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ʕĪsà ʕUbayd, Muqaddima (1921)

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على أنّ هناك عوامل أخرى ، ترجع إلى مزاج الكاتب المصري (ب) ونفسيته تجعلنا لا نجازف بكثير من الأمل في ارتقاء هذا النوع عندنا بالسرعة المبتغاة ؛
ʕalà ʔanna hunāka ʕawāmil ʔuḫrà, tarǧiʕu ʔilà mazāǧ al-kātib al-miṣrī wa-nafsiyyati-hī taǧʕalu-nā lā nuǧāzifu bi-kaṯīrin min al-ʔamal fī ’rtiqāʔ hāḏā ’l-nawʕ ʕinda-nā bi’l-surʕaẗ al-mubtaġāẗ;
But there are also other factors, as, e.g., the Egyptian writer’s inclination [p. ii] and psychological disposition, both of which make him abstain from risking to put too much hope into the advancement/ the progress of this genre in our country as quickly as he would desire [i.e., he does not grow this hope];
AR: ʕawāmil (ʕāmil), mazāǧ, kātib, miṣrī (Miṣr / Miṣriyyaẗ), nafsiyyaẗ, ʔamal, irtiqāʔ, nawʕ
EN: progress
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