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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
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The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter I: Buddhakṣetrapariśuddhinidāna
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter II: Acintyopāyakauśalyaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter III: Śrāvakabodhisatvavisarjanapraśna
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter IV: Glānapratisaṃmodanāparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter V: Acintyavimokṣasaṃdarśanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VI: Devatāparivartaḥ
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VII: Tathāgatagotraparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VIII: Advayadharmamukhapraveśaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter IX: Nirmitabhojanānayanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter X: Kṣayākṣayo
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XI: Abhiratilokadhātvānayanākṣobhyatathāgatadarśanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XII: Nigamanaparīndanāparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
§64 pratigṛhya ca vimalakīrtis tā apsarasa etad avocat:  niryātitā yūyaṃ mahyaṃ māreṇa pāpīyasā,  utpādayata idānīm anuttarāyāṃ samyakṣaṃbodhau cittam |  sa tāsāṃ tadānulomikīṃ bodhiparipācanīṃ kathāṃ kṛtvā bodhau cittam utpādayati sma | 
維摩詰言  魔以女與我  今汝當發無上正真道意  諸玉女言 其已如是從道之教發大道意者 當何以自娛樂 
爾時維摩詰語諸女言  魔以汝等與我  今汝皆當發阿耨多羅三藐三菩提心  即隨所應而為說法令發道意 
時無垢稱語諸女言  是惡魔怨以汝施我  今諸姊等當發無上正等覺心  即隨所應為說種種隨順成熟妙菩提法 令其趣向正等菩提 
de nas dri ma med par grags pas lha’i bu mo de rnams blaṅs nas lha’i bu mo de dag la ’di skad ces smras so ||  khyod sdig can gyis ṅa la byin gyis  de bla na med pa yaṅ dag par rdzogs pa’i byaṅ chub tu sems skyed cig |  des de dag la byaṅ chub tu yoṅs su smin par ’gyur ba’i rjes su mthun pa’i gtam bgyis pa daṅ de dag kyaṅ byaṅ chub tu sems bskyed do || 
"The Licchavi Vimalakīrti, having received the goddesses, said to them,  ’Now that you have been given to me by Māra,  you should all conceive the spirit of unexcelled, perfect enlightenment.’  "He then exhorted them with discourse suitable for their development toward enlightenment, and soon they conceived the spirit of enlightenment. 
sa tā evam āha: utpāditam idānīṃ yuṣmābhir bodhicittam,  dharmārāmaratiratābhir idānīṃ yuṣmābhir bhavitavyam, na kāmaratiratābhiḥ | 
答言 汝等便發無上正真道意  有樂法之樂可以自娛 汝等得之不復樂欲樂也 
復言 汝等已發道意  有法樂可以自娛 不應復樂五欲樂也 
復言 姊等已發無上正等覺心  有大法苑樂可以自娛 不應復樂五欲樂也 
de nas yaṅ des de dag la khyed kyis ṅa byaṅ chub tu sems bskyed zin gyis  da phan chad khyed chos kyi kun dga’ la dga’ źiṅ mos par gyis la ’dod pa la dga’ źiṅ mos par ma byed cig ces bsgo’o || 
He then said to them, ’You have just conceived the spirit of enlightenment.  From now on, you should devote yourselves to find joy in pleasures of the Dharma, and should take no pleasure in desires.’ " 
tā āhuḥ: katamā ca punar dharmārāmaratiḥ | 
天女即問 何謂法樂 
諸天女言 唯大居士 云何名為大法苑樂 
