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ʕĪsà ʕUbayd, Muqaddima (1921)

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فإنّ أعاظم الرجال الذين أرادوا أنْ يضعوا للبشرية شرائع وأنظمة تؤدّي بها إلى السعادة الدائمة قد أخطئوا وأساءوا إلى المجتمع البشري من حيث أرادوا إسعاده .
fa-ʔinna ʔaʕāẓim al-riǧāl allaḏīna ʔarādū ʔan yaḍiʕū lil-bašariyyaẗ šarāʔiʕ wa-ʔanẓimaẗ tuʔaddī bi-hā ʔilà ’l-saʕādaẗ al-dāʔimaẗ qad ʔaḫṭaʔū wa-ʔasāʔū ʔilà ’l-muǧtamaʕ al-bašarī min ḥayṯu ʔarādū ʔisʕāda-h.
Those “giant men” who wanted to lay down for humanity rules and laws that would lead them into eternal happiness have actually failed; they did more harm to human society than making it happier.
AR: bašariyyaẗ (bašar), šarāʔiʕ (šarīʕaẗ), ʔanẓimaẗ (niẓām), ḫaṭaʔ, ʔasāʔa (ʔisāʔaẗ), muǧtamaʕ bašarī
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