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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
If you cannot find the letters on your key-board, you may click on the link "Diacritica" to access it for your search.
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter I: Buddhakṣetrapariśuddhinidāna
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter II: Acintyopāyakauśalyaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter III: Śrāvakabodhisatvavisarjanapraśna
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter IV: Glānapratisaṃmodanāparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter V: Acintyavimokṣasaṃdarśanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VI: Devatāparivartaḥ
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VII: Tathāgatagotraparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VIII: Advayadharmamukhapraveśaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter IX: Nirmitabhojanānayanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter X: Kṣayākṣayo
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XI: Abhiratilokadhātvānayanākṣobhyatathāgatadarśanaparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XII: Nigamanaparīndanāparivarta
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
§8 atha sa bhagavān gandhottamakūṭas tathāgataḥ sarvagandhasamīhite bhājane taṃ sarvagandhaparivāsitaṃ bhojanaṃ tasmai bodhisatvāya prādāt |  tatra navatir bodhisatvasahasrāṇi saṃprasthitāni:  gamiṣyāmo vayaṃ bhagavan taṃ sahaṃ lokadhātuṃ taṃ bhagavantaṃ śākyamuniṃ vandanāyaitaṃ ca vimalakīrtiṃ tāṃś ca bodhisatvān darśanāya | 
於是香積如來 以滿缽香飯一切香具 與化菩薩  時彼九萬菩薩俱發聲言  我等欲詣忍土見釋迦文 
於是香積如來 以眾香缽盛滿香飯與化菩薩  時彼九百萬菩薩俱發聲言  我欲詣娑婆世界供養釋迦牟尼佛 并欲見維摩詰等諸菩薩眾 
於是最上香臺如來 以能流出眾妙香器 盛諸妙香所薰之食 授無垢稱化菩薩手  時彼佛土有九百萬大菩薩僧 同時舉聲請於彼佛  我等欲與此化菩薩俱往下方堪忍世界 瞻仰釋迦牟尼如來 禮敬供事聽聞正法 并欲瞻仰禮敬供事彼無垢稱及諸菩薩 唯願世尊加護聽許 
de nas bcom ldan ’das de bźin gśegs pa spos mchog brtsegs pas dri thams cad daṅ ldan pa’i snod du dri thams cad bsgos pa’i zas blugs te | de sprul pa’i byaṅ chub sems dpa’ de la byin no ||    de nas de’i tshe byaṅ chub sems dpa’ brgya stoṅ phrag dgu bcu yaṅ der ’gro bar chas te |  bcom ldan ’das bdag cag kyaṅ ’jig rten gyi khams mi mjed der bcom ldan ’das śā kya thub pa de la blta ba daṅ | phyag ’tshal ba daṅ | bsnyen bkur bgyi ba daṅ | dri ma med par grags pa de daṅ | byaṅ chub sems dpa’ de dag kyaṅ blta ba’i slad du mchi’o ||  
Then, the Tathāgata Sugandhakūṭa poured some of his food, impregnated with all perfumes, into a fragrant vessel and gave it to the incarnation-bodhisattva.  And the ninety million bodhisattvas of that universe volunteered to go along with him:  "Lord, we also would like to go to that universe Sahā, to see, honor, and serve the Buddha Śākyamuni and to see Vimalakīrti and those bodhisattvas." 
sa bhagavān āha:  gacchata kulaputrāḥ yasyedānīṃ kālaṃ manyadhve |  api tu gandhān kulaputrāḥ pratisaṃhṛtya taṃ lokadhātuṃ praviśata, mā te satvā madapramādam āpatsyante |  svarūpaṃ ca pratisaṃharata, mā te sahe lokadhātau satvā madgubhūtā bhaveyuḥ |  mā ca tasmin lokadhātau hīnasaṃjñām utpādya pratighasaṃjñām utpādayata |  tat kasmād dhetoḥ |  ākāśakṣetrāṇi hi buddhakṣetrāṇi,  satvaparipākāya tu buddhā bhagavanto na sarvaṃ buddhaviṣayaṃ saṃdarśayanti |   
彼佛報言  往族姓子  齎爾忍香入彼世界 無以仁故有放逸意  自持汝所樂行 勿念彼國菩薩不如  無得於彼生廢退意而有勞想  所以者何  佛土虛空  諸佛世尊欲度人故為現其剎耳   
佛言  可往  攝汝身香 無令彼諸眾生起惑著心  又當捨汝本形 勿使彼國求菩薩者而自鄙恥  又汝於彼莫懷輕賤而作礙想  所以者何  十方國土皆如虛空  又諸佛為欲化諸樂小法者 不盡現其清淨土耳   
彼佛告曰  諸善男子 汝便可往今正是時  汝等皆應自攝身香入堪忍界 勿令彼諸有情醉悶放逸  汝等皆應自隱色相入堪忍界 勿令彼諸菩薩心生愧恥  汝等於彼堪忍世界 勿生劣想而作障礙  所以者何  諸善男子 一切國土皆如虛空  諸佛世尊為欲成熟諸有情故 隨諸有情所樂示現種種佛土  或染或淨無決定相 而諸佛土實皆清淨無有差別 
bcom ldan ’das des bka’ stsal pa |   rigs kyi bu dag | da de’i dus la bab par śes na deṅ śig |  rigs kyi bu dag | sems can de dag myos śiṅ bag med par gyur ta re | dri rnams med par gyis la deṅs śig |  ’jig rten gyi khams mi mjed de’i sems can de dag spa goṅ bar ’gyur du ’oṅ gi raṅ gi gzugs kyaṅ sgyur cig |  ’jig rten gyi khams de la yaṅ ṅan par ’du śes bskyed nas khoṅ khro ba’i ’du śes ma skyed cig |  de ci’i phyir źe na |  rigs kyi bu saṅs rgyas kyi źiṅ ni nam mkha’i źiṅ ste |  sems can rnams yoṅs su smin par bya ba’i phyir saṅs rgyas bcom ldan ’das rnams ni saṅs rgyas kyi yul thams cad mi ston to ||    
The Tathāgata declared,  "Noble sons, go ahead if you think it is the right time.  But, lest those living beings become mad and intoxicated, go without your perfumes.  And, lest those living beings of the Sahā world become jealous of you, change your bodies to hide your beauty.  And do not conceive ideas of contempt and aversion for that universe.  Why?  Noble sons, a buddha-field is a field of pure space,  but the Lord Buddhas, in order to develop living beings, do not reveal all at once the pure realm of the Buddha."   
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