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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter I: Buddhakṣetrapariśuddhinidāna
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter II: Acintyopāyakauśalyaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter III: Śrāvakabodhisatvavisarjanapraśna
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter IV: Glānapratisaṃmodanāparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter V: Acintyavimokṣasaṃdarśanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VI: Devatāparivartaḥ
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VII: Tathāgatagotraparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VIII: Advayadharmamukhapraveśaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter IX: Nirmitabhojanānayanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter X: Kṣayākṣayo
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XI: Abhiratilokadhātvānayanākṣobhyatathāgatadarśanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XII: Nigamanaparīndanāparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
§3 dvātriṃśatā ca bodhisatvasahasrair  abhijñātābhijñātaiḥ  sarvair mahābhijñāparikarmaniryātaiḥ  buddhādhiṣṭhānādhiṣṭhitaiḥ  saddharmanagarapālaiḥ  saddharmaparigrāhakair  mahāsiṃhanādanādibhiḥ  daśadigvighuṣṭaśabdaiḥ  sarvasatvānadhyeṣitakalyāṇamitraiḥ  triratnavaṃśānupacchetṛbhiḥ  nihatamārapratyarthikaiḥ  sarvaparapravādyanabhibhūtaiḥ  smṛtisamādhidhāraṇīsaṃpannaiḥ  sarvanivaraṇaparyutthānavigataiḥ  anāvaraṇavimokṣapratiṣṭhitaiḥ  anācchedyapratibhānaiḥ  dānadamaniyamasaṃyamaśīlakṣāntivīryadhyānaprajñopāyaniryātaiḥ |  anupalaṃbhānutpattikadharmakṣāntisamanvāgataiḥ  avaivarttikadharmacakrapravarttakaiḥ |  alakṣaṇamudrāmudritaiḥ  sarvasatvendriyajñānakuśalaiḥ  sarvaparṣadanabhibhūtavaiśāradyavikrāmibhiḥ  mahāpuṇyajñānasaṃbhāropacitaiḥ  lakṣaṇānuvyañjanasamalaṃkṛtakāyaiḥ  paramarūpadhāribhiḥ  apagatabhūṣaṇaiḥ  meruśikharābhyudgatayaśaḥkīrttisamudgataiḥ  dṛḍavajrādhyāśayābhedyabuddhadharmaprasādapratilabdhaiḥ  dharmaratnavikaraṇāmṛtajalasaṃpravarṣakaiḥ  sarvasatvarutaravitasvarāṅgaghoṣaviśuddhasvaraiḥ |  gaṃbhīradharmapratītyāvatārāntānantadṛṣṭivāsanānusandhisamucchinnaiḥ  vigatabhayasiṃhopamanādibhiḥ    tulyātulyātulyasamatikrāntaiḥ  dharmaratnaprajñāsamudānītamahāsārthavāhaiḥ  rijusūkṣmamṛdudurdṛśaduranubodhasarvadharmakuśalaiḥ |  āgatisatvāśayamatim anupraviṣṭajñānaviṣayibhiḥ  asamasamabuddhajñānābhiṣekābhiṣiktaiḥ  daśabalavaiśāradyāveṇikabuddhadharmādhyāśayagataiḥ  sarvāpāyadurgativinipātotkṣiptaparikhaiḥ    saṃcintyabhavagatyupapattisaṃdarśayitṛbhiḥ  mahāvaidyarājaiḥ  sarvasatvavinayavidhijñaiḥ  yathārhadharmabhaiṣajyaprayogaprayuktaiḥ  anantaguṇākarasamanvāgataiḥ  anantabuddhakṣetraguṇavyūhasamalaṃkṛtaiḥ  amoghaśravaṇadarśanaiḥ  amoghapadavikramair |  aparimitakalpakoṭīniyutaśatasahasraguṇaparikīrttanāparyantaguṇaughaiḥ | 
