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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
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Click to Expand/Collapse Option1. Nidāna
Click to Expand/Collapse Option2. Upāyakauśalya
Click to Expand/Collapse Option3. Aupamya
Click to Expand/Collapse Option4. Adhimukti
Click to Expand/Collapse Option5. Oṣadhī
Click to Expand/Collapse Option6. Vyākaraṇa
Click to Expand/Collapse Option7. Pūrvayoga
Click to Expand/Collapse Option8. Pañcabhikṣuśatavyākaraṇa
Click to Expand/Collapse Option9. Ānandādivyākaraṇa
Click to Expand/Collapse Option10. Dharmabhāṇaka
Click to Expand/Collapse Option11. Stūpasaṃdarśana
Click to Expand/Collapse Option12. Utsāha
Click to Expand/Collapse Option13. Sukhavihāra
Click to Expand/Collapse Option14. Bodhisattvapṛthivīvirasamudgama
Click to Expand/Collapse Option15. Tathāgatāyuṣpramāṇa
Click to Expand/Collapse Option16. Puṇyaparyāya
Click to Expand/Collapse Option17. Anumodanāpuṇyanirdeśa
Click to Expand/Collapse Option18. Dharmabhāṇakānuśaṃsā
Click to Expand/Collapse Option19. Sadāparibhūta
Click to Expand/Collapse Option20. Tathāgataddharyabhisaṃskāra
Click to Expand/Collapse Option21. Dhāraṇī
Click to Expand/Collapse Option22. Bhaiṣajyarājapūrvayoga
Click to Expand/Collapse Option23. Gadgadasvara
Click to Expand/Collapse Option24. Samantamukha
Click to Expand/Collapse Option25. Śubhavyūharājapūrvayoga
Click to Expand/Collapse Option26. Samantabhadrotsāhana
Click to Expand/Collapse Option27. Anuparīndanā
(244,1)23: gadgadasvaraparivartaḥ | 
atha khalu bhagavān śākyamunis tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddhas tasyāṃ velāyāṃ mahāpuruṣalakṣaṇād bhrūvivarāntarādūrṇākośāt prabhāṃ pramumoca, yayā prabhayā pūrvasyāṃ diśi aṣṭādaśagaṅgānadīvālikāsamāni buddhakṣetrakoṭīnayutaśatasahasrāṇi ābhayā sphuṭānyabhūvan |  tāni ca aṣṭādaśagaṅgānadīvālikāsamāni buddhakṣetrakoṭīnayutaśatasahasrāṇyatikramya vair ocanaraśmipratimaṇḍitā nāma lokadhātuḥ, tatra kamaladalavimalanakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijño nāma tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddhastiṣṭhati dhriyate yāpayati vipulenāyuṣpramāṇena |  vipulena bodhisattvasaṃghena sārdhaṃ parivṛtaḥ puraskṛto dharmaṃ deśayati sma |  atha khalu yā bhagavatā śākyamuninā tathāgatenārhatā samyaksaṃbuddhenorṇākośāt prabhā pramuktāḥ, sā tasyāṃ velāyāṃ vair ocanaraśmipratimaṇḍitāṃ lokadhātuṃ mahatyā ābhayā spharati sma |  tasyāṃ khalu punar vair ocanaraśmipratimaṇḍitāyāṃ lokadhātau gadgadasvaro nāma bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ prativasati sma avaropitakuśalamūlaḥ |  dṛṣṭapūrvāś ca tena bahūnāṃ tathāgatānām arhatāṃ samyaksaṃbuddhānām evaṃrūpā raśmyavabhāsāḥ |  bahusamādhipratilabdhaś ca sa gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ |  tadyathā dhvajāgrakeyūrasamādhipratilabdhaḥ saddharmapuṇḍarīkasamādhipratilabdho vimaladattasamādhipratilabdho nakṣatrarājavikrīḍitasamādhipratilabdhaḥ anilambhasamādhipratilabdho jñānamudrāsamādhipratilabdhaḥ candrapradīpasamādhipratilabdhaḥ sarvarutakauśalyasamādhipratilabdhaḥ sarvapuṇyasamuccayasamādhipratilabdhaḥ prasādavatīsamādhipratilabdhaḥ ṛddhivikrīḍitasamādhipratilabdho jñānolkāsamādhipratilabdho vyūharājasamādhipratilabdho vimalaprabhāsasamādhipratilabdho vimalagarbhasamādhipratilabdho ’pkṛtsnasamādhipratilabdhaḥ sūryāvartasamādhipratilabdhaḥ |  peyālaṃ yāvad gaṅgānadīvālikopamasamādhikoṭīnayutaśatasahasrapratilabdho gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ |  tasya khalu punar gadgadasvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya sā prabhā kāye nipatitābhūt |  atha khalu gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattva utthāyāsanād ekāṃsam uttarāsaṅgaṃ kṛtvā dakṣiṇaṃ jānumaṇḍalaṃ pṛthivyāṃ pratiṣṭhāpya yena bhagavāṃs tenāñjaliṃ praṇāmya taṃ bhagavantaṃ kamaladalavimalanakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijñaṃ tathāgatam arhantaṃ samyaksaṃbuddham etad avocat  - gamiṣyāmyahaṃ bhagavaṃstāṃ sahāṃ lokadhātuṃ taṃ bhagavantaṃ śākyamuniṃ tathāgatam arhantaṃ samyaksaṃbuddhaṃ darśanāya vandanāya paryupāsanāya, taṃ ca mañjuśriyaṃ kumārabhūtaṃ darśanāya, taṃ ca bhaiṣajyarājaṃ bodhisattvaṃ darśanāya, taṃ ca pradānaśūraṃ bodhisattvaṃ darśanāya, taṃ ca nakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijñaṃ bodhisattvaṃ darśanāya, taṃ ca viśiṣṭacāritraṃ bodhisattvaṃ darśanāya, taṃ ca vyūharājaṃ bodhisattvaṃ darśanāya, taṃ ca bhaiṣajyarājasamudgataṃ bodhisattvaṃ darśanāya || 
爾時釋迦牟尼佛放大人相肉髻光明,及放眉間白毫相光,遍照東方百八萬億那由他恒河沙等諸佛世界。  過是數已,有世界名淨光莊嚴,其國有佛,號淨華宿王智如來、應供、正遍知、明行足、善逝、世閒解、無上士、調御丈夫、天人師、佛、世尊,  爲無量無邊菩薩大衆恭敬圍繞而爲說法,  釋迦牟尼佛白毫光明遍照其國。  爾時一切淨光莊嚴國中,有一菩薩名曰妙音,久已殖衆德本,  供養親近無量百千萬億諸佛,而悉成就甚深智慧,  得妙幢相三昧、  法華三昧、淨德三昧、宿王戲三昧、無緣三昧、智印三昧、解一切衆生語言三昧、集一切功德三昧、淸淨三昧、神通遊戲三昧、慧炬三昧、莊嚴王三昧、淨光明三昧、淨藏三昧、不共三昧、日旋三昧,  得如是等百千萬億恒河沙等諸大三昧。  釋迦牟尼佛光(009_0791_b)照其身,  卽白淨華宿王智佛言:  “世尊!我當往詣娑婆世界,禮拜、親近、供養釋迦牟尼佛,及見文殊師利法王子菩薩、藥王菩薩、勇施菩薩、宿王華菩薩、上行意菩薩、莊嚴王菩薩、藥上菩薩。” 
