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Homerus: Ilias I

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Click to Expand/Collapse OptionSetting the scene, the rage of Achilles, Chryses and his daughter taken by Agamemnon, his denial to send her back and the pestilence sent by Apollo l.1-56
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionDivination of the cause, dialogue between Achilles and Agamemnon on honour l.57-187
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAchilles’ anger is checked by Athena, he should use the word not the sword l.188-222
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAchilles attacks again Agamemnon with harsh words l.223-253
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionNestor speaks l.254-284
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAgamemnon speaks l.285-291
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionAchilleus answers angrily, Agamemnon orders to take Briseis, and Achilleus, unwillingly, gives her to Agamemnon and complains to his mother Thetis l.292-427
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionOffering to Apollo, Odysseus brings the hecatombe to Chryses, and they feast l.428-492
Click to Expand/Collapse OptionMeeting of the gods with Zeus in Olympus, request of Thetis, suspicion of Hera, and feast l.493-611
gre I, 57-61
οἳ δ᾽ ἐπεὶ οὖν ἤγερθεν ὁμηγερέες τε γένοντο,
τοῖσι δ᾽ ἀνιστάμενος μετέφη πόδας ὠκὺς Ἀχιλλεύς:
Ἀτρεΐδη νῦν ἄμμε παλιμπλαγχθέντας ὀΐω
60 ἂψ ἀπονοστήσειν, εἴ κεν θάνατόν γε φύγοιμεν,
εἰ δὴ ὁμοῦ πόλεμός τε δαμᾷ καὶ λοιμὸς Ἀχαιούς:
Tr. Leontius Pilatus, 1362 (1462), p. 136v
Hi autem postquem surrexerunt · et simul facti sunt
His autem fingens fatus est pedivelox achilles
Atride nunc nos impeditos puto
Retro reuerti si mortem velimus aufugere
Iam simul bellum domat et pestis grecos
Tr. A.T. Murray, 1924
When they were assembled and gathered together, among them arose and spoke swift-footed Achilles: “Son of Atreus, now I think we shall return home, beaten back again, should we even escape death, [60] if war and pestilence alike are to ravage the Achaeans.
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