菩薩三萬二千  皆神通菩薩  一切大聖能隨俗化  佛所住者皆已得住  為法城塹護  持正法  為師子吼  十方聞聲  眾人不請祐而安之  興隆三寶能使不絕  皆已降棄魔行仇怨  一切所化莫不信解  其念及定總持諸寶悉成其所  皆度死地  脫無罣礙  不失辯才  布施調意自損戒忍精進一心智慧善權已下得  無所著不起法忍  阿惟越致法輪已轉  隨眾人相  為現慧德  在諸眾為正導以無畏而不動  已成福祐慧之分部  已得相好能自嚴飾  色像第一  捨世間財  志行高妙名稱普至  有金剛志得佛聖性  以法感人為雨甘露  曉眾言音所說如流其聲清淨  入微妙法見生死本眾厄已斷  度諸恐畏為師子吼不以多言  其講說法乃如雷震  無有量已過量  以道寶之智導為大師  以知足之行現遠佛聲及法功德  博入諸道順化眾生  說無比正佛之智慧  以十力無畏佛十八法  往度惡道諸墮塹者    其生五道  為大醫王  以慧以善救眾生病  應病與藥令得服行  無量善事皆悉得  無量佛國皆嚴淨  無量佛慧皆修學明智之講皆聽聞  明者之跡皆履行  慧之德本隨次興深法之要皆已入三昧無量能悉成佛力無畏一切具足 
菩薩三萬二千  眾所知識  大智本行皆悉成就  諸佛威神之所建立  為護法城  受持正法  能師子吼  名聞十方  眾人不請友而安之  紹隆三寶能使不絕  降伏魔怨  制諸外道  念定總持  悉已清淨永離蓋纏  心常安住無礙解脫  念定總持辯才不斷  布施持戒忍辱精進禪定智慧及方便力無不具足  逮無所得不起法忍  已能隨順轉不退輪  善解法相  知眾生根  蓋諸大眾得無所畏  功德智慧以修其心  相好嚴身  色像第一  捨諸世間所有飾好  名稱高遠踰於須彌  深信堅固猶若金剛  法寶普照而雨甘露  於眾言音微妙第一  深入緣起斷諸邪見有無二邊無復餘習  演法無畏猶師子吼  其所講說乃如雷震  無有量已過量  集眾法寶如海導師  了達諸法深妙之義  善知眾生往來所趣及心所行  近無等等佛自在慧  十力無畏十八不共  關閉一切諸惡趣門    而生五道以現其身  為大醫王  善療眾病  應病與藥令得服行  無量功德皆成就  無量佛土皆嚴淨  其見聞者無不蒙益  諸有所作亦不唐捐  如是一切功德皆悉具足 
菩薩摩訶薩三萬二千  皆為一切眾望所識  大神通業修已成辦  諸佛威德常所加持  善護法城  能攝正法  為大師子吼聲敷演  美音遐振周遍十方  為諸眾生不請善友  紹三寶種能使不絕  降伏魔怨  制諸外道  念定總持無不圓滿  永離一切障及蓋纏  建立無障解脫智門  逮得一切無斷殊勝念慧等持陀羅尼辯  皆獲第一布施調伏寂靜尸羅安忍正勤靜慮般若方便善巧妙願力智波羅蜜多  成無所得不起法忍  已能隨轉不退法輪  咸得無相妙印所印  善知有情諸根勝劣  一切大眾所不能伏而能調御得無所畏  已積無盡福智資糧  相好嚴身  色像第一  捨諸世間所有飾好  名稱高遠踰於帝釋  意樂堅固猶若金剛  於諸佛法得不壞信流  於眾言音微妙第一  於深法義廣大緣起已斷二邊見習相續  演法無畏猶師子吼  其所講說乃如雷震  不可稱量過稱量境  集法寶慧為大導師  正直審諦柔和微密妙達諸法難見難知  甚深實義隨入一切有趣無趣意樂所歸  獲無等等佛智灌頂  近力無畏不共佛法  已除所有怖畏惡趣復超一切險穢深坑  永棄緣起金剛刀仗  常思示現諸有趣生  為大醫王  善知方術  應病與藥愈疾施安  無量功德皆成就  無量佛土皆嚴淨  其見聞者無不蒙益  諸有所作亦不唐捐  設經無量百千俱胝那庾多劫讚其功德亦不能盡 
byaṅ chub sems dpa’ sum khri ñis stoṅ daṅ yaṅ thabs gcig ste |  mṅon par śes pa mṅon par śes pa’i byaṅ chub sems dpa’ sems dpa’ chen po |  mṅon par śes pa chen po yoṅs su sbyaṅs pa las ṅes par byuṅ ba |  saṅs rgyas kyis byin gyi rlabs kyis byin gyis brlabs pa |  chos kyi groṅ khyer sruṅ ba |  dam pa’i chos yoṅs su ’dzin pa |  seṅ ge’i sgra chen po sgrogs pa |  phyogs bcur sgra śin tu bsgrags pa |  gsol ba ma btab par sems can thams cad kyi dge ba’i bśes gñen du gyur pa |  dkon mchog gsum gyi rigs rgyun mi ’chad par byed pa |  bdud daṅ | phyir rgol ba bcom pa |  pha rol gyi rgol ba thams cad kyis zil gyis mi non pa |  dran pa daṅ | blo gros daṅ | rtogs pa daṅ | tiṅ ṅe ’dzin daṅ | gzuṅs daṅ | spobs pa phun sum tshogs pa |  sgrib pa daṅ | kun nas ldaṅ ba thams cad daṅ bral ba |  sgrib pa med pa’i rnam par thar pa la gnas pa |  spobs pa rgyun mi ’chad pa  spyin pa daṅ | dul ba daṅ | mi ’gyur ba daṅ | yaṅ dag par sdom pa daṅ | tshul khrims daṅ | bzod pa daṅ | brtson ’grus daṅ | bsam gtan daṅ | śes rab daṅ | thabs la mkhas pa daṅ | smon lam daṅ | stobs daṅ | ye śes kyi pha rol tu phyin pa las ṅes par byuṅ ba |  mi