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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
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The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionTitle
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionPreface
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter I: Anityavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter II: Kāmavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter III: Tṛṣṇāvarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter IV: Apramādavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter V: Priyavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VI: Śīlavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VII: Sucaritavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter VIII: Vācavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter IX: Karmavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChatper X: Śraddhāvarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XI: Śramaṇavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XII: Mārgavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XIII: Satkāravarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XIV: Drohavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XV: Smṛtivarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XVI: Prakīrṇakavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XVII: Udakavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XXIII: Puṣpavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XIX: Aśvavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XX: Krodhavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XXI: Tathāgatavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XXII: Śrutavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XXIII: Ātmavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XXIV: Peyālavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XXV: Mitravarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XXVI: Nirvāṇavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XXVII: Paśyavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XXVIII: Pāpavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XXIX: Yugavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XXX: Sukhavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XXXI: Cittavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XXXII: Bhikṣuvarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionChapter XXXIII: Brāhmaṇavarga
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionColophon
門臣天息災奉 詔譯 
jayād vairaṃ prasavate duhkhaṃ śete parājitaḥ |
upaśāntaḥ sukhaṃ śete hitvā jayaparājayau |30,1| 
忍勝則怨賊 自負則自鄙
息意則快樂 無勝無負心 11  
1. =30,1 
|| rgyal ba las ni ’khon ’byuṅ źiṅ || pha rol pham pa sdug bsṅal ’thob ||
rgyal daṅ pha rol pham spaṅs na || ñe bar źi ba’i bde ba ’thob ||1  
1. =30,1 
1 (201). FROM victory proceeds rancour; the defeated foe is in misery: if one casts off victory and defeat he will find the happiness of peace. 
paraduhkhopadhānena ya icchet sukhaṃ ātmanaḥ |
vairasaṃsargasaṃsakto duhkhān na parimucyate |30,2| 
若人擾亂彼 自求安樂世
遂成其怨憎 終不得解脱 22  
2. =30,2 
gźan la sdug bsṅal bskyed pa yis || gaṅ źig bdag ni bde ’dod pa ||
dgra daṅ mi (5)’bral ’grogs pa daṅ || de ni sdug bsṅal las mi ’grol ||2  
2. =30,2 
2. He who causes misery to others in seeking for his own welfare brings witout distinction misery on friends and foes. 
sukhakāmāni bhūtāni yo daṇḍena vihiṃṣati |
ātmanaḥ sukham eṣāṇaḥ sa vai na labhate sukham |30,3| 
善樂於愛欲 以杖加羣生
於中自求安 後世不得樂 33  
3. =30,3 
bde ba ’dod phyir ’byuṅ po la || gaṅ źig ’tshe źiṅ chad pas gcod ||
bdag gi bde ba ’dod pa de || pha rol du ni bde mi ’gyur ||3  
3. =30,3 
3 (131). Re who seeking happiness persecutes and punishes other beings also seeking for happiness, will not find happiness in the other world. 
sukhakāmāni bhūtāni yo daṇḍena na hiṃsati |
ātmanaḥ sukham eṣāṇaḥ sa pretya labhate sukham |30,4| 
人欲得歡樂 杖不加羣生
於中自求樂 後世亦得樂 44  
4. =30,4 
gaṅ źig bde ba ’dod pa dag || ’byuṅ po la ni mi ’tshe źiṅ ||
(6)chad pas mi gcod bde ’dod pa || de dag pha rol bde ba ’thob ||4  
4. =30,4 
4 (132). He who seeking happiness does not persecute and punish beings seeking for happiness, will find happiness in the other world. 
dharmaṃ caret sucaritaṃ nainaṃ duścaritaṃ caret |
dharmacārī sukhaṃ śete hy asmin loke paratra ca |30,5| 
樂法樂學行 愼莫行惡法
能善行法者 今世後世樂 55  
5. =30,5 
chos spyod legs par spyad bya źiṅ || ñes par spyad pa de mi spyad ||
’jig rten ’di daṅ pha rol du || chos spyad pas ni.i bde ba ’thob ||5
chos la legs spyad bde sgyed pas || chos spyod chos (7)kyis bsruṅ bar bya ||
chos spyod ṅan ’gror mi ’gro ba || chos la legs spyod phan yon de’o ||6  
5. =30,5  6. =30,7 
5 (169). Perform carefully the precepts of the law; abstain from all evil deeds: he who keeps the law finds happiness in this world and in the other.
