings during five short aeons.  At the end of this time, the King Ratnacchattra said to his sons,  ’Recognizing that during my reign I have worshiped the Tathāgata, in your turn you also should worship him.’  "The thousand princes gave their consent, obeying their father the king,  and all together, during another five short aeons, they honored the Tathāgata Bhaiṣajyarāja with all sorts of excellent offerings. " 
§9 tataś caiko rājakumāraḥ somacchatro nāma |  tasyaikākino rahogatasyaitad abhūt:  asti tv asyāḥ pujāyā anyodāratā viśiṣṭatarā pūjeti | 
第一太子名曰善宿  獨坐自念  寧有供養殊過此者 
其王一子名曰月蓋  獨坐思惟  寧有供養殊過此者 
時一王子名為月蓋  獨處閑寂作是思惟  我等於今如是慇重恭敬供養藥王如來 頗有其餘恭敬供養最上最勝過於此不 
de’i naṅ nas rgyal bu zla gdugs źes bya ba  de gcig pu dben par soṅ nas ’di snyam du sems te |  mchod pa de bas mchod pa gźan ches khyad par du ’phags śiṅ rgya che ba yod dam snyam pa daṅ | 
Among them, there was a prince by the name of Candracchattra,  who retired into solitude and thought to himself,  ’Is there not another mode of worship, even better and more noble than this?’ 
tasyāntarīkṣād devatā buddhādhiṣṭhānenaivam āha:  dharmapūjā satpuruṣa sarvapūjābhyo viśiṣyate | 
空中有天承佛聖旨應曰  正士 法之供養勝諸供養 
以佛神力空中有天曰  善男子 法之供養勝諸供養 
以佛神力於上空中 有天發聲告王子曰  月蓋當知 諸供養中其法供養最為殊勝 
saṅs rgyas kyi byin gyi rlabs kyis bar snaṅ de las lha dag ’di skad ces zer ro ||   skyes bu dam pa chos kyi mchod pa ni mchod pa thams cad kyi naṅ na mchog go | 
"Then, by the supernatural power of the Buddha Bhaiṣajyarāja, the gods spoke to him from the heavens:  ’Good man, the supreme worship is the Dharma-worship.’ 
sa evam āha: katamā punaḥ sā dharmapūjeti | 
即問 何謂法之供養 
即問 云何名法供養 
des smras pa | chos kyi mchod pa de gaṅ yin | 
"Candracchattra asked them, ’What is this "Dharma-worship"?’ " 
devatāha: etam eva tvaṃ satpuruṣa tathāgataṃ bhaiṣajyarājam upasaṃkramya paripṛccha katamā sā dharmapūjeti |  sa te bhagavān vyākariṣyati | 
天曰何不行問藥王如來  佛當為汝解說法之供養 
天曰 汝可往問藥王如來  當廣為汝說法之供養 
天答月蓋 汝可往問藥王如來 世尊 云何名法供養  佛當為汝廣說開示 
lhas smras pa | skye bu dam pa khyod de bźin gśegs pa sman gyi rgyal po de’i druṅ du soṅ la chos kyi mchod pa de gaṅ lags źes źus śig daṅ |  bcom ldan ’das de khyod la luṅ ston to ||  
The gods replied, ’Good man, go to the Tathāgata Bhaiṣajyarāja, ask him about the "Dharma-worship,"  and he will explain it to you fully.’ 
atha devānām indra sa somacchatro rājakumāro yena bhagavān bhaiṣajyarājas tathāgato ’rhan samyakṣaṃbuddhas tenopasaṃkrāmat |  upasaṃkramya tasya bhagavataḥ pādau śirasā vanditvaikānte ’sthāt |  ekāntasthitaś ca somacchatro rājakumāras taṃ bhagavantaṃ bhaiṣajyarājaṃ tathāgatam etad avocat:  dharmapūjā dharmapūjeti bhagavan ucyate | katamā sā dharmapūjeti | 
於是太子善宿即起行詣藥王如來  稽首佛足  而問  法之供養 為法見者是何謂也 
即時月蓋王子行詣藥王如來  稽首佛足  卻住一面白佛言  世尊 諸供養中法供養勝 云何為法供養 
王子月蓋聞天語已 即便往詣藥王如來  恭敬慇懃頂禮雙足  右遶三匝卻住一面白言  世尊 我聞一切諸供養中 其法供養最為殊勝 此法供養其相云何 
de nas lha’i dbaṅ po rgyal bu zla gdugs gźon nu bcom ldan ’das de bźin gśegs pa dgra bcom pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i saṅs rgyas sman gyi rgyal po ga la ba der soṅ ste phyin pa daṅ |  bcom ldan ’das kyi źabs la mgo bos phyag btsal te phyogs gcig tu ’dug go |  phyogs gcig tu ’dug nas rgyal bu zla gdugs kyis bcom ldan ’das de bźin gśegs pa sman gyi rgyal po de la ’di skad ces gsol to ||   bcom ldan ’das chos kyi mchod pa źes bgyi ba’i chos kyi mchod pa de gaṅ lags |  
"Then, the prince Candracchattra went to the Lord Bhaiṣajyarāja, the saint, the Tathāgata, the insuperably, perfectly enlightened one,  and having approached him, bowed down at his feet,  circumambulated him to the right three times, and withdrew to one side. He then asked,  ’Lord, I have heard of a "Dharma-worship," which surpasses all other worship. What it this "Dharma-worship"?’ 