dmigs pa’i chos la bzod pa daṅ ldan pa |  phyir mi ldog pa’i chos kyi ’khor lo skor ba |  mtshan ñid med pa’i phyag rgyas btab pa |  sems can thams cad kyi dbaṅ po śes pa la mkhas pa;  ’khor thams cad zil gyis mi non pa’i mi ’jigs pas rnam par gnon pa |  bsod nams daṅ | ye śes kyi tshogs chen po bsags pa |  mtshan daṅ | dpe byad bzaṅ po thams cad kyis lus śin tu brgyan pa |  gzugs dam pa ’dzin pa |  rgyan daṅ bral ba1 |  ri rab kyi rtse mo mtho ba bźin du sñan pa daṅ | grags pas mṅon par ’phags pa |  lhag pa’i bsam pa rdo rje ltar sra bas saṅs rgyas daṅ | chos daṅ | dge ’dun la mi phyed pa’i dad pa rñed pa |  chos rin po che’i ’od zer las bdud rtsi’i char śin tu ’bebs pa |  sems can thams cad kyi skad daṅ | smra ba daṅ | dbyaṅs kyi yan lag daṅ | sgra rnam par dag pa’i dbyaṅs daṅ ldan pa |  chos zab mo rten ciṅ ’brel par ’byuṅ ba la ’jug ciṅ mtha’ daṅ | mtha’ med par lta ba’i bag chags kyi mtshams sbyor ba kun gcod pa daṅ |  seṅ ge ltar ’jigs pa med ciṅ sgra mṅon par sgrogs pa |  chos chen po’i ’brug sgra sgrogs pa |  mtshuṅs pa daṅ | mi mtshuṅs ba’i chos las yaṅ dag par ’das pa  chos rin po che’i śes rab daṅ | bsod nams kyi tshogs yaṅ dag par sgrub pa’i ded dpon chen po |  draṅ ba daṅ | źi ba daṅ | phra ba daṅ | ’jam pa daṅ | blta dka’ ba daṅ | rtogs par dka’ ba’i chos kyi tshul la mkhas pa |  sems can rnams kyi ’oṅ ba daṅ | ’gro ba daṅ | sems can gyi bsam pa rtogs pa’i rjes su źugs pa’i ye śes kyi yul daṅ ldan pa |  mi mñam pa daṅ | mñam pa’i saṅs rgyas kyi ye śes la dbaṅ bskur bas dbaṅ bskur ba |  | stobs bcu daṅ | mi ’jigs pa daṅ | saṅs rgyas kyi ma ’dres pa la lhag pa’i bsam pas źugs pa |  | ṅan soṅ gi ’jigs pa daṅ | ṅan ’gro log par ltuṅ ba’i ’jigs pa’i ’obs thams cad las brgal bas    bsams bźin du srid pa’i ’gro bar skye ba ston pa |  | sman pa’i rgyal po chen po |  | sems can thams cad ’dul ba’i cho ga la mkhas pa |  sems can thams cad kyi ñon moṅs pa’i nad thams cad rtogs pa | ci rigs par chos kyi sman sbyar ba rab tu sbyor ba |  yon tan mtha’ yas pa’i ’byuṅ gnas daṅ ldan pa |  | saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ mtha’ yas par yon tan bkod pas legs par brgyan pa  mthoṅ ba daṅ | thos pa ’bras bu yod pa |  | gom pa ’dor ba ’bras bu yod pa |  bskal pa bye ba khrag khrig brgya stoṅ dpag tu med par yon tan yoṅs su brjod kyaṅ yon tan gyi chu bo mtha’ yas par rtogs pa la | ’di lta ste 