de dag gis smras pa | chos kyi kun dga’ la dga’ ba de gaṅ lags | 
They then asked him, ’What is "joy in the pleasures of the Dharma"?’ " 
sa āha: buddhe ’bhedyaprasādaratiḥ,  dharme śuśrūṣaṇaratiḥ,  saṃgha upasthānaratiḥ,  guruṣu gauravopasthānaratiḥ,  traidhātukān niḥsaraṇaratiḥ,  viṣayeṣv aniśritaratiḥ,  skandheṣu vadhakānityapratyavekṣaṇāratiḥ,  dhātuṣv āśīviṣaparitulanāratiḥ,  āyataneṣu śūnyagrāmavivekaratiḥ,  bodhicittārakṣaṇaratiḥ,  satveṣu hitavastutāratiḥ,    dāne saṃvibhāgaratiḥ,  śīleṣv aśaithilyaratiḥ,  kṣāntyāṃ kṣamadamaratiḥ,  vīrye kuśalasamudānayanaratiḥ,  dhyāneṣu parikarmaratiḥ,  prajñāyām apagatakleśāvabhāsaratiḥ,  bodhau vistīrṇaratiḥ,  mārasya nigraharatiḥ,  kleśānāṃ praghātanāratiḥ,  buddhakṣetrasya viśodhanāratiḥ,  lakṣaṇānuvyañjanapariniṣpattyarthaṃ sarvakuśalamūlopacayaratiḥ,    Order is different  gambhīradharmaśravaṇānuttrāsaratiḥ,  trivimokṣamukhaparijayaratiḥ,  nirvāṇārambaṇaratiḥ,  bodhimaṇḍālaṃkāraratiḥ,  na cākālaprāptiratiḥ,  sabhāgajanasevanāratiḥ,  viṣabhāgeṣv adoṣāpratighātaratiḥ,  kalyāṇamitreṣu sevāratiḥ,  pāpamitreṣu visarjanāratiḥ,  dharmaprītiprāmodyaratiḥ,  upāye saṃgraharatiḥ,  apramādabodhipakṣyadharmasevanāratiḥ |  evaṃ hi bodhisatvo dharmārāmaratirato bhavati |   
維摩詰言 樂於喜不離佛  樂於諦聞法  樂常供養眾    樂於三界不嫉  樂知欲無常    樂觀種為毒蛇    樂隨護道意  樂安諸人物  樂以禮敬人  樂施諸所有  樂奉真人戒  樂忍調不忍  樂精進力知行德本  樂禪善行  樂智慧淵  樂廣宣佛  樂抑制魔  樂化塵勞  樂佛國淨  樂以相好合會教化    樂嚴道場  (樂嚴道場 樂三脫門 樂泥洹道 )樂入深法  樂三脫門  樂泥洹道  樂嚴道場 (樂三脫門 樂泥洹道 樂入深法)  不樂非時  樂習自然人  不樂怒不諦  樂習善友  樂遠惡友  樂於好喜    樂無有量道品之法  是為菩薩樂法之樂而以自娛   
答言 樂常信佛  樂欲聽法  樂供養眾      樂離五欲  樂觀五陰如怨賊  樂觀四大如毒蛇  樂觀內入如空聚  樂隨護道意  樂饒益眾生  樂敬養師  樂廣行施  樂堅持戒  樂忍辱柔和  樂勤集善根  樂禪定不亂  樂離垢明慧  樂廣菩提心  樂降伏眾魔  樂斷諸煩惱  樂淨佛國土  樂成就相好故修諸功德    樂嚴道場  樂聞深法不畏  樂三脫門    樂嚴道場 (樂聞深法不畏 樂三脫門)  不樂非時  樂近同學  樂於非同學中心無恚礙  (樂將護惡知識 )樂親近善知識  樂將護惡知識 (樂親近善知識 )  樂心喜清淨    樂修無量道品之法  是為菩薩法樂   
無垢稱言 法苑樂者 謂於諸佛不壞淨樂  於正法中常聽聞樂  於和合眾勤敬事樂    於其三界永出離樂  於諸所緣無依住樂  於諸蘊中觀察無常如怨害樂  於諸界中無倒觀察如毒蛇樂  於諸處中無倒觀察如空聚樂  於菩提心堅守護樂  於諸有情饒益事樂  於諸師長勤供侍樂  於惠施中離慳貪樂  於淨戒中無慢緩樂  於忍辱中堪調順樂  於精進中習善根樂  於靜慮中知無亂樂  於般若中離惑明樂  於菩提中廣大妙樂  於眾魔怨能摧伏樂  於諸煩惱能遍知樂  於諸佛土遍修治樂  於相隨好莊嚴身中極圓滿樂  於其福智二種資糧正修習樂  於妙菩提具莊嚴樂  於甚深法無驚怖樂  於三脫門正觀察樂  於般涅槃正攀緣樂  於妙菩提具莊嚴樂(於甚深法無驚怖樂 於三脫門正觀察樂 於般涅槃正攀緣樂 )  不於非時而觀察樂  於同類生見其功德常親近樂  於異類生不見過失無憎恚樂  於諸善友樂親近樂  於諸惡友樂將護樂  (於巧方便善攝受樂 )於諸法中歡喜信樂  於巧方便善攝受樂 (於諸法中歡喜信樂 )  於不放逸修習一切菩提分法最上妙樂  如是諸姊 是為菩薩大法苑樂  此法苑樂諸大菩薩常住其中 汝等當樂 勿樂欲樂 
des smras pa | saṅs rgyas la mi phyed par dad ciṅ dga’ ba daṅ |  chos ñan par ’dod ciṅ dga’ ba daṅ |  dge ’dun la bsñan bkur bya bar dga’ ba daṅ |  ṅa rgyal med ciṅ bla ma dag la bsti staṅ byed par dga’ ba daṅ |  khams kun nas ’byuṅ bar dga’ ba daṅ |  yul rnams la mi gnas par dga’ ba daṅ |  phuṅ po rnams la gśed ma lta bur rtog pa la dga’ ba daṅ |  khams rnams la sbrul gdug pa daṅ mtshuṅs par rtog pa la dga’ ba daṅ |  skye mched rnams la groṅ stoṅ pa lta bur dben par dga’ ba daṅ |  byaṅ chub kyi sems kyi kun tu bsruṅ bar dga’ ba daṅ |  sems can la phan par byed par dga’ ba daṅ |    sbyin pa la bgo bśa’ byed par dga’ ba daṅ |  tshul khrims la mi lhod par dga’ ba daṅ |  bzod pa la bzod ciṅ dul bar dga’ ba daṅ |  brtson ’grus