6. The observance of the law brings happiness; he who keeps the law is guarded by the law; he who keeps the law goes not on the evil way; for this is the observance of the law beneficial. 
dharmaḥ sadā rakṣati dharmacāriṇaṃ chatraṃ mahad varṣakāle yathaiva |
eṣānuśaṃso dharme sucīrṇe na durgatiṃ gacchati dharmacārī |30,6| 
yaṅs pa’i gadugasakyisa dbyar ka ltar || chos spyod chos kyis bsruṅ bar bya ||
chos spyod ṅan ’gror mi ’gro ba || chosala legs spyod phan yon de’o ||
(bag (241a1)med mi yis chos min spyad na ni || ’gro ba gaṅ yaṅ ruṅ ba ṅan ’gror ’gro ||
’di na sbrul nag rked nas bzuṅ ba ltar || chos min spyod pa de dag rlag par ’gyur ||
chos daṅ chos min gñi ga yi || rnam smin ’dra bar mi ’gyur te ||
chos ma (2)yin pas dmyal bar ’gro || chos kyis bade’agro thob par byed ||)7  
7. =30,6 
7. He who keeps the law is sheltered by the law, as is one in summer by a large umbrella; he who keeps the law goes not on the evil way, for this reason is the observance of the law beneficial.
8. The careless man who observes not the law, no matter who he may be, goes to damnation; he who keeps not the law is as surely destroyed as is the black snake that one has caught by the middle.
9. The rewards of the righteous and of the unrighteous are not the same; the unrighteous go to hell, the righteous find the way to happiness. 
dharmaḥ sadā rakṣati dharmacāriṇaṃ dharmaḥ sucīrṇaḥ sukhaṃ ādadhāti |
eṣānuśaṃso dharme sucīrṇe na durgatiṃ gacchati dharmacārī |30,7| 
護法行法者 修法獲善報
此應法律教 行法不趣惡 66
護法行法者 如蓋覆其形
此應法律教 行法不趣惡
(惡行入地獄 所生墮惡道
非法自陷溺 如手把蚖蛇
不以法非法 二事倶同報
非法入地獄 正法生於天) 7-97  
6. =30,7  7. =30,6 
alpāpi santo bahavo jayanti susaṃvidhāne na saṃvidhānam |
alpam api cet śraddadhāno dadāti tenaivāsau bhavati sukhī paratra |30,8| 
dānaṃ ca yuddhaṃ ca samānaṃ āhur naite guṇāḥ kāpuruṣeva santi |
saṃgrāma veleva hi dānavelā tulyaṃ bhavet kāraṇa saṃgraheṇa |30,9| 
施與戰同處 此徳智不譽
施時亦戰時 此事二倶等 108  
8. =30,9 
sbyin pa byed pa’i dus daṅ g-yul ’byed dus || rgyu yis yoṅs su bzuṅ bar ’dra bas na ||
sbyin pa byed daṅ g-yul ’gyed ’dra źes gsuṅs || yon tan de gñis mi ṅan rten mi byed ||8
śin tu (3)legs par chas pa gcig pus kyaṅ || legs par ma chas ’phyes las rgyal byed ltar ||
gal te dad bskyed chuṅ du byin pas kyaṅ || des ni de dag gźan du bde bar ’gyur ||9  
8. =30,9  9. =30,8 
10-11. When one is charitable and when one gives battle, if well understood these (operations) are primarily alike;l as I have said (or it has been said) that .being charitable and fighting are alike, be careful in both cases and rely not on what is bad. A single man well equipped can conquer (a legion) of badly equipped rabble (?),2 so likewise if one gives through faith, even though a little, he will thereby find happiness in the other world. 
ayaṃ hi pratyūhaśatāni jitvā mātsaryaṃ ākramya ca śatru bhūtam |
śurādd hi taṃ śūrataraṃ vadāmi dadāti yo dānam asaktacittaḥ |30,10| 
人遭百千變 等除憍慢怨
時施清淨心 健夫最爲勝 119
忍少得勝多 戒勝懈怠多
有信慧施者 後身受善報 1210  
9. =30,10  10. =30,8 
’di na lan brgyar g-yul zlog dpa’ bo bas || ser sna dgrar gyur zil gyis (4)mnan nas su ||
gaṅ źig chags med sems kyis sbyin byed pa || de dag ches dpa’ yin par ṅas gsuṅs so ||10  
10. =30,10 
12. He who has been victorious in a hundred battles, and who has overcome all his enemies, is not so great a conqueror, I declare, as he who gives with a pure heart. 