At that moment the Lord Sâkyamuni, the Tathâgata, &c., darted a flash of light from the circle of hair between his eyebrows, one of the characteristic signs of a great man, by which flash of light hundred thousands of myriads of kotis of Buddha-fields, equal to the sands of eighteen rivers Ganges, became illuminated.   Beyond those Buddha-fields, equal, &c., is the world called Vairokanarasmipratimandita (i.e. embellished by the rays of the sun). There dwells, lives, exists the Tathâgata named Kamaladalavimalanakshatrarâgasankusumitâbhigña,  who, surrounded and attended by a large and immense assembly of Bodhisattvas, preached the law.   Immediately the ray of light flashing from the circle of hair between the eyebrows of the Lord Sâkyamuni, the Tathâgata, &c., filled the world Vairokanarasmipratimandita with a great lustre.  In that world Vairokanarasmipratimandita there was a Bodhisattva Mahâsattva called Gadgadasvara, who had planted roots of goodness,   who had before seen similar luminous flashes emitted by many Tathâgatas, &c.,   and who had acquired many Samâdhis,  such as the Samâdhi Dhvagâgrakeyûra (i. e. bracelet at the upper end of the banner staff), Saddharma-pundarîka (i. e. the Lotus of the True Law), Vimaladatta (i.e. given by Vimala), Nakshatraragâvikrîdita (i.e. sport of the king of asterisms, the moon god), Anilambha [Of uncertain meaning], Gñânamudrâ (i.e. the seal of science), Kandrapradîpa (i.e. moon-light), Sarvarutakausalya (i.e. skill in all sounds), Sarvapunyasamukkaya (i.e. compendium or collection of all piety), Prasâdavatî (i.e. the favourably-disposed lady), Riddhivikrîdita (i.e. sport of magic), Gñanolkâ (i.e. torch of knowledge), Vyûharâga (i.e. king of expansions or speculations), Vimalaprabhâ (i.e. spotless lustre), Vimalagarbha (i.e. of spotless interior part), Apkritsna [I.e. belonging to the mystic rite, called Âpokasina in Pali], Sûryâvarta (i.e. sun-turn);   in short, he had acquired many hundred thousand myriads of kotis of Samâdhis equal to the sands of the river Ganges.   Now, the flash of light came down upon that Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara.  Then the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara rose from his seat, put his upper robe upon one shoulder, fixed his right knee on the ground, stretched his joined hands towards the Lord Buddha, and said to the Tathâgata Kamaladalavimalanakshatrarâgasankusumitâbhigña:  O Lord, I would resort to the Saha-world to see, salute, wait upon the Lord Sâkyamuni, the Tathâgata, &c.; to see and salute Mañgusrî, the prince royal; to see the Bodhisattvas Bhaishagyarâga, Pradânasûra, Nakshatrarâgasankusumitâbhigña,Visishtakâritra,Vyûharâga, Bhaishagyarâgasamudgata. 
atha khalu bhagavān kamaladalavimalanakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijñas tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddhastaṃ gadgadasvaraṃ bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvam etad avocat  - na tvayā kulaputra tasyāṃ sahāyāṃ lokadhātau gatvā hīnasaṃjñotpādayitavyā |  sā khalu punaḥ kulaputra lokadhāturutkūlanikūlā (245,1) mṛnmayī kālaparvatākīrṇā gūthoḍillaparipūrṇā |  sa ca bhagavān śākyamunis tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddho hrasvakāyaḥ, te ca bodhisattvā hrasvakāyāḥ |  tava ca kulaputra dvācatvāriṃśadyojanaśatasahasrāṇyātmabhāvapratilābhaḥ |  mama ca kulaputra aṣṭaṣaṣṭiyojanaśatasahasrāṇyātmabhāvapratilābhaḥ |  tvaṃ ca kulaputra prāsādiko darśanīyo ’bhir ūpaḥ, paramaśubhavarṇapuṣkaratayā samanvāgataḥ, puṇyaśatasahasrātirekalakṣmīkaḥ |  tasmāttarhi kulaputra tāṃ sahāṃ lokadhātuṃ gatvā mā hīnasaṃjñāmutpādayiṣyasi tathāgate ca bodhisattveṣu ca tasmiṃś ca buddhakṣetre || 
爾時淨華宿王智佛告妙音菩薩:  “汝莫輕彼國,生下劣想。  善男子!彼娑婆世界,高下不平,土石諸山,穢惡充滿,  佛身卑小,諸菩薩衆其形亦小。  而汝身四萬二千由旬,  我身六百八十萬由旬,  汝身第一端正,百千萬福,光明殊妙,  是故汝往、莫輕彼國——若佛、菩薩及國土,生下劣想。” 
Then the Lord Kamaladalavimalanakshatrarâgasankusumitâbhigña, the Tathâgata, &c., said to the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara:   On coming to the Saha-world, young man of good family, thou must not conceive a low opinion of it.   That world, young man of good family, has ups and downs, consists of earth, is replete with mountains of Kâla, filled with gutters.   The Lord Sâkyamuni, the Tathâgata, &c., is short of stature, and so are the Bodhisattvas Mahâsattvas,   whereas thou, young man of good family, hast got a body forty-two hundred thousand yoganas high,   and myself have got a body sixty-eight hundred thousand yoganas high.   And, young man of good family, thou art lovely, handsome, of pleasant appearance, endowed with a full bloom of extremely fine colour, and abundantly blest with hundred thousands of holy signs.  Therefore then, young man of good family, when you have come to the Saha-world, do not conceive a low opinion of the Tathâgata, nor of the Bodhisattvas, nor of that Buddha-field. 
