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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
If you cannot find the letters on your key-board, you may click on the link "Diacritica" to access it for your search.
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ye kulaputraivaṃrūpeṇa karmāvaraṇenānarthikāḥ | tair na dvitīyasya bodhisatvasya sarvvacaryāsuvipratipattavyaṃ | sarvvāḥ kriyās tasyādhimoktavyāḥ |  evañ cittam utpādayitavyaṃ na ahaṃ paracittaṃ jāne durvvijñeyā satvacaryā |  idañ ca khalu kulaputrārthavaśaṃ saṃpaśyaṃs tathāgata evandharman deśayati na pudgalena pudgalaḥ pramātavyaḥ | aham vā pudgalaṃ pramiṇuyāṃ yovā syān mādṛśaḥ |  yaḥ kulaputrātmānaṃ rakṣitukāmas tena na kasyacic caryā vivecayitavyā | na pareṣāṃ vikuṭṭanā karttavyā | ayam īdṛśo ’yam īdṛśa iti |  buddhadharmābhiyuktena bhavitavyaṃ rātrindivaṃ dharmapaliguddhamānasena || 
rigs kyi bu de ltar phra ba ni las kyi sgrib pa yin gyis | rigs kyi bu su las kyi sgrib pa de ltabu mi ’dod pa de dag gis gźan gyi spyod pa la khoṅ khro bar mi bya’o || de’i spyod pa thams cad la yid ches par bya’o ||  ’di sñam du pha rol gyi sems ni bdag gis mi śes te | sems can gyi spyod pa ni śes par dka’o sñam du sems bskyed par bya’o ||  don gyi dbaṅ de gzigs nas | de bźin gśegs pas ’di skad du chos ston te | gaṅ zag gis gaṅ zag la tshod gzuṅ bar mi bya’o || gaṅ zag gis gaṅ zag la tshod bzuṅ na rma ’byuṅ bar ’gyur te | ṅa’am gźan yaṅ ṅa daṅ ’dra ba dag gis gaṅ zag la tshod gzuṅ ṅo ||  rigs kyi bu su bdag bsruṅ bar ’dod pa des gźan su’i spyod pa la’aṅ brtag par mi bya ste | de dag la ’di ni ’di ’dra’o || ’di ni ’di ’dra’o źes dpya bar mi bya’o ||  ñin mtshan du saṅs rgyas kyi chos la brtson par bya’o || 
師子遊歩。若人不欲起是微細罪業(11)者。於彼菩薩不應起於惡心。菩薩諸所(12)行道皆當信解。  不應起於瞋恨之心。應作(13)是念。我不能善知他人心。衆生所行是亦(14)難知。  善男子。如來見是利故常説是法。是(15)故行者不應平量於人。唯有如來及似如來(16)者。乃能知是。  是故行者若欲自護其身愼(17)莫平量於人而相違逆。  菩薩若欲修集佛法。(18)4常當晝夜勤心專念。 
善家子。(8)有如是微細業障。善家子。若有菩薩不欲如(9)是業障者。於第二菩薩所諸修行中不應違(10)背。諸作業中皆當信順。  應生如是心。我不(11)知他心。衆生所行是亦難知。  善家子。如來見(12)是義故。説如是法於富伽羅。富伽羅所不應(13)選擇。唯我能選擇富伽羅及餘似我者。  善家(14)子。若欲自護不應選擇。有所行者不於他所(15)而作遮礙。此如是相。  當於佛法勤作相應。(16)晝夜勤念與法相應。 
Son of good family, [since the hindrances of deeds are to that extent subtle, son of good family,] those who do not wish to be connected with such hindrances of deeds, should not have any hostility against any of the practices of another bodhisattva. They should rather have faith in all his undertakings.  One should think thus: I do not know the thoughts of others; the behaviour of living beings is hard to understand.  chonsidering the meaning of this, the Tathāgata taught the dharma thus: A person should not judge another; it is only for me, or someone like me, to judge another person.  The one, son of good family, who wishes to protect himself should not question the practice of any other, nor should he criticize others, thinking: This one is like this, this one like that.  He should, rather, day and night, cultivate himself, intent on the religion of the Buddha, with a mind absorbed in religion. 
rigs kyi bu chos la bsgoms pa’i yid kyis bsam pa thag pa nas yaṅ dag par źugs pa’i byaṅ chub sems dpa’ ni gźan la dpya bar brtson par mi gnas so ||  rigs kyi bu gal te stoṅ gsum gyi stoṅ chen po’i ’jig rten gyi khams na | sems can gaṅ ci sñed cig yod pa de dag thams cad byaṅ chub sems dpa’ la la źig gis dge ba bcu’i las kyi lam la bkod pa bas | byaṅ chub sems dpa’ gaṅ gcig pu dben par ’dug ste| chuṅ ṅu na se gol gtogs pa tsam du’aṅ chos thams cad tshul gcig par yid ches śiṅ tha na chuṅ ṅu dri ba’am | dpyad pa’am | luṅ ’bog pa’am | kha ton bya ba’i phyir gnas na | ’di ni de bas ches bsod nams maṅ du ’phel lo ||  de ci’i phyir źe na | rigs kyi bu tshul ’di khoṅ du chud pas byaṅ chub sems dpa’ rnams las kyi sgrib pa thams cad rnam par dag pa ’thob bo || sems can thams cad la chags pa daṅ | khoṅ khro ba daṅ bral bar ’gyur ro || rnam pa thams cad mkhyen pa’aṅ myur du ’thob par ’gyur ro || 
深發菩薩心者。不當(19)好求人長短。  菩薩若能教三千大千世界(20)4中衆生令行十善。不如菩薩如一食頃一心(21)靜處念一相法門。乃至聞受讀誦解説是(22)人福徳勝彼甚多。  何以故。諸菩薩用是法門(23)能滅一切業障罪。亦於一切衆生之中。離(24)憎愛心便能疾得一切種智。 
善家子。發行深心菩薩。(17)不應復於他所而作遮礙。當勤隨順相應修(18)行。  善家子。假使三千大千世界衆生。若有(19)菩薩令彼安立十善業道。若有菩薩獨到閑(20)處。乃至一彈指頃信諸法一相道。若問若共(21)議。若説若教誦。若自誦。此生福徳過多於(22)彼。  何以故。善家子。菩薩摩訶薩因此道故(23)得淨業障。諸衆生中遠離愛憎。速到遍智
Son of good family, the bodhisattva who is well established in his practice in accordance with his intentions, with a mind intent on cultivating religion, he does not behave so as to engage in criticism of others.  Son of good family, if some bodhisattva established all the living beings in the three thousand great thousand worlds on the way of the ten good actions, if that were to be compared with a bodhisattva staying by himself detached from the world, who just for a very short moment, a mere snap of the fingers, believed that all moments of existence are of one principle, or even would just briefly take some time to ask about that, consider it, learn it and study it, this last would be more effective as far as the increase of merit is concerned.  Why? Son of good family, if bodhisattvas understand this principle, they will attain the purification of all hindrances of deeds, and become without attachment or aversion towards all living beings; they will soon attain knowledge of every aspect of existence. 
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