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ʕĪsà ʕUbayd, Muqaddima (1921)

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إلا أنّ تعديله شخصية الأشخاص وتحريفه الرواية هذا التحريف - ألا يدلّ على خضوعه لحكم مزاجه الشرقي الذي دفعه إلى تصوير الكمال (و) الإنساني والمثل الأعلى للحبّ الروحاني ،
ʔillā ʔanna taʕdīla-hū šaḫṣiyyaẗa ’l-ʔašḫāṣ wa-taḥrīfa-hū ’l-riwāyaẗ hāḏā ’l-taḥrīfa – ʔa-lā yadullu ʕalà ḫuḍūʕi-hī li-ḥukmi mazāǧi-hī ’l-šarqī allaḏī dafaʕa-hū ʔilà taṣwīr al-kamāl al-ʔinsānī wa’l-maṯal(muṯul?) al-ʔaʕlà lil-ḥubb al-rūḥānī,
But isn’t the fact that he modifies the personality of the characters1 and makes heavy changes to the plot an indication of his submission to the regime of his oriental temperament which urges him to depict [nothing but] human [p. vi] perfection and the highest ideals of spiritual love?
1. Or: the main character? – šaḫṣiyyat al-ʔašḫāṣ, lit. the character of the characters.
AR: taʕdīlʔadab, šaḫṣiyyaẗ, ʔašḫāṣ, taḥrīf, riwāyaẗ, dalla (dalāl), ḫuḍūʕ, ḥukm, mazāǧ, šarqī, taṣwīr, kamāl
EN: oriental temperament
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