evam ukte gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvas taṃ bhagavantaṃ kamaladalavimalanakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijñaṃ tathāgatam arhantaṃ samyaksaṃbuddham etad avocat  - tathāhaṃ bhagavan kariṣye, yathā tathāgata ājñāpayati |  gamiṣyāmyahaṃ bhagavaṃstāṃ sahāṃ lokadhātuṃ tathāgatādhiṣṭhānena tathāgatabalādhānena tathāgatavikrīḍitena tathāgatavyūhena tathāgatābhyudgatajñānena |  atha khalu gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvas tasyāṃ velāyām anuccalita eva tasmād buddhakṣetrādanutthitaścaiva tasmād āsanāt tathārūpaṃ samādhiṃ samāpadyate sma, yasya samādheḥ samanantarasamāpannasya gadgadasvarasya bodhisattvasya atha tāvad eveha sahāyāṃ lokadhātau gṛdhrakūṭe parvate tasya tathāgatadharmāsanasya purastāccaturaśītipadmakoṭīnayutaśatasahasrāṇi prādurbhūtāny abhūvan suvarṇadaṇḍāni rupyapatrāṇi padmakiṃśukarvaṇāni saṃdṛśyante sma || 
妙音菩薩白其佛言:  “世尊!我今詣娑婆世界,皆是如來之力,如來神通遊戲,如來功德智慧莊嚴。”  於是妙音菩薩不起于座,身不動搖,而入三昧,以三昧力,於耆闍崛山,去法座不遠,化作八萬四千衆寶蓮華,閻浮檀金爲莖,白銀爲葉,金剛爲鬚,甄叔迦寶以爲其臺。 
Thus addressed, the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara said to the Lord Kamaladalavimalanakshatrarâgasankusumitâbhigña, the Tathâgata, &c.:   I shall do, Lord, as the Lord commands;   I shall go to that Saha-world by virtue of the Lord's resolution, of the Lord's power, of the Lord's might, of the Lord's disposal, of the Lord's foresight.   Whereon the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara, without leaving that Buddha-field and without leaving his seat, plunged into so deep a meditation that immediately after, on a sudden, there appeared before the Tathâgata on the Gridhrakûta-mountains in the Saha-world eighty-four hundred thousand myriads of kotis of lotuses on gold stalks with silver leaves and with cups of the hue of rosy lotuses and Butea Frondosa. 
atha khalu mañjuśrīḥ kumārabhūtastaṃ padmavyūhaprādurbhāvaṃ dṛṣṭvā bhagavantaṃ śākyamuniṃ tathāgatam arhantaṃ samyaksaṃbuddham etad avocat  - kasyedaṃ bhagavan pūrvanimittaṃ yenemāni caturaśītipadmakoṭīnayutaśatasahasrāṇi saṃdṛśyante sma suvarṇadaṇḍāni rūpyapatrāṇi padmakiṃśukavarṇāni?  evam ukte bhagavān mañjuśriyaṃ kumārabhūtam etad avocat  - eṣa mañjuśrīḥ pūrvasmāddigbhāgādvair ocanaraśmipratimaṇḍitāyā lokadhātostasya bhagavataḥ kamaladalavimalanakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijñasya tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhasya buddhakṣetrād gadgadasvaro bodhisatvo mahāsattvaścaturaśītibodhisattvakoṭīnayutaśatasahasraiḥ parivṛtaḥ puraskṛta imāṃ sahāṃ lokadhātumāgacchati mama darśanāya vandanāya paryupāsanāya, asya ca saddharmapuṇḍarīkasya dharmaparyāyasya śravaṇāya |  atha khalu mañjuśrīḥ kumārabhūto bhagavantam etad avocat  - kastena bhagavan kulaputreṇa kuśalasaṃbhāraḥ kṛtaḥ, yena sa kuśalasaṃbhāreṇa kṛtenopacitena ayaṃ viśeṣaḥ pratilabdhaḥ?  katamasmiṃś ca bhagavan samādhau sa bodhisattvaścarati?  taṃ vayaṃ bhagavan samādhiṃ śṛṇuyāma, tatra ya vayaṃ bhagavan samādhau carema |  taṃ ca vayaṃ bhagavan bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvaṃ paśyema, kīdṛśas tasya bodhisattvasya varṇaḥ, kīdṛg rūpam, kīdṛg liṅgam, kīdṛkū saṃsthānam, ko ’syācāra iti |  tatsādhu bhagavan karotu tathāgatas tathārūpaṃ nimittaṃ yena nimittena saṃcoditaḥ samānaḥ sa bodhisattvo mahāsattva imāṃ sahāṃ lokadhātumāgacchet || 
爾時,文殊師利法王子見是蓮華,而白佛言:  “世尊!是何因緣,先現此瑞?有若干千萬蓮華,閻浮檀金爲莖,白銀爲葉,金(009_0791_c)剛爲鬚,甄叔迦寶以爲其臺。”  爾時,釋迦牟尼佛告文殊師利:  “是妙音菩薩摩訶薩,欲從淨華宿王智佛國,與八萬四千菩薩,圍繞而來至此娑婆世界,供養、親近、禮拜於我,亦欲供養、聽法華經。”  文殊師利白佛言:  “世尊!是菩薩種何善本?修何功德?而能有是大神通力?  行何三昧?  願爲我等說是三昧名字,我等亦欲勤修行之,行此三昧,  乃能見是菩薩色相大小,威儀進止。  唯願世尊以神通力,彼菩薩來,令我得見。” 
On seeing the appearance of this mass of lotuses the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Mañgusrî, the prince royal, asked the Lord Sakyamunî, the Tathâgata, &c.:  By what cause and by whom, O Lord, have been produced these eighty-four hundred thousand myriads of kotis of lotuses on gold stalks with silver leaves and with cups of the hue of rosy lotuses and Butea Frondosa;  Whereon the Lord replied to Mañgusrî, the prince royal:   It is, Mañgusrî, the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara, who accompanied and attended by eighty-four hundred thousand myriads of kotis of Bodhisattvas arrives from the east, from the world Vairokanarasmipratimandita, the Buddha-field of the Lord Kamaladalavimalanakshatrarâgasankusumitâbhigña, the Tathâgata, &c., at this Saha-world to see, salute, wait upon me, and to hear this Dharmaparyâya of the Lotus of the True Law.   Then Mañgusrî, the prince royal, said to the Lord:   What mass of roots of goodness, O Lord, has that young man of good family collected, that he has deserved to obtain such a distinction?  And what meditation is it, O Lord, that the Bodhisattva practises;   Let us also learn that meditation, O Lord, and practise that meditation.   And let us see that Bodhisattva, Lord; see how the colour, outward shape, character, figure, and behaviour of that Bodhisattva is.   May the Lord deign to produce such a token that the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva be admonished by it to come to this Saha-world. 
