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Euclid: Elementa

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THEOR. 16. PROPOS. 16. 
第十六題 更理 
If four magnitudes be proportional, they will also be proportional alternately. If a:b=c:d, then a:c=b:d. 
SI Quatuor magnitudines proportionales fuerint, et vicissim proportionales erunt. 
Let A, B, C, D be four proportional magnitudes, so that, as A is to B, so is C to D;  I say that they will also be so alternately, that is, as A is to C, so is B to D. 
HIC demonstratur Alterna, sive Permutata proportio, seu ratio, quae definitione 12. explicata est. Sit enim A, ad B, ut C, ad D.  Dico vicissim, seu permutando, esse quoque A, ad C, ut B, ad D. 
解曰。甲、乙、丙、丁、四幾何。甲與乙之比例。若丙與丁。  題言更推之。甲與丙之比例。亦若乙與丁。 
For of A, B let equimultiples E, F be taken, and of C, D other, chance, equimultiples G, H. 
Sumantur enim ipsarum A, B, primae ac secundae, aequemultiplices E, F; Item ipsarum C, D, tertiae et quartae aequemultiplices G, H; 
Then, since E is the same multiple of A that F is of B, and parts have the same ratio as the same multiples of them, [V. 15] therefore, as A is to B, so is E to F.    But as A is to B, so is C to D; therefore also, as C is to D, so is E to F. [V. 11]  Again, since G, H are equimultiples of C, D, therefore, as C is to D, so is G to H. [V. 15] But, as C is to D, so is E to F; therefore also, as E is to F, so is G to H. [V. 11]  But, if four magnitudes be proportional, and the first be greater than the third, the second will also be greater than the fourth;  if equal, equal; and if less, less. [V. 14]  Therefore, if E is in excess of G, F is also in excess of H, if equal, equal, and if less, less.  Now E, F are equimultiples of A, B, and G, H other, chance, equimultiples of C, D; therefore, as A is to C, so is B to D. [V. Def. 5] 
1 eritque E, ad F, ut A, ad B; cum E, et F, sint pariter multiplices partium A, et B.  Eadem ratione erit G, ad H, ut C, ad D.  Cum igitur proportiones E, ad F, et C, ad D, sint eaedem proportioni A, ad B; 2 erunt et ipsae inter se eaedem.  Rursus quia proportiones E, ad F, et G, ad H, eaedem sunt proportioni C, ad D; 3 erunt et ipsae eaedem inter se;  hoc est, ut est E, prima ad F, secundam, ita erit G, tertia ad H, quartam, 4     Quare si E, prima maior est quam G, tertia, vel aequalis, vel minor, erit quoque F, secunda maior quam H, quarta, vel aequalis, vel minor, in quacunque multiplicatione accepta sint aeque multiplicia E, F, et aeque multiplicia G, H.   5 Est igitur A, prima ad C, secundam, ut B, tertia ad D, quartam (cum E, et F, sint aeque multiplices primae A, ac tertiae B; At G, et H, aeque multiplices C, secundae, et D, quartae, et illae ab his una deficiant, vel una aequales sint, vel una excedant, etc.) quod est propositum. 
卽戊與己。若甲與乙也。本篇十五  庚與辛。若丙與丁也。  夫甲與乙。若丙與丁。而戊與己。亦若甲與乙。  卽戊與己。亦若丙與丁矣。依顯庚與辛。若丙與丁。卽戊與己。亦若庚與辛也。本篇十一  次三試之。若戊大於庚則己亦大於辛也。  若等、亦等。若小、亦小。  任作幾許倍。恆如是也。本篇十四  則倍一甲之戊。倍三乙之己。與倍二丙之庚。倍四丁之辛。其等、大、小、必同類也。而甲與丙。若乙與丁矣。 
Therefore etc.  Q. E. D. 
Si quatuorigitur magnitudines proportionales fuerint, et vicissim proportionales erunt.  Quod ostendendum erat. 
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