sukho vipākaḥ puṇyānām abhiprāyaḥ samṛdhyate |
kṣipraṃ ca paramāṃ śāntiṃ nirvṛtiṃ so ’dhigacchati |30,11| 
快樂施福報 所願皆全成
速得第一滅 漸入無爲際 1311  
11. =30,11 
bsod nams rnam smin bde ba ste || mṅon par bsams pa ’byor bar byed ||
myur du źi ba dam pa yi || mya ṅan ’das pa thob par ’gyur ||11  
11. =30,11 
13. The reward of virtue is happiness; he who has made this his goal will speedily find perfect rest and nirvâṇa? 
parato hy upasargāṃś ca devatā mārakāyikāḥ |
antarāyaṃ na śaktiṣṭhāḥ kṛtapuṇyasya kartu vai |30,12| 
若彼求方便 賢聖智慧施
盡其苦原本 當知獲大報 1412  
12. =30,12 
(5)bsod nams byed pa rnams la ni || gźan las byuṅ ba’i gnod pa daṅ ||
lha daṅ bdud kyi ris rnams kyis || bar chad bya bar mi nus so ||
(gal te sdug bsṅal zad bya’i phyir || ’phags daṅ śes rab gtoṅ ldan la ||
de yis ’bad rtsol byas na ni || lhag (6)mthoṅ gis ni reg par ’gyur ||)12  
12. =30,12 
14. There is nothing by which men can harm them who are virtuous; they from the world of the gods and of Mâra are not able to hurt them. 
dharmaprītiḥ sukhaṃ śete viprasannena cetasā |
āryapravedite dharme ramate paṇḍitaḥ smṛtaḥ |30,13| 
愛法善安隱 心意潔清淨
賢聖所説法 智者所娯樂 1513  
13. =30,13 
sems ni rab tu rnam daṅ bas || chos la dga’ byed bde ba ’thob ||
’phags pas gsuṅs pa’i chos dag la || mkhas pa rtag tu dga’ bar byed ||13  
13. =30,13 
15. He who, to put an end to misery, applies himself diligently to the acquirement of righteousness and knowledge, shall enjoy (it) through supernatural sight (vipaçyana). 
yeṣāṃ dharmarataṃ cittam anupādāya nirvṛtim |
smṛty upasthānanirataṃ bodhy aṅgeṣu ca saptasu |30,14| 
若人心樂禪 亦復樂不起
亦樂四意止 并及七覺意
及彼四神足 賢聖八品道 1614  
14. =30,14 
gaṅ dag sems ni bstam gtan dga’ || gaṅ źig skye med dga’ ba (7)daṅ ||
dran pa ñe bar gźag bźi daṅ || byaṅ chub yan lag bdun daṅ ||14  
14. =30,14 
16. He who delights in the law with a truly believing mind, finds happiness; the sage always delights in the law that has been taught by the elect. 
yeṣāṃ dharmaratiṃ cittam anupādāya nirvṛtim |
ṛddhi pādarataṃ caiva mārge cāṣṭāṅgike ratam |30,15| 
若人心樂禪 亦復樂不起
亦樂四意止 并及七覺意
及彼四神足 賢聖八品道 1615  
15. =30,15 
rdzu ’phrul rkaṅ pa bźi rnams daṅ || yan lag brgyad lam gaṅ dga’ ba ||
de dag chos gos ’chaṅ ba daṅ || bsod sñoms bde bar za bar byed ||15  
17, 18. They whose minds delight in contemplation (dhyana)? who delight in no created thing, who delight in the four modes of arranging the memory: in the seven branches of the Bodhi, in the four bases of performing miracles: in the eightfold way, they wear the garment of the law and are happy in living on alms. 
sukhaṃ te bhuñjate piṇḍaṃ dhārayanti ca cīvaram |
sukhaṃ caṅkramaṇaṃ teṣāṃ parvateṣu guhāsu ca |30,16| 
善樂於摶食 善樂攝法服
善樂於經行 樂處於山薮 1716  
16. =30,16 
kṣemaprāptā hi sukhitā dṛṣṭadharmābhinirvṛtāḥ |
sarvavairabhayātītās tīrṇā loke viṣaktikām |30,17| 
已逮安樂處 現法而無爲
已越諸恐懼 超世諸染著 1817  
17. =30,17 
de dag ri daṅ nags tshal (241b1)na|| bde bar ’chag par byed pa daṅ ||
de dag bde ’thob bde bar ni || mthoṅ ba’i chos la mya ṅan ’da’ ||
’khon daṅ ’jigs pa kun ’das śiṅ || ’jig rten yul gyi srid las rgal ||16  
19. ’They move about in peace on mountains and in forests; they are happy in finding happiness, and leave sorrow behind in the perception of the law (nirvâṇa). He has left behind hatred and fear, and has crossed over from worldly existence. 
sukho vivekas tuṣṭasya śrutadharmasya paśyataḥ |
avyāvadhyaḥ sukhaṃ loke prāṇabhūteṣu samyamaḥ |30,18| 
善樂於念持 善觀於諸法
善哉世無害 養育衆生類 1918  
18. =30,18 
chos thos pa daṅ mthoṅ ba daṅ || dben par dga’ ba bde (2)ba ste||
’jig rten srog chags ’byuṅ po la || ’tshe med yaṅ dag sdom ba bde ||17  
17. =30,18 
20. To hear the law, to perceive the law, and to delight in seclusion, is happiness; to all living beings in the world to comprehend the complete cessation of death is happiness. 