atha khalu bhagavān śākyamunis tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddhastaṃ bhagavantaṃ prabhūtaratnaṃ tathāgatam arhantaṃ samyaksaṃbuddhaṃ parinirvṛtam etad avocat  - karotu bhagavāṃs tathārūpaṃ nimittaṃ yena (246,1) gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattva imāṃ sahāṃ lokadhātumāgacchet |  atha khalu bhagavān prabhūtaratnas tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddhaḥ parinirvṛtas tasyāṃ velāyāṃ tathārūpaṃ nimittaṃ prāduścakāragadgadasvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya saṃcodanārtham - āgaccha kulaputra imāṃ sahāṃ lokadhātum |  ayaṃ tu mañjuśrīḥ kumārabhūto darśanam abhinandati |  atha khalu gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvas tasya bhagavataḥ kamaladalavimalanakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijñasya tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhasya pādau śirasābhivandya triḥ pradakṣiṇīkṛtya sārdhaṃ taiścaturaśītibodhisattvakoṭīnayutaśatasahasraiḥ parivṛtaḥ puraskṛtas tasyā vair ocanaraśmipratimaṇḍitāyā lokadhātorantarhitaḥ imāṃ sahāṃ lokadhātumāgacchati sma, prakampadbhiḥ kṣetraiḥ, pravarṣadbhiḥ padmaiḥ, pravādyamānaistūryakoṭīnayutaśatasahasraiḥ, nīlotpalapadmanetreṇa vadanena, suvarṇavarṇena kāyena, puṇyaśatasahasrālaṃkṛtenātmabhāvena, śriyā jājvalyamānaḥ, tejasā dedīpyamānaḥ, lakṣaṇair vicitritagātro nārāyaṇasaṃhananakāyaḥ |  saptaratnamayaṃ kūṭāgāram abhir uhya vaihāyase saptatālamātreṇa bodhisattvagaṇaparivṛtaḥ puraskṛta āgacchati sma |  sa yeneyaṃ sahā lokadhātuḥ, yena ca gṛdhrakūṭaḥ parvatarājastenopasaṃkrāmat |  upasaṃkramya tasmāt kūṭāgārādavatīrya śatasahasramūlyaṃ muktāhāraṃ gṛhītvā yena bhagavāṃs tenopasaṃkrāmat |  upasaṃkramya bhagavataḥ pādau śirasābhivandya saptakṛtvaḥ pradakṣiṇīkṛtya taṃ muktāhāraṃ bhagavataḥ pūjākarmaṇe niryātayām āsa |  niryātya ca bhagavantam etad avocat  - kamaladalavimalanakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijño bhagavāṃs tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddho bhagavataḥ paripṛcchati alpābādhatām ālpataṅkatāṃ laghūtthānatāṃ yātrāṃ balaṃ sukhasaṃsparśavihāratām |  evaṃ ca sa bhagavān avocat  - kaccitte bhagavan kṣamaṇīyam, kaccid yāpanīyam, kacciddhātavaḥ pratikurvanti, kaccitte sattvāḥ svākārāḥ suvaineyāḥ sucikitsāḥ, kaccicchucikāyā mā atīva rāgacaritāḥ, mā atīva dveṣacaritā mā atīva mohacaritā mā atīva bhagavan sattvā īrṣyālukā mā matsariṇo mā amātṛjñā mā apitṛjñā mā aśrāmaṇya mā abrāhmaṇyā mā mithyādṛṣṭyo mā adāntacittā mā aguptendriyāḥ |  kaccitte bhagavan nihatamārapratyarthikā ete sattvāḥ |  kaccid bhagavan prabhūtaratnas tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddhaḥ parinirvṛtaḥ imāṃ sahāṃ lokadhātumāgato dharmaśravaṇāya saptaratnamaye stūpe madhyagataḥ |  taṃ ca bhagavantaṃ tathāgatarmahantaṃ samyaksaṃbuddhaṃ sa bhagavān paripṛcchati - kaccidbhagavaṃs tasya bhagavataḥ prabhūtaratnasya tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhasya kṣamaṇīyam, kaccid yāpanīyam, kaccid bhagavan prabhūtaratnas tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddhaściraṃ sthāsyati |  vayam api bhagavaṃs tasya prabhūtaratnasya tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhasya dhātuvigrahaṃ paśyema |  tatsādhu bhagavān darśayatu tathāgatas tasya bhagavataḥ prabhūtaratnasya tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhasya dhātuvigraham iti || 
爾時釋迦牟尼佛告文殊師利: “此久滅度多寶如來,當爲汝等而現其相。”  時多寶佛告彼菩薩: “善男子!來,  文殊師利法王子欲見汝身。”  于時妙音菩薩於彼國沒,與八萬四千菩薩俱共發來。所經諸國,六種震動,皆悉雨於七寶蓮華;百千天樂,不鼓自鳴。是菩薩目如廣大靑蓮華葉,正使和合百千萬月,其面貌端正復過於此,身眞金色,無量百千功德莊嚴,威德熾盛,光明照曜,諸相具足,如那羅延堅固之身。  入七寶臺,上昇虛空,去(009_0792_a)地七多羅樹,諸菩薩衆恭敬圍繞,  而來詣此娑婆世界耆闍崛山。  到已,下七寶臺,以價直百千瓔珞,持至釋迦牟尼佛所,  頭面禮足,奉上瓔珞,  而白佛言:  “世尊!淨華宿王智佛問訊世尊,  少病、少惱,起居輕利,安樂行不?四大調和不?世事可忍不?衆生易度不?無多貪欲、瞋恚、愚癡、嫉妒、慳慢不?無不孝父母、不敬沙門、邪見、不善心、不攝五情不?  世尊!衆生能降伏諸魔怨不?  久滅度多寶如來在七寶塔中,來聽法不?  又問訊多寶如來,安隱、少惱,堪忍久住不?  世尊!我今欲見多寶佛身,  唯願世尊,示我令見。” 
