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Fru Inger til Østråt (Lady Inger of Östråt)

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(Riddersalen. Et højt buevindu i baggrunden; et mindre vindu i forgrunden til venstre. Flere døre på begge sider. Loftet støttes af tykke fritstående træstolper, der, ligesom væggene, er behængte med alleslags våbenstykker. Billeder af helgener, riddere og fruer hænger i lange rader. Under loftet en stor brændende lampe med mange arme. I forgrunden til højre et gammeldags udskåret højsæde. Midt i salen står et dækket bord med levningerne af aftensmåltidet.)
(The Banquet Hall. A high bow-window in the background; a smaller window in front on the left. Several doors on each side. The roof is supported by massive wooden pillars, on which, as well as on the walls, are hung all sorts of weapons. Pictures of saints, knights, and ladies hang in long rows. Pendent from the roof a large many-branched lamp, alight. In front, on the right, an ancient carven high-seat. In the middle of the hall, a table with the remnants of the evening meal.)
(ELINA GYLDENLÖVE enters from the left, slowly and in deep thought. Her expression shows that she is going over again in her mind the scene with NILS LYKKE. At last she repeats the motion with which she flung away the flowers, and says in a low voice:)
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Enhet: Det humanistiske fakultet   Utviklet av: IT-seksjonen ved HF