sukhaṃ virāgatā loke kāmānāṃ samatikramaḥ |
asmi mānasyavinaya etad vai paramaṃ sukham |30,19| 
世無欲愛樂 越諸染著意
能滅己憍慢 此名第一樂 2019  
19. =30,19 
’dod pa rnams las rab ’das śiṅ || ’jig rten ’dod chags bral ba bde ||
ṅa’o sñam pa’i ṅa rgyal dag || btul ba de dag mchog tu bde ||18  
18. =30,19 
21. To abandon desires, to be free of the passions of the world, is happiness; to subdue the selfish thought of " I " is the greatest happiness. 
sukhaṃ yāvaj jarā śīlaṃ sukhaṃ śraddhā pratiṣṭhitā |
sukhaṃ cārtharatā vācā pāpasyākaraṇaṃ sukham |30,20| 
耆年持戒樂 有信成就樂
分別義趣樂 不造衆惡業 2120  
20. =30,20 
rgas khar tshul khrims (3)ldan pa bde || dad la rab tu gnas pa bde ||
don ldan tshig la dga’ ba bde || sdig pa mi byed pa dag bde ||19  
19. =30,20 
22 (333). To be virtuous unto old age is happiness; to live in perfect faith is happiness; to delight in words of sense is happiness; to do no evil is’ happiness. 
sukhaṃ mātṛvyatā loke sukhaṃ caiva pitṛvyatā |
sukhaṃ śrāmaṇyatā loke tathā brāhmaṇyatā sukham |30,21| 
世有父母樂 衆集和亦樂
世有沙門樂 靜志樂亦然 2221  
21. =30,21 
’jig rten na ni phar ’dzin bde || de bźin mar yaṅ ’dzin pa bde ||
’jig rten dge sbyoṅ ’dzin pa bde || de bźin bram zer ’dzin pa bde ||20  
20. =30,21 
23 (332). Happy in this world is he who honours his father: so likewise he who honours his mother is happy; happy in this world he who honours Çramanas, so likewise he who honours Brâhmanas is happy. 
sukhaṃ buddhasya cotpādaḥ sukhaṃ dharmasya deśanā |
sukhaṃ saṃghasya sāmagrī samagrāṇāṃ tapaḥ sukham |30,22| 
(世有父母) 衆集和亦樂
(世有沙門樂 靜志樂亦然)
諸佛出興樂 説法堪受樂
衆僧和合樂 和則常有安 22-2322  
22. =30,22 
saṅs (4)rgyas rnams ni ’byuṅ ba bde || de bźin chos rnams bstan pa bde ||
dge ’dun rnams ni ’thun pa bde || ’thun pa rnams kyi dka’ thub bde ||21  
21. =30,22 
24 (194). The arising of a Buddha is happiness, the teaching of the law is happiness, the harmony of the clergy is happiness, the devotion (tapas) of those who are united is happiness. 
śīlavantaḥ sukhaṃ dṛṣṭuṃ sukhaṃ dṛṣṭuṃ bahu śrutāḥ |
arhantaś ca sukhaṃ dṛṣṭuṃ vipramuktapunar bhavāḥ |30,23| 
持戒完具樂 多聞廣知樂
覩見眞人樂 解脱行跡樂 2423  
23. =30,23 
tshul khrims ldan pa mthoṅ ba bde || maṅ du thos pa mthoṅ ba bde ||
yaṅ srid rnam par grol ba yi || (5)dgra bcom pa dag mthoṅ ba bde ||22  
22. =30,23 
25. ’Tis happiness to see a virtuous man; to see one who has heard much is happiness; to see Arhats who are delivered from existence is happiness. 
sukhā nadī sūpatīrthā sukhaṃ dharmajino jinaḥ |
prajñā lābhaḥ sukho nityam asmi mānakṣayaḥ sukham |30,24| 
徳水清涼樂 法財自集快
得智明慧快 滅慢無邪快 2524  
24. =30,24 
’jug ṅogs bde ba’i chu kluṅ bde || chos kyis rgyal ba’i skye bo bde ||
śes rab thob par gyur pa bde || ṅa’o ṅa rgyal zad pa bde ||23  
23. =30,24 
26. ’Tis happiness to reach the shore o( the river of happiness ; happy the being who has the triumph of the law (i.e., who has attained purity); to obtain wisdom is happiness ; to put an end to selfishness is happiness. 