Then the Lord Sâkyamuni, the Tathâgata, &c., said to the Lord Prabhûtaratna, the Tathâgata, &c., who was completely extinct:  Produce such a token, Lord, that the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara be admonished by it to come to this Saha-world.   And the Lord Prabhûtaratna, the Tathâgata, &c., who was completely extinct, instantly produced a token in order to admonish the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara (and said): Come, young man of good family, to this Saha-world;   Mañgusrî, the prince royal, will hail thy coming.   And the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara, after humbly saluting the feet of the Lord Kamaladalavimalanakshatrarâgasankusumitâbhigña, the Tathâgata, &c., and after three times circumambulating him from left to right, vanished from the world Vairokanarasmipratimandita, along with eighty-four hundred thousand myriads of kotis of Bodhisattvas who surrounded and followed him, and arrived at this Saha-world, among a stir of Buddhafields, a rain of lotuses, a noise of hundred thousands of myriads of kotis of musical instruments. His face showed eyes resembling blue lotuses, his body was gold-coloured, his person marked by a hundred thousand of holy signs; he sparkled with lustre, glowed with radiance, had limbs marked by the characteristic signs, and a body compact as Nârâyana's.   Mounted on a tower made of seven precious substances, he moved through the sky to a height of seven Tâlas [Or spans]. There are seven regions of winds. Vâyu, the god of wind or air, is nearly akin to Indra and Vishnu], surrounded by a host of Bodhisattvas,   in the direction of this Saha-world, and approached the Gridhrakûta, the king of mountains.   At his arrival, he alighted from the tower, and went, with a necklace of pearls worth a hundred thousands, to the place where the Lord was sitting.   After humbly saluting the feet of the Lord, and circumambulating him seven times from left to right, he offered him the necklace of pearls in token of homage,  whereafter he said to the Lord:   The Lord Kamaladalavimalanakshatrarâgasankusumitâbhigña, the Tathâgata, &c., inquires after the Lord's health, welfare, and sprightliness; whether he feels free from affliction and at ease.   That Lord has also charged me to ask:   Is there something thou hast to suffer or allow? the humours of the body are not in an unfavourable state; thy creatures are decent in manners, tractable, and easy to be healed; their bodies are clean; They are not too passionate, I hope, not too irascible, not too unwise in their doings? They are not jealous, Lord, not envious, not ungrateful to their father and mother, not impious, not heterodox, not unsubdued in mind, not unrestrained in sexual desires;  Are the creatures able to resist the Evil One;   Are the creatures able to resist the Evil One; Has the Lord Prabhûtaratna, the Tathâgata, &c., who is completely extinct, come to the Saha-world in order to hear the law, sitting in the centre of a Stûpa made of seven precious substances;  And as to that, Lord Prabhûtaratna, the Tathâgata, &c., the Lord Kamaladalavimalanakshatrarâgasankusumitâbhigña, inquires: Is there something that the Lord Prabhûtaratna, &c., has to suffer or allow; Is the Lord Prabhûtaratna, &c., to stay long;   We also, O Lord, are desirous of seeing the rudimentary frame [Dhâtuvigraha, the frame of the elementary parts, or the bone relics.] of that Lord Prabhûtaratna, the Tathâgata, &c.  May the Lord therefore please to show us the rudimentary frame of the Lord Prabhûtaratna, the Tathâgata, &c. 
atha khalu bhagavān śākyamunis tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddhastaṃ bhagavantaṃ prabhūtaratnaṃ (247,1) tathāgatam arhantaṃ samyaksaṃbuddhaṃ parinirvṛtam etad avocat  - ayaṃ bhagavan gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavantaṃ prabhūtaratnaṃ tathāgatam arhantaṃ samyaksaṃbuddhaṃ parinirvṛtaṃ draṣṭukāmaḥ |  atha khalu bhagavān prabhūtaratnas tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddhastaṃ gadgadasvaraṃ bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvam etad avocat  - sādhu sādhu kulaputra, yatra hi nāma tvaṃ bhagavantaṃ śākyamuniṃ tathāgatam arhantaṃ samyaksaṃbuddhaṃ draṣṭukāmo ’bhyāgataḥ, imaṃ ca saddharmapuṇḍarīkaṃ dharmaparyāya śrāvaṇāya mañjuśriyaṃ ca kumārabhūtaṃ darśanāyeti || 
爾時釋迦牟尼佛語多寶佛:  “是妙音菩薩欲得相見。”  時多寶佛告妙音言:  “善哉,善哉!汝能爲供養釋迦牟尼佛及聽法華經,幷見文殊師利等,故來至此。” 
Then the Lord Sâkyamuni, the Tathâgata, &c., said to the Lord Prabhûtaratna, the Tathâgata, &c., who was completely extinct:  Lord, the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara here wishes to see the Lord Prabûtaratna, the Tathâgata, &c., who is completely extinct.  Whereon the Lord Prabhûtaratna, the Tathâgata, &c., spoke to the Bodhisattva Maliasattva Gadgadasvara in this strain:   Well done, well done, young gentleman, that thou hast come hither in the desire to see the Lord Sâkyamuni, the Tathâgata, &c.; to hear this Dharmaparyâya of the Lotus of the True Law, and see Mañgusrî, the prince royal. 