§10 sa bhagavān āha:  dharmapūjā kulaputra yā tathāgatabhāṣitānāṃ sūtrāntānāṃ gambhīrāṇāṃ gambhīrāvabhāsānāṃ  sarvalokapratyanīkānāṃ duravagāhānāṃ durdṛśānāṃ duranubodhānāṃ sūkṣmāṇāṃ nipuṇānāṃ nirupalambhānām  bodhisatvapiṭakāntargatānāṃ dhāraṇīsūtrāntarājamudrāmudritānām  avivartacakrasūcakānām  ṣaṭpāramitānirjātānāṃ  saṃgṛhītagrahāṇāṃ  bodhipakṣyadharmānugatānāṃ | bodhyaṅgāhārāṇāṃ  satvamahākaruṇāvatārāṇāṃ mahāmaitrīnirdeśānāṃ  māradṛṣṭigatavigatānāṃ pratītyasamutpādanirdiṣṭānām 
藥王佛言  法供養者 如佛所說眾經奧藏深邃之言  諸世所歸 非為難受難見之輩 以無憍慢微妙無像其義夷易  菩薩篋藏修至諸持 經印所封非無道理  其輪清淨  入六度無極  可善取學  道品法淨入正之事  為下大悲建于大悲  離諸大見睹大緣起 
佛言  善男子 法供養者 諸佛所說深經  一切世間難信難受 微妙難見清淨無染 非但分別思惟之所能得  菩薩法藏所攝 陀羅尼印印之  至不退轉  成就六度  善分別義  順菩提法  眾經之上入大慈悲  離眾魔事及諸邪見 順因緣法 
藥王如來告王子曰  月蓋當知 法供養者 謂於諸佛所說經典 微妙甚深似甚深相  一切世間極難信受難度難見 幽玄細密無染了義 非分別知  菩薩藏攝 總持經王佛印所印  分別開示不退法輪  六到彼岸由斯而起  善攝一切所應攝受  菩提分法正所隨行 七等覺支親能導發  辯說開示大慈大悲 拔濟引安諸有情類  遠離一切見趣魔怨 分別闡揚甚深緣起 
bcom ldan ’das des bka’ stsal pa |  rigs kyi bu chos kyi mchod pa ni gaṅ de bźin gśegs pas gsuṅs pa’i mdo sde zab mo zab mor snaṅ ba |  ’jig rten thams cad daṅ mi mthun pa | rtogs par dka’ ba | mṅon par dka’ ba | khoṅ du chud pa dka’ ba | phra ba źib pa | mi dmigs pa |  byaṅ chub sems dpa’i sde snod kyi naṅ du gtogs pa | gzuṅs daṅ mdo sde’i rgyal po’i phyag rgyas btab pa |  phyir mi ldog pa’i ’khor lo ston pa |  pha rol tu phyin pa drug las byuṅ ba |  ’dzin pa rnams yoṅs su bzuṅ ba |  byaṅ chub kyi phyogs kyi chos daṅ ldan pa | byaṅ chub kyi yan lag sgrub par gtogs pa |  sems can la snyiṅ rje chen po ’jug pa | byams pa chen po ston pa |  bdud kyi lta bar gyur pa thams cad med pa | rten ciṅ ’brel bar ’byuṅ ba bstan pa | 
"The Tathāgata Bhaiṣajyarāja said,  ’Noble son, the Dharma-worship is that worship rendered to the discourses taught by the Tathāgata. These discourses are deep and profound in illumination.  They do not conform to the mundane and are difficult to understand, difficult to see and difficult to realize. They are subtle, precise, and ultimately incomprehensible.  As Scriptures, they are collected in the canon of the bodhisattvas, stamped with the insignia of the king of incantations and teachings.  They reveal the irreversible wheel of Dharma,  arising from the six transcendences,  cleansed of any false notions.  They are endowed with all the aids to enlightenment and embody the seven factors of enlightenment.  They introduce living beings to the great compassion and teach them the great love.  They eliminate all the convictions of the Māras, and they manifest relativity. 
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