sukhaṃ darśanaṃ āryāṇāṃ saṃvāso ’pi sadā sukham |
adarśanena bālānāṃ nityam eva sukhī bhavet |30,25| 
得覩諸賢樂 同會亦復樂
不與愚從事 畢固永已樂 2625  
25. =30,25 
’phags pa rnams ni mthoṅ ba bde || dam pa dag daṅ ’grogs pa bde ||
byis pa rnams (6)ni ma mthoṅ na || rtag tu bde ba ñid du ’gyur ||24
rnam pa kun du dgra ’dra ba’i || byis daṅ ’grogs pa sdug bsṅal źiṅ ||
byis pa dag daṅ ’grogs byed pa || yun riṅ rjes su ’gyod par ’gyur ||25  
24. =30,25  25. =30,2abcd 
27. To see the elect is happiness; to associate with the righteous is happiness; not to see fools is always happiness.
28 (207). ’Tis as great suffering to be in the company of fools as in that of enemies; he who associates with fools will repent him of it for a long time. 
bālasaṃsargacārī hi dīrghādhvānaṃ praśocati |
duhkho bālair hi saṃvāso hy amitrair iva sarvaśaḥ |
dhīrais tu sukhasaṃvāso jñātīnām iva saṃgamaḥ |30,26| 
不與愚從事 經歴無數日
與愚同居難 如與怨憎會
與智同處易 如共親親會 2726  
26. =30,26 
durlabhaḥ puruṣo jātyo nāsau sarvatra jāyate |
yatrāsau jāyate vīras tu kulaṃ sukham edhate |30,27| 
人智甚難遇 終不虚託生
設當託生處 彼家必蒙慶 2827  
27. =30,27 
skyes bu caṅ śes dkon pa ste || de dag kun du ’byuṅ ma yin ||
(7)brtan pa rnams daṅ ’grogs pa dag || gñen daṅ phrad pa lta bur bde ||
gaṅ du brtan pa de skyes pa || de yi rigs kyis bde ba ’thob ||26  
29 (193). An omniscient person is hard to find; he does not appear everywhere: ’tis happiness to associate with the steadfast, like unto meeting one’s kinsmen; wherever such a steadfast person is born, that people finds happiness. 
sarvathā vai sukhaṃ śete brāhmaṇaḥ parinirvṛtaḥ |
yo na lipyate kāmebhir vipramukto nirāsravaḥ |30,28| 
一切得安隱 梵志取滅度
不爲欲所染 盡脱於諸處 2928  
28. =30,28 
bram ze mya ṅan ’das pa dag || rnam pa kun du bde bar ’jug ||
gaṅ źig ’dod pas ma gos śiṅ || zag med rab tu rnam (242a1)grol ba ||27  
27. =30,28 
30. The Brâhmanas who have left sorrow behind, find most perfect happiness; he who has divested himself of desires, who is without âsravas, is perfectly free. 
sarvā hy āśāstayaś chittvā vinīyahṛdayajvaram |
upaśāntaḥ sukhaṃ śete śāntiṃ prāpyeha cetasaḥ |30,29| 
盡斷不祥結 降伏内煩惱
永息得睡眠 心識得清徹 3029  
29. =30,29 
sred pa thams cad gtubs pa daṅ || sñiṅ las rims nad rnam par bsal ||
sems kyis źi ba thob pa rnams || ñe bar źi źiṅ bde bar ’jug ||28  
28. =30,29 
31. They who have destroyed all desires, who have cleansed their hearts of all cankers: their minds bring them peace, and in peace there is happiness. 
mātrā sukhaparityāgād yaḥ paśyed vipulaṃ sukham |
tyajen mātrā sukhaṃ dhīraḥ sampaśyan vipulaṃ sukham |30,30| 
愼莫著於樂 當就護來行
當念捨於世 觀於快樂事 3130  
30. =30,30 
gaṅ źig bde ba yaṅs ’dod ciṅ || bde ba chuṅ du gtor ’dod pa’i ||
brtan pas (2)bde chuṅ spaṅ byas na || bde ba yaṅs pa legs par mthoṅ ||29  
29. =30,30 
32. If the steadfast man seeks for great happiness, and would give up little happiness, let him cast away the little happiness and look well to the great one. 
yac ca kāmasukhaṃ loke yac cāpi divijaṃ sukham |
tṛṣṇākṣayasukhasyaitat kalāṃ nārghati ṣoḍaśīm |30,31| 
如世欲歡樂 及彼天上樂
此名爲愛極 十六未獲一 3231  
31. =30,31 
’jig rten ’dod bde gaṅ yin daṅ || lha yul bde ba gaṅ yin pas ||
sred pa zad pa’i bde ba de’i || bcu drug char yaṅ mi phod do ||30  
30. =30,31 
33. Worldly happiness and happiness in the region of the gods is not worth the sixteenth part of the happiness (resulting) from the destruction of desires. 