atha khalu padmaśrīrbodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavantam etad avocat  - kīdṛśaṃ bhagavan gadgadasvareṇa bodhisattvena mahāsattvena pūrvaṃ kuśalamūlamavaropitam, kasya vā tathāgatas yāntike?  atha khalu bhagavān śākyamunis tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddhaḥ padmaśriyaṃ bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvam etad avocat  - bhūtapūrvaṃ kulaputra atīte ’dhvani asaṃkhyeye kalpe asaṃkhyeyatare vipule aprameye apramāṇe yadāsīt |  tena kālena tena samayena meghadundubhisvararājo nāma tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddho loka udapādi vidyācaraṇasaṃpannaḥ sugato lokavid anuttaraḥ puruṣadamyasārathiḥ śāstā devānāṃ ca manuṣyāṇāṃ ca buddho bhagavān sarvarūpasaṃdarśanāyāṃ lokadhātau priyadarśane kalpe |  tasya khalu punaḥ kulaputra bhagavato meghadundubhisvararājasya tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhasya gadgadasvareṇa bodhisattvena mahāsattvena tūryaśatasahasrapravāditena dvādaśavarṣaśatasahasrāṇi pūjā kṛtābhūt |  saptaratnamayānāṃ ca bhājanānāṃ caturaśītisahasrāṇi dattāny abhūvan |  tatra kulaputra meghadundubhisvararājasya tathāgatasya pravacane gadgadasvareṇa bodhisattvena mahāsattvena iyamīdṛśī śrīḥ prāptā |  syāt khalu punas te kulaputra kāṅkṣā vā vimatirvā vicikitsā vā - anyaḥ sa tena kālena tena samayena gadgadasvaro nāma bodhisattvo mahāsattvo ’bhūt, yena sā tasya bhagavato meghadundubhisvararājasya tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhasya pūjā kṛtā, tāni caturaśītibhājanasahasrāṇi dattāni?  na khalu punas te kulaputra evaṃ draṣṭavyam |  tat kasya hetoḥ? ayam eva sa kulaputra gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvo ’bhūt, yena sā tasya bhagavato meghadundubhisvararājasya tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhasya pūjā kṛtā, tāni caturaśitibhājanasahasrāṇi dattāni |  evaṃ bahubuddhaparyupāsitaḥ kulaputra gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ bahubuddhaśatasahasrāvaropitakuśalamūlaḥ kṛtabuddhaparikarmā |  dṛṣṭapūrvāścānena gadgadasvareṇa bodhisattvena mahāsattvena gaṅgānadīvālikāsamā buddhā bhagavantaḥ |  paśyasi tvaṃ padmaśrīretaṃ gadgadasvaraṃ bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvam?  padmaśrīrāha - paśyāmi bhagavan, paśyāmi sugata |  bhagavān āha - eṣa khalu punaḥ padmaśrīrgadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bahubhī rūpair imaṃ saddharmapuṇḍarīkaṃ dharmaparyāyaṃ deśayati sma |  tadyathā - kvacid brahmarūpeṇa, kvacid rūdrarūpeṇa, kvacicchakrarūpeṇa, kvacidīśvararūpeṇa, kvacit senāpatirūpeṇa, kvacid vaiśravaṇarūpeṇa, kvaciccakravartirūpeṇa, kvacit koṭṭarājarūpeṇa, kvacicchreṣṭhirūpeṇa, kvacid gṛhapatirūpeṇa, kvacinnaigamarūpeṇa, kvacid brāhmaṇarūpeṇa imaṃ saddharmapuṇḍarīkaṃ (248,1) dharmaparyāyaṃ deśayati sma |  kvacid bhikṣurūpeṇa, kvacid bhikṣuṇīrūpeṇa, kvacidupāsakarūpeṇa, kvacidupāsikārūpeṇa kvacicchreṣṭhibhāryārūpeṇa, kvacid gṛhapatibhāryārūpeṇa, kvacinnaigamabhāryārūpeṇa, kvaciddārakarūpeṇa, kvaciddārikārūpeṇa, gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ imaṃ saddharmapuṇḍarīkaṃ dharmaparyāyaṃ sattvānāṃ deśayati sma |  iyadbhiḥ kulaputra rūpasaṃdarśanair gadgadasvaro bodhisatvo mahāsattva imaṃ saddharmapuṇḍarīkaṃ dharmaparyāyaṃ sattvānāṃ deśayati sma |  yāvat keṣāṃcid yakṣarūpeṇa gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattva imaṃ saddharmapuṇḍarīkaṃ dharmaparyāyaṃ sattvānāṃ deśayati sma |  keṣāṃcit surarūpeṇa, keṣāṃcid garūḍarūpeṇa, keṣāṃcit kinnararūpeṇa, keṣāṃcinmahoragarūpeṇa gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattva imaṃ saddharmapuṇḍarīkaṃ dharmaparyāyaṃ sattvānāṃ deśayati sma |  yāvannirayatiryagyoniyamalokākṣaṇopapannānām api sattvānāṃ gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattva imaṃ saddharmapuṇḍarīkaṃ dharmaparyāyaṃ deśayaṃstrātā bhavati |  yāvad antaḥpuramadhyagatānām api sattvānāṃ gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ strīrūpam abhinirmāya ima saddharmapuṇḍarīkaṃ dharmaparyāyaṃ sattvānāṃ deśayati sma |  asyāṃ sahāyāṃ lokadhātau sattvānāṃ dharmaṃ deśayati sma |  trātā khalv api padmaśrīrgadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ sahāyāṃ lokadhātāvupapannānāṃ sattvānām |  tasyāṃ ca sahāyāṃ lokadhātāveva sa gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattva iyadbhī rūpanimittair imaṃ saddharmapuṇḍarīkaṃ dharmaparyāyaṃ sattvānāṃ deśayati |  na cāsya satpuruṣasya ṛddhihānirnāpi prajñāhāniḥ |  iyadbhiḥ kulaputra jñānāvabhāsair gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvo ’syāṃ sahāyāṃ lokadhātau prajñāyate |  anyeṣu ca gaṅgānadīvālikāsameṣu lokadhātuṣu bodhisattvavaineyānāṃ sattvānāṃ bodhisattvarūpeṇa dharmaṃ deśayati |  śrāvakavaineyānāṃ sattvānāṃ śrāvakarūpeṇa dharmaṃ deśayati |  pratyekabuddhavaineyānāṃ sattvānāṃ pratyekabuddharūpeṇa dharmaṃ deśayati |  tathāgatavaineyānāṃ sattvānāṃ tathāgatarūpeṇa dharmaṃ deśayati |  yāvattathāgatadhātuvaineyānāṃ sattvānāṃ tathāgatadhātuṃ darśayati |  yāvat parinirvāṇavaineyānāṃ sattvānāṃ parinirvṛtamātmānaṃ darśayati |  evaṃ jñānabalādhānaprāptaḥ khalu punaḥ padmaśrīrgadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ || 
爾時華德菩薩白佛言:  “世尊!是妙音菩薩,種何善根,修何功德,有是神力?”  佛告華德菩薩:  “過去有佛,  名雲雷音王多陁阿伽度、阿羅訶、三藐三佛陁,國名現一切世閒,劫名憙見,  妙音菩(009_0792_b)薩於萬二千歲,以十萬種伎樂供養雲雷音王佛,  幷奉上八萬四千七寶鉢。  以是因緣果報,今生淨華宿王智佛國,有是神力。  華德!於汝意云何?爾時雲雷音王佛所,妙音菩薩——伎樂供養、奉上寶器者,豈異人乎?  今此妙音菩薩摩訶薩是。  華德!是妙音菩薩,已曾供養親近無量諸佛,久殖德本,  又値恒河沙等百千萬億那由他佛。    “華德!汝但見妙音菩薩其身在此,而是菩薩,現種種身,處處爲諸衆生說是經典——  或現梵王身,或現帝釋身,或現自在天身,或現大自在天身,或現天大將軍身,或現毘沙門天王身,或現轉輪聖王身,或現諸小王身,或現長者身,或現居士身,或現宰官身,或現婆羅門身,  或現比丘、比丘尼、優婆塞、優婆夷身,或現長者居士婦女身,或現宰官婦女身,或現婆羅門婦女身,或現童男、童女身,  或現天、龍、夜叉、  乾闥婆、阿修羅、迦樓羅、緊那羅、摩睺羅伽、人非人等身,而說是經。  諸有地獄、餓鬼、畜生,及衆難處,皆能救濟,  乃至(009_0792_c)於王後宮,變爲女身,而說是經。  “華德!是妙音菩薩,能救護娑婆世界諸衆生者,  是妙音菩薩如是種種變化現身,在此娑婆國土,爲諸衆生說是經典,  於神通、變化、智慧無所損減。  是菩薩,以若干智慧明照娑婆世界,令一切衆生各得所知;  於十方恒河沙世界中,亦復如是。若應以聲聞形得度者,現聲聞形而爲說法;應以辟支佛形得度者,現辟支佛形而爲說法;應以菩薩形得度者,現菩薩形而爲說法;  應以佛形得度者,卽現佛形而爲說法。  如是種種,隨所應度而爲現形,乃至應以滅度而得度者,示現滅度。  “華德!妙音菩薩摩訶薩,成就大神通智慧之力,其事如是。” 