Also to be found there were thirty-two thousand Bodhisattvas  bodhisattvas who are great beings; universally known;  devoted to the exercise of the great super-knowledges;  upheld by the supernatural action of the Buddhas;  guardians of the town of the Law;    roaring the lion’s roar  in response to the cry echoing in the ten regions;  having become, without being asked the good friends of all beings;  refraining from interrupting the lineage of the triple jewel;  vanquishers of Māra and adversaries;  victoriously resisting all opponents;  gifted with awareness, intelligence, knowledge, concentration, magical formulae and eloquence;    based on the liberations without obstacle  gifted with indestructible eloquence  complying with the perfections of giving, morality, patience, vigour, concentration, wisdom, skillful means, vows, power and knowledge;  convinced of the ungraspability of all dharmas;  turning the irreversible wheel of the Law;  marked with the seal of signlessness;  skilled in knowing the faculties of all beings;  braving all the assemblies and appearing there without fear;  accumulating great stores of merit and knowledge;  their bodies adorned with all the primary and secondary marks;  beautiful  but without adornments;  raised on high in glory and renown like the highest peak of śumeru;  filled with high resolve, as firm as a diamond; having in the Buddha, the Law and the community the faith of understanding;  emitting the ray of the jewel of the Law and causing to rain down a shower of ambrosia;  gifted with excellent and pure clarity of speech;  penetrating the dependent co-production in its deep meaning; having interrupted the course of the pervasion left by false views concerning the finite and the infinite;  fearlessly giving the lion’s roar:  causing the thunder of the great Law to reverberate;  absolutely unequalled and immeasurable;  great leaders of caravans obtaining the jewels of the Law, that is, stores of merit and knowledge;  versed in the principle of the Law which is correct, calm, subtle, sweet, difficult to see and difficult to know;  penetrating the comings and goings of beings and their intentions;  anointed with the unction of the knowledge of the unequalled Buddhas;  approaching through their high resolve, the ten powers, the convictions and the exclusive attributes of the Buddhas;  crossing the fearful ditch of bad destinies;  rejecting the diamond weapon of the dependent co-production  and voluntarily assuming rebirth in the paths of existence;  great healing kings  skilled in the treatment of beings to be disciplined  knowledgeable of all the diseases of the passions which affect beings, and correctly administering the medicine of the Law;  having at their disposal an immense mine of virtues  and adorning, with the unfolding of these virtues, innumerable Buddhafields;  propitious to see and hear  and unstoppable in their tasks.  Even if one were to devote innumerable hundreds of thousands of koṭinayuta of kalpas in praising their virtues, one could not exhaust the flood of their virtues. 
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