nikṣipya hi guruṃ bhāraṃ nādadyād bhāram eva tu |
bhārādānaṃ paraṃ duhkhaṃ bhāranikṣepaṇaṃ sukham |30,32| 
欲捨於重擔 更不造重業
重擔世之苦 能捨最快樂 3332  
32. =30,32 
khur gyis sdug bsṅal blaṅs pas na || khur bor na ni bde bar (3)’gyur ||
lci ba’i khur dag ṅes bor na || phyi nas gźan dag len mi ’gyur ||31  
31. =30,32 
34. If one has been miserable under the weight of his burden: ’tis happiness to cast it down; if one has cast down his heavy load, he will not in future take up another. 
sarvatṛṣṇāṃ viprahāya sarvasamyojanakṣayāt |
sarvopadhiṃ parijñāya nāgacchanti punar bhavam |30,33| 
盡斷諸愛欲 及滅一切行
并滅五蘊本 更不受三有 3433  
33. =30,33 
kun sbyor thams cad zad bya’i phyir || sred pa thams cad rab tu spoṅs ||
phuṅ po thams cad yoṅs śes na || srid pa phyi mar ’gro ba med ||32  
32. =30,33 
35. He who has put an end to all attachment, who has cast away all affection, who perfectly understands all the skandhas, will not be subject to any subsequent existence. 
artheṣu jāteṣu sukhaṃ sahāyāḥ puṇyaṃ sukhaṃ jīvitasaṃkṣayeṣu |
tuṣṭiḥ sukhā yā tv itaretareṇa sarvasya duhkhasya sukho nirodhaḥ |30,34| 
義聚則有樂 朋友食福樂
彼滅寂然樂 展轉普及人
苦以樂爲本 3534  
34. =30,34 
don rnams bkrun pa la ni grogs (4)ldan bde || srog dag rab tu gtugs la bsod nams bde ||
ṅan ṅon tsam gyis legs par chog śes bde || sdug bsṅal thams cad ṅes par nub pa bde ||33  
33. =30,34 
36. To associate with those who bring one great profit is happiness; to be virtuous in the different circumstances of life is happiness; to be satisfied with no matter how mean a pittance is happiness; to put an end to all suffering is happiness. 
ayoghanahatasyaiva jvalato jātavedasaḥ |
anupūrvopaśāntasya yathā na jñāyate gatiḥ |30,35| 
赫焔而熾然 漸漸而還滅
不知所湊處 3635  
35. =30,35 
’di na me ni ’bar ba la || lcags kyi tho bas brgyab pa yis ||
rim gyis ñe bar źi ’gyur te || ji (5)ltar soṅ ba mi śes ltar ||34  
34. =30,35 
37. By beating with a hammer the iron that has been burnt with fire it is finally destroyed; in like manner is the unwise man done away with. 
evaṃ samyag vimuktānāṃ kāmapaṅkaughatāriṇām |
prajñāpayituṃ gatir nāsti prāptānām acalaṃ sukham |30,36| 
免於愛欲泥 去亦無處所
以獲無動樂 3736  
36. =30,36 
’dod pa’i ’dam rdzab chu rgal ciṅ || go ’phaṅ mi g-yo thob pa daṅ ||
legs par ram par grol rnams kyi || ’gro ba gdags su med pa yin ||35  
35. =30,36 
38. He who, having forded the miry stream of desire, has found the unchanging place (amatam padam, nirvâna), there is nothing that will hold back that being who has (found) perfect emancipation. 
yasyāntarato na santi kopā itthaṃ bhāvagataṃ ca yo nivṛttaḥ |
akhilaṃ taṃ sukhinaṃ sadā viśokaṃ devā nānubhavanti darśanena |30,37| 
有變易不停 除憂無有愁
寂然觀世有 3837  
37. =30,37 
gaṅ źig khoṅ na ’khrugs pa med pa daṅ || gaṅ źig sred daṅ sred min las log pa ||
(6)de dag ’jigs bral ba de źiṅ mya ṅan med || lhas kyaṅ blta źiṅ bas ma du med par ’gyur ||36  
36. =30,37 
39. He whom nothing agitates, who has left existence and not existence, free of terror, happy and without sorrow, even the gods on seeing (his happiness) cannot comprehend its (extent). 
sukhaṃ hi yasyeha na kiṃcanaṃ syāt svākhyātadharmasya bahuśrutasya |
sakiṃcanaṃ paśya vihanyamānaṃ janaṃ janeṣu pratibaddha cittam |30,38| 
’di na gaṅ dag chos maṅ thos pa daṅ || rtogs śiṅ ci yaṅ med pa kye re bde ||
skye bo skye bo’i lus la rab chags śiṅ || chuṅ zad yod pa brlag par gyur la ltos ||37  
37. =30,38 
40. In this world to hear much of the law and to comprehend it, nothing is so great a happiness! Man is filled with love for his body, and see how little it takes to destroy it! 