Subsequently the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Padmasrî said to the Lord:   What root of goodness has the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara formerly planted; And in presence of which Tathâgata;  And the Lord Sâkyamuni, the Tathâgata, &c., said to the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Padmasrî:  In the days of yore, young man of good family, at a past period there appeared in the world  a Tathâgata called Meghadundubhisvararâga (i.e. the king of the drum-sound of the clouds), perfectly enlightened, endowed with science and conduct, a Sugata, &c., in the world Sarvabuddhasandarsana (i. e. sight or display of all Buddhas), in the Æon Priyadarsana.   To that Lord Meghadundubhisvararâga the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara paid homage by making resound hundred thousands of musical instruments during twelve thousand years.  He presented to him also eighty-four thousand vessels of seven precious substances.  Under the preaching of the Tathâgata Meghadundubhisvararâga, young man of good family, has the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara obtained such a beauty as he now displays.  Perhaps, young man of good family, thou hast some doubt, uncertainty or misgiving, (and thinkest) that at that time, that epoch, there was another Bodhisattva Mahâsattva called Gadgadasvara, who paid that homage to the Lord Meghadundubhisvararâga, the Tathâgata, and presented him the eighty-four thousand vessels.  But, young man of good family, do not think so.  For it was the very same Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara, young man of good family, who paid that homage to the Lord Meghadundubhisvararâga, the Tathâgata, and presented to him the eighty-four thousand vessels.   So, young man of good family, the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara has waited upon many Buddhas, has planted good roots under many Buddhas, and prepared the soil under each of them.   And this Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara had previously seen Lords Buddhas similar to the sands of the river Ganges.  Dost thou see, Padmasrî, how the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara now looks;  Padmasrî replied: I do, Lord; I do, Sugata.   The Lord said: Now, Padmasrî, this Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara preaches this Dharmaparyâya of the Lotus of the True Law under many shapes he assumes;  sometimes [or somewhere] under the shape of Brahma, sometimes under that of Indra, sometimes under that of Shiva, sometimes under that of Kubera, sometimes under that of a sovereign, sometimes under that of a duke, sometimes under that of a chief merchant, sometimes under that of a citizen, sometimes under that of a villager, sometimes under that of a Brâhman.  Sometimes again the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara preaches this Dharmaparyâya of the Lotus of the True Law under a monk's shape, sometimes under a nun's, sometimes under a male lay devotee's, sometimes under a female lay devotee's, sometimes under that of a chief merchant's wife, sometimes under that of a citizen's wife, sometimes under a boy's, sometimes under a girl's shape.  With so many variations in the manner to show himself, the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara preaches this Dharmaparyâya of the Lotus of the True Law to creatures.   He has even assumed the shape of a goblin to preach this Dharmaparyâya to such as were to be converted by a goblin.   To some he has preached this Dharmaparyâya of the Lotus of the True Law under the shape of a demon, to some under a Garuda's, to some under a Kinnara's, to some under a great serpent's shape.  Even to the beings in any of the wretched states, in the hells, the brute creation, Yama's realm, the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara is a supporter.  Even to the creatures in the gynæceums of this Saha-world has the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara, after metamorphosing himself into a woman, preached this Dharmaparyâya of the Lotus of the True Law.   Verily, Padmasrî, the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara is the supporter of the creatures living in this Saha-world.   Under so many shapes, assumed at will, has the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara preached this Dharmaparyâya of the Lotus of the True Law to creatures.  Yet, there is no diminution of wisdom, nor diminution of magic power in that good man.   So many, young man of good family, are the manifestations of knowledge by which this Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara has made himself known in this Saha-world.   In other worlds also, similar to the sands of the river Ganges, he preaches the law, under the shape of a Bodhisattva to such as must be converted by a Bodhisattva;  under the shape of a disciple to such as must be converted by a disciple;   under the shape of a Pratyekabuddha to such as must be converted by a Pratyekabuddha;  under the shape of a Tathâgata to such as must be converted by a Tathâgata.   Nay, he will show to those who must be converted by a relic of the Tathâgata himself such a relic,  and to those who must be converted by complete extinction he will show himself completely extinct.   Such is the powerful knowledge, Padmasrî, the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva is possessed of. 
