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Viśeṣamitra: Vinayasaṃgraha

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ā ī ū
ś ź
š č ǰ γ    
Note on the transliteration:
The transliteration system of the BP/TLB is based on the Unicode/UTF-8 system. However, there may be difficulties with some of the letters – particularly on PC/Windows-based systems, but not so much on the Mac. We have chosen the most accepted older and traditional systems of transliteration against, e.g, Wylie for Tibetan, since with Unicode it is possible, in Sanskrit and Tibetan, etc., to represent one sound with one letter in almost all the cases (excepting Sanskrit and Tibetan aspirated letters, and Tibetan tsa, tsha, dza). We thus do not use the Wylie system which widely employs two letters for one sound (ng, ny, sh, zh etc.).
We ask you in particular to note the use of the ’ apostrophe and not the ' representing the avagrāha in Sanskrit, and most important the ’a-chuṅ in Tibetan. On the Mac the ’ is Alt-M.
If you cannot find the letters on your key-board, you may click on the link "Diacritica" to access it for your search.
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(5)佛在王舍城竹林園中。時諸苾芻捉金寶等。(6)眾人議曰。若釋迦子得捉金銀等者。(7)世五欲樂何不受之。佛言。(8)若苾芻須薪草等應求薪草。不應因此遂求金等。復於室羅伐城。(9)時六眾苾芻自捉金等。或令他捉。(10)俗人外道因起譏嫌。為受不淨財事煩惱同前。制斯學處。(11)若復苾芻自手捉金銀錢等若教他捉。(12)泥薩祇波逸底迦。(13)言苾芻自手者。謂自執。捉教他者謂使人捉。(14)言金銀等者。謂金銀。或貝齒或諸錢。(15)此中犯者。若他人物。(16)或受他寄金銀等物及諸錢貝。或復拾遺但得墮罪。而不應捨。(17)若得己物不為淨法。自捉使人皆捨墮罪。(18)他施金等已作心受。若自若他。未捉觸時。(19)咸非本罪。若教他取時。有十八種。咸成其犯。(20)謂告彼云。(21) 汝取此物  汝於此取  汝取此爾許(22) 汝將此物  汝於此將  汝將此爾許(23) 汝安此物  汝於此安  汝安此爾許(24)此之九句皆是對面教。於此三三。(25)各初中後據物器數。如次應知。又有三三種。(26)據不對面教。謂於前九改此為彼。即為九句。合成十八。(27)於可得處使他取時。得惡作罪。捉便本罪。(28)若不可得處二。皆惡作金銀等物。(29)若成不成觸皆捨墮。若非通用錢。或缺或廢。(560c1)或少分似捉皆惡作。若於水陸得遺墮物。應置顯處。(2)隨識者應取。無主伏藏應取。(3)於三寶中隨利益處用。若得有主伏藏。當告主知。應問記驗。(4)與相當者。還之如不相當。亦入三寶中用。(5)若輕慢心而捉者。亦得惡作。若金作金想疑。(6)皆犯捨墮。非金作金想得墮無捨疑。便惡作。(7)若金非金作非金想無犯。銀等同此。(8)此據自物得捨墮。若他物自捉。得墮無捨。(9)若[金*俞]石銅鐵鉛錫捉時無犯。若被賊盜錢寶等物。(10)自奪取時無犯。聞有難事。將欲至時。無淨人可得。(11)若僧伽物。若窣睹波物。(12)若法物應自掘坑密藏。舉已當去。若後時來應自出取。無難為者。(13)咸得本罪。若坐夏時安居。施主持衣價。(14)與苾芻眾。即作委寄此施主心。而受取之。(15)諸苾芻應求信敬人。若寺家淨人。(16)若鄔波索迦為淨施主。苾芻若得金等物時。作施主物想。(17)執捉無犯。縱相去遠得不淨物。(18)遙作施主物心持之。乃至施主命存以來。並皆無犯。(19)若無施主可得者。應持金銀等物。(20)對一苾芻隨住隨立。作如是說。具壽存念。(21)我苾芻某甲得此不淨財。當持此不淨財。換取淨財。(22)如是再三應自持舉。或令人舉。若苾芻於行路中。(23)得金銀等為道糧故。應自持去。(24)或令淨人等及求寂持去。應知求寂於金銀等。但制自畜。(25)不遮執捉。
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