la dge ba yaṅ dag par bsgrub par dga’ ba daṅ |  bsam gtan la yoṅs su spyod par dga’ ba daṅ |  śes rab la ñon moṅs pa’i snaṅ ba med par dga’ ba daṅ |  byaṅ chub la rgya cher dga’ ba daṅ |  bdud tshar gcod par dga’ ba dang |  ñon mongs pa rnams nges par gzhom par dga’ ba dang |  sangs rgyas kyi zhing rnam par sbyong bar dga’ ba dang |  mtshan dang dpe byad bzaṅ po yoṅs su sgrub pa’i phyir dge ba thams cad bsags pa la dga’ ba daṅ |    Order is different  chos zab mo thos pas mi skrag par dga’ ba daṅ |  rnam par thar pa’i sgo gsum la ’dris par byed pa’i dga’ ba daṅ |  mya ṅan las ’das pa’i dmigs pa la dga’ ba daṅ |  byaṅ chub kyi sñiṅ po’i rgyan la dga’ ba daṅ |  dus ma yin par thob par mi byed pa la dga’ ba daṅ |  skal ba mñam pa’i skye bo la bsten par dga’ ba daṅ |  skal ba mi mñam pa rnams la źe mi sdaṅ źiṅ khoṅ khro ba med pa’i dga’ ba daṅ |  dge ba’i bśes gñen rnams la bsten par dga’ ba daṅ |  sdig pa’i grogs po dag rnam par spaṅ bar dga’ ba daṅ |  chos la mos śiṅ dad de mchog tu dga’ ba’i dga’ ba daṅ |  thabs la sdud pa’i dga’ ba daṅ |  bag yod par byaṅ chub kyi phyogs kyi chos bsten pa la dga’ ba ste |  de ltar na byaṅ chub sems dpa’ chos kyi kun dga’ la dga’ źiṅ mos pa yin no ||   
He declared, ’It is the joy of unbreakable faith in the Buddha,  of wishing to hear the Dharma,  of serving the Sangha  and honoring the spiritual benefactors without pride.  It is the joy of renunciation of the whole world,  of not being fixed in objects,  of considering the five aggregates to be like murderers,  of considering the elements to be like venomous serpents,  and of considering the sense-media to be like an empty town.  It is the joy of always guarding the spirit of enlightenment,  of helping living beings,    of sharing through generosity,  of not slackening in morality,  of control and tolerance in patience,  of thorough cultivation of virtue by effort,  of total absorption in meditation,  and of absence of passions in wisdom.  It is the joy of extending enlightenment,  of conquering the Māras,  of destroying the passions,  and of purifying the buddha-field.  It is the joy of accumulating all virtues, in order to cultivate the auspicious marks and signs.    Order is different  It is the joy of the liberation of nonintimidation when hearing the profound teaching.  It is the joy of exploration of the three doors of liberation,  and of the realization of liberation.  It is the joy of being an ornament of the seat of enlightenment,  and of not attaining liberation at the wrong time.  It is the joy of serving those of equal fortune,  of not hating or resenting those of superior fortune,  of serving the spiritual benefactors,  and of avoiding sinful friends.  It is the joy of the superior gladness of faith and devotion to the Dharma.  It is the joy of acquiring liberative techniques  and of the conscious cultivation of the aids to enlightenment.  Thus, the bodhisattva admires and finds joy in the delights of the Dharma.’   
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