atha khalu padmaśrīrbodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavantam etad avocat  - avaropitakuśalamūlo ’yaṃ bhagavan gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvaḥ |  katama eṣa bhagavan samādhiryasmin samādhāvavasthitena gadgadasvareṇa bodhisattvena mahāsattvena iyantaḥ sattvā vinītā iti?  evam ukte bhagavān śākyamunis tathāgato ’rhan samyaksaṃbuddhaḥ padmaśriyaṃ bodhisattvaṃ mahāsattvam etad avocat  - eṣa hi kulaputra sarvarūpasaṃdarśano nāma samādhiḥ |  asmin samādhāvavasthitena gadgadasvareṇa bodhisattvena mahāsattvena evamaprameyaḥ sattvārthaḥ kṛtaḥ || 
爾時華德菩薩白佛言:  “世尊!是妙音菩薩,深種善根。  世尊!是菩薩住何三昧,而能如是在所變現,度脫衆生?”  佛告華德菩薩:  “善男子!其三昧名現一切色身,  妙音菩薩住是三昧中,能如是饒益無量衆生。” 
Thereafter the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Padmasrî said to the Lord:  The Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara then has planted good roots, Lord.   What meditation is it, Lord, whereby the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara, with unshaken firmness, has converted (or educated) so many creatures;   Whereupon the Lord Sâkyamuni, the Tathâgata. &c.. replied to the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Padmasrî:   It is, young man of good family, the meditation termed Sarvarûpasandarsana.  By steadiness in it has the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara so immensely promoted the weal of creatures. 
asmin khalu punar gadgadasvaraparivarte nirdiśyamāne yāni gadgadasvareṇa bodhisattvena mahāsattvena sārdhaṃ caturaśītibodhisattvakoṭīnayutaśatasahasrāṇi imāṃ sahāṃ lokadhātumāgatāni, sarveṣāṃ teṣāṃ sarvarūpasaṃdarśanasya samādheḥ pratilambho ’bhūt |  asyāṃ ca sahāyāṃ lokadhātau (249,1) gaṇanāsamatikrāntānāṃ bodhisattvānāṃ mahāsattvānāṃ yeṣāṃ sarvarūpasaṃdarśanasya samādheḥ pratilambho ’bhūt || 
While this chapter of Gadgadasvara was being expounded, all the eighty-four hundred thousand myriads of kotis of Bodhisattvas Mahâsattvas who, along with the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara, had come to the Saha-world, obtained the meditation Sarvarûpasandarsana,   and as to the number of Bodhisattvas Mahâsattvas of this Saha-world obtaining the meditation Sarvarûpasandarsana, it was beyond calculation. 
atha khalu gadgadasvaro bodhisattvo mahāsattvo bhagavataḥ śākyamunes tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhasya tasya ca bhagavataḥ prabhūtaratnasya tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhasya dhātustūpe vipulāṃ vistīrṇāṃ pūjāṃ kṛtvā punar api saptaratnamaye kūṭāgāre ’bhir uhya prakampadbhiḥ kṣetraiḥ pravarṣadbhiḥ padmaiḥ pravādyamānaistūryakoṭīnayutaśatasahasraiḥ sārdhaṃ taiścaturaśītibodhisattvakoṭīnayutaśatasahasraiḥ parivṛtaḥ puraskṛtaḥ punar api svaṃ buddhakṣetram abhigataḥ |  sam abhigamya ca taṃ bhagavantaṃ kamaladalavimalanakṣatrarājasaṃkusumitābhijñaṃ tathāgatam arhantaṃ samyaksaṃbuddham etad avocat  - kṛto me bhagavan sahāyāṃ lokadhātau sattvārthaḥ |  tasya ca bhagavataḥ prabhūtaratnasya tathāgatasyārhataḥ samyaksaṃbuddhasya dhātustūpo dṛṣṭaḥ vanditaś ca |  sa ca bhagavān śākyamunis tathāgato dṛṣṭo vanditaś ca |  sa ca mañjuśrīḥ kumārabhūto dṛṣṭaḥ |  sa ca bhaiṣajyarājo bodhisattvo mahāsattvo vīryabalabegaprāptaḥ, sa ca pradānaśūro bodhisattvo mahāsattvo dṛṣṭaḥ |  sarveṣāṃ ca teṣāṃ caturaśītibodhisattvakoṭīnayutaśatasahasrāṇāṃ sarvarūpasaṃdarśanasya samādheḥ pratilambho ’bhūt || 
爾時妙音菩薩摩訶薩供養釋迦牟尼佛及多寶佛塔已,還歸本土,所經諸國,六種震動,雨寶蓮華,作百千萬億種種伎樂。  旣到本國,與八萬四千菩薩、圍繞至淨華宿王智佛所,白佛言:  “世尊!我到娑婆世界饒益衆生,  見釋迦牟尼佛,及見多寶佛塔,禮拜、供養;  又見文殊師利法王子菩薩,  及見藥王菩薩、得勤精進力菩薩、勇施菩薩等,  亦令是八萬四千菩薩得現一切色身三昧。 
Then the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara, after having paid great and ample worship to the Lord Sâkyamuni, the Tathâgata, &c., and at the Stûpa of relics of the Lord Prabhûtaratna, the Tathâgata, &c., again mounted the tower made of seven precious substances, among the stir of the fields, the rain of lotuses, the noise of hundred thousands of myriads of kotis of musical instruments [After a last effort the storm subsides], and with the eighty-four hundred thousand myriads of kotis of Bodhisattvas surrounding and following him, returned to his own Buddha-field.   At his arrival there he said to the Lord Kamaladalavimalanakshatrarâgasankusumitâbhigña, the Tathâgata, &c.:  O Lord, I have in the Saha-world promoted the weal of creatures;   I have seen and saluted the Stilpa of relics of the Lord Prabhâtaratna, the Tathâgata, &c.;  I have seen and saluted the Lord Sâkyamuni, the Tathâgata, &c.;   I have seen Mañgusri, the prince royal,  as well as the Bodhisattva Bhaishagyarâga, who is possessed of mighty knowledge and impetuosity, and the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Pradânasûra;   and these eightyfour hundred thousand myriads of kotis of Bodhisattvas Mahâsattvas have all obtained the meditation termed Sarvarûpasandarsana. 
asmin khalu punar gadgadasvarasya bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya gamanāgamanaparivarte bhāṣyamāṇe dvācatvāriṃśatāṃ bodhisattvasahasrāṇām anutpattikadharmakṣāntipratilambho ’bhūt |  padmaśriyaś ca bodhisattvasya mahāsattvasya saddharmapuṇḍarīkasya samādheḥ pratilambho ’bhūt || 
說是妙音菩薩來往品時,四萬二千天子得無生法忍,  華德菩薩得法華三昧。” 
And while this relation of the going and coming of the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Gadgadasvara was being delivered, forty-two thousand Bodhisattvas acquired the facultyof acquiescence in future things,  and the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Padmasrî acquired the meditation called the Lotus of the True Law. 
iti śrīsaddharmapuṇḍarīke dharmaparyāye gadgadasvaraparivarto nāma trayoviṃśatimaḥ || 
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