sukhaṃ hi yasyeha na kiṃcanaṃ syāt svākhyātadharmasya bahuśrutasya |
sakiṃcanaṃ paśya vihanyamānaṃ janaṃ janeṣu pratibaddharūpam |30,39| 
正法而多聞 設見有所損
人人貪於色 3938  
38. =30,39 
’di (7)na gaṅ dag chos maṅ thos pa daṅ || rtogs śiṅ ci yaṅ med pa kye re bde ||
skye bo skye bo’i lus la rab chags śiṅ || chuṅ zad yod pa brlag par gyur la ltos ||38  
38. =30,39 
sukhino hi janā hy akiṃcanā vedaguṇā hi janā hy akiṃcanāḥ |
sakiṃcanaṃ paśya vihanyamānaṃ janaṃ janeṣu baddhacittam |30,40| 
795a16-18: 無結世善壽
大法知結源 人當明結瑕
人人心縛著 亦縛於色本 4039  
39. =30,40 
skye bo ci med yon tan rtogs pa daṅ || skye bo ci yaṅ med par gyur pa bde ||
skye bo skye bo’i sems (242b1)la rab chags śiṅ || chuṅ zad yod pa brlag par gyur la ltos ||39  
39. =30,40 
42. He who has understood that there is nothing commendable in the human condition, will have the happiness of never being subject to birth; man is filled with love for his body, and see how little it takes to destroy it! 
sukhino hi janā akiṃcanā vedaguṇā hi janā hy akiṃcanāḥ |
sakiṃcanaṃ paśya vihanyamānaṃ janaṃ janeṣu pratibaddharūpam |30,41| 
795a16-18: 無結世善壽
大法知結源 人當明結瑕
人人心縛著 亦縛於色本 4040  
40. =30,41 
skye bo ci med yon tan rtogs pa daṅ || skye bo ci yaṅ med par gyur pa bde ||
skye bo skye bo’i lus la rab chags śiṅ || chuṅ zad yod pa brlag par gyur la ltos ||40  
40. =30,41 
sarvaṃ paravaśaṃ duhkhaṃ sarvaṃ ātmavaśaṃ sukham |
sādhāraṇe vihanyante yogā hi duratikramāḥ |30,42| 
一切受辱苦 一切任己樂
勝負自然興 竟不有所獲
(諸欲得樂壽 能忍彼輕報
忍者忍於人 不忍處諸有) 41-4241  
41. =30,42 
gźan gyi dbaṅ gyur kun sdug (2)ste|| raṅ dbaṅ yod pa thams cadabade ||
sbyor ba śin tu spaṅ dka’ ba || thun moṅ gyur pas brlag par zad ||41  
41. =30,42 
43. While it is misery to be in subjection to another, to be one’s own master is great happiness; ’tis hard to cast off attachment, and to put an end to the source of all troubles. 
susukhaṃ bata jīvāmo hy utsukeṣu tv anutsukāḥ |
utsukeṣu manuṣyeṣu viharāmo hy anutsukāḥ |30,43| 
諸欲得樂壽 於惑而無惑
惑者惑於人 我斯無有惑 4342  
42. =30,43 
źen par gyur pa’i mi naṅ na || źen pa med par gnas pa daṅ ||
źen pa’i naṅ na ma źen pa || kye ma’o źin tu bde bar ’tsho ||42  
42. =30,43 
44 (199). Ah! let us live exceedingly happy, living without greed among men who are greedy, without greed in the midst of the greedy. 
susukhaṃ bata jīvāmo yeṣāṃ no nāsti kiṃcanam |
mithilāyāṃ dahyamānāyāṃ na no dahyati kiṃcanam |30,44| 
susukhaṃ bata jīvāmo hy ātureṣu tv anāturāḥ |
ātureṣu manuṣyeṣu viharāmo hy anāturāḥ |30,45| 
nad kyis thebs (3)pa’i mi naṅ na || nad med par ni gnas pa daṅ ||
nad pa’i naṅ na nad med pa || kye ma’o śin tu bde bar ’tsho ||43  
43. =30,45 
45 (198). Ah! let us live exceedingly happy, living without disease among men afflicted by diseases, without disease in midst of disease. 
susukhaṃ bata jīvāmo hiṃsakeṣu tv ahiṃsakāḥ |
hiṃsakeṣu manuṣyeṣu viharāmo hy ahiṃsakāḥ |30,46| 
’tshe ba can gyi mi naṅ na || ’tshe ba med par gnas pa daṅ ||
’tshe ba’i naṅ na ’tshe med pa || kye ma’o śin tu bde bar ’tsho ||44
gnod sems ca gyi (4)mi naṅ na || gnod sems med par gnas pa daṅ ||
gnod sems can naṅ gnod med pa || kye ma’o śin tu bde bar ’tsho ||45  
44. =30,46  45. =30,48 
46. Ah! let us live exceedingly happy, living without enmity amidst men who are inimical, without enmity among the inimical.
47. Ah! let us live exceedingly happy, living without cruel thoughts amidst men who have cruel thoughts, without cruelty among the cruel. 
susukhaṃ bata jīvāmo vairikeṣu tv avairikāḥ |
vairikeṣu manuṣyeṣu viharāmo hy avairikāḥ |30,47| 
śa kho na can gyi mi naṅ na || śa kho na med par gnas pa daṅ ||
śa kho na can naṅ ’khon med pa || kye ma’o śin tu bde bar ’tsho ||46
(5)mi thi la dag rab bsregs kyaṅ || ṅa la ci yaṅ tshig pa med ||
ṅa la gaṅ dag ci med pas || kye ma’o śin tu bde bar ’tsho ||47  
46. =30,47  47. =30,44 
48. Ah! let us live exceedingly happy, living without hatred amidst men who hate, without hatred among haters.
49. Ah! let us live exceedingly happy; though Mithilâ burns, nothing of mine does burn, for I have nothing? 
susukhaṃ bata jīvāmo heṭhakeṣu tv aheṭhakāḥ |
heṭhakeṣu manuṣyeṣu viharāmo hy aheṭhakaḥ |30,48| 
susukhaṃ bata jīvāmo yeṣāṃ no nāsti kiṃcanam |
prīti bhakṣā bhaviṣyāmo devā hy ābhasvarā yathā |30,49| 
諸欲得樂壽 終己無結者
當食於念食 如彼光音天
(恒以念爲食 意身無所燒) 4443  
43. =30,49 
ṅa la ci yaṅ med mod kyi || dga’ ba za bar byed pas na ||
’od gsal gyi ni lha bźin du || kye ma’o śin tu bde bar ’tsho ||48  
48. =30,49 
50 (200). Ah! let us live exceedingly happy; though there be nothing to call our own, we shall feed on happiness like the shining gods? 
susukhaṃ bata jīvāmo yeṣāṃ no nāsti kiṃcanam |
prīti bhakṣā bhaviṣyāmo satkāyenopanihśritāḥ |30,50| 
(諸欲得樂壽 終己無結者
當食於念食 如彼光音天)
恒以念爲食 意身無所燒 4444  
44. =30,50 
’jig (6)tshogs la ni mi rten pas || ṅa la ci yaṅ med mod kyis ||
dga’ ba za bar byed pas na || kye ma’o śin tu bde bar ’tsho ||49  
49. =30,50 
51. Ah! let us live exceedingly happy, relying on nothing perishable; and though there be nothing to call our own, we shall feed on happiness. 
grāme araṇye sukhaduhkhaspṛṣṭo naivātmano na parato dadhāti |
sparśāḥ spṛśanti hy upadhiṃ pratītya niraupadhiṃ kiṃ sparśāḥ spṛśeyuḥ |30,51| 
衆生見苦樂 聖法無損壞
雖値觸樂跡 無跡焉有觸 4545  
45. =30,51 
len pa’i rkyen gyis phrad ciṅ reg ’gyur gyi || len med ci daṅ phrad reg med pas ||
bdag daṅ gźan gyis bskyed pa’i bde sdug gis || (7)dgon pa’am groṅ du reg par mi ’gyur ro ||50  
50. =30,51 
52. When one meets with the consequences of attachment (upadana) one must suffer; when there is no attachment there is nothing to meet which can cause suffering; he who has finished with both the one and the other (attachment and its consequences) and is happy, will not have to endure affliction in either forest or hamet. 
sāpatrapāḥ sat puruṣā bhavanti na kāmahetor lapayanti santaḥ |
spṛṣṭā hi duhkhena tathā sukhena noccāvacāḥ sat puruṣā bhavanti |30,52| 
如苾芻在定 不著一切垢
衆生遭苦樂 而不能覺知
如來與多聞 己身廣善友
圓寂觀罪障 相應樂第十 4646  
46. =30,52 
’jig rten ’din bde daṅ sdug bsṅal gyis || skyes bu dam pa mtho dman mi ’gyur źiṅ ||
brtan rnams ’dod pa’i rgyu yis mi ’khyab bar || skyes bu dam pa kun du ’gro bar byed ||51  
51. =30,52 
53. In this world the holy man is neither elated or depressed by joy or sorrow; the steadfast are not made vain by the objects of desire; the holy man forsakes everything. 
|| sukhavargaḥ 30 || || 
bde ba’i tshoms te sum (243a1)cu pa’o |
|| ched du brjod pa’i tshoms | bam po bźi pa ste tha ma || 
Chapter on happiness, the Thirtieth. 
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