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Pan Jiaxun 潘家洵


translator (Chinese)

  • 1919, Qungui 群鬼 (Ghosts), Xinchao 新潮, vol. 1, no. 5; this version is based on the revised version in Pan Jiaxun 潘家洵 et al (1995), Yibusheng Wenji 易卜生文集 (The collected works of Ibsen), People's Literature Press, Beijing. 
  • 1921, 娜拉/玩偶之家 (A Doll's House); revised 1956; this version is taken from Pan Jiaxun 潘家洵 et al (1995), Yibusheng Wenji 易卜生文集 (The collected works of Ibsen), People's Literature Press, Beijing.
  • 1928, 海得·加勃勒 ; revised 1957 and renamed 海达·高布乐; this version is taken from Pan Jiaxun 潘家洵 et al (1995), Yibusheng Wenji 易卜生文集 (The collected works of Ibsen), People's Literature